Sony's Spider-Man: Now a Part of the MCU; And Now Not Again; And Now Is Again


Higher Further Faster
Maybe Gwen won't really die and Marc Webb is just trolling by putting her into her outfit from the comics?


Higher Further Faster
Not killing Gwen Stacy would piss off more people than actually killing Aerith did.

It would be hilarious if this actually happened.

This is seriously the only reason why I wouldn't want Gwen to die. I mean, I like this Gwen but back when this movie first announced that she was the love interest I was prepared for her death. I'm ready for it.

The fan wank would glorious, though.

Then kill her off in the next movie when no one expects it.




Harbinger O Great Justice
Not killing Gwen Stacy would piss off more people than actually killing Aerith did.

Yeah, but it MIGHT happen in a way that less people are familiar with.

It might end up being something more like her death in the Ultimates Universe rather than her bridge fall (she gets killed by Carnage in the 1610 Universe, and given that Venom is created by Richard Parker and that's getting its own film, I wouldn't be TOO surprised if they went that route).

Either way, it looks like there's gonna be a good bit more build-up to it given the first film's success and Sony's surrounding expanded cinematic universe plans, which is evidenced by the fact that they've been cutting back the story and slowing the pace down, not to mention Emma & Andrew's real life chemistry. It's clear they're trying to give her character as big an impact as possible.

That being said, if we end up seeing OsCorp making Spider-Man clones, (like Scorpion & Jessica Drew), I wouldn't be surprised if Gwen's clone showed up later as well, since she's tied in to all of that. That is assuming that she dies via Carnage & not via the bridge fall.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
So the actual Superbowl add will show more? Otherwise, why is this out now?

Why do companies release Superbowl adds early???

RIP Gwen Stacy

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^ I was just about to say that I recently decided only to watch a movie's first trailer and then go dark and just wait for the release. So no more Spider-Man or Captain America trailers for me.


Higher Further Faster
I think I am going to do the same thing. I don't want to watch the movie before I watch the movie. :P


Pro Adventurer
Ill have to find the article but its been found that statistically people enjoy movies more if the big twist/death is spoiled for them.

They feel more at ease and can pay more attention to more subtle elements or over all just more elements all together instead of constantly hoping that the character in mind is going to come out alright.



I cant find it :sadpanda:

Though a bit of anecdotal evidence. When TDKR came out I had been told a false rumor that Bruce dies in the film. So the whole movie while it did kinda mess with my head I did get to catch on to a lot more elements of the film even though the spoiler was incorrect.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
Tbqh, those articles are shit, because it kills the suspense.

It's like the difference between watching Fight Club the first time and the second time. You're comparing different experiences with the same content.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
Tbqh, those articles are shit, because it kills the suspense.

It's like the difference between watching Fight Club the first time and the second time. You're comparing different experiences with the same content.

I long to know what it is like to watch Fight Club without knowing the big twist. A former roommate of mine ruined the ending for me years ago before I was able to see it. It kind of broke my heart knowing that I'll never have that experience of being able to point at the TV and scream about it. :(


Higher Further Faster
So was I. It was spoiled for me when I saw, "50 First Dates." They say it in that movie. Ugh. :/

I never bothered to watch "The Sixth Sense" after that.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I figured out the twist to The Sixth Sense in my first 15 minutes of seeing it, and thought the movie was pretty shit, so... :awesomonster:

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
So... apparently I missed the Superbowl commercial when my pizza arrived. Did it even show anything happening?


Higher Further Faster
Okay so here it is. I totally think they are trolling.

Peter catches her, so everyone thinks she's safe, but she'll die later.

Also there is this one just released tonight:


Ghost X

Now this is a trailer that makes me want to see the movie. Pity the trailer to the first movie had me doing the exact opposite :P. Now I'll have to watch the first movie :(.


Higher Further Faster
I used to be against watching the first movie. Then I finally watched it and it was pretty good.


Chloe Frazer
Honestly the whole being spoiled thing depends on the person, I really hate watching or playing anything without reading all the spoilers first. I just can't enjoy the material the same way if I'm in the dark.

As for the trailer I was impressed but Electro still looks ridiculous.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Looks too much like Dr. Manhattan did in the Watchmen movie. But that was an adaptation riddled with issues anyway.
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Higher Further Faster
Silly me. They should have stuck to the original design from the comics.


Much better. :awesomonster:
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