The Elite Order of Cloud


Higher Further Faster
I think Cloud is at his most adorable in CC. He's so young, and naive, and hasn't been totally messed up by the soon to come tragic events of his life, yet.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It really is kinda funny how warped Cloud becomes.

You see this shy, yet optimistic and kind teenager, doing his best. Smiling, making friends, and just being an overall happy, young and pure kid.

And then he becomes the Cloud we all know and love :hugemonster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
It really is kinda funny how warped Cloud becomes.

You see this shy, yet optimistic and kind teenager, doing his best. Smiling, making friends, and just being an overall happy, young and pure kid.

And then he becomes the Cloud we all know and love

I don't know about that last bit, but I kind of regret not seeing moar of the cute CC, teenage Cloud. :awesome: I sort of love that Cloud more.

I didn't approve of the Disc1!Cloud much though. Probably why I didn't warm up to Clerith either. D:

AC Cloud is also cute. Because he's not all lego-y. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
But FFVII Cloud is cute BECAUSE he was all lego-y and deformed. I used to make him run through forests on the world map just so I could giggle at how his hair stuck up through the trees. ^_^

Also what Tet set. Teenage!Cloud still had some self-worth issues, poor little thing. It's why he didn't get into SOLDIER.


Double Growth
Yeah, but he sounded pretty optimistic at the well. Saying he was gonna be Sephiroth and all (gotta the love the irony there, considering he WAS made a Sephiroth copy and all :P)


Higher Further Faster
Oh you know I never gave much thought to the irony of that situation. Cloud saying as a kid that he wants to be the next Sephiroth, then later on he actually becomes a Sephiroth copy! XD
Ah. Teh irony. :monster:

I love how he has so many sides of him. People always ask which 'Cloud' is the real Cloud. For me, it's all of them. Cloud wouldn't be Cloud if it weren't for all those. ^_^

Aerith Gainsborough

The Slum's Flower Girl
Rini Mazaki
Cloud is a great character. <D
Yeah, he has his "imperfections", but what character is perfect.
Then again, if any character was perfect then they would be titled the words, "Mary-Sue" or "Gary-Sue". .____.;

Anyway...may I join this club, too. o 3 o

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
But FFVII Cloud is cute BECAUSE he was all lego-y and deformed. I used to make him run through forests on the world map just so I could giggle at how his hair stuck up through the trees. ^_^

Well, it was a more lulzy cute. XDDD My first video games were PS2 games, so the graphics made me laugh more than anything (/harsh). But you do have a point. XDDDD Cloud was uber-spikey in his lego-form. :awesome: It was funny AND cute XDDD
Cloud sort of suffers from the Peter-Parker-syndrome. The way I understood it Hojo's experiments made Cloud physically stronger, so being in a mako tube was Cloud's radioactive spider basically.


Higher Further Faster
@ Mei: Well when I was a kid I had an Atari 2600 and a NES, then eventually got a Genesis. So yeah. I've played worse. lol

Also welcome, AG! It's always good to have new members! Tell us more about what you love about Cloud! ^_^

@ Shademp: too true. And how many times have I made posts comparing Cloud to (what I know of) Spiderman? lol

Aerith Gainsborough

The Slum's Flower Girl
Rini Mazaki
More, huh?

Let me just point out the obvious reasons for liking him.
He's cute.
Very strong.
Has hidden charms as a guy and girl. > >;
[/remembers FFVII cross-dressing scene]
His arrogance kinda won me over, too.
I also like his childish sides in BC and CC.

Hmmm....I know there's more, but I can't think of any, right now. .___.;


Higher Further Faster
Ah you liked the arrogant faux Cloud from disc one too as well, huh? I've had so many people comment on how they thought he was a huge asshole then, but really I kind of found him to be highly amusing because of it. Sure he was an asshole, but the kind that everyone still likes regardless. lol

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
@ Mei: Well when I was a kid I had an Atari 2600 and a NES, then eventually got a Genesis. So yeah. I've played worse. lol

:awesomonster: I did play the 2D FFs, ya know. XDDDDD I admit, in terms of graphics, it could have been worse. :lol: FFVII, I mean.

Ah you liked the arrogant faux Cloud from disc one too as well, huh? I've had so many people comment on how they thought he was a huge asshole then, but really I kind of found him to be highly amusing because of it. Sure he was an asshole, but the kind that everyone still likes regardless. lol

Hmm, I didn't approve of him much... but he did have his moments. :awesome: And he was a nice a-hole if you make him one. XDDDDD

I mean, how much of an a-hole can you be if you agree to go crossdress to save your a girl? :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
What about the SOLDIER 3rd Class that joined SOLDIER to become the next Genesis, and then ends up becoming a Genesis copy? :duhard:


Higher Further Faster
I dunno, Cloud and Spiderman are both pretty awesome. :)

They are vastly different, but what they do have in common is that each was an everyman that had something extraordinary happen to them. :)


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think I remember Cloud in FFVII saying he liked spiders too, Tennyo! :awesomonster:
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