Staff Misconduct Thread


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
There is unfortunately no way to give mods infractions, except by removing them from staff, giving them an infraction, and putting them back on staff, which only Yop and I can do properly because we're the only ones (as far as I know) who can edit admin permissions. Seems like more trouble than it's worth, but if it's really that important I can do it after work or something. No one else except Yop should do that because they won't be able to restore his permissions.


wangxian married
Yeah I

I mean I know fuck all about the technical aspects of the forum and how the permissions/warnings work for mods (or how complicated it would/wouldn't be to tinker with them like that) but isn't it usually the case that if a mod isn't meeting certain standards they're simply demodded?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Because people were specifically mocked for past beliefs. Because people were generally hostile jerks to one another. Because too much shit that should have stayed on other forums were brought up. Because outrageous comparisons were made between groups. Because people had too much bad blood against people of different groups.

Because evidently, some people just can't formulate arguments without insulting the other side *sigh*

Yes, and that behavior was not limited to the one thread or the one topic. You acted in that general manner several other times.

That's not the point, Ryu. People are still just as able to shrug shit off (no one here is taking any of this personally, you'll realize), the difference being there was so much bad blood and negativity stemming from that thread -- correction, (at least) three threads that the only option was to crack down on that behavior entirely. The first page clearly states none of that is to be tolerated anymore. Most of the people who kept posting in that thread either followed those rules or had to leave.

Mod or not, you're just as bound to those rules as you post frequently in the topic and were just as much a part of the problem that caused it to come to this. You're just as bound to the strict rules as any of us, and you stepped out of line. That's the issue here.

I recognize that. I'll take my lumps. My argument is not that I should be spared, but that the rules need a revision.

I will agree, dealing with any lingering resentment is better than burying it and hoping it goes away. But, those in charge of a community have to set an example and lead by it, so rather than breaking rules in certain threads it might be best to address them in other threads. Like we did with the anger and such that resulted from the Name Change Drama(tm) a short while back. Tis my opinion, at any rate, that such a course is preferable. Let the so called "band-aid" heal as best it can while treating the underlying cause of the wound elsewhere. At least until a different consensus is reached among the staff that the rule doesn't work, since it kinda undercuts your fellows' authority otherwise.

My rule breaking was entirely a matter of carelessness, not intention aforethought. It has merely brought up that I feel the issue needs to be examined more thoroughly.

I think the bottom line is this Ryu, people don't like to see other people insulting their friends or calling them dumb or what have you. I don't like going into the LTD thread and seeing things like, "Those idiots at CxA actually believe blah blah blah." because those "idiots" are my friends.

Except that's not what I said. I said there are people who assert a particular claim and that I was glad she wasn't one of them. The Why is because it's one less thing I have to deal with.

That was my problem anyway. It's why I say names shouldn't be named and we should attack arguments and not people. People want to discuss the LTD not "What so and so thinks or did 3 years ago." I mean... okay SOME people want to attack people and what not, but I think the majority in that thread would rather discuss LTD related stuff and not the people involved.

Does any of that make sense?

Ironic, then, that they're discussing me mentioning a vague assortment of people rather than actually discussing the LTD.

So you admit to breaking the rules yet your implying because YOU don't think the reasoning behind it is valid, it shouldn't be inforced.

Wow it's like reading all the previous staff BS involving aka fields.

If your all going to band together on the united front of "it's a rule so stick to it" then deal with the concequences.

Actually, we are not banding together on the 'It's a rule stick to it' because we have explained the reasoning behind the Name change requirements. Additionally, I feel there's a letter and a spirit of a law, and both willfull and negligent violations of that law.

No one else has any lingering resentments that I can see -- we all get along in and out of that thread just fine. It's your unwillingness to change your condescending, self righteous attitude that people are sick to death of. It's shipping. It's the LTD. It's just fucking tired, man.

Okay, now we're making some progress- You think I have a condescending, self righteous attitude.

My question then is if you have this issue with me, why didn't you bring it up WITH ME and long ago?

This. If that's how you're going to be, Ryu, then I very seriously think you shouldn't be a mod.

Except that's not my stance. I'll take my lumps and try and keep within the guidelines of the rules as they are, but that's a different matter than thinking the rules are badly constructed and need revision, as I have since the beginning.

