The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]

Celes Chere




(he's from the bachelor party, he came out of the cake) <-- that doesn't really happen but WHAT IF

((unicorn not included :'))

and i shamelessly bought the santa outfit



Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Wasn't sure if my brain was going to adjust to the new framerate on the PS4. It's really smooth and rapid, like being in a disney movie.

I also tried the Remote Play with the Vita--it's nice. :monster:

I set all the menus to the maximum 140%, the print's still tiny but I can see enough. MY POWER LEVELING WILL KNOW NO LIMITS

Celes Chere

I was excited I finally got Amon's coat in ST but ...

ON THE PLUS SIDE i finally got the moogle bow &#9829;


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I missed the marriage update? ;u;

well i'll hopefully be able to finish inquisition anytime soon and get back into dis gaem~
(also you MOTHAFUCKAS better not be hogging the rooms in the house! x3)


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
(also you MOTHAFUCKAS better not be hogging the rooms in the house! x3)

I've been the only one in the company for the past 24 days, I'm the leader by default again :wacky:

I keep trying to make those darn crafting tables for the house, but then I find out they want me to do these extreme mining quests to get *1* necessary component to make them. So I'm 50'ing all the classes before I even attempt doing that. 5 more to go~

(PS, I am a horrible leader, will be waiting to go back to Turk)


I hope you're popping back to the house every now and again, it gets sold automatically if no one goes in for a period of time (it's either 2 weeks or 2 months I don't remember) :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I know I use the house as a warp point for Limsa...




EDIT: Okay, we're cool everything's still there. I think I'm going to park my guy in the house every time I quit for the day, if that's the case.
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I just looked it up, it's 35 days.

I want to get back into it soon, but I need to consider the following: I am right now concurrently playing Crisis Core on the PSP, Lightning Returns and Mirror's Edge on the PS3, Inquisition (again) on the PS4 and Need for Speed on the Vita.

Then there's the subscription thing, which right now I could afford to renew but I'm afraid that I won't get my money's worth while I'm playing all these other games. I really struggle to not be addicted when I'm active on it. The first time I played it I played for a solid 60 days and then did the same earlier this year. It's like I can't do it in moderation.

And I don't know if I'm doing it because I want to get the most out of my money or because I'm a completionist. I know I'm a completionist, but this isn't like any other FF where I can blitz it for a week and get 100% and that's kind of what I've been doing. Blitzing it for 2 month blocks and getting close to 100% then taking a break after a major breakthrough (the last one being Titan Extreme which I had to try upwards of 200 times to successfully complete due to bad groups).

Also I beat coil 5 and even coil 6 iirc and that's when I decided I needed a break.


Second post because it's only slightly related:

I remember also feeling like Cerberus was a bit shitty the last time I was on, but I'm not too sure other servers would be any different. I don't want to switch because we have the FC, but I'm open to the idea of moving servers if everyone else here is having problems on cerberus. These things are totally fluid though so I might go back on and everything will be fine, I've met some cool people on there. Sometimes I do feel a bit like the only gay in the village though (although I did find someone called Brent Everett who is a gay porn actor and he claimed to actually be Brent Everett in the shoutbox... no I did not ask) and I kind of feel like people in the UK should maybe join an American server because the EU servers are obviously a bit diluted/ segregated due to the languages. I mean it's still like 90% English most of the time going by the party finder so maybe this isn't something I should worry about.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Actually a lot of people are helping me out and friending me lately. I only run into rude players in the duty finder, but that's if I don't know/forgotten something about a dungeon; as soon as I figure it out, they calm down. FFXIV players are more in a rush than rude imo, if they get stalled in any way they come up for air.

That's why I just watch video tutorials before I get invested in a dungeon.

The only time I get really trolled is when 3 of the four people in a Light Party hook up with me, and they announce to everyone that they know each other, saying something like "Oh hay wut a coincidence that we hooked up together!11". If they start doing stupid things or wasting your time in obvious ways (WM just decides not to heal), pull out--they are riding the duty finder, and are there to waste your time.



The one on the other side of the ward from us used to be available to go in and poke around. I'd like one too :D

There is that one guy in the FC (one of Joe's friends) who knows how to work the market boards (like really work them, apparently he has years of practice from similar stuff in WoW) and has like 50 million gil just sitting there for the lulz - he's the one who bought all the expensive shit for the house btw. If he decides to come back at some point he might randomly buy a mansion XD.


Joe, Arcana
The one on the other side of the ward from us used to be available to go in and poke around. I'd like one too :D

There is that one guy in the FC (one of Joe's friends) who knows how to work the market boards (like really work them, apparently he has years of practice from similar stuff in WoW) and has like 50 million gil just sitting there for the lulz - he's the one who bought all the expensive shit for the house btw. If he decides to come back at some point he might randomly buy a mansion XD.
I could always call in a favor with him at some point. :monster:

Also, subscription renewed. Gonna sate myself with levelling a Ninja right now (Ninja Lalaffel. It's as good as it gