The Final Fantasy VII LTD Thread (Round 4)

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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
BTW Eidolon, the people on this forum:

Are the biggest Clerith shippers on the planet. They will never take Cloti for an answer. Even THEY admit the page is about romantic love. You're welcome to sign up there and propose your "Hey guys I think this page is about friendship" if you like, I'm sure even the admins will tell you otherwise. ...

and probably tell you their counter argument that you're going to present here that I already have a response written up to :awesome:

BTW you're from the Philippines right?... wouldn't happen to know anything about a fake interview at a fake restaurant where fake Japanese people tried to change the meaning of well established word, would you?
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Eidolon Sniper

Lv. 1 Adventurer
@ Quexinos

People can translate anything given the right studies or what have you. Used to go to Japanese class when I was in college, but since I don't use it, my skills are now rather poor and I have to rely on my Japanese dictionary a lot (mostly for trying to translate old Shonen Jump I had before). But given that argument, it's pretty much the same if you'd translate something - like a manga scan for instance - then it would have different meanings for different people. I've been on a shipping war here and there so I know that. I know all the panel size discussions, even official artwork, and one's facial expressions, and deliberate opinions about what has been said here and there. I also know some of the anime fandom (what I've been part of anyway). One such fandom that comes to mind is Gundam SEED - hell, even the OPs, EDs are discussed and used as fanon/canon/shipdom/whatever fodder. And it also has a terrible, terrible shipping fandom. Unless we really do know what the author is saying, then we can't do anything about it. Ren ai is romantic love that I know. For serious, if it were, they'd already have it sealed right at the end of the game. The fact that there are people still shipping otherwise - from Cloud to Barrett to Sephiroth to Angeal to whoever that creepy stalker Zack had in Crisis Core - it means that people have different opinions. On the LTD, there are the Cleriths. I haven't met one absolute fanatic though. We can all ship Cloud and Terra and we don't care what people say (it's pretty popular on pixiv for some reason). At any rate, it's always open to opinions and debate, even if there are official statements. In said Gundam SEED, there is a famous rumor going around that the head writer shot down the character played by said VA just because she called her out on her work ethics (the head writer was called out, not the VA). So said couple pairing literally went down to nothing through bad writing and shooting down of characterization. Note that it was really popular, and I kind of liked the couple as well. Confirmed dead by a magazine scan. Poor girl who hooked up with said character's ex got hate and rage from the shipper fans. Etc. etc.

I am not saying it's wrong. Ryushikaze already provided a good point, that non fans and fans alike get mistakes sometimes. It's no different than the LTD. It will always be open for debate, opinions, shipdom wars, the like. Just so said Ultimanias and whatever gets thrown in for good measure to back it up with "facts", the fact remains that there will always be people who see otherwise. And it means different things for different people. I know translation is hard work, but saying the LTD is different from other works is actually laughable. Even if they say it IS the conclusion to the debate, it will still be open to debate, because it means different things to different people. It's not that I don't like it - it's more of it's become a vindication to the more fervent CloTi fans, that they use it to smash through logic and reasoning that some Cleriths have for going against it.

Tifa is a great character, but putting her on an elevated scale like that - not even when CloTis know (or not) she KNOWS the importance of Aerith in Cloud's life - is like rather saying that Tifa's characterization was thrown out of the window and became OMG TRUE LOVE. Nomura stated that he tried to create Tifa as a strong yet feminine woman - which is still up to debate too, with reasons that probably should be discussed in another thread. What she went through - the game, the novellas, the movie - there is a lot of reason to confirm that she grows to care deeply for Cloud. But the funny thing is, the more fervent CloTis failed to see how pained and anguished she was when she couldn't DO anything for Cloud, something that was probably hinted at several times, acknowledged by Tifa herself. Is this true love by Cloud? We know he hates people dear to him get hurt, and he's bothered by it. He can't express himself well? We have their childhood friendship and not even Tifa could say much about how even close they were, because Cloud was just a kid who has a terrible crush on her and he's rather introverted. Maybe she did know him than just merely being a next door neighbor enough to notice that he was acting oddly the day he came to Midgar. Tifa couldn't get herself to talk to Cloud even if she knew something was odd. It must probably mean that she was at a level that she knows Cloud's personality, but not enough to pry him open so they could actually talk about it. It would make sense that Tifa would be the one with him in the Lifestream - there is no one else who knows Cloud well enough to help him deal with the lies he put up. Besides, his other crutch is dead and long gone - that one person that Tifa knew was very important to Cloud. We can say that Aerith is a very dear someone right? Aerith became very important to all of them. But we also see Cloud who seems to be the most burdened of them all, even if they were all there together and witnessed Aerith's sacrifice for the Planet. Tifa's anguish, pain, frustration - that's not true love that was confessed under the Highwind. True love encompasses everything, and the pain should already not even be noted in the movie because they already understood each other 2 years before, no need for going around wandering. That's the logic.

Also I am from the Philippines but I have no idea what you're talking about. O.o


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
i told you q, nobody knows about that fake interview and nobody but FF_G cares. :monster:

also you should post your translations from dismantled in this thread, i have some questions and stuff but i don't want to post about it in faith.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
here is the thing with Japanese: people can interpret the same sentence many ways, but there are certain words that are just inalienable with their meanings. If I had used koibito to describe her as a sweet person, obviously she'd be kinda freaked out. Even more hilarious because when me and the rest of my group were leaving, she said we'd me again using 'au'. Perhaps she was proposing that I have sex with her. :awesome:

Tifa's anguish, pain, frustration - that's not true love that was confessed under the Highwind.
oh okay, do you have quotes fer dat


unsavory tart
Just picking a few things out that interest me.
@ Quexinos

People can translate anything given the right studies or what have you. Used to go to Japanese class when I was in college, but since I don't use it, my skills are now rather poor and I have to rely on my Japanese dictionary a lot (mostly for trying to translate old Shonen Jump I had before).
Yes, but sometimes a horse is a horse. This koibito thing has been dissected numerous times, been looked up, been asked to translators outside of the FF fandom. It's pretty much clear koibito has strong romantic connotations, and arguments otherwise have yet to show evidence that completely debunk it. The only one that seemed to get technical is the "koi bito" argument, which is pretty much a joke.

