Mr. Thou
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Yeah, and she's the only VA they changed too.
Have you heard of any (good) reason for that change? Her old VA practically defined the part.
Yeah, and she's the only VA they changed too.
Have you heard of any (good) reason for that change? Her old VA practically defined the part.
I don't know of a good reason tbh. Admittedly the new vactor sounds like an older, maybe more mature version of Kerrigan's old voice, but I'm too used to the original that I find the new v. actor pretty jarring.
Also I wonder if that short bit of Jim Raynor not-quite making out with some chick was a flashback with Kerrigan. HAW YEAH
Also, when did Raynor turn into such a ladies man? LOL
Yeah, and she's the only VA they changed too.
Fuck, I really want to see the story in this game but I have NO way of playing it.
No, normal difficulty is pretty damn easy. The holdout mission at the very begining? the "huge swarm" is like.. 10 zerglings and 2 hydralisks at each pointAnd it might just be me, but Normal difficulty seems quite a bit easier in this game than it was in the original. Though I may change my tune as I get towards the harder final missions.
No, normal difficulty is pretty damn easy. The holdout mission at the very begining? the "huge swarm" is like.. 10 zerglings and 2 hydralisks at each point
The only thing I noticed that the trusting changes is that you don't get all of Tosh's dialogue later (you can talk to him in the cantina after each of the Crystal missions), but that might be a moot point depending on what order you do the missions in. I do like how they allow you to go back and play the alternate missions after you beat the campaign, though.
I agree, ending was cool but there's so much left to explain. I was especially hoping Duran would pop up at some point, but alas. Maybe he'll show up in one of the next 2 games.
I'll also add that I thinkis an untrustworthy little shit.Valerianis weak motivation imo.'I'm going to side with a terrorist who hates everything I stand for just to stick it to my old man'