That's because it is. I note that he still hasn't...explained it. :P

The lesson of the mote and the beam in the eye comes from the bible and predates the English language. I didn't think I'd have to.
However, what it means is that one should make sure to examine their own faults and recognize them before criticizing them in others.

Also, while you may not be denying you broke the rules set forth, Ryu, you also haven't admitted that you did.

"I don't deny I broke the rules" Now does not equal admitting that I broke them?

Yes. People had to be warned because they didn't know what exactly the mods were wanting, but since those two people have been warned, people now understand what you can and cannot do in the thread. Heck, you were even warned about joking around with people's semantics earlier in the thread, and now we're having to discuss you bringing up another forum.

Come on, Ryu, stop being worse than the members about this. :\

Agreed, again. Like I said, you were already told to knock it off with mocking people's semantics and grammar. I am honestly shocked why you don't understand that bringing up other forums isn't allowed either.

I was not mocking your grammar or semantics. I was trying to make a joke, yes, but I meant no malice by it. I am sorry I offended you by doing so.

It was the way he worded it. "Good you don't think like they do"... why is it good? Obviously because he finds it ridiculous or stupid that they think that way. That's kind of how I took it anyway.

Or obviously I don't like talking about it and I'm glad I don't have to because it has irritated me each time it's come up.

Lol, this is turning into half my debates with Shroudy. Me thinks word games are being played. My quote that I posted that you said you had a problem with was much closer to his original.

I'm sorry but what is the huge difference here? Why is yours not offensive when mine is and Ryu's isn't but mine is even though mine is closer to his? the only difference I see is that I spoke of something that you believe in.

And I spoke of something insisted. I have no care what they believe. It was bringing it to the argument that I was glad wasn't going to happen.
If I am arguing with a creationist about the feasability of Noah's ark, I'm glad when they don't also bring up Baraminology as well. It's something else that I'd have to deal with that I don't have to deal with.

Also I figured out what bothers me about what Ryu said. Had anyone else said it, it'd have been fine, but because Ryu said it and because he mentioned CxA, to me it's an automatic insult. He rarely if ever says anything nice about him and normally only mentions them to mock and ridicule them.

With friends like you, who needs enemies.

So I automatically assumed this is what he was going for. If he honestly had no intentions of trying to insult them, then my bad, but because he has such bad blood with them, I might have jumped the gun.

As I mentioned, I was trying to contrast a comment made by Raven. I was not intending to slur anyone.

And that's not insulting him at all. I'd have taken it the same way coming from Vendel.

And that's not insulting me?

So... here's what I really want to know about all this:

Is it too much to ask for a thread where if people want to discuss the LTD, they can without people running in and going "NO 1 CURR!" and "THIS IS OLD!" and spamming up the place cause THEY don't want to talk about it, AND, in that same place talk about the LTD without trying to start a them vs us? I mean is that such a big deal? I just really don't get why that's an issue.

It might be, yes, but the issue with that is figuring out how to stifle that without stifling the thread.

To be fair, I preferred it the way it was. A little heated discussion - whether on-topic or not - never hurt anybody. I mean we never got ridiculously personal with that bullshit, and if we did then yeah it's dealt with properly.
It added a touch of spark.

Some of the best debate forums I know keep themselves on simmer at all times.

Just ban Ryu from participating in them for a set amount of time?

If someone's incapable of actually sticking to the rules and just causes this much of a fuss then go put them in a time out from it till they learn to behave.

For the record, I've largely been absent from the thread and nominally arguing for a revision or relaxation of the rules, a position with its detractors and its supporters. I'm the spark for the fuss, perhaps, but the spark can't spread without fuel.

Ryu, go to your room and think about what you did.

Won't help. I keep all my coolest toys there.

Incidentally, I do know what I did. I have, unintentionally, sparked several pages of people ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS AND OPINIONS HONESTLY rather than tossing off macros or glib responses, something this forum could definitely use more of on controversial subjects. And if I have the long term effect of keeping it that way, then I'll take my lumps and wear 'em proudly with a 'tis a far far better thing' as my cheery tune.


Just ban Ryu from participating in them for a set amount of time?
Excuse me, but why would you ban a member for referencing another place, something you'd be hard pressed to prove he did with any malicious intent?

Has he been repeatedly breaking these rules in a clear "fuck you all" spirit?