Tifa is a great character, but putting her on an elevated scale like that - not even when CloTis know (or not) she KNOWS the importance of Aerith in Cloud's life - is like rather saying that Tifa's characterization was thrown out of the window and became OMG TRUE LOVE.
Out of curiosity, what do you mean "elevated scale?" That she is a hugely significant character in Cloud's life. That she's probably the closest living person?

Nomura stated that he tried to create Tifa as a strong yet feminine woman - which is still up to debate too, with reasons that probably should be discussed in another thread.
We have that thread! *Hint Hint Bump for Character Discussion and Narrative Justice*

But the funny thing is, the more fervent CloTis failed to see how pained and anguished she was when she couldn't DO anything for Cloud, something that was probably hinted at several times, acknowledged by Tifa herself.
She did plenty for Cloud, it was just that Cloud didn't do anything for himself right away. It was part of her anguish because he kept dragging his feet no matter who came to help him, but eventually everyone got through to him.

Look at the first discussion he had with Aerith, he didn't change his behavior. His turning point was his conversation with Vincent who said that he never tried to be forgiven, then after encouragement from Aerith, and a stern talking to from Tifa and Marlene, he finally did.

Cloud got through not just because of Aerith, although it was a huge part, but because of the people backing him. How could anyone miss his like, "Don't you get, there's nothing that isn't precious to me." Paraphrased, but you get the point. Everyone was there for him, and so he fights for everyone.

Tifa's anguish, pain, frustration - that's not true love that was confessed under the Highwind. True love encompasses everything, and the pain should already not even be noted in the movie because they already understood each other 2 years before, no need for going around wandering. That's the logic.
I honestly don't understand what this is arguing. Tifa is not truly in love with Cloud?

But we see that he has took off to wandering again (when we all KNOW better that he should just stay there supporting Tifa and all even for a bit), and his travels took him to a field of flowers where Aerith was waiting."
Really, I don't see him wandering again, or at least separate from the family. I see it as him doing his business again, which requires him driving a lot.

Even more so, there are strong implications that he stays with the family. For one, the pictures, showing a united front. Yes, Cloud is somewhat introverted and not as close, but it's pretty obvious it was to symbolize that they were together again.

Secondly, that ending was entirely retconned by AC/C. And AC/C is meant to more be a replacement than just an additive.

It not only implies that Cloud has kept the memories (of both Aerith and Zack) precious, but still memories). But it also shows without a doubt he's still with the family because you can hear clearly that he is with Denzel.

Cloud is pretty much definitively with his family. Personally, even though I side more with Cloti, I never had an issue with people thinking that FFVII was meant to be open ended (I myself arguing with myself whether I believe canon Cloti, and no canon pairing). But whether or not Cloud is happy with his family, or at least with them, is inarguable. In fact, it's pretty much canonized by word of god in the infamous quote CloudxAerith fans like to bring up (the one that says that there will always be problems, but Marlene and Denzel will always help them work it out between the two- problems aside, it means Cloud, Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel are always together).

The many games that Cloud and Aerith appear in seem to debunk Cloti as well – wouldn’t an official couple get in so many games together, exploring/exploiting their longing for each other or love for each other?
You're seriously over exaggerating the Cloud/Aerith implications in AU games. (Being Dissida/Kingdom Hearts/ Itadaki Street, Ergeiz, and Tactics). Let's get real and not even pretend Itadaki Street and Ergeiz have anything to do with romance whatsoever, otherwise we'll be embarrassing ourselves.

Now let's focus on the games where creative persons from FFVII worked on (this leaves out Tactics because the team was completely different and so anything written in is not anything that can be tied to the creative team that created FFVII, or the relationship between Aerith or Cloud)

Kingdom Hearts, is at best, arguable. Especially since Cloud has strong ties to both girls in Final Fantasy. Dissidia doesn't have romance at all. It has continuity nods, and a field of flowers that represent his world. If it was meant to represent Aerith, it was meant to represent Aerith as part of the world, not as part of a relationship.

Also, the internet? Victim what have you? Oh PLEASE. :desu: Just so we can be tough guys on the internet doesn't mean you can go around bullying people just so you feel like it, and then cry foul if you were bullied as well. This isn't Miss Manners and Right Conduct - you are literally showing the world how you probably might handle a confrontation, an attack on what you believe in, God knows what else. Of course you know you don't - the argument "this is not the real me on the internet/implying that what one shows on the internet is what one really is in real life" etc. may be put out here - but do they know and will they bother to know?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Response to Tres. Responses to others to follow.

Food or slave?

Little of both.

Your mistake. :monster:

Or perhaps you've fallen right into my nefarious trap.

Somebody ate Chinese tonight, I see.

No, actually. Just me waxing philosophical.
(Wax philosophical on. Wax Philosophical Off.)

"With," "like," take your pick.


In the one case, though, Aerith was still pretty new to the whole Lifestream scene. In CotL White, she'd had a couple of years to figure stuff out.

And I still say Aerith was desperately walking through all her memories of Cloud trying to find things about him that were unique to him when she woke up Zack.

If that's the case, then the construction of the thought is terrible, and really just confirms Maiden needs a major rewrite, and Benny needs a better editor for long writing.

That must be it.

Now I'm imagining her as a revival preacher 'witnessing' the truth of his memory to an assembled congregation of Cloud going "You preach it, sister!"

It's Japanese. :monster:

Even for Japanese.

I worded it badly, but that's kind of what I meant. It would be weird to say that she became a witness to his blurry memory if referring to a single event (the Lifestream sequence) when she was noticing for much of the game that he was off.

Unless they literally mean she was the only one who got to 'witness' the jumbled memory itself.

I don't disagree that it's stupid that the storms would have ever stopped once they started.

Hence my suggestion to move the evac to a later, interim date after the placidity has ended for good.

Okay then. We can't tell because shitty graphics. :awesome:

Oh, you...
The thing is though, while terrible compared to now, the graphics here are detailed enough to show Sephy's frownyface.
Benny going 'He was smiling there' is much like going 'And so Warrior or Light shot Garland with his Desert Eagle.'

It is pretty fucked up either way, but I guess Bugen thought he had his reasons. Anyway, even if Red already believed she was dead, there's still everybody else who presumably isn't in on helping Bugen's little glow worm sprout by making Red cry.

But Making Red Cry brings the crops each year! It is necessary for the health of the planet!

Sad that our making fun of the Compilation is more fun than the Compilation. =(

Only a little.

