The Elite Order of Cloud

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Aww, go and tell your e-papa. Oh, no. Wait, that's me.

E-papa! You're being mean to me! :'(


Poor Cloud, he just can't get a break.

I don't think the problem is inconsistency with the numbers, it's forgetting them.

Nope. :awesome: I remember in the game, kinda, that young!Cloud looked a bit shorter than young!Tifa. Am I remembering this correctly?

And they should pay attention to the information they release. :monster: I mean really, WTF. :awesome: For a favorite game, they do make a lot of mistakes with their own characters.
E-papa! You're being mean to me! :'(

Hehe, go and tell your e-mama then.

Nope. :awesome: I remember in the game, kinda, that young!Cloud looked a bit shorter than young!Tifa. Am I remembering this correctly?

And they should pay attention to the information they release. :monster: I mean really, WTF. :awesome: For a favorite game, they do make a lot of mistakes with their own characters.

Cloud DID look shorter, now that you mention it.

That they do.


Pro Adventurer
I've just ringed Nomura and he said that Zack was born Last Thursday and that Cloud is 173 cm on Mondays, 174 cm on Tuesdays, 175 cm on Wednesdays, etc. Thar, mystery solved. :monster:

And yeah, I think I remember little Tifa being taller than little Cloud too. D:
I've just ringed Nomura and he said that Zack was born Last Thursday and that Cloud is 173 cm on Mondays, 174 cm on Tuesdays, 175 cm on Wednesdays, etc. Thar, mystery solved. :monster:

And yeah, I think I remember little Tifa being taller than little Cloud too. D:

:wacky: Sooo, that's how it works then!


Nope. :awesome: I remember in the game, kinda, that young!Cloud looked a bit shorter than young!Tifa. Am I remembering this correctly?

Yes you are. :rage:
Cloud did look smaller than Tifa, but that's because he was.
Tifa even mentioned it: "And you were so small back then... and cute."
Well. Size doesn't matter. He can kick anyone's ass. :monster:....
..except for Zack's :awesome:


Well. Size doesn't matter. He can kick anyone's ass. :monster:....
..except for Zack's :awesome:

^ This. CLACK PR00FZ!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Anyone's ass = Zack
Kick, ass = smex
Cloud can kick Zack's ass = Clack smex

....You're all getting the point, right? :awesome:
namakemono, your spoiler is TTLY untrue.


Pro Adventurer
Yes you are. :rage:
Cloud did look smaller than Tifa, but that's because he was.
Tifa even mentioned it: "And you were so small back then... and cute."
yes you're right.. But this doesn't make sense.. Cloud was smaller than Tifa,but near Zack he wasn't O.o and in acc again he is smaller than zack.. But what square enix is doing?? Oh and a i got something very interesting. On a blog there was the unused text of final fantasy Vii and at some point (the honey bee inn) Cloud says "don't worry,i keep my hairs natural" so that mistery is solved!!

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
AWMAGAWD :awesome: CLOUD POKAGE!!!!! :reptar: I LUFFS IT

Can we have screenshots of Cloud being not small around Zack? :monster: I never saw it that way. He was always smaller than Zack to me.

As for why he was smaller than Tifa, we can always say that that was because he was still a growing kid. Sometimes boys who are smaller than girls end up being taller than them after a couple of years. And I think Cloud was gone for a while, right? In CC where we see Tifa helping Cloud down the mountain, we can see that he's taller than her. He grew. :awesome:

I think they were pretty consistent with the animations... just not with the numbers. :monster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Isn't that because of the landscape and camera angle? :monster: All the other scenes show Cloud to be smaller.


Pro Adventurer
Cloud always looked smaller than Zack to me. And that screenshot is no exception, I think the camera angle is just messing with your mindz.

