I understand that and how they lost their way in the mid-2000s...but I really don't see how they screwed the pooch after that string of games where each was better than the last. From Unleashed and 4 I and II to Colo(u)rs to Generations it really looked like they had legitimately figured it out. The games at the beginning of that chain, while not great had elements of the old mojo and each one saw marked improvements. It looked like whatever changes they had made to Sonic Team were paying dividends and they knew where they were going. Even Sonic Racing Transformed, if you want to count it, was one of the best kart racers in a long, long time.
What happened? With the Sonic Boom thing it seems like Sega did what they ALWAYS do. Change things as soon as they have a formula that works. Why?! Take what you accomplished in Generations and merge that with 4 to make 5. Or, hell, Generations was BEGGING to be a DLC whore of a game. I would have bought any classic level they redid in classic and modern immediately. Star Light Zone, Flying Battery Zone, Mystic Cave Zone. Come on!
And, no, I don't think it should die and I freaking hate those articles. Given to a new team, fine (or the last team? Did they change before Lost World? I don't know, but when you have a franchise that means something to legions of people, it would be stupid to kill it. Get it right, by all means, figure it out. But the flashes of brilliance still tells me that somewhere, someone understands what makes Sonic games good.
And, yeah, why the hell is S3&K not on freaking PSN already, you assholes.