Or has this just become an excuse to carry on past grudges and attempt to get someone in trouble for something that is barely an infraction?


wangxian married
Incidentally, I do know what I did. I have, unintentionally, sparked several pages of people ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS AND OPINIONS HONESTLY rather than tossing off macros or glib responses, something this forum could definitely use more of on controversial subjects. And if I have the long term effect of keeping it that way, then I'll take my lumps and wear 'em proudly with a 'tis a far far better thing' as my cheery tune.

are you serious

are you actually fucking serious


wangxian married
Now that I've collected myself after that post:

So Ryu it basically sounds like you want to revise the rules to prevent being called out in the future for this kind of attitude.

Ryu said:
Okay, now we're making some progress- You think I have a condescending, self righteous attitude.

My question then is if you have this issue with me, why didn't you bring it up WITH ME and long ago?

I am bringing it up. With you. Right now.

For the record, I've largely been absent from the thread and nominally arguing for a revision or relaxation of the rules, a position with its detractors and its supporters.

I find it quite funny that you've been largely absent from the thread until discussion turned to you being banned/demodded/punished :monster:

Ryu said:
Incidentally, I do know what I did. I have, unintentionally, sparked several pages of people ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS AND OPINIONS HONESTLY rather than tossing off macros or glib responses, something this forum could definitely use more of on controversial subjects.

Yeah wow I
Have never been able to make a serious post about my thoughts and feelings until now.

Thank you, Ryu. Thank you.

OWD said:
Or has this just become an excuse to carry on past grudges and attempt to get someone in trouble for something that is barely an infraction?

I didn't realize Alex had such an outstanding grudge with Ryu. :monster:

Also this isn't like this is the first complaint about Ryu and the way he mods.


most of the people bitching about the thread going back to ~the way it was~ are the same people who barely post anywhere outside that fucking thread

boo hoo hoo i can't bitch and moan about people and their stupid ltd opinions boo hoo hoo

hey how about you stop relying on that thread and initiate some social interaction that isn't limited to discussion about fictional pairings


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah I

I mean I know fuck all about the technical aspects of the forum and how the permissions/warnings work for mods (or how complicated it would/wouldn't be to tinker with them like that) but isn't it usually the case that if a mod isn't meeting certain standards they're simply demodded?
vBulletin's retarded programming means that I can't give anyone who's currently in the mod group an infraction. As stated above, I would have to remove him from the group, infract him, and put him back.

If there are repeated problems with a staff member then yeah they'd probably be removed from staff, but I mean, as far as I know this is only like the second incident which is probably a bit much. Then again I've spent like a year absent from this place over my time here. But I mean, if all of us who had had two conflicts with members that spawned drama were removed, there'd barely be anyone left on staff. On the other hand I can see why if Ryu doesn't revise his attitude it wouldn't sit well with people.

So anyway, if I give Ryu an infraction will this help to calm everyone down or would it be pointless?


Mr. Thou
vBulletin's retarded programming means that I can't give anyone who's currently in the mod group an infraction. As stated above, I would have to remove him from the group, infract him, and put him back.

It would be more productive to figure out a way for people to add moderators to their ignore lists. I'm not sure if de-modding/ignoring will get cancelled out when you re-mod him.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
It would be more productive to figure out a way for people to add moderators to their ignore lists. I'm not sure if de-modding/ignoring will get cancelled out when you re-mod him.

That's actually easy to do; there's an option for it in vBulletin. I'm not sure it's something we want to do, though, because if someone had a moderator who gave them an infraction on ignore they probably wouldn't be aware they had gotten it.


Mr. Thou
I wouldn't mind testing it out, as I've never had an infraction and probably deserve one by now :P. But on second thought, I doubt many would want to use the ignore function in this case, otherwise people would have been asking about it before now.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Excuse me, but why would you ban a member for referencing another place, something you'd be hard pressed to prove he did with any malicious intent?

Has he been repeatedly breaking these rules in a clear "fuck you all" spirit?

Or has this just become an excuse to carry on past grudges and attempt to get someone in trouble for something that is barely an infraction?

I didn't realize Alex had such an outstanding grudge with Ryu.

You're excused. Now jog on.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Sooo you want us all to line up and openly call you a pompous fuckwit as opposed to implying it?

Classy, although somehow I think if everyone was in fact to do this then the warnings for flaming/insulting a member would increase dramatically.


We have come to terms
"I don't deny I broke the rules" Now does not equal admitting that I broke them?
With all due respect, there is a difference between "I don't deny it" and "yeah, I did that, and it won't happen again". Maybe it's just semantics, but the message that they send are entirely different, you know?