Boys can have really random growth spurts btw. For almost six years one of my friends was shorter than me, but he suddenly started growing out of nowhere and now I'm the one who has to look up when we talk. I guess the same happened to little Cloud. :monster:


Only my sheer laziness has stopped me from joining this club yet. I've finally managed to read through all previous posts and am now ready to jump in. :lol:

Regarding these pictures:

Scroll down to the entry of Sekiharatae.


I want to throw up. X_X

Has anyone see an unclothed Masterpiece Arts Cloud figure? Those pics are actually close to his 'real' body. And actually more attractive.







I was pretty keen to get my grubby little paws on one of them, but after seeing those pictures, I feel a little disappointed. The bodywork looks so lazy! I mean, I don't expect him to be anatomically correct or anything like that, but really - that torso is ugly.

They didn't evengive him a belly button...or maybe that's what the diamond-shaped hole on his back is. :awesome:

Edit: Again on action figures, the heights of the Play Arts Cloud figures indicate he varies in height. The CC one is shorter than the in-game one, which is to be expected, but then the AC one is shorter again. Somewhere in between the end of the game and the beginning of AC, Cloud shrank a little.
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami


I knew it. Cloud's a gurl! :reptar: Who walks around with no underwear! (No wonder he stole Tifa's panties!)

And poor thing :awesome: Stripped naked by some perverted fangirl. :awesome:

I dun like him no more. He has no penis belly button. He was totally compensating for something with those swords. :awesomonster:

Somewhere in between the end of the game and the beginning of AC, Cloud shrank a little.

He does? :huh:



And poor thing :awesome: Stripped naked by some perverted fangirl. :awesome:

I dun like him no more. He has no penis belly button. He was totally compensating for something with those swords. :awesomonster:

He does? :huh:

Stripping him naked is the first thing I'd do! LOL

Poor genital-less Cloud. :( No wonder he's so broody.

Yup - I shall go and take photos to show you. :lol:

Oh! And thank you. :)

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Pro Adventurer
I lawl'd. xDDD AC Cloud even has that "Why am I so short?... D:" expression on his face! :monster:

Poor Cloud. Not only is he pipi-less, but he's randomly shrinking too. *tear*


Higher Further Faster
lol Cloud has no wang. :awesome:

And Masterpiece Arts Cloud looks anorexic. But I supposed they never thought anyone would want him nakie. XD

That said, the above posted CC screen shot isn't a good one for size reference. Cloud is closer to the "camera" (us) in that angle, so of course he looks bigger. But he's not.

Also, as for the sizes of the Playarts figures being off, I don't think we can really use them as reference. It's whatever Playarts decides to do. But then also remember that in CC he we was a good five years younger, and the more realistic proportions of the game come into play. FFVII Cloud is more cartoony and as we all know that game had no proportions. Then AC Cloud was first, and from what I understand just not a good figure. Playarts even made Kadaj bigger than him, didn't they? Which is not correct in the least.

Style is also different. They were just trying to get a feel for Cloud maybe. :)
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Pro Adventurer
oh my god.. What my eyes have just seen !! ..ok i try to calm down .. But that masterpiece Cloud IS anorexic!! And c'mon they shouldn't have made the statue without .... You know what .. It's a shame !! About the figures,i own all three of them and i can say the advent children one,sadly isn't very good. The face is very nice but the body it's not perfect surely,he has arms and legs that looks too little to me. The other two are surely better.


Honestly, I can live without the Cloud figure having a penis. I mean, could you imagine the debate it would create?? "It's too short!" "No - he's a grower, not a shower!" "LOLOLOL Cloud-peenor!!!!!1111 ^_________________^" "It should be more like his sword: long, wide and pointy." Yeah...

His torso tho' makes me sad and disappointed that it looks so bad. I mean, why go to the trouble of creating a figure with all the nice little touches on the clothing, the hair and the accessories, then make him look like he's not eaten for three years and had every third rib removed?

