The Elite Order of Cloud


Higher Further Faster
No he didn't! But I'm sure he's not afraid of them either.

On second thought, wouldn't it be hilarious if Cloud had arachnophobia?

Then he and I would have something in common! ^_^


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Oh wow, you don't like spiders?

I used to be afraid of them as a kid, so I totally can understand. But that was thanks to seeing the movie "Arachnophobia" as a kid :monster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
No he didn't! But I'm sure he's not afraid of them either.

On second thought, wouldn't it be hilarious if Cloud had arachnophobia?

Then he and I would have something in common! ^_^

I think I read a fanfic with that element. :awesome: I don't remember which now, but it was awesome. XDDDDDD Cloud was so cute!


Higher Further Faster
Arachnophobia is the only movie that has ever grossed me out to the point where I couldn't finish my meal while watching it. I was eating spaghetti and I couldn't help imagining that my meatballs were spiders. I went to bed on an empty stomach that night but needless to say I wasn't hungry. lol

And yeah, I am not a fan of real spiders. I like Spiderman, in fact he's my favorite superhero, but as for actual spiders themselves, no. lol

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
What's OT? LOL

I actually like spiders. They're fun to play with. We has this sort of rooster fight, only we use spiders. I join the boys after school and get my spider to fight theirs. :monster:



Higher Further Faster
I don't mind crickets. And yeah I HATE spiders. I grew up having to dealing with ginormous barn spiders in the summer. Not fun. :/

Also OT = off topic


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Wha wha wha? I haven't posted in here yet?

Yeah, well. Cloud's the dood. I like him best, even when they douched him up in AC. ACC looks to be fixin' that, so cool.

....Not much else to say just now. -_-


My brother used to capture and torture spiders with liquid white-out... :(

Ever since I've kinda felt bad for them. whenever I find out I put it outside lulz.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
That would be weird, though. I mean, the first boss was a spider, right? :awesome:

Or maybe I'm mistaken.


~The Other Side of Fear~

I was never a fan of Cloud, and I'm not still not much of one, but I am intrigued on how ACC will develop on the pivotal stabbing scene. I always liked his line that goes along "there is nothing that isn't precious to me" because I think it shows his strength, and that he draws it from several sources.


Higher Further Faster
Just don't read anything about Cloud mowing the lawn. :monster:

Trust me, I wish I could unread it, but that's just not possible.


Pro Adventurer
Just don't read anything about Cloud mowing the lawn. :monster:

Trust me, I wish I could unread it, but that's just not possible.
A long time ago, a girl was innocently surfing da webz...

Random person: Don't read Cloud Mows the Lawn!!!
Me: C'mon, it can be that bad...
*2 minutes later*

The girl was forever mentally scarred. The End.

Please, do listen to Tennyo's advice peeps. :monster:

Aww that was cute. But what I meant was having CLOUD be the one who didn't like spiders. XD
I think I remember reading a fanfic with an arachnophobic Cloud... My fanfic-finding skills are very poor though, which is a shame because that is a very interesting scenario. :awesomonster:


Higher Further Faster
Oh the poor dear. Whatever happened to her? :O This is a fable with a moral, folks, and that moral is to not read such a fic. EVER.

And if you ever come across that fic again please link me! ^_^
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