The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
even to the point of considering moving servers

No don't :aah:

I'm almost done with the story, then we can team up and raid. I need to farm chests/primals so I can buy a room. Loot is crazy to sell on the market board. I'm also getting really good with my monk, people are dropping commendations at me left and right.

So don't leeeeeeeeeave

Celes Chere

I did the Moonfire Faire today and i really loved every bit of it, the white Yukata is my fave prize,,, tho the red and black designs were also good uvu i like the cute moogle on the blue one






Double Growth
Sorry Lex, I do wanna play again! So many games to play...also we're not at the best time difference from you, unless you're on until the early morning - not that you haven't been on and odd times in the past.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
They're also repeating the FFXI stuff soon, which is great because I missed it the last time. I wonder if they will do a repeat of Lightning Returns because I would like to get that achievement finished.

In other news, went back and worked on my lancer class, my monk gives it a healing command and a healing buff, so I'm zipping around killing everything very efficiently. The crafting for it is very easy at this point so I'm snowballing armor into high stats like a boss.


Double Growth
Yeah I originally started to pugilist as my multiclass because, in the beta, pugilist was the required class for dragoon. So I didn't realize it had changed, but I still use more of my pugilist cross-skills than Gladiator.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I thought Lancer would be a tank, but nope. So I will be a Marauder soon so I can finally try tanking out. I think I and Splintered have said this before, but playing as a Monk really trains you for staying out of AoEs and multi-tasking. I'd rank it right up there with Arcanist.

I'm using palette sets and it's becoming second nature on the controller. I start with a buff palette, then alternate between a Pug and Monk palettes with some buffs thrown in there to keep the chains going.

Between Monk and Lancer, I am noticing Lancers get the longer Stun and Slow status effects. But I'm so used to having to press one command to open up another that I keep using lancing commands in a pattern.

Also Lex if you train your Pug more you can get the Internal Release and Mantra buffs, and they transfer over. I activate those first thing, and Mantra helps the tank if you're near him (you both get a healing boost which in turn helps the caster.)

Unrelated, a theme restaurant is going to open in Japan:


Between Monk and Lancer, I am noticing Lancers get the longer Stun and Slow status effects. But I'm so used to having to press one command to open up another that I keep using lancing commands in a pattern.

Also Lex if you train your Pug more you can get the Internal Release and Mantra buffs, and they transfer over. I activate those first thing, and Mantra helps the tank if you're near him (you both get a healing boost which in turn helps the caster.)

LNC/DRG works the same way as Monk aside from the form shifting. They're both melee DPS and they're both dependent on flank/back attacking for combos. The only real difference is that DRG doesn't have the form shifting the monk does, and combo moves don't really open up til later levels.

DRG has 3 main 3-attack combos. Vorpal Thrust - Full Thrust - True Thrust is one, and that comes after the major debuff combo; Impulse Drive - Disembowel - Chaos Thrust.

The main "feature" of DRG so to speak is doing heavy thrust from the flank then doing other combos in the right order before re-buffing with heavy thrust, because the buff only lasts for 15 seconds. So doing that all and dodging AoE really is a good trainer for multitasking. The main problem is the third attacks in the combos don't open up til like level 35.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
They're also repeating the FFXI stuff soon, which is great because I missed it the last time. I wonder if they will do a repeat of Lightning Returns because I would like to get that achievement finished.

It helps when I look at a calendar--yes, Lightning Returns and Dragon quest will also be repeating: Sept 1-10 (LR), Sept 14-23 (DQ)



Pro Adventurer
So, Patch 2.35 hit today, most notably adding Ixali beast tribe quests and updates to the hunting marks system. Also, it added the ability to grow fruit to feed to your chocobo. This fruit will change the color of your chocobo. I have planted the fruit for darker blue, red, and green. Once some space is available in the garden, I will plant the other 3 fruit too.

EDIT: Well, it looks like you can maybe customize your color by feeding them combinations of fruit. This post from reddit says:

The patch notes show that there's 7 new fruits you can feed your chocobo to change their colors; three that will increase the color by a shade of red, green, or blue, three that will decrease the shade, and one that will return the chocobo to it's default shade. That would suggest that chocobo colors are based on a RGB scale rather than dye, and thus any color is possible.
The patch notes read:

Once fed, a chocobo's plumage will change in six hours (Earth time).
* The chocobo's plumage will change color depending on the fruit it was fed.
* After the chocobo's plumage changes color, feeding it a Han lemon will restore their plumage to their original yellow hue. Unlike other fruits, the chocobo's plumage will change immediately upon inspecting the chocobo stable a second time.
* No change will occur if chocobos are removed from the stable prematurely. It is recommended to feed them during times when the chocobo can be left stabled for extended periods, such as prior to logging out for the day.