Good work, by the way.


Really now?

Comparing highest points. I think there's a lot of shit in both.

They've only just realized they're fallible. It's a long road to redemption.

But at least they're on it.

Not a bad time for it.

It works really well thematically, with OK having just been given the smack down in his own time and now being rather combat skittish.

He's definitely post-game altogether.

Yeah, I'm curious to his circumstances.

I've never really thought about where Tidus could have been plucked from, being on the Farplane for two years like he was anyway. That's a good suggestion for Zidane, though.

It explains where he was all that time, if nothing else.

Ouch. Below the belt much?

Not when it's part of the OG that he and his did it a few times before and failed.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
It's about to become even more nostalgic. GIANT RESPONSE TO SEVERAL POSTS FOLLOWS.

Also, where did the Nomura quote of "bringing in Tifa" come from?

Nomura said it. It's the same article where he mentions they decided to have two heroes and bump one of them off.

tbh I was wondering what sorts of creator material exists before the Compilation. I'm just compiling some information. After this semester I think I may get started on a project I've been mulling over for a while. Not really LTD related, but I figured this was the best thread to go to. Other than this site and Citadel, I really don't know where else would have them.

Also, from early materials:

I admit that I am giant sap but damn, this sounds way better than what they came up with for CC.

I'm not so sure that's actually Z/A. There was a point in the early drafts where Aerith's first (unrequited) love was Sephiroth himself.

"I was honestly expecting Cloud being safe and secure in Tifa’s arms at the end of Advent Children – no more bitter wandering, etc. But we see that he has took off to wandering again (when we all KNOW better that he should just stay there supporting Tifa and all even for a bit), and his travels took him to a field of flowers where Aerith was waiting."

But that is not what happens. At ALL. Cloud ISN'T wandering, he's MAKING DELIVERIES. They didn't take him 'to' a field of flowers with Aerith in them, he DROVE RIGHT PAST HER. And he was HEADED HOME. To spend a day off with the family.

If this should prove that Tifa and Cloud officially are a couple, then one is probably blind not to see that implication.

One is not blind if one does not see what is not there.

Going back to FF VII, the Highwind scene was probably something which only showed how precious Tifa was to Cloud, and how Cloud was precious to Tifa. After all, what happened in the end credits? Cloud knew that Aerith would be waiting for him “there”.

And Tifa wanted to go meet her.


In the “Case of Tifa”, Tifa tried very hard to create a family with Denzel and Marlene, and probably some other kids too.

NO. No other kids. No orphanage. YOU. WERE. WRONG.

But she was really distraught. Cloud was obviously doing fine until Elmyra asked him to deliver a bunch of flowers for Aerith in the City of the Ancients. He never got over the guilt of having Aerith die in his arms and it really haunted him so much that even Tifa commented on it in Advent Children. She was frustrated because she simply felt that she could NOT do anything for Cloud. Probably in her mind, Aerith was really the only person who got to Cloud in a way she couldn’t do.

You have proposed this idea several times. You have not substantiated it beyond the vaguest notions, and the body of the evidence is decidedly against it. Not only is Aerith not the only person who 'got to Cloud,' Tifa is also among the people who 'got to him' over the course of the movie, alongside Vincent, Marlene, Aerith, and Zack.

In the Highwind scene, it was weird that if they had some kind of intimacy there, Cloud is acting like nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Why would he?

Tifa is a rather shy and nervous girl, she obviously didn’t want people to get the WRONG idea.

She's also be embarassed if she thought people had the right idea about what happened that night.

If any, she was also at fault for not knowing HOW to convey her feelings to Cloud – evidenced by the way she reacted to Cloud’s guilt in Advent Children[/B].

Are you saying Tifa's words- which actually spur Cloud into action, are the wrong way to treat him?

Cloud got his act together by that moment with Tifa, but we knew all along that it was largely his commitment to Aerith and her death that he was moved to challenge Sephiroth.

No, we knew all along that it was his desire for revenge from 5 years ago, to settle his past, that moved him to challenge Sephiroth. Aerith came along as an additional motivation, for everyone.
Plus, Aerith isn't his personal reason for going. 'We have to do this' as opposed to 'I have a very personal memory I'm fighting for' referencing the tender secret memories know one could know.
In AC/C, it's his desire to protect the living that drives him to fight, despite the fear of failing and losing them as he lost his good friends and family before.
He didn’t WANT Aerith’s smile just to be frozen like that. And funny how Aerith should be shafted here, all of their friends know how important Aerith was and wearing those Ribbons in memory of her. Tifa KNEW how important Aerith IS to Cloud.

And to her.

The many games that Cloud and Aerith appear in seem to debunk Cloti as well – wouldn’t an official couple get in so many games together, exploring/exploiting their longing for each other or love for each other? How Aerith was always Light to Cloud’s Darkness, how it was always Cloud’s guilt about Aerith’s death that was always played upon?

EXCEPT IT ISN'T. Aerith ISN'T Cloud's light. Tifa is. There ISN'T a focus in AU games about his guilt over her death. Hell, there's more focus about his hate on for Sephiroth and his friendship with Zack!

Cloud could probably mourn about his other friends who died in the struggle, but his grief over Aerith’s death was something that was always there in his heart.

And his grief over Zack.

Aerith was the one who also lightened Cloud’s burden before he and the rest of the gang took on Bahamut SIN. And it was Aerith who told Cloud to FORGIVE himself. Was there anything that Tifa did to remotely even push Cloud to forgiving himself of that guilt? She probably tried, but obviously she was having a hard time trying to. Again, one will have to be BLIND not to see that implication. Cloud let go of his guilt because of the encouragement he got from Aerith,

And from Tifa. And Vincent. And Marlene.

who wanted to meet the real him on that fateful date in the Golden Saucer.

Which is COMPLETELY irrelevant to the point you were just making.

People also seem to have forgotten that Aerith initially liked Cloud because he reminded her of Zack, but then she realizes that she likes Cloud little by little for who he really is. If she didn’t then why the hell will she even WANT to meet the REAL Cloud if she knew he was just Zack?

You've created a bizarre dichotomy here, missing a very important point. Aerith, though loving Cloud for Cloud, knows nothing about him, realizing she's been sort of mentally filling in with Zack. So she resolves to get to meet him. She wants to meet him BECAUSE she does not know him. And she never gets the chance.
It's tragic is what it is.

