The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


We recruited a Conjurer last night, which is the best healing class really. The only one for later dungeons, all things considered.

Really, just go for anything that isn't a damage dealer (so either a tank or a healer plz :D). But we actually have 3 tanks and two healers so it's not needs must.


^Someone's being influenced by the game, which is only a good thing. Until, like me, you respond to someone with "well met" while you're handing over money in a real life shop. Not kidding.

Tanks are Marauders or Gladiators. Healers are Conjurers and Scholars. The rest are damage dealers (hence the shortage).


Pro Adventurer
I have been doing a bit of reading on tanks. So, if that is the way you want to go, you can choose Gladiator or Marauder (as Lex said). Although, you are likely going to level both in the long run as they can use cross-class skills from each other that will really help both classes' tanking skills.

That aside, from what I have read on it, and from my very limited experience in pre-level 20 dungeons, Gladiator is a very good single target tank (one enemy, such as a boss) with higher defense because they carry a shield and have more abilities that increase their defenses. A Marauder on the other hand is very good at tanking multiple enemies because they have stronger attacks that affect multiple enemies that generate enmity (this is what keeps the enemies focused on you).

However, they can both tank single targets and multiple targets, just at differing effectiveness. Playing as a gladiator, it's definitely possible to keep multiple enemies from attacking anyone else, but right now I only have 1 ability to do so. It works, as long as the DPS don't jump the gun. But on single targets it is a piece of cake to hold their attention.

Also, and this might be a strong factor to consider, Marauders seem to be more FUN as they do a lot more damage and, once they become Warriors, have a mechanic called "Infuriated" where certain abilities will cause them to become more infuriated and allow them to perform powerful attacks once they reach a certain level of infuriated. Gladiator and Paladin don't really have an interesting mechanic like this. Although, managing your infuriated status might make Marauder a little harder to play as well. Anyway, that's my two cents. I hope it helps.

EDIT: I also wanted to point out that, while one reason there are not as many tanks and healers is because there are more DPS classes, it is also because tanks and healers carry the team more as well. DPS ARE important because you have to actually kill that monster you are fighting, but, if the healer or tank stop paying attention for even a couple of seconds, everyone could die. If a DPS dozes off often nothing bad will happen, unless there is some boss mechanic that requires the DPS to pull a switch or something.
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Gladiators are very decent single-target tanks when it comes to full-party strength, but Flash is picked up early on so I find them drawing emnity a little more often. In all honesty the difference is really between damage output and damage absorption. I'm finding maxing out evade and parry to be working very well for my character, as opposed to trying to go full health-liek (I call it the Shirahidori strategy). :monster:

EDIT: Oh also, Titan was very very difficult, it took 4 attempts. The people in my party had done it before aswell :D.

inb4 Attack on Titan joke


Seriously though, the arena is a big floating rock. He disappears randomly then comes crashing down on everyone which can also randomly knock all party members off the rock and kill them :desu:

Other FF game references everywhere. From dudes calling Titan Tidus to a mission called "Eyes on Me" about a paranoid guy thinking he's being watched.


OK so if there is a person who successfully completed the Sunken Temple of Qarn 1st time I'd like to meet them.

I've yet to finish it - I'm queuing again as I type this. The first "miniboss" of the dungeon is a dragon that not only summons adds, but has an unavoidable AoE attack that casts doom on all party members.

The doom will kill you in about 10 seconds - there are 3 square pads on the floor and to get rid of the doom you need to run to the one that's lit up. Nothing tells you this so you can imagine how fun that is for a first timer. I always ask when I enter a dungeon - "anything I should know" and this time the only guy who'd done it before neglected to mention it.

So on our 4th attempt at this miniboss, we're finally about to win when THE TANK GETS DISCONNECTED :/. So the 3 of us decide to wait for another party member to show up, which happens fairly quickly (about 5-10 mins) because it was a tank.

Of course, the replacement tank was new to the duty >_> so we explained everything. Then we wiped 4 times anyway, because it just doesn't stop casting doom. I mean that pad on the floor, making everyone move around thing is quite cool but when that's all you do to avoid dying it becomes a bit silly and too difficult.

It's not even a level thing, because I had to sync my level to do it.

EDIT: Unsurprisingly, the main boss of the dungeon is just as bad if not worse. It involves killing moving heads when they're on platforms, and DODGING LAZERS THAT CONSTANTLY CHANGE POSITION. lol. Seriously someone else here needs to do this dungeon so that they know the pain. It was also quite awesome though.
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Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
There was a discussion about tanks in the East Thanalan shoutbox last night. I've had two duties now where I've been the tank and the last one I did had someone literally screaming at me to use Flash constantly. I CAN'T USE IT EVERY GODDAMN TURN! I'm glad the people in there agreed that tanks are hated on quite a bit.

