Staff Misconduct Thread


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves

Missed my post huh?

I'll say it again, I have an LTD forum that's totally dead. If I bring it up elsewhere I'm met with "who cares?" all over the place. The ONLY place the LTD still lingers on every day with plenty of discussion is... SURPRISE... CxA forums.


wangxian married
Why does that matter at all though idgi

You can just post, hey what are your thoughts on ac/cot/colw instead of

hey so some people think this about ac/cot/colw



wangxian married
CxA is not very active anymore. The most active topics are really the chit chat threads.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Also I figured out what bothers me about what Ryu said. Had anyone else said it, it'd have been fine, but because Ryu said it and because he mentioned CxA, to me it's an automatic insult. He rarely if ever says anything nice about him and normally only mentions them to mock and ridicule them. So I automatically assumed this is what he was going for. If he honestly had no intentions of trying to insult them, then my bad, but because he has such bad blood with them, I might have jumped the gun.

And that's not insulting him at all. I'd have taken it the same way coming from Vendel.

And that's the last thing I'll say on the matter.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
CxA is not very active anymore. The most active topics are really the chit chat threads.
They HAVE been getting some new members lately actually. I still stick around there occasionally, and from what I can see, they still do discuss the LTD every day. A lot of it is stuff they've discussed before but that's because there's no new stuff.

There's new topics being made almost daily in the LT sections, but again a lot of it is stuff they've discussed before.

uuuuh no

not imo anyway
I mean I personally wouldn't have taken it so harshly, like if Tiff had said it. Still against the rules though.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I guess I'm asking because I'm interested in finding out what makes people tick about Final Fantasy; there is still loads of activity and discussion going on, I'm just trying to get people to be more active, and new people as well, which is one reason I'm doing the FFVII playthrough.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
So... here's what I really want to know about all this:

Is it too much to ask for a thread where if people want to discuss the LTD, they can without people running in and going "NO 1 CURR!" and "THIS IS OLD!" and spamming up the place cause THEY don't want to talk about it, AND, in that same place talk about the LTD without trying to start a them vs us? I mean is that such a big deal? I just really don't get why that's an issue.


wangxian married
So... here's what I really want to know about all this:

Is it too much to ask for a thread where if people want to discuss the LTD, they can without people running in and going "NO 1 CURR!" and "THIS IS OLD!" and spamming up the place cause THEY don't want to talk about it, AND, in that same place talk about the LTD without trying to start a them vs us? I mean is that such a big deal? I just really don't get why that's an issue.

Isn't that................what we have right now...............

I guess I'm asking because I'm interested in finding out what makes people tick about Final Fantasy; there is still loads of activity and discussion going on, I'm just trying to get people to be more active, and new people as well, which is one reason I'm doing the FFVII playthrough.

I have some ideas for character discussion threads since that's mostly what we liked talking about in the LTD.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Isn't that................what we have right now...............
Well it's missing the fun factor. I want it to be fun again. I don't want loads and loads of spam from people who don't want to talk about it, but a little off topicness now and then should be fine. Basically I want what the first two or three ltd threads were like here but without an us vs them.

I have some ideas for character discussion threads since that's mostly what we liked talking about in the LTD.
Make them :monster:


We have come to terms
Then no, it isn't.

Chance blown, I'd say.

Not to mention that it's rather elitist to exclude people from a thread because you don't like them :P


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I don't know, but fuck I'm a spoiled brat and I want my LTD thread back the way it was :monster:


Joe, Arcana
To be fair, I preferred it the way it was. A little heated discussion - whether on-topic or not - never hurt anybody. I mean we never got ridiculously personal with that bullshit, and if we did then yeah it's dealt with properly.
It added a touch of spark.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
What would it take for people to be interested and active in the LTD thread without any problems?

Just ban Ryu from participating in them for a set amount of time?

If someone's incapable of actually sticking to the rules and just causes this much of a fuss then go put them in a time out from it till they learn to behave.


We have come to terms
What does the original post say for stuff like this? Is it warned or banned from the thread or what?

It's been too long since I read/scanned it for me to remember :'
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
At the end of the day it's a bloody internet forum.
If he broke the rules then another mod should give him a warning like every other member would get.
It's not like the world is going to crumble down because of a stupid generic message saying " you have received an infraction from the lifestream forums"

Trust me since I've had alot of em.

Warn the guy.
Get over it.
Move on.

If he continues to act the prat then warn him again and remove him from staff if need be.

Celes Chere

Lol, this is turning into half my debates with Shroudy. Me thinks word games are being played.

... Don't you also think it's bad you just did what you're against Ryu supposedly doing? And whatever, idc anymore this is all very pointless. And I wasn't playing any word games. >____________>

Had anyone else said it, it'd have been fine

What makes you think that? :/


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
The problem with the LTD thread is...we've discussed everything to death. D:

And none of the new people have really posted in there, anyways. Although, I am pretty curious about how they view things. New people = new perspectives. :)

The only way I can see myself get heated by the LTD thread is if there's stupidity and/or character bashing. But I don't think the members here are like that. :D

Also, I think people have tried bringing up questions before but most went ignored probably because everyone else has already answered them at some point or another...Maybe our play through FF7 together as a community can spark up some new interest?



Pro Adventurer
I have an LTD forum that's totally dead. There's no one to debate with anymore. if anyone does debate, they drop off the face of the earth two days later.

I... try and make threads and topics there, and try to keep the forum active. But debating is hard work and it drains you out easily, and sometimes it's a huge pain to reply to 10 paragraphs of things you don't believe in or disagree with, so it makes sense to take breaks and disappear for a while to recover, also school, homework, real drama, and exams come into factor as well. I think the LTD forums do okay for what it is, it's quiet and peaceful, but it manages to stay afloat.

About Ryu, yeah he should get a warning or something. If I normal member of these forums did what Ryu did, they would of gotten a serious warning.

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