Also, Japanese is a hard language to translate and could mean many things to different people.

The same is true of English. I don't see anyone sane whinging about solved LTs in English.

Frankly, this is like a debate with panels and panels comparing IchiRuki/IchiHime/NaruSaku/NaruHina, etc. etc., etc. in one fandom and proving how one ship is definitely tons better than one ship, complete with interpretations of how the characters were drawn, symbolic implication and what have you. This probably is one case where people interpret it as they will too. This is also not the case of MY TRANSLATION IS BETTER THAN YOURS LOLZ.

Fuck 'better.' No, seriously. Fuck it. This is about which is canon. It's a matter of looking at the series, and asking a single, defined question with a simple answer, "Which one did he choose." Naruto and Bleach are based on shipping preference. FF7's LTD, Harry Potter's LTD, and Avatar's LTD, those are all based on concrete evidence.
Especially Book 4.

How sure is it even if the feelings that Tifa and Cloud have for each other – the feelings that match – instantly equates to true love?

Because those feelings are included under the 'displays of romantic love' heading. The entire section is about people trying to display their romantic love for someone else. There's even a subsection specifically about non romantic love in the corner. I do have to ask- did you read the page?

Love as best friends probably at the most – for lovers nothing was written there, only emo tripping by Cloud as far as the movie went,

Cloud's 'emo tripping' however, was all about how he was a failure and useless to his family.

and how Sephiroth wanted to use Cloud’s guilt over Aerith’s death AGAIN a telling clue as to who Cloud still holds very dear in his heart."

But Sephy didn't want to use Cloud's guilt. He wanted to take what was most precious to Cloud and destroy it.

Anyone who thinks this is straight out CloTi bashing and anti CloTi or pure Clerith feel free to comment on it. :desu:

I think it's gloriously off base in a number of ways.

Books, movies, everything - they mean different things to different people, and even how much you really like it tends to color how you view it too. Also PLEASE remember that what is also being argued here is an abstract idea. Love cannot be equated VERY well just so said lines say it is.

Except we can define love to a useful degree. We do so in real life. Why can we not apply things to fiction, where things are often far more cut and dry than in real life?

It is very funny how this is even being argued in EXACT terms - like how somebody could neatly put anything in a guide, for argument's sakes. If it were an argument about something EXACT that has happened - say, some war - it could be measured in exact terms but you can't really say how you felt about it unless the teacher asks you HOW to explain it, WHAT you felt.

So, you're saying that if an author tells us 'Billie felt bad about what he had done,' we can't trust that he did unless he expounds on it?
That's silly.

In here students start to feel differently, put out different feelings about how that war felt to them. A teacher has no control over what her students FEEL about a war, not unless they were compelled, or it's some kind of law that they should only feel that way and it's dangerous to think otherwise. You cannot equate a feeling into exact science.

... And no one is. But being told that two people confirmed feelings of romantic love for each other isn't 'telling those people how to think,' it's telling US what THOSE people DO think.

You cannot simply say, that does not happen because it's already written that it is - that's pure bull and you know it. People will always HAVE different opinions on anything. This is what makes us diverse.

Yes, we CAN simply say that some things happen and some things don't. Different perspectives and opinions do not change reality, even fictional realities. If I think rabid squirrels with M16s killed president ShinRa, that does not somehow mean there's a doubt as to his actual death, because the 'how' has been confirmed.

Going back on the LTD, it's even silly that people should even debate it up to now. Ultimanias and what else have already added much to the reason WHY people are now hating on the FF 7 fandom - mainly because of the shipping wars, and because it only complicates things more as each Compilation game/novella/whatever is announced. What we know about the original game was made more and more complicated by side side side side side side stories and sub sub sub sub sub sub characters. With each game put out, relationships also became more complicated. Add this to the novellas and the movie. I laughed at the claim of Dirge Of Cerberus, saying that it's another take on the world's favorite story. While I loved FF 7 and its characters generally, having to go through remakes of remakes of remakes of remakes of remakes is already just putting me into boredom with each subsequent release. I loved Crisis Core though - for me it had that feel of FF 7 to it, whereas Dirge was...well what exactly? Bored enough to try other games.

And yet, despite all of the extra games, and the confusion, and the extra characters and sub plots and all that, each new entry has remained very consistent that Cloud and Tifa belong together. Again, not that preference changes validity. As much as would like to remove or rewrite the last Doctor Who christmas special from the timeline, it's still currently part of the timeline.

The first post I made was an opinion. In CloTi's minds, they probably only see the AERITH ZOMG that's plastered on each and every few set of words. They fail to see the CloTi written in there as well. Can you tell me that it was straight bull?

Yes. I can. Because people SEE PAIRINGS EVERYWHERE.
People see Zack/ Cissnei where the creators have said she was never even considered as a romantic interest for Zack.
People have seen Harry/Hermione and STILL SEE it despite J.K. Rowling calling them delusional and very soundly ending the series with different romantic pairings.
People still see Katara/Zuko despite THE NEW SERIES having the kid of the canon pairing as a character.

I recognized Tifa's pain, her frustration, and how she really cared much about Cloud. I also lament at what people have been doing to other people on that LTD front page, being gunned down in favor of what they probably think is the EXACT literal translation of the article. Why, even the Bible is being challenged.

You say that like it's impressive. The Bible was rewritten and edited hundreds of times in the last 2000 years, in the 500 years before that since the Torah was formally written down, and moreso in the oral tradition predating that.
Hell, what we consider 'the bible' wasn't even formalized til the 4th century AD.
:smashedmonster: If you guys could even give me an example where an argument has actually stood the test of time, is still accepted up to now, has no haters, has no different interpretations made by scholars and scholars and what have you, then bash all other people all you want. What we basically know now is WAY different than what people 500 years before knew. What we may know now as our "sacred" beliefs may be made different 15 minutes later, 2 days from now, 3 months from now.

An idea having haters and dissidents is completely irrelevant. Appeal to Popularity/ conformity is a logical fallacy.
The existence of a conflict does not mean that one side cannot be correct, or at least MORE correct than their opposition. Evolution v Creationism, for example. Despite with the Discovery Insitute would like you to believe, the evidence is IN and in favor of Evolution and against creationsim. And it keeps coming in.

Also, the internet? Victim what have you? Oh PLEASE. :desu: Just so we can be tough guys on the internet doesn't mean you can go around bullying people just so you feel like it, and then cry foul if you were bullied as well.

Then why are you doing it?
I mean, folks here dish it out, but we aren't exactly expecting kid gloves, either.

This isn't Miss Manners and Right Conduct - you are literally showing the world how you probably might handle a confrontation, an attack on what you believe in, God knows what else.

You'll find, I think, that despite the lack of a specific decorum regarding derision and insults, we tend to conduct ourselves with a measure of actual academic rigor.

Of course you know you don't - the argument "this is not the real me on the internet/implying that what one shows on the internet is what one really is in real life" etc. may be put out here - but do they know and will they bother to know?

Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.

@ Quexinos

People can translate anything given the right studies or what have you. Used to go to Japanese class when I was in college, but since I don't use it, my skills are now rather poor and I have to rely on my Japanese dictionary a lot (mostly for trying to translate old Shonen Jump I had before). But given that argument, it's pretty much the same if you'd translate something - like a manga scan for instance - then it would have different meanings for different people. I've been on a shipping war here and there so I know that. I know all the panel size discussions, even official artwork, and one's facial expressions, and deliberate opinions about what has been said here and there. I also know some of the anime fandom (what I've been part of anyway). One such fandom that comes to mind is Gundam SEED - hell, even the OPs, EDs are discussed and used as fanon/canon/shipdom/whatever fodder. And it also has a terrible, terrible shipping fandom. Unless we really do know what the author is saying, then we can't do anything about it.

... We DO know what they're saying, though. And most of what you're citing, the 'panel size' and shit has nothing to do with translations and everthing to do with rabid whackaloon shippers.

Ren ai is romantic love that I know. For serious, if it were, they'd already have it sealed right at the end of the game.

They did! Without words!
Maybe without clothes!
The fact that there are people still shipping otherwise - from Cloud to Barrett to Sephiroth to Angeal to whoever that creepy stalker Zack had in Crisis Core - it means that people have different opinions. On the LTD, there are the Cleriths. I haven't met one absolute fanatic though. We can all ship Cloud and Terra and we don't care what people say (it's pretty popular on pixiv for some reason). At any rate, it's always open to opinions and debate, even if there are official statements.

But opinions don't supercede facts. We, like Joe Friday, only care about the facts. And the City, Lahoya, California.
::Cues Dragnet Theme::
I'm working them in!

In said Gundam SEED, there is a famous rumor going around that the head writer shot down the character played by said VA just because she called her out on her work ethics (the head writer was called out, not the VA). So said couple pairing literally went down to nothing through bad writing and shooting down of characterization. Note that it was really popular, and I kind of liked the couple as well. Confirmed dead by a magazine scan. Poor girl who hooked up with said character's ex got hate and rage from the shipper fans. Etc. etc.

But again, that's a rumor. And it's a pairing that you admit never actually happened. It's not FACT.

I am not saying it's wrong. Ryushikaze already provided a good point, that non fans and fans alike get mistakes sometimes. It's no different than the LTD. It will always be open for debate, opinions, shipdom wars, the like. Just so said Ultimanias and whatever gets thrown in for good measure to back it up with "facts", the fact remains that there will always be people who see otherwise. And it means different things for different people. I know translation is hard work, but saying the LTD is different from other works is actually laughable. Even if they say it IS the conclusion to the debate, it will still be open to debate, because it means different things to different people.

Which we don't deny.
We just see it as irrelevant to the facts of the matter. People arguing Clukiroth are just so much noise in the signal.

It's not that I don't like it - it's more of it's become a vindication to the more fervent CloTi fans, that they use it to smash through logic and reasoning that some Cleriths have for going against it.

But the 'logic and reasoning' it is used to smash through are based on false premises, assumptions about the continuity that can be shown as incorrect.

Tifa is a great character, but putting her on an elevated scale like that - not even when CloTis know (or not) she KNOWS the importance of Aerith in Cloud's life

You're falling into a mental trap here. You're assuming the importance MUST BE ROMANTIC.

- is like rather saying that Tifa's characterization was thrown out of the window and became OMG TRUE LOVE. Nomura stated that he tried to create Tifa as a strong yet feminine woman - which is still up to debate too, with reasons that probably should be discussed in another thread. What she went through - the game, the novellas, the movie - there is a lot of reason to confirm that she grows to care deeply for Cloud. But the funny thing is, the more fervent CloTis failed to see how pained and anguished she was when she couldn't DO anything for Cloud, something that was probably hinted at several times, acknowledged by Tifa herself.

But she COULD do something for him, and did. So did Vincent and Marlene. It's not 'All or nothing Aerith.'

Is this true love by Cloud? We know he hates people dear to him get hurt, and he's bothered by it. He can't express himself well? We have their childhood friendship and not even Tifa could say much about how even close they were, because Cloud was just a kid who has a terrible crush on her and he's rather introverted. Maybe she did know him than just merely being a next door neighbor enough to notice that he was acting oddly the day he came to Midgar. Tifa couldn't get herself to talk to Cloud even if she knew something was odd. It must probably mean that she was at a level that she knows Cloud's personality, but not enough to pry him open so they could actually talk about it. It would make sense that Tifa would be the one with him in the Lifestream - there is no one else who knows Cloud well enough to help him deal with the lies he put up. Besides, his other crutch is dead and long gone - that one person that Tifa knew was very important to Cloud. We can say that Aerith is a very dear someone right? Aerith became very important to all of them. But we also see Cloud who seems to be the most burdened of them all, even if they were all there together and witnessed Aerith's sacrifice for the Planet.

But Cloud feels that same burden as a result of Zack's death, as a result of his current failings for his family. Aerith is the SYMBOL of his failings, not the whole of them.

Tifa's anguish, pain, frustration - that's not true love that was confessed under the Highwind. True love encompasses everything, and the pain should already not even be noted in the movie because they already understood each other 2 years before, no need for going around wandering. That's the logic.

BUT THAT'S ASININE! You have defined love in a way that doesn't exist! You want fairy tale love from story that is absolutely nothing like a fairy tale.

Just picking a few things out that interest me.

Yes, but sometimes a horse is a horse. This koibito thing has been dissected numerous times, been looked up, been asked to translators outside of the FF fandom. It's pretty much clear koibito has strong romantic connotations, and arguments otherwise have yet to show evidence that completely debunk it. The only one that seemed to get technical is the "koi bito" argument, which is pretty much a joke.

