Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!


Harbinger O Great Justice
Odd numbered years are Episode # movies, even years are standalone titles, it would seem, since their focus is a Star Wars film a year.

X :neo:




Harbinger O Great Justice
Suspicions confirmed, new trailer coming with Age of Ultron:

Additionally, the new trailer is gonna be shown at the Star Wars Celebration convention first (April 16th to 19th), and given that AoU hits internationally before it hits stateside.

I'd bet that it stays a Theater exclusive through the US's AoU May 1st release date, and is officially put online on Star Wars Day on May 4th.

X :neo:


Beyond having watched the first teaser, I plan on going on a media blackout for The Force Awakens. This will be problematic when I sit in the theater for AoU and the trailer comes on. :lol:

Close my eyes and plug my ears it is then. :wacky:


Okay, NOW I'm going on a media blackout. :awesome:

This second teaser will hold me over until Christmas. :P

I wanna know how BB-8 works. How does the dome stay on top, magnets? I remember quite a few people laughing at the notion that the droid could be practical saying it's "obviously CG".

Heh. It's ENTIRELY practical. That is fucking AWESOME. I actually thought it would be two half-spheres and the dome would be on top of a stick between them and then they'd just erase the gap between the halves digitally or whatever but it's actually a complete sphere and yeah. That's some nifty work they did there.

That chrome stormtrooper looks pretty rad. :monster:

Oh btw, Abrams revealed during the panel that the desert planet is NOT Tattooine, but a new planet called Jakku.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Also - the lightsaber that (?) is handing to Leia is Anakin's original Lightsaber -- the one that was lost when Vader cut off Luke's hand on Bespin. (Which was the lightsaber that we heard being ignited in the previous teaser).

X :neo:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Between that and Vader's helmet its looking like this movie is going to place a huge emphasis on Anakin's legacy.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Awww amazing designs for the Empire/First Order Stormtroopers! I wonder who is leading this new faction in the events of Return of the Jedi. o__o


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
"First Order" wat

I mean, still super psyched for the movie I guess, but why fix what ain't broke?

Also, big bad Sith design looks taken straight from The Old Republic's face mask/armor aesthetic, which is pretty interedastin'


Harbinger O Great Justice
Star Wars nerd time.

This is going to be hypothesis (obviously), but it'll be based on things that we do know definitively.

The death of Emperor Palpatine was pretty much the definitive fall of the Empire (at least as it was), but that doesn't mean that all of the Empire's remaining military forces suddenly blew up along with the second Death Star. They likely regrouped and took a new approach, since both of the Sith Lords that were leading them are/were dead. The First Order seems to be a new incarnation of those forces and the name also likely reflects the fact that it's being organized and lead by a new Order of collected individuals rather than a single Emperor. That's likely why/how they managed to maintain some degree of control over the Empire's territories after the death of Vader & Palpatine.

Being as it's unlikely that it's a New Jedi Order taking what the Old Republic had back (since our good guys still seem to be on the outskirts of the ruling powers of the galaxy), it's likely some of the remnants of the former Empire's power players pooling their resources into a new ruling body unlike any that's existed before -- hence them being The First Order. I'd expect this to mostly be made of individuals who were established military leaders like Admiral Thrawn & Grand Moff Tarken - though Kylo Ren makes it clear that there is still some Dark Side presence that appears to be working with them.

It's also likely that the way that The Order is implementing their changes doesn't sit well with everyone, hence the Rebellion's name change into the Resistance. This gives a sense that this group is made of the folks that are holding out against the reform that The First Order is establishing, rather than breaking away from an existing part of them. Those two names alone will tell you a lot about how the dynamics of the upcoming film and setting between The Resistance and The First Order will be both alike and different from the conflict between The Rebellion and The Empire.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
On another note, here're a ton of the costumes and props from Celebration:

Kyle Ren's lightsaber looks a LOT like a stripped-down version of Vader's lightsaber that's been re-tooled to work the way that it does. To me, that makes it seem like the art of lightsaber building might be all but lost at this point -- especially for the Dark Side folks, since there's no one around, and so Kylo Ren's scrapping together resources, hence the focus on recovering Anakin's original lightsaber (which Finn has in his vest in the concept art).

X :neo:


So buzzed for this now, I actually nearly cried when I caught that trailer on Facebook earlier.

By the time this is released I'll be a superfan. Time to jump back in, machete order time :D

Ghost X

Not as much impact as the first trailer, imo, but I'd blame marketing for that :P. I don't see anything that discourages me.
There was a satellite event here and I attended it. I remember seeing an incredibly hot Princess Leia in the metal bikini. And for some reason I can't remember what happened after that...

Wait, there was a new trailer?

Ok but seriously: HOW THE HELL DOES BB8 WORK?!?!
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