Sony's Spider-Man: Now a Part of the MCU; And Now Not Again; And Now Is Again

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
When I saw the trailers, it seemed to suggest Dr. Connors could be working on a Super-soldier project. Which is exactly what they added to the last Hulk film, other than the obvious secret ending.

Keep in mind Osborn was working on super soldier projects too and that had fuck all to do with the Avengers.


I know, but deals can be made. They can easily work together in future projects.

Leterrier wanted to have a small Peter Parker cameo in Incredible Hulk but Sony wouldn't let him.
Then he tried to give that university in New York the name it has in the Spider-Man comics but they wouldn't even let him do that (despite the fact they didn't even use that name in the Spidey movies).

They're rather anal about this it seems.


I honestly feel like we're well past the point of needing origin stories for characters like Batman, Superman, Spiderman, and the big three avengers in films.

It's just painfully unnecessary at this point, and really restricts the stories that can be told when you're not weighed down by telling their backstory again for the thousandth time.

Also, I agree with this.

I'm really tired of all these drawn-out "How do I shot web" stories. The second Hulk did it right imo. Show the origin story in the opening scene, then just jump straight into the story.

I'd be more excited about this Spidey movie if I didn't think that a) a reboot so soon is stupid and b) using it to tell an origin story *again* is retarded. I don't even care that this is a different take on Spidey's origins, I don't want to go through that shit again.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Nic Cage.

That is all.

Man speaks sense.

I hope when DC gets around to doing Batman films without Nolan they don't stuff another goddamn origin story again. I do without another batman film that goes through all of the "MY PARENTS ARE DEAAAAAAD" shit again.

Let's focus on Batman being an insane over the top ninja sherlock holmes please.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Tbh, I'd be interested in seeing an adaptation of Arkham Asylum of some sort.

It'd have to be animated.

The story just doesn't have the same kind of mass market appeal as others.

Unless you mean the game, then idk how I would feel about that.


Pro Adventurer
Tbh, I'd be interested in seeing an adaptation of Arkham Asylum of some sort.

A Serious House on Serious Earth please.

Personally I'd die of nerdbliss if I ever found out Neil's "what ever happened to the batman" story got a movie deal.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
A Serious House on Serious Earth please.

Personally I'd die of nerdbliss if I ever found out Neil's "what ever happened to the batman" story got a movie deal.

Same situation.

No film studio or producer would go for a Batman film with an emphasis on dialogue, clever sometimes subtle writing, and almost no action at all.

Just not enough mass market appeal to justify the cost of the project.


Higher Further Faster
Is either Ghost Rider movie worth seeing? I enjoyed the character more often than not in the comics (despite some seriously questionable plotlines), but the movies just looked utterly ill-conceived, and so I steered clear.

Ew, no.

I never saw the second, but the first is enough to make me squick.

Steer clear.


Pro Adventurer
I remember seeing trailers for the second Ghost Rider and saying to my friends: "How the fuck did this movie get a sequel deal?"


Pro Adventurer
A minute and a half of new footage. 3rd trailer attached at the end. Oh..and dubstep.

lol "most anticipated"


Harbinger O Great Justice
Just saw it.

It. Was. Unquestionably:

• My favorite movie of the year.
• My favorite 3D film ever.
• The best Stan Lee cameo.
• I would pay to turn around and watch it again right now.

X :neo:


Just saw this.

Didn't have a very high opinion of it tbh.

I think the interpretation of Peter Parker far exceeded any of the previous Spidey films. I especially enjoyed the choreography and just... the way they made him look and move was really great. Also the acting was the high point and pretty much saved my from labeling it as bad. They're really lucky they landed such a good cast for this movie, because the script was REALLY weak.

Other than that? Terrible music placement really did a number on the quality. Why were you playing serious sounding music during comedic scenes? Why were you playing epic sounding music during romantic/dramatic scenes? What the fuck even. I know Danny Elfman is hard to one-up but come on.

The direction was a little amateurish. A lot of shots looked pretty, but were kind of unnatural when setting the mood and didn't flow all that well. I find it funny because the best parts were the romantic bits, and the director's other film was (500) Days of Summer. Kind of explains a lot as to why those scenes stood out as the strong points.


I don't feel like making a formal review or anything, but tl;dr version with no spoilers is:

Good points: acting, general portrayal of the character, some really nice shots/scenes
Bad points: bad script, weird music placement, strange placement of certain scenes in general

Overall it's worth seeing. Garfield carries it really well. As a point of comparison, I found it was better than a lot of the recent Marvel Film Universe, but the first Iron Man and The Avengers were definitely stronger.
It had no soul.

I didnt feel any relationship between any of the characters. Pete seemed like he was only into Gwen cause she was hot
Gwen: No..
Peter: Yes..
Gwen: No..
Pete: Yes..
*more aggressive kiss*

I didnt really care about Conners, the whole thing with his parents vaguely tied into the plot, apparently no one knows hes spider-man except everyone in the subway car, everyone in the gym, those 8 or so thugs in the alley, that kid, Gwen finds out before hes actually spider-man (not a spoiler, heavily implied in the trailers), and more.
The first person stuff was pointless, maybe it would have fit better if they did it more than 2-3 times for consistency sake, but it came out of nowhere trying to one-up the feeling of swinging we got from the Raimi movies.
No with great power comes great responsibility?
Stacys death got 10x more attention than Uncle Bens.

I liked some things about it. The fights were nice, I liked how he did a bit of spider stuff like the web in the sewers, the comedy was ok, but there wernt any real laugh out loud moments. It was nice to see Spidey joking around during the fights.

I dunno, overall, I was bored alot of the time watching it.

Also, Darth Sidious in the credits scene?? :O


Pro Adventurer
It had no soul.

I didnt feel any relationship between any of the characters. Pete seemed like he was only into Gwen cause she was hot
Gwen: No..
Peter: Yes..
Gwen: No..
Pete: Yes..
*more aggressive kiss*

I didnt really care about Conners, the whole thing with his parents vaguely tied into the plot, apparently no one knows hes spider-man except everyone in the subway car, everyone in the gym, those 8 or so thugs in the alley, that kid, Gwen finds out before hes actually spider-man (not a spoiler, heavily implied in the trailers), and more.
The first person stuff was pointless, maybe it would have fit better if they did it more than 2-3 times for consistency sake, but it came out of nowhere trying to one-up the feeling of swinging we got from the Raimi movies.
No with great power comes great responsibility?
Stacys death got 10x more attention than Uncle Bens.

I liked some things about it. The fights were nice, I liked how he did a bit of spider stuff like the web in the sewers, the comedy was ok, but there wernt any real laugh out loud moments. It was nice to see Spidey joking around during the fights.

I dunno, overall, I was bored alot of the time watching it.

Also, Darth Sidious in the credits scene?? :O

I had a feeling it was gonna end with that shot with the moon in the background when I saw the tv spot.
I enjoyed watching the movie. Not sure what you mean by the film having "no soul". It was definitely performed better. I thought Uncle Ben's death had more emotional impact this time around. Peter's argument with him even had me in the moment too.
I'm actually glad they didn't overdo the first person thing, it was nice to get a couple of glimpses of that. No need to show more of it. If they did, then yeah; I would've felt they were trying to one-up the swinging feel.
As for Capt Stacy, I wasn't expecting him to die.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Trying to drop in a little more details on my opinions that I briefly posted last night (before sleeping for 3 hours), but got caught up in responding to poasts. Hopefully it's still helpful / insightful / something.

I'm also one of the few people who was pretty meh about the original Spidey films. I enjoyed them, but I didn't really connect with them very strongly.

@ Looney: I didn't have an issue with the score, and I didn't even notice any issues with it (like I did with Prometheus). Also, could you get an example of an odd scene placement?

@ Inter: I'm surprised that you didn't get any of the relationship chemistry between Peter & Gwen.
He really starts getting directly interested in her after she stands up for him and talks about how she admired what he tried to do (and convince him to go to the nurse). The part with them trying to talk to each other in the hallway was really adorable in a nerdy way.
Plus, the two of them are ACTUALLY dating, so I felt that their real chemistry translated well on screen.
was about him trying to avoid what she's talking about, and didn't really have a rapey vibe to it at all imo.

The parts with his parents ties into the past with Connors and sets up a lot of the scientist burned by the corporation that shunned him, as his idealist transhuman viewpoints start to get out of hand as his mental state deteriorates more towards revenge, plus it looks like they're attempting to use his parents to get into a larger picture.

despite him being really acrobatic during a number of parts, I don't think that means that people all somehow automatically "know" that he's Spider-Man, especially because with the exception of that kid, those take place prior to him officially becoming Spider-Man.

worked really well in 3D, especially because it meshed together with the camera tracking of the other scenes of him swinging through the city. I'm not sure if that translated outside of the format though.

I actually liked how it differentiated itself in that aspect, and painted the events a little bit differently. To quote io9's review, "To a very large extent, these four father figures — Richard Parker, Ben Parker, Curt Connors and George Stacy — represent stages that Peter Parker goes through on his journey from boy to man."

To touch on a few non-spoilery points, I thought that the action was REALLY well executed, and surprisingly brutal at points. That and the presence of the mechanical webshooters made me feel like Spidey was actually human and vulnerable still despite being a superhero. I think that it really grabbed the geeky kid part of me, which is probably why I enjoyed it as much as I did.

X :neo:


@ Looney: I didn't have an issue with the score, and I didn't even notice any issues with it (like I did with Prometheus). Also, could you get an example of an odd scene placement?

The one that REALLY sticks out was towards the end when injured Spidey runs across a building to save Gwen. It was the strangest music and completely deflated the mood.

Then the really weird licensed tracks they used - like when Gwen and Peter arrange their first date and Peter is skateboarding around in glee. It's just a really strange and out of place song to use. There were some others but I'd have to have the movie in front of me to dissect it properly.

I think the problem was the director was really ill-suited for this type of film. A lot of the time he seemed to be preoccupied with creating and image instead of creating a scene. Which can be fine, but by doing so he compromised the mood in way too many instances. Which is really bad when you're trying to create dramatic tension in an action scene. Looking at his credentials, it makes sense why the movie was the way it was. His previous experience includes a bunch of music videos and an indie romantic drama-comedy. It almost worked, but just missed the mark imo.

Inter pointed something else that illustrates this point:

Interslicery said:
The first person stuff was pointless, maybe it would have fit better if they did it more than 2-3 times for consistency sake, but it came out of nowhere trying to one-up the feeling of swinging we got from the Raimi movies.

Ugh, this so much. Definitely a prime example of what I'm talking about. It's a cool visual concept, but ends up being one of the worst shots of the film (and yes I did see it in 3D). This example really highlights the gimmicky-ness of a lot of the shots.

@ Inter: I'm surprised that you didn't get any of the relationship chemistry between Peter & Gwen. (SPOILER) Plus, the two of them are ACTUALLY dating, so I felt that their real chemistry translated well on screen. Also, that scene

I agree with this though. I think the romance/chemistry between the leads was the strongest point of the film. It was also the points of the film where I personally felt the strongest sympathy for the character. His relationship with Uncle Ben and Aunt May was also sufficiently touching. Any other actor could have easily come across as an unsympathetic dirtbag with them. At the same time, that dynamic also took a back seat in comparison to how he treats Gwen and how he reacts to his dead parents (which in itself is something worth criticizing imo considering this is a Spider-man movie... but you can take that as you will).

I know I'm ragging on the movie a lot, but I really did have a good time watching it. I really like Peter Parker and I think Garfield captured him perfectly. There's a lot of really great concepts I would love to sink my teeth into in discussion. But despite my enjoyment of its strengths, it didn't come together as a very well executed movie.
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@ Inter: I'm surprised that you didn't get any of the relationship chemistry between Peter & Gwen.
He really starts getting directly interested in her after she stands up for him and talks about how she admired what he tried to do (and convince him to go to the nurse). The part with them trying to talk to each other in the hallway was really adorable in a nerdy way.
Plus, the two of them are ACTUALLY dating, so I felt that their real chemistry translated well on screen.
was about him trying to avoid what she's talking about, and didn't really have a rapey vibe to it at all imo.

I never got the impression that he was really into her though. With the way he had been treated by everyone else up to that point I took it as "Wow, this hot/popular girl's actually being nice to me. I dont want to pass this opportunity up."

And with the "rapey" scene, I dunno, I wasnt feeling it and thats what ran through my mind at the time. Maybe it was the way they were talking in low breathy voices that reminded me of the scene in Uncle Buck (lol wut?) where hes at the party to get his niece and they have shots of a girl softly/scaredly protesting this guy ontop of her.