I do love being a tank, though. I've literally led everyone every time in the duties. :monster:


Consumed By Darkness
I'm finding it very hard to not play this game at the moment xD

A quick overview of where I am up to and what I am doing:

I'm currently a level 32 Dragoon (Became One last night), and whilst I am currently focusing n the main quest and about to face Titan in the next hour or so I am really wanting to hit level 50 by the end of the weekend although I doubt it will be done as the level leaps have become quite insane now.

I'm going to go on a recruiting spree pretty soon, possibly meet up with Lex and do some questing together when he gets online, but for now I will attempt to take on Titan

Really enjoying the game and I really really want that dragoon armour and weapon :monster:


lols, enjoy the novelty lex, future players will get into groups like that and be frowned upon for not knowing the exact way to play the instance / dungeon exactly right.


Did I mention that we wiped so many times the first time that we ran out of time and had to re-queue for the dungeon?

The second time round I was the only one that'd done it before so I spent 5 minutes in the chatbox explaining it to everyone :D.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I find myself slacking a bit lately because of work and actually doing stuff at the weekends, but I've got a shitload of time off next month. And I'm aiming to get this bad boy platinumed.


Joe, Arcana
Even though I'm more used to utility roles in MMOs (Much prefer healing dungeons than tanking or dps'ing) I think I might have to go as a damage dealer this time around. I can't seem to find an easy way to switch between allies in the ps3 version which would make healing an absolute bitch.

If somebody has the answer to this problem, I'd gladly take a healer role for the free company.

EDIT: Also may I add that although I am enjoying the game and gameplay I am highly disappointed in the service regarding the servers. It is impossible to make a character on Cerberus right now (or has been every time I log on for the last few days) so while I can level a character and enjoy I know that when that server opens up I will be abandoning them so that I can actually play on the one I want. Like my friends have asked if they should buy this game too so we can play together and I've just said No, because they will likely not be able to connect to any of the servers with my characters on anyway. Square Enix, in their attempts at dealing with the high load et all have made it impossible in some instances for people to play with each other who wanted to start doing so in the first place.

On top of that the service has been poor enough that I've had to make three characters on separate servers so that during the small windows of time I have to play I can actually do that. Whenever I try to play my Arcanist I can't because the world is full and I usually have to queue for a while to play as my Archer. I know it's opening week but still. =/

That aside I can't wait for all these issues to get sorted out because they haven't dissuaded me from wanting to play at all. This game rules.
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Pro Adventurer
Yeah, the server issues is a bummer for sure. I have had pretty good luck so far, but I figure that is because I am in the U.S.. I likely avoid the peak times when I log in. However, I was just playing a few minutes ago. I minimized the game to mess with some of my audio settings on my sound card and the game sound stopped. So I exited the game and now I can't get back in (1017 over and over). On the plus side, I can already tell my audio settings changes made the game sound better...

EDIT: Have you tried pressing up and down on the d-pad to cycle between party members?

EDIT2: I got back in. :)
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Joe, Arcana
I didn't know that's what up and down did. That's likely a huge help. XD


I haven't had problems logging in since Tuesday, but I suspect that's because they've disabled character creation :/

Which really does suck, because as well as you I have a friend who had to create a character on a Japanese server today. But they've said they'll be lifting the restriction soon after they raise the capacity, so here's hoping.

The development and operations teams are working diligently to combat the login issues which many of our users are currently facing, and ask for your continued patience and understanding over the next several days as we move to solve these problems.

To thank all of you for bearing with us for so long, we will be looking into different ways to reward our loyal fans and customers, such as an extension of the free trial period. Details on the plans we have in the works will be announced shortly.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we have been overwhelmed with the positive response for A realm Reborn, which is why it doubly pains us to implement any sort of measure that may restrict people from joining us in Eorzea. We sincerely apologize for the unwanted stress these restrictions have caused, and thank you immensely for the understanding you have shown over the past week. The fixes are almost in place and we look forward to seeing all of you very, very soon.


Pro Adventurer
Has anyone watched the movie that plays if you sit at the title screen for a few minutes? It is different from the opening movie (although it has similar scenes) and it shows a bit more of the story. It also has some cool action scenes.


It's the same as this trailer though right?

I've watched it quite a few times from waiting in the lobby :D.


Joe, Arcana
Shiva's no better. XD

As a matter of fact it wasn't until three days after I received the game that I was able to make a character on ANY of the EU servers. So now I have one character on a US server (my original one) one on a japanese server (which I had to make when I couldn't log on to my other one, world full etc.) and now one on the Moogle eu server which I made simply so I could have a character on the EU servers finally. >.<


Joe, Arcana
Okay I finally have a character on the Cerberus server. The full name is Raya'arc Tatayad .

What do I have to do now to join the free company?
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