Sony's Spider-Man: Now a Part of the MCU; And Now Not Again; And Now Is Again


Pro Adventurer
Did you really just say that.

This being a comic book film doesn't give it any more leeway with suspension of disbelief than any other. You can only go so far and when it gets to be silly thats when criticism is appropriate.

Sorry, what I meant was, who really cares about the suspicions of thugs and high schoolers who Peter shown his special skills to? If we did, The Amazing Spider-man 2 storyline will be the same as Taken 2. "We will find him and have our revenge."
I learned to accept that nobody cares how Harry Osborne knew where Doc Ock's hideout was or how Batman knew where Gordon and Two-Face were, or how Doc Brown knew lightning struck the clocktower at 10:04 on the button. I'm not gonna let something like that ruin my enjoyment. If you wanna be spoon fed that kind of info, ok then.

Show me one version of spider-man where that line isnt used. It's like his mission statement.
The Amazing Spider-Man

and I think this..
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Harbinger O Great Justice
A point about the aftercredit scene:

After having just seen it with my dad, I'm VERY inclined to think that this is the same person who goaded Conners on to his bigger more sinister plan in the sewers, and that it wasn't Connors losing his mind. I'd also bet that it's the "we shadowed his face and referred to him the whole film" Norman Osborne.

X :neo:

Cookie Monster

I've seen this twice already.

I thought it was much better than the previous films, but it had several problems.

I really appreciated Andrew Garfield's interpretation of the character. There was still a little of that teenage angst, but that's to be expected since the character is still in high school. But, I'm so happy I no longer have that derp faced Tobey Maguire and his awful performance burned into into my mind when I think about a Spiderman film. I also liked Emma Stone, I just wish they fleshed out their relationship some more. I'm happy they didn't make Gwen the typical damsel in distress. Martin Sheen did a great job as well. And, the fight choreography was brilliant. I liked that he strategically used his webbing more during several of his battles.

As for the drawbacks, I found it extremely convenient that there happened to be an antidote to cure Connors. And the lizards. Really? I've lived in NYC all my life, there are no lizards here. Absolutely none. So, that was batshit. The film also makes no attempt to address the issue with Peter's parents. All the trailers made it seem like his parents' story was going to be more of an integral part of the plot. All the questions posed about his parents weren't answered. So, that was a major let down. I also didn't like the schizophrenic symtoms Connors was suffering from. It just made me think of Osborn, and same old crap from the original trilogy.

The music was also a let down. There wasn't anything memorable about it at all. The only song I actually enjoyed was whatever was playing while Peter was running away from the thugs in alley up to the rooftops. But, even that song seemed out of place. It sounded more like something I'd hear in a Bourne film. Some of the CGI didn't impress me either. That mutant rat looked fucking terrible. And, finally, the post credits scene was weak as hell. Some of what was said there was said in the trailers, so that was retarded. And, I'm pretty damn sure that wasn't Osborn. The vanishing act just makes me think of Mysterio which possibly suggests the involvement of the Sinister Six/Twelve. In the comics, some of the villains have actually received funding from Osborn before.


wangxian married
I just got back from this movie. I loved it oh god Andrew and Emma were so much more likable as protagonists.

I know when I see it a second time I can give more of a constructive review and maybe nitpick the things I didn't like, but right now I'm just happy that shitty trilogy is behind us it's like BREATHING FRESH AIR WOOOSH


Harbinger O Great Justice
The film also makes no attempt to address the issue with Peter's parents. All the trailers made it seem like his parents' story was going to be more of an integral part of the plot. All the questions posed about his parents weren't answered. So, that was a major let down. I also didn't like the schizophrenic symtoms Connors was suffering from. It just made me think of Osborn, and same old crap from the original trilogy.

And, finally, the post credits scene was weak as hell. Some of what was said there was said in the trailers, so that was retarded. And, I'm pretty damn sure that wasn't Osborn. The vanishing act just makes me think of Mysterio which possibly suggests the involvement of the Sinister Six/Twelve. In the comics, some of the villains have actually received funding from Osborn before.

I'm thinking that the role of his parents is going to be intentionally brought up in more detail as this storyarc continues into the obvious larger scale film series they're working with it.

I'm still thinking that Connors wasn't going crazy, and that someone else is attempting to influence him - especially after the second time I saw it. Your mention of Mysterio seems to be spot on, as it looks like they're attempting to set up the Sinister Six:

I just got back from this movie. I loved it oh god Andrew and Emma were so much more likable as protagonists.

I know when I see it a second time I can give more of a constructive review and maybe nitpick the things I didn't like, but right now I'm just happy that shitty trilogy is behind us it's like BREATHING FRESH AIR WOOOSH


X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Am I wrong in getting an impression that people here generally dislike Toby's Spiderman? I love him. Mary Jane I don't. Hated their third movie. I'll watch this film one day pramis.


Didn't like Tobey's Spider-man that much. Dunst wasn't even playing a character remotely close to MJ. Thought Raimi's movie had better cinematic and was all around a better movie though.

The third movie is utter shit though and should be discredited from existence.


Harbinger O Great Justice
@Danseru-kun: Spider-man 2 was decent, but the first never really connected with me very strongly (and also has a moment in it that absolutely shatters my suspension of disbelief), and well 3 was 3... I didn't hate them, but I wasn't largely into them. That's probably why I'm really stoked about this, because I really do like spidey as a character, and this film's connecting to me how I wanted the original ones to.

Oh man, I must note:
when The Lizard is stalking Gwen at Oscorp, and closes his eyes and breathes in through his mouth to taste the air, it totally made me geek out. I was stoked about them adding in a little, realistic detail like that and having it so well portrayed.

X :neo:


Kaiju Member
Just saw it today. I thought it was a very strong superhero flick. I definitely like these actors over the the Raimi trilogy actors (excluding J.K. Simmons but Jonah Jameson was not even the film, so it was a non-issue comparison). I definitely prefer Garfields Peter Parker and the films romance was played so much better the Raimi films handling of them. I think I might have even liked this better than Spider-Man 2. Glad they're building up the Norman Osborne threat as well.


wangxian married
This seemed like one of those movies where it would be improved about 30% with an extended cut.

idk why the industry keeps doing this?? i paid $11-$20 for this film i will stay the extra hour if it means not sacrificing key stuff seriously

I wanted to give the movie a chance but it's again only shown in 3D, so that settles that.

I saw it without the 3D?? It's weird if your theater is only showing it in 3d because I don't even think it was filmed like that.

when The Lizard is stalking Gwen at Oscorp, and closes his eyes and breathes in through his mouth to taste the air, it totally made me geek out. I was stoked about them adding in a little, realistic detail like that and having it so well portrayed.

I loved the details like that -- my favorite scene is where Peter actually creates his own web and just chills out there until something comes along. He really came off more like a spider rather than just some dude that was good at acrobatics.


I saw it without the 3D?? It's weird if your theater is only showing it in 3d because I don't even think it was filmed like that.

Theaters. None of them here or in any of the neighboring cities show the 2D version. It's not their decision either, it's the studios that only supply them with the 3D version and don't give them an option, according to the cinemas' managements.

It's been like that for loads of movies recently, much to my dismay. :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
This seemed like one of those movies where it would be improved about 30% with an extended cut.

idk why the industry keeps doing this?? i paid $11-$20 for this film i will stay the extra hour if it means not sacrificing key stuff seriously

I also feel this way.

I loved the details like that -- my favorite scene is where Peter actually creates his own web and just chills out there until something comes along. He really came off more like a spider rather than just some dude that was good at acrobatics.

Oh yeah, and the fact that he's also using the trip line hunting tactic that tunneling spiders use to catch prey. I also loved the way that he crawls all over The Lizard when he's webbing him up in front of Gwen at school, is just like how spiders coccoon something.

X :neo:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Okay, possible stupid question:

Is this a remake of Spider Man?

If it is a remake, why?! They already made three movies prior!

I reserve one comment until I find out if this is supposed to replace the previous three movies, or is supposed to be another story...

Thanks! :)

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Reboot, not remake. No connection to the prior three films aside from being about Spider-man.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Well, it's interesting to me, that they had to make Peter a jock.

Gods forbid!
They made it because otherwise Sony would have to give the rights of Spidey back to Marvel/Disney, and thats too much cheddar to give to the mouse. (I just thought of that off the top of my head :3 )

These guys have a very similar viewpoint to me on the movie but they communicate it much better than I could:
Its a 2 hour long podcast, but it's a good listen. And I dont wanna sound like an ad for these guys, but this review concludes a retrospective of EVERY marvel movie made. Including the 70's tv Dr. Strange movie.
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Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
They made it because otherwise Sony would have to give the rights of Spidey back to Marvel/Disney, and thats too much cheddar to give to the mouse. (I just thought of that off the top of my head :3 )

No, that makes perfect sense, and I didn't think of it (of course, I've never was really ever following the subject.) Thanks for the insight.



Elisa Maza

Just back from watching it.

Just to take this out of my chest: THE GODDAMN THEATRE STOPPED THE FILM FIVE MINUTES BEFORE IT WAS FINISHED. Something happened and the machine broke, leaving us five minutes before the closure, right after the climax. Damnit, all the feeling and atmosphere was lost on us! X( Thank goodness, they fixed the thing and we lost only one-two minutes from it.

Now, about the film itself...

A VERY good superhero film, and yes, I do think the whole thing as better than the previous films. I felt that they did everything better, the characters (Garfield's Peter was JUSt right: teenager who has a lot to learn yet, Gwen was JUST adorable AND useful), the romance (ideal balance between we-are-teen-nerds-who-like-each-other-a-lot-but-we-are-SO-awkward and romance-of-a-lifetime-slowly-building-up-but-not-there-yet) and the whole spider-bite thing.

The problem was the pacing. I felt that some scenes should have been longer, and they indeed WERE longer, but they cut them for time. =/

I liked how they avoided repeating the "With great power blah, blah..." speech, since it would sound like a cheap copy of the first films, where this message was hammered on our heads like WHOA. In here, the message was "You have power? You have obligation to help. And no, it's not a choice". Simple and straight to the point.

I didn't see it in 3D, since I don't like 3D in general.

Overall, I really liked it. I look forward to any sequel they have in mind. :)
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Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Much better!

I did not care for the poison dart frog look.

Was this not the truth?

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