I just didnt get much chemistry out of the 2 of them. Maybe it's because I never really saw them dating, or having any real fun together. They:
- Have a lil convo after Flash beats the shit out of him
- She lets him stay after he breaks into Oscorp
- invites him over for supper where he has an argument with her dad, then confesses hes spider-man
- have some lunch
- he tells her to make an antidote
- says he cant see her anymore

Where's the relationship outside of we're horny teenagers?

The parts with his parents ties into the past with Connors and sets up a lot of the scientist burned by the corporation that shunned him, as his idealist transhuman viewpoints start to get out of hand as his mental state deteriorates more towards revenge, plus it looks like they're attempting to use his parents to get into a larger picture.
I'll just chalk this up to me not liking the interpretation of the char. I like a more sympathetic Lizard/Conners and I wouldn't really feel bad if the movie lizard lived or died.

despite him being really acrobatic during a number of parts, I don't think that means that people all somehow automatically "know" that he's Spider-Man, especially because with the exception of that kid, those take place prior to him officially becoming Spider-Man.
No that wouldnt automatically mean they "know" he's spidey, but come on, he sticks to the roof of the subway car for a good 3-5 seconds after freaking out and drawing everyones attention. I can't believe that none of those people wouldnt think back to him after hearing about spider-man.
At the gym, he jumps a good 1/4 of a basketball court and dunks it, ripping down the hoop in the process. This from a guy who a few days ago was getting the shit beat out of him by the school asshole and couldnt do a thing. Not to mention he couldnt take the basketball from Parker with 2 hands, while Parker was palming it. I wouldn't automatically think spider-man, but holy fuck something is seriously wrong with him.

worked really well in 3D, especially because it meshed together with the camera tracking of the other scenes of him swinging through the city. I'm not sure if that translated outside of the format though.
I saw it in 3d, I wasn't impressed.

I actually liked how it differentiated itself in that aspect, and painted the events a little bit differently. To quote io9's review, "To a very large extent, these four father figures — Richard Parker, Ben Parker, Curt Connors and George Stacy — represent stages that Peter Parker goes through on his journey from boy to man."
I wouldnt have had as much of a problem with this if i had enjoyed the movie more. It was boring me, so things started bugging me that wouldnt normally. But what they replaced that classic line with basically "Be responsible". A poor substitute.


Pro Adventurer
I never got the impression that he was really into her though. With the way he had been treated by everyone else up to that point I took it as "Wow, this hot/popular girl's actually being nice to me. I dont want to pass this opportunity up."

I just didnt get much chemistry out of the 2 of them. Maybe it's because I never really saw them dating, or having any real fun together. They:
- Have a lil convo after Flash beats the shit out of him
- She lets him stay after he breaks into Oscorp
- invites him over for supper where he has an argument with her dad, then confesses hes spider-man
- have some lunch
- he tells her to make an antidote
- says he cant see her anymore

Where's the relationship outside of we're horny teenagers?

Gwen and Peter were interested in each other. As Stark would say, it just took them some time to get traction :P His interest in taking photos of her and he has her picture on his computer desktop. The time he tried to ask her out poorly. He tells her how he got his powers in the football stands, he took her out webswinging, she tended his wounds after the Lizard fight in the sewer.

No that wouldnt automatically mean they "know" he's spidey, but come on, he sticks to the roof of the subway car for a good 3-5 seconds after freaking out and drawing everyones attention. I can't believe that none of those people wouldnt think back to him after hearing about spider-man.
At the gym, he jumps a good 1/4 of a basketball court and dunks it, ripping down the hoop in the process. This from a guy who a few days ago was getting the shit beat out of him by the school asshole and couldnt do a thing. Not to mention he couldnt take the basketball from Parker with 2 hands, while Parker was palming it. I wouldn't automatically think spider-man, but holy fuck something is seriously wrong with him.

I think people are being too logical about this movie.

I wouldnt have had as much of a problem with this if i had enjoyed the movie more. It was boring me, so things started bugging me that wouldnt normally. But what they replaced that classic line with basically "Be responsible". A poor substitute.

I'm glad they didn't use that line again. It's a reboot, not a remake.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I think people are being too logical about this movie.

Did you really just say that.

This being a comic book film doesn't give it any more leeway with suspension of disbelief than any other. You can only go so far and when it gets to be silly thats when criticism is appropriate.
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