I can't speak for anyone else, but it seems, *to me*, like an attempt to shift the focus away from yourself to avoid any repercussions.

But that's just how it appears to me.

Again, with all due respect.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
... Don't you also think it's bad you just did what you're against Ryu supposedly doing? And whatever, idc anymore this is all very pointless. And I wasn't playing any word games. >____________>

Yes I do... and it also proved to me that Ryu may not have had malicious intent in mention CxA because I had no malicious intent in mentioning Shroudy. He's admitted to playing word games with me before and I'm sure he would have found this just as amusing as I do.

What makes you think that? :/
See two posts down, I then clarified that I meant I would not have taken it the same way had it come from someone like you.

But can I please ask you to answer my question. What IS the major difference between what I said, what you said and what Ryu said. Why is what I posted offensive when yours aren't? I'm asking because I honestly don't see a difference.

I... try and make threads and topics there, and try to keep the forum active. But debating is hard work and it drains you out easily, and sometimes it's a huge pain to reply to 10 paragraphs of things you don't believe in or disagree with, so it makes sense to take breaks and disappear for a while to recover, also school, homework, real drama, and exams come into factor as well. I think the LTD forums do okay for what it is, it's quiet and peaceful, but it manages to stay afloat.

About Ryu, yeah he should get a warning or something. If I normal member of these forums did what Ryu did, they would of gotten a serious warning.

It's okay, don't worry about it. I was just answering Mog's question.

Except that's not what I said. I said there are people who assert a particular claim and that I was glad she wasn't one of them. The Why is because it's one less thing I have to deal with.
Okay I wasn't referring to what you said specifically this time. I was just saying in general, that's why I get annoyed in the LTD thread when CxA is brought up.

Ironic, then, that they're discussing me mentioning a vague assortment of people rather than actually discussing the LTD.
No they'd be discussing arguments brought up by other people.

Or obviously I don't like talking about it and I'm glad I don't have to because it has irritated me each time it's come up.
Fair enough, but can you blame me for thinking otherwise?

With friends like you, who needs enemies.
Oh for the love of... is what I said wrong?... I mean i'm simply pointing out that you usually do bring them up in order to ridicule them. I mean that's just pointing out something... it's like you hating me for saying, "Hey Ryu you have brown hair."

And that's not insulting me?
lol fair enough

most of the people bitching about the thread going back to ~the way it was~ are the same people who barely post anywhere outside that fucking thread

boo hoo hoo i can't bitch and moan about people and their stupid ltd opinions boo hoo hoo

hey how about you stop relying on that thread and initiate some social interaction that isn't limited to discussion about fictional pairings
Well this is obviously directed at me since I'm the ONLY One talking about things going back to how they once were...

I don't care if I can talk about other people's opinions. I enjoyed the atmosphere of the old threads. The sillyness. Isabella's comments. Vendel trying to hard to keep the topic on topic. Winter's sarcasm. The off topicness about shoes and haikus and what not. Just all that crazy stuff that made the thread... well fun... so yeah if I posted there IT WAS BECAUSE IT WAS FUN... it has nothing to do with anyone's opinions or anything.

I don't give a fuck what you think about who Cloud is fucking. I enjoyed that thread for who was there, how it flowed and how much fun we all had. And from what I understand, the old Faith club on ACF was popular for the same reasons.

and i want to say more but it's time for work :monster:


@ Alex:

oops. Sorry bb, didn't mean to imply you specifically had a Ryu shaped hole in your heart. That wasn't actually directed at you, it was a more general statement.

I quote people and then go on without necessarily directing statements at the person I quote. :\



alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
lol what a clown

Celes Chere

had it come from someone like you.


And NONE of this is offensive to me, I just saw that Ryu's post was a mere disagreement about Cloud's character, nothing more. As I said and will say again, the only thing wrong is mentioning Forums and members from outside TLS is against the rule: what happens at x stays at x etc. So there is no point for us to continue discussing it.


Mr. Thou
And from what I understand, the old Faith club on ACF was popular for the same reasons.

LMAO... seriously, are you doing this on purpose? That has to be the absolute worst possible example of an enjoyable thread to bring up to Zee. Faith was 1000000000 x more offtopic and mean to CxA.


We have come to terms
...wait, isn't that the same thing as not bringing other forum stuff up? This forum isn't ACF...
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