Ah, bito. Slang for 'hito' my ass. Compound construction, bitches.

Out of curiosity, what do you mean "elevated scale?" That she is a hugely significant character in Cloud's life. That she's probably the closest living person?

Excepting Mukki, of course.

She did plenty for Cloud, it was just that Cloud didn't do anything for himself right away. It was part of her anguish because he kept dragging his feet no matter who came to help him, but eventually everyone got through to him.

Look at the first discussion he had with Aerith, he didn't change his behavior. His turning point was his conversation with Vincent who said that he never tried to be forgiven, then after encouragement from Aerith, and a stern talking to from Tifa and Marlene, he finally did.

Cloud got through not just because of Aerith, although it was a huge part, but because of the people backing him. How could anyone miss his like, "Don't you get, there's nothing that isn't precious to me." Paraphrased, but you get the point. Everyone was there for him, and so he fights for everyone.

Yes, it was a group effort. Aerith played her part, everyone else did too.

I honestly don't understand what this is arguing. Tifa is not truly in love with Cloud?

If they were in love, all the pain and badness would just vanish. It is a juvenile and myopic view of love.

Really, I don't see him wandering again, or at least separate from the family. I see it as him doing his business again, which requires him driving a lot.

It IS him doing his business again. He says in Reminiscence 'I have one more delivery to make today,' before talking with Tifa about closing down and taking the day off tomorrow.

Even more so, there are strong implications that he stays with the family. For one, the pictures, showing a united front. Yes, Cloud is somewhat introverted and not as close, but it's pretty obvious it was to symbolize that they were together again.

Secondly, that ending was entirely retconned by AC/C. And AC/C is meant to more be a replacement than just an additive.

Hell, that 'ending' wasn't even in the original credits. Aerith watches Cloud drive by... and Cloud keeps on driving.

It not only implies that Cloud has kept the memories (of both Aerith and Zack) precious, but still memories). But it also shows without a doubt he's still with the family because you can hear clearly that he is with Denzel.

If nothing else, Cloud ships Zerith.

Cloud is pretty much definitively with his family. Personally, even though I side more with Cloti, I never had an issue with people thinking that FFVII was meant to be open ended (I myself arguing with myself whether I believe canon Cloti, and no canon pairing). But whether or not Cloud is happy with his family, or at least with them, is inarguable. In fact, it's pretty much canonized by word of god in the infamous quote CloudxAerith fans like to bring up (the one that says that there will always be problems, but Marlene and Denzel will always help them work it out between the two- problems aside, it means Cloud, Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel are always together).

Also, the 'The happier he is' quote.

You're seriously over exaggerating the Cloud/Aerith implications in AU games. (Being Dissida/Kingdom Hearts/ Itadaki Street, Ergeiz, and Tactics). Let's get real and not even pretend Itadaki Street and Ergeiz have anything to do with romance whatsoever, otherwise we'll be embarrassing ourselves.


Now let's focus on the games where creative persons from FFVII worked on (this leaves out Tactics because the team was completely different and so anything written in is not anything that can be tied to the creative team that created FFVII, or the relationship between Aerith or Cloud)

Not that it has much to say about it. If you look at what actually occurs, Cloud actually saves Aerith this time, then he's all hunky dory 'gotta go find mah sword, let's go guys' and Ramza's words imply Tifa waiting for him on the other side.
Which is really interesting if you assume his Ivalice jaunt (if 'twere canon) took place while he was all Ooga.

Kingdom Hearts, is at best, arguable. Especially since Cloud has strong ties to both girls in Final Fantasy. Dissidia doesn't have romance at all. It has continuity nods, and a field of flowers that represent his world. If it was meant to represent Aerith, it was meant to represent Aerith as part of the world, not as part of a relationship.

Unless you want to suggest Cecil and Golbez are bumping Uglies and Firi's getting it on with the entire rebellion.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku

link please :monster: :desuawesomonster:

Here's an excerpt:

"That...was amazing," Red breathed.
"Oh, but there's more!" Yuffie said, grinning widely. Red stared as the girl began stripping off her tight clothes. Soon, the ninja girl was completely unclad, and on her hands and knees. "Well? Go on!"
"Go on with what?" Red asked, hesitantly. Yuffie sighed and pointed at her dripping cunt.
"This is where you go, okay?" the girl asked. Understanding dawned on Red, and he hesitantly placed his forepaws on her waist. Carefully gripping the girl's waist, Red placed the tip of his long cock at the entrance to her cunt. Yuffie grinned and pushed back a little, surprising Red by taking an inch of his cock inside of her, signaling for him to slowly enter.
However, Red didn't get the signal. Instinct taking over, he quickly and violently thrust forward, deep into Yuffie. Yuffie cried out in surprise and pain. She had broken her hymen with a pair of nun-chucks, but she was still a virgin at heart.
Red paused, buried to the hilt inside Yuffie. The pain soon passed, turning to pleasure at the feeling of the immense cock imbedded deeply inside of her, and Yuffie signaled Red to continue.
With glee, Red began quickly pounding away into Yuffie, his slick, hard, red animal cock quickly sliding in and out of Yuffie. Every time the bulge near the base of Red's cock, his knot, punched in and out of her, Yuffie moaned.
Yuffie moved her hips to meet Red's thrusts, Red's large balls rhythmically slapping her lower stomach. Yuffie moaned and reached back, moving into a more comfortable position under the animal as he pumped into her.
She had broken her hymen with a pair of nun-chucks, but she was still a virgin at heart.
She had broken her hymen with a pair of nun-chucks
a pair of nun-chucks
i don't even


Pro Adventurer
Eidolon Sniper said:
In the Highwind scene, it was weird that if they had some kind of intimacy there, Cloud is acting like nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Ultimania Omega said:
Yuffie: "Gee, Cloud...... that's so nice of you to say that. ......You

---It’s the line to Cloud, who welcomes her kindly when she returns to the airship.

Yuffie doesn’t know that Cloud just spent the night with Tifa alone. Woman’s intuition is sharp, indeed?

Yuffie reacts to Cloud acting uncharacteristically pleasant. She doesn't get why. But that's because he spent the night with Tifa... alone.

Hmmm... I wonder what they did. :whistle:

Splintered said:
I honestly don't understand what this is arguing. Tifa is not truly in love with Cloud?

As I understand it she's arguing that 'true love' leaves no place for pain or regret, it should just solve everything on it's own. Which is naive beyond measure.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Ryu. Your post has left me wanting a cigarette. Bumpy at certain points, but overall I am satisfied.

I am glad to see ES has joined the forum.

Fighter said:
Yuffie reacts to Cloud acting uncharacteristically pleasant. She doesn't get why. But that's because he spent the night with Tifa... alone.

A guy whistling dixie the morning after spending a night with a woman? Unheard of.

you probably don't want to click this, but because you're so morbidly curious and secretly either a masochist or into bestiality you're going to anyways

That would be morbidly curious - against my greater intelligence. And just reading the excerpt is good enough. I don't think I need to read the whole thing now. Disturbing and vomit-inducing to say the least.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Ryu. Your post has left me wanting a cigarette. Bumpy at certain points, but overall I am satisfied.

I am glad to see ES has joined the forum.

What parts were bumpy? I would be happy for another go at improving satisfaction.

A guy whistling dixie the morning after spending a night with a woman? Unheard of.

I know. I mean, I always act depressed after sex. You can't let the happiness theives KNOW.
Wait, now they DO! I need to find something else to throw them off my trail!

That would be morbidly curious - against my greater intelligence. And just reading the excerpt is good enough. I don't think I need to read the whole thing now. Disturbing and vomit-inducing to say the least.

It was sick and twisted. The most hilarious part about it, though, was the nunchuck bit. Because that seems to be a staple of hilariously bad Selphie fics.


unsavory tart
Excepting Mukki, of course.
Everyone knows that Mukki expressed to Cloud his true feelings. Without words. That fateful night at Honey Bee Inn.

It IS him doing his business again. He says in Reminiscence 'I have one more delivery to make today,' before talking with Tifa about closing down and taking the day off tomorrow.
I had no idea Reminiscence was directly tied to the ending. Is there word of god or is it something naturally assumed. I just figured that Reminiscence is just proof Cloud is with his family and still in connection with Vincent.

You're falling into a mental trap here. You're assuming the importance MUST BE ROMANTIC.
This is a trap that needs to die in a fucking fire. Because it's the exact thing we talk about in the Tifa-Narrative thread. The idea that every reference to one character (Tifa or Aerith) is about a romantic connection with Cloud. We had this problem in Ergeiz, we had it with the flower field and Holy in Dissidia, and most likely it will happen again in Dissidia with Tifa.

Even if you argue that Aerith, to Cloud, is a love interest. She is not just a love interest. She's a spiritual guide to him and the rest of the world. Aerith doesn't just represent love. She represents the planet and the spirituality of Gaia. We can talk about Cloti's ignore "Tifa's independence" but it goes both ways. By pretending Aerith=flower field= true love, you ignore that Aerith is suppose to be the greater power in all of the story.

Not everything that relates to Aerith-Cloud-Tifa is suppose to be taken in romantic context.

Throwing in romance where it is not suppose to be only serves to undermine the role a character can play.
Ugh, I could only watch two episodes of the abomination. I got the impression Seed was to the Gundam series as X-2 was to Final Fantasy.


Holy tl;drs

Nomura said it. It's the same article where he mentions they decided to have two heroes and bump one of them off.

I knew he said it, I just can't seem to be able to find the article.

I'm not so sure that's actually Z/A. There was a point in the early drafts where Aerith's first (unrequited) love was Sephiroth himself.

Yeah, I realize this. But since it talks about her previous love, there's no reason they couldn't have taken this idea and applied it to Zack. Different character but same role.

Every post I think ilu more and more <3


Double Growth
Miranda said:



Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
ES said:
If this should prove that Tifa and Cloud officially are a couple, then one is probably blind not to see that implication.
Ryu said:
One is not blind if one does not see what is not there.

This is very much true. I should take it upon myself to point out that this is not an opinion, which she claims her first post is. As a matter of fact, I am hard pressed to find an actual opinion in the entire post. I request she point out her opinions. Also, when you get basic facts wrong, and people point out to you that you were wrong is not bashing opinions, but trying to correct you on facts.

ES said:
In the Highwind scene, it was weird that if they had some kind of intimacy there, Cloud is acting like nothing out of the ordinary happened.
Ryu said:
Why would he?

He acts this way about most things. Where is that quote that says Cloud does his expressing through his eyes.

ES said:
If any, she was also at fault for not knowing HOW to convey her feelings to Cloud &#8211; evidenced by the way she reacted to Cloud&#8217;s guilt in Advent Children[/B].
Ryu said:
Are you saying Tifa's words- which actually spur Cloud into action, are the wrong way to treat him?

Obviously true. ES though jumps from speaking about the OG to AC. While it's true that in the OG and most of CoT, Tifa has trouble expressing her inner thoughts, I think she does a pretty good job of it in AC.

ES said:
The many games that Cloud and Aerith appear in seem to debunk Cloti as well &#8211; wouldn&#8217;t an official couple get in so many games together, exploring/exploiting their longing for each other or love for each other?

Ridiculous statement. How many AU games are Tidus/Yuna or Squall/Rinoa in together? Besides "quality over quantity, my dear". Just appearing in a game together does not a canon couple make. Otherwise, I contend that the true pairing is Tidus/Wakka.

On that note, it's resentful to bring in bizarre pairings to say that people "ship" whatever they want. So actual narrative means nothing if someone comes along claiming their love of Clack or Clephiroth. This being proof that there is no canon couple, how?

Feeling one way or another about the content of a book or movie, DOES NOT CHANGE THE CONTENT OF SAID BOOK OR MOVIE. "Read between the lines"? Try reading the lines first.

Ryu said:
They did! Without words!
Maybe without clothes!

I want you to remember this. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and would like to see you use it again in the future :awesome:

Also, can I address that the ending of the film and Reminiscence are the same thing? How do we know? She is claiming they are the same thing, but I don't see how. That's not to say they aren't, but I've missed it.

Ryu said:
It was sick and twisted. The most hilarious part about it, though, was the nunchuck bit. Because that seems to be a staple of hilariously bad Selphie fics.