That makes it sound like you can only feed a fruit to a chocobo every six hours, so if you want a specific color, you're going to need to feed it multiple fruits over multiple days, without access to your chocobo while the color is changing. No idea yet by how much the color will increase/decrease.

But, by that logic, certain colored chocobo are going to be harder to obtain since they'll require more fruit than others. And "pure" colors (red, green, blue, black, white, etc.) that require the maximum number of fruit in one direction on all three sliders, will be the most difficult.

Pure black and pure white chocobo are likely going to be the most desired. Gardeners, prepare you soil!

Disclaimer: this is all speculation based on patch notes. You might have to sacrifice 20 catgirls to the RNG god to get the color you want for all I know. /end of quote

Hmm, I can't decide now what color I want. Black would be cool, but I could also do something different like purple or something. Decisions, decisions.
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Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
They nerfed spiritbond gain :sadpanda:

One thing I wish they would do for duty finders is: if someone doesn't accept the okay to commence, it just finds another person like it does when you kick a player from a dungeon. I don't understand why it throws everyone out of a matchup after waiting 45 minutes + just to start over.

Also I see a lot of airship crafting in the update list. Can we make airships now or has that been a thing?

That would be awesome to have a massive FC ship. I could see that: a FC ship that could go anywhere on the map, so a group of FC members could hop on board and travel to a place for gathering/fates, and people on the ground could see ships in the sky at any time. Heliports could be added to house.

EDIT: Oh yes Yoshida does have plans for FC airships

JPGAMES: Are there any plans on how the traveling will work in A Realm Reborn? Not only by the Etherites. Will there also be Airships or Ships? Or something new?

YOSHIDA: Yes definitely, with the main storyline you will sort of need airships and also a ship. But not only prepared ships and airships. During the update we will implement a system, so you can build your own ship or airship with your own guild. You can make your own version.

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Pro Adventurer
Yeah, there are plans for airships, but I think the new patch just has you building one for the Ixali as part of their quests.

Also, I have been reading some speculation on the chocobo colors, and if the system is a true RGB light based system, then it will actually require lightening the colors to get black (essentially, removing color) and darkening to get white (adding color to the spectrum).

If so, I planted the wrong fruit for starting out, as I was hoping to go darker. But we won't know until someone actually harvests some fruit and starts feeding their chocobo. It costs allied seals to buy the seeds and likely takes a few days for them to grow. I will buy the other 3 seeds I have not yet planted as soon as some space opens up in our garden. Hopefully they yield a good amount so we have plenty to go around.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
They're doing a different event for Halloween this time. I approve of traveling circus being yearly episodic.




Also Shiva and new classes trailer

Moar info
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That trailer was perfect, I couldn't be more excited for this patch. Shiva AND the Ninja class has a ranged physical attack as well as stealth! So cool!

I definitely need to get back into the swing of things before the patch gets released.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
The stealth looks really good for mob pulls. I wonder if Rogue can steal things.

And now, a CG trailer--looks like an old school expansion pack:

EDIT: It is the game's first expansion pack, and will introduce a new playable race
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon

Celes Chere

SO SO I FINALLY GOT MY RELIC WEAPON AS A BARD HECK YEA AND ONCE I GET MY FINAL ARMOR SET I'M MOVING ON ~ I'M GOING TO BE A HEALER NEXT TIME i love this game weeps i'm only ilevel 61 rn so I want to be good enough to do the extreme modes I did hard mode Ifrit,Garuda,and Titan and omg IFRIT AND TITAN WERE SO MUCH FUN but garuda sucked tbh it is just not a fun time


i also upgraded to the ps4 version before it's too late
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The extreme primals are super intense XD. If you scroll back a few pages you'll see my post of EXTREME JOY because I finally beat Titan extreme... after trying for 3 months. I don't think I'll ever do that again unless its all of you guys for training or something.

But, with the right group it is actually a lot of fun. Same as the later Coil's, just need to persevere :)

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So, is it likely that there will be a battle with Bahamut in this Final Coil of Bahamut? He is sort of the reason Eorzea got rebooted (the in-universe reason anyway).
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