Staff Misconduct Thread

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Did I say you never faced a problem? No, I didn't. Did I say you can't complain on a forum? No, I didn't (for the record, I'll repeat, what I said is that people could complain without going overboard). Did I say your demands were unreasonable? No, I didn't. And if I did, please do tell me, because that will mean I am losing my mind.

And you just went too far at my comment, which was trying not to be offensive, yet you go on all that rant.

But that's okay; this is the internet, and as opposed to real life, we can all be jerks because we don't know personally half of this people, right? I'm sorry, I was taught to respect people, EVEN random people.

And you don't need to use sarcasm on me, really, that was uncalled for.

Oh, and if hating me REALLY makes you feel better, be my guest. I really don't care.
You implied that people that posted in this thread have never faced a real problems and that if they had, they may slit the throat of the person who caused it.

Oh, I'm sorry, by everyone you clearly meant 'people who wouldn't get offended by your sitting upon a high horse and say that they totally agree with you'.

For respecting people, you sure are insinuating that the forum must be insane if this sort of thing bugged them. Welp. I guess that's one form of respect I'll just never understand.
I'm sorry if my post was offensive, but as I said before; I've been here for long enough time, and I felt everyone here is capable enough of handling things better. At least I would like to think so.

In that case, I guess I did word my post not just very poorly, but even worse, as I honestly never thought I'd see that kind of reaction. I guess I thought too highly of people around here. My bad.
read: Well clearly it's not MY FAULT if you're offended by me saying that you can't handle problems. You're just not mature enough to understand me.

yeah okay then

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Obviously to me it IS, but to some people, apparently it isn't. That is exactly what I mean.

I'm sorry if my post was offensive, but as I said before; I've been here for long enough time, and I felt everyone here is capable enough of handling things better. At least I would like to think so.

In that case, I guess I did word my post not just very poorly, but even worse, as I honestly never thought I'd see that kind of reaction. I guess I thought too highly of people around here. My bad.

1. We've already addressed that this entire thing was handled poorly due to heightened emotions caused by unresolved tensions lingering from past confrontations regarding various issues. Yes we know that we are all adults and we can conglomerate on issues properly as opposed to this, as we have in the past.

It's only natural that eventually emotions will boil and people will lose their composure from time to time, as is human nature. Chiding people for that is entirely inappropriate and not conducive to any sort of troubleshooting attempts we make.

2. Your sudden and inappropriate post served only to dredge up a point that already acknowledged and agitate people who were starting to calm down and let things go. As it may be said, you poke the bear while he was sleeping, and now he's pissed.

In that case, I guess I did word my post not just very poorly, but even worse, as I honestly never thought I'd see that kind of reaction. I guess I thought too highly of people around here. My bad

Then I am forced to assume that you are incredibly naive and have never been in any sort of serious debate with a number of people for an extended period of time. Are you really so surprised that people with heated emotions that have lingered for sometimes, will be more volatile than were they not?

Also, pretty much saying you're surprised that we're all not living up to your expectations and actually being people is a little too far.

Alex Strife

I implied "interpersonal problems", which is "problems related to their relationships with people" not just "problems" in general. Obviously I was being ironic when I talked about slitting people's throats. The reasoning is similar to "if you get mad at losing an amateur football match, what would you do if you lost the World Cup?", which is not as stupid of a reasoning, although I will admit it may be a perhaps too simple reasoning.

Well, you are the one who's saying the forum must be insane. I just said I thought you (we?) all can do better. I still believe what has happened with the whole AKA issue is a big misunderstanding caused by people getting mad easily. This does not mean people are insane, but rather... that they just did things the wrong way. They made a mistake, if you want to word it that way. I NEVER said or even implied the forum must be insane, so please do not make it look like I'm attacking everyone.

Obviously it IS my fault, as I am the person who wrote what offended you. That doesn't mean that, once I explain what my intention was (and wasn't), you can't understand and stop being offended.

Did I say you're not mature enough to understand me? Stop turning around my words!

As a conclusion on this; I did the wrong thing, I wrote a post which was supposed to be a "Wake up" call. Obviously I was too cocky; why would you all listen to me, basically a nobody? Did I really think the response would be "Oh you're right we should not fight, and we shoult stop arguing and solve things politely!"? I was tremendously mistaken, which is made evident by the number of "thanks" you get when going like that against me.

So well yeah, seeing everyone's basically against me on this, I will just leave the discussion. I am able to see when I basically made a fool out of myself.

One thing is still true, though, we SHOULD look forward to try and solve things in a more organised way.

PS: And yes, I am hurt by this; I NEVER bash people, I NEVER disrespect anybody, and above all, I NEVER go against anyone, attacking or making them feel bad, yet when the time comes, this is how people react to me? Well, the only thing I can say is sorry.


Also, pretty much saying you're surprised that we're all not living up to your expectations and actually being people is a little too far.

Never wanted to give that impression. My fault if it gave it.

Celes Chere

why would you all listen to me, basically a nobody?

Woah, hold on. None of us would look down on you and think that unless you were actually a bad person. I like you well enough, I don't really know you but you've always been a nice poster. . . Just because you don't post as frequently as others doesn't mean people are looking down on you and think you're a nobody... also, some people don't understand that when people disagree with you it doesn't mean that they hate you. Not everyone in life you can agree with! Your post had good intentions, but you went about it the wrong way. You already said you realized that, so no harm done dude. There's no reason to get worked up over it.

