I'm really enjoying the game, and I know people have been complaining about this all over, but it's really starting to dawn on me how atrocious this menu system is. Once you hit a certin number of items it just starts to get ridiculous.
Now a lot of people complain about the constellation skill trees, they don't bother me at all and I think that menu is very pretty. The problem is definitely those damn lists. At the risk of sounding like a snobby PC gamer, they were so obviously deisgned for a controller to the point that a mouse - the most specific of input devices - is actually a detriment.
Why does the list start in the middle of the screen rather than the top? Why are the sorting categories so broad? Why isn't it more obvious which items I have equipped? Why can't I see my my character and what I have equipped? Why do mouse clicks only sometimes work, and that I HAVE to scroll to a specific item and not just be able to click on the one I want?
What on Earth were they thinking? I remember people would complain abotu Oblivion and Fallout menus, they weren't perfect but I never had a HUGE problem with them. These are just awful, and it seems like such a strange thing to botch.
I know the modding community will have plenty of fixes, but they shouldn't have to. SkyUI looks like the best bet right now, but so far they only have the inventory menu done, not the magic, so I'll wait. And they still don't show the picture of yourself. Oblivion had this, why doesn't Skyrim?