Well, as I'm sure you know, girls always stick random objects into their vaginas. Especially when they are virgins. The unfortunate thing is that Yuffie does not use nunchucks, so was she using someone else's? Or are we to assume that because she is a ninja, she is skilled in the use of all ninja-related weaponry. Although that would be on the assumption that one must be skilled to stick something in a vagina, which of course we all know is bollocks.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Everyone knows that Mukki expressed to Cloud his true feelings. Without words. That fateful night at Honey Bee Inn.

And again ten minutes later.

I had no idea Reminiscence was directly tied to the ending. Is there word of god or is it something naturally assumed. I just figured that Reminiscence is just proof Cloud is with his family and still in connection with Vincent.

Well, if it's not the exact same sequence of events, Cloud is still travelling down the exact same stretches of highway depicted in the ending.

This is a trap that needs to die in a fucking fire. Because it's the exact thing we talk about in the Tifa-Narrative thread. The idea that every reference to one character (Tifa or Aerith) is about a romantic connection with Cloud. We had this problem in Ergeiz, we had it with the flower field and Holy in Dissidia, and most likely it will happen again in Dissidia with Tifa.

Yeah, while I joke about 'Guardian and Summoner' and ISS, there's really not much to it. Tifa KH MIGHT be romantic, but that's more colored by circumstance than presence. Doubly so with Dissidia. If it is, it is. But it's not that way by default.

Even if you argue that Aerith, to Cloud, is a love interest. She is not just a love interest. She's a spiritual guide to him and the rest of the world. Aerith doesn't just represent love. She represents the planet and the spirituality of Gaia. We can talk about Cloti's ignore "Tifa's independence" but it goes both ways. By pretending Aerith=flower field= true love, you ignore that Aerith is suppose to be the greater power in all of the story.

You also ignore her role towards other people.

Not everything that relates to Aerith-Cloud-Tifa is suppose to be taken in romantic context.

Throwing in romance where it is not suppose to be only serves to undermine the role a character can play.


Ugh, I could only watch two episodes of the abomination. I got the impression Seed was to the Gundam series as X-2 was to Final Fantasy.

Seed doesn't have JOB SYSTEM, so I'll thank you not to besmirch 10-2 that way.
And no, there was only JOB SYSTEM in 10-2. All other claims contrary are nonsense.

Holy tl;drs

You'll find my responses pretty short, actually, but yes, very long overall.

I knew he said it, I just can't seem to be able to find the article.

Yeah, I realize this. But since it talks about her previous love, there's no reason they couldn't have taken this idea and applied it to Zack. Different character but same role.

True enough.

Every post I think ilu more and more <3

But what are you so afraid of? You think that you're afraid of, a love their is no cure for.

forget the lot of you and your walls of text, i'm off to watch some classic gundam.

I too, believe strongly in the sign of Zeta.
Seriously, it can make Niel Sedaka rockin'. what can't it do?

This is very much true. I should take it upon myself to point out that this is not an opinion, which she claims her first post is. As a matter of fact, I am hard pressed to find an actual opinion in the entire post. I request she point out her opinions. Also, when you get basic facts wrong, and people point out to you that you were wrong is not bashing opinions, but trying to correct you on facts.

Indeed. I used to have a statement in my sig about how if disagreeing with you was the same as oppression, your worldview was broken. That applies here too.

He acts this way about most things. Where is that quote that says Cloud does his expressing through his eyes.

Reunion Files, IIRC.

Obviously true. ES though jumps from speaking about the OG to AC. While it's true that in the OG and most of CoT, Tifa has trouble expressing her inner thoughts, I think she does a pretty good job of it in AC.

They actually make note of her improvement within the OG itself, and note that when AC comes around she's comfortable with expressing ideas when she thinks they're necessary

Ridiculous statement. How many AU games are Tidus/Yuna or Squall/Rinoa in together?

3 for T/Y (Extra if we count 10 and 10-2 Yuna in ISS and ISP)
2 for S/R. IIRC.

Besides "quality over quantity, my dear". Just appearing in a game together does not a canon couple make. Otherwise, I contend that the true pairing is Tidus/Wakka.

A truer bromance was never had than that between Meg Ryan and the Montana Jamaican.

On that note, it's resentful to bring in bizarre pairings to say that people "ship" whatever they want. So actual narrative means nothing if someone comes along claiming their love of Clack or Clephiroth. This being proof that there is no canon couple, how?

Feeling one way or another about the content of a book or movie, DOES NOT CHANGE THE CONTENT OF SAID BOOK OR MOVIE. "Read between the lines"? Try reading the lines first.

Are you familiar with the 'Wedge' strategy of Discovery Insitute, Tifabelle? This part is known as 'teaching the controversy.'

I want you to remember this. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and would like to see you use it again in the future :awesome:

Can do.

Also, can I address that the ending of the film and Reminiscence are the same thing? How do we know? She is claiming they are the same thing, but I don't see how. That's not to say they aren't, but I've missed it.

Reminiscence is the recap of FF7 with the 'Cloud on a Bike' scenes stuck in. The 'Cloud on a bike' scenes use the same footage as the second credits sequence. Same route, if not same day.

Well, as I'm sure you know, girls always stick random objects into their vaginas. Especially when they are virgins. The unfortunate thing is that Yuffie does not use nunchucks, so was she using someone else's? Or are we to assume that because she is a ninja, she is skilled in the use of all ninja-related weaponry. Although that would be on the assumption that one must be skilled to stick something in a vagina, which of course we all know is bollocks.

No no no. It's not because she's a ninja. It's because she's ASIAN![/OBVIOUS FUCKING SARCASM.]

But yeah, women in 'fic losing their hymens to all manner of oddly phallic objects has always been cause for amusement to me.


This reminds me of Cloud and Tifa and is hilarious.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
@ the Reminiscence thing - The similarities are obvious, but I don't understand why we would claim that it is the same time, or come up with some kind of chronological order concerning the ending.

Ryu said:
3 for T/Y (Extra if we count 10 and 10-2 Yuna in ISS and ISP)
2 for S/R. IIRC.

Which games if I may ask? I'm not familiar with ISS/ISP. And are you counting KH for T/Y, cause they didn't have any interaction, right? And if they did...strangeness would ensue. And there are other couples I'm sure that don't appear in games together. Not that it matters anyway. Ugh, I hate AU discussion.

Ryu said:
Are you familiar with the 'Wedge' strategy of Discovery Insitute, Tifabelle? This part is known as 'teaching the controversy.'

No, not familiar. Although I can ascertain what it is from your conversation.
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