Alex Strife

I was just meaning that, saying what I said, like that, as if I thought I could solve all this thing, single-handedly, was pretentious, now I look at it. I don't mind at all people agreeing or disagreeing with me. After all, isn't this a discussion forum? Agreeing and disagreeing are quite the fun part of this, or so I think!

But when there's a lot of people who post A LOT more frequently, your opinions weigh less, sometimes. It's not that it bothers me, but it makes my whole post a bit more pretentious, in a way! But really, don't mind me! I went the wrong way, and if you can all forgive/forget about it, I don't have to be the spotlight anymore! :)

Celes Chere

But when there's a lot of people who post A LOT more frequently, your opinions weigh less, sometimes.

Sorry, but I disagree. :c Everyone matters here. I never think less of someone just because they are not a more 'popular' member. TLS isn't a special club or anything, everyone's opinion counts.

If a more frequent member posted your exact post up, the reaction would be the same. That's my belief, anyway.


Pro Adventurer
This is like watching two knights about to joust constantly shouting "get off that damn horse"
Both sides are douches, get over it.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
So well yeah, seeing everyone's basically against me on this, I will just leave the discussion. I am able to see when I basically made a fool out of myself.
I wonder why, bro:
I guess I thought too highly of people around here. My bad.

This last page has just been goofy :/

Moral high-grounding wasn't helping anyone, glad to see we've done away with it.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
This is like watching two knights about to joust constantly shouting "get off that damn horse"
Both sides are douches, get over it.

No. Stop making worthless inflammatory posts.

You don't have any sort of preferable vantage point over any of these situations yet you keep making these ridiculous blowhard posts.

Enough man.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Sorry, but I disagree. :c Everyone matters here. I never think less of someone just because they are not a more 'popular' member. TLS isn't a special club or anything, everyone's opinion counts.

If a more frequent member posted your exact post up, the reaction would be the same. That's my belief, anyway.

Also, I can't emphasize how right this post is and everyone should read it.


Pro Adventurer
As if this is really a problem that will actually impact this forum and actually needs to be solved immediately.
Everybody needs to chill the hell out, especially you dacon. I know you truly want to believe these interactions are real and were all best friends, but were not and we shouldnt go on acting like issues brought up here are truly worth 2 days worth of head ache.

Everyone just needs to lighten up and forget about it or log off and let shit go.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
As if this is really a problem that will actually impact this forum and actually needs to be solved immediately.
Everybody needs to chill the hell out, especially you dacon.

Everyone just needs to lighten up and forget about it or log off and let shit go.


The only person that needs to chill out here is maybe you, I'm pretty calm and this has been getting on fine without you needlessly dropping these unhelpful comments left and right, but let's go again.

As if this is really a problem that will actually impact this forum and actually needs to be solved immediately.

People having issues with an admin, even going so far as to bring up past events in unrelated arguement which leads to unnecessary drama isn't a problem that impacts the forum? FFS guy, we've been getting PMs from people inquiring about this madness wondering what's going on.

It should be dealt with, and done away with as soon as possible, so everyone/everything can go back to being laid back and comical.
I know you truly want to believe these interactions are real and were all best friends,


Please refrain from the badly executed condescension bro. It doesn't become you.

but were not and we shouldnt go on acting like issues brought up here are truly worth 2 days worth of head ache.

Yet again, you don't decide what's worth people's time. If people want to talk about this they will, and we should respect that instead of immaturely poking at them for wanting to do so. It's a hell of a lot better than resenting each other and carrying around unresolved tensions that cause us to yell at each other instead of just solving our problems with each other like adults.

Everyone just needs to lighten up and forget about it or log off and let shit go.

I'm all for you logging off :P


Do you know what, I could carry on pretending, but this thread seems modern and relevant to today’s world. I’m not going to lie, I will outright admit that I’m breaking the rules…I am Username, a dupe…but I have created this dupe for a reason, and it is this reason you should listen to. I made the dupe because I want to be here on TLS, rules are rules, but since I have been told I shall never return to TLS ever, I have a right to fight for my right to post here.

No bullshit, and no pleading…I’m being the man and admitting that I have made a dupe, but I wish for once the forum leaders would accept their roles as human beings, and not just go by generic decisions. Ok you may dislike me, but I want to post here, I want to be part of your forum, I am showing respect, and I want you to accept that fact.

No lies, the least I expect is for the admins or staff to give me a chance to stay here on TLS.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
but your tears taste oh so sweet


Mr. Thou
Do you know what, I could carry on pretending, but this thread seems modern and relevant to today’s world. I’m not going to lie, I will outright admit that I’m breaking the rules…I am Username, a dupe…but I have created this dupe for a reason, and it is this reason you should listen to. I made the dupe because I want to be here on TLS, rules are rules, but since I have been told I shall never return to TLS ever, I have a right to fight for my right to post here.

No bullshit, and no pleading…I’m being the man and admitting that I have made a dupe, but I wish for once the forum leaders would accept their roles as human beings, and not just go by generic decisions. Ok you may dislike me, but I want to post here, I want to be part of your forum, I am showing respect, and I want you to accept that fact.

No lies, the least I expect is for the admins or staff to give me a chance to stay here on TLS.



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Goodbye User Name. May you find a home. But no good sir. Your home is not here.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
We lost a good man with that post and dupe. I was too foolish and arrogant to admit that we did until now. Good night, sweet prince.
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