And Masterpiece Arts Cloud looks anorexic. But I supposed they never thought anyone would want him nakie. XD

Clearly they did not account for fangirls! :awesome:

Allow me a little anecdote here, please. When I was a little Munky, my parents bought me a doll for my Christmas one year and the first thing I did was take of all her clothes. My aunt asked the question, "Why is it that the first thing a little girl does when she gets a new doll is remove its clothes?" I didn't know the answer then and I don't know the answer now, but what I can say for certain is if a doll has removable clothes, then they must be removed.

I would undress Cloud within minutes of savagely ripping open the packaging. I'd undress him, I'd see his torso and I would cry tears of great sorrow. I'd probably laugh at his genital-less crotch, tho'. :muhaha:


Higher Further Faster
Well yeah not having him be anatomically correct is understandable. What if someone bought that for their child? Not that people should be giving their children $300 dolls but you never know how crazy some can be. :P

That said, I found a fun little fanfic that I guys think you should check out. It's called "Once More, With Feeling" by Illusor Meaneld on Cloud gets to do his life over starting with the day he tried out for SOLDIER. It's not 100% accurate and Cloud is a bit OOC yet it's still fun and cute and very well written.


Pro Adventurer
lol Cloud has no wang. :awesome:

And Masterpiece Arts Cloud looks anorexic. But I supposed they never thought anyone would want him nakie. XD

That said, the above posted CC screen shot isn't a good one for size reference. Cloud is closer to the "camera" (us) in that angle, so of course he looks bigger. But he's not.

Also, as for the sizes of the Playarts figures being off, I don't think we can really use them as reference. It's whatever Playarts decides to do. But then also remember that in CC he we was a good five years younger, and the more realistic proportions of the game come into play. FFVII Cloud is more cartoony and as we all know that game had no proportions. Then AC Cloud was first, and from what I understand just not a good figure. Playarts even made Kadaj bigger than him, didn't they? Which is not correct in the least.

Style is also different. They were just trying to get a feel for Cloud maybe. :)

oh my god.. What my eyes have just seen !! ..ok i try to calm down .. But that masterpiece Cloud IS anorexic!! And c'mon they shouldn't have made the statue without .... You know what .. It's a shame !! About the figures,i own all three of them and i can say the advent children one,sadly isn't very good. The face is very nice but the body it's not perfect surely,he has arms and legs that looks too little to me. The other two are surely better.

Honestly, I can live without the Cloud figure having a penis. I mean, could you imagine the debate it would create?? "It's too short!" "No - he's a grower, not a shower!" "LOLOLOL Cloud-peenor!!!!!1111 ^_________________^" "It should be more like his sword: long, wide and pointy." Yeah...

His torso tho' makes me sad and disappointed that it looks so bad. I mean, why go to the trouble of creating a figure with all the nice little touches on the clothing, the hair and the accessories, then make him look like he's not eaten for three years and had every third rib removed?

Clearly they did not account for fangirls! :awesome:

Allow me a little anecdote here, please. When I was a little Munky, my parents bought me a doll for my Christmas one year and the first thing I did was take of all her clothes. My aunt asked the question, "Why is it that the first thing a little girl does when she gets a new doll is remove its clothes?" I didn't know the answer then and I don't know the answer now, but what I can say for certain is if a doll has removable clothes, then they must be removed.

I would undress Cloud within minutes of savagely ripping open the packaging. I'd undress him, I'd see his torso and I would cry tears of great sorrow. I'd probably laugh at his genital-less crotch, tho'. :muhaha:

Well yeah not having him be anatomically correct is understandable. What if someone bought that for their child? Not that people should be giving their children $300 dolls but you never know how crazy some can be. :P

That said, I found a fun little fanfic that I guys think you should check out. It's called "Once More, With Feeling" by Illusor Meaneld on Cloud gets to do his life over starting with the day he tried out for SOLDIER. It's not 100% accurate and Cloud is a bit OOC yet it's still fun and cute and very well written.

I can see Cloud having a penis . . . But maybe to emo to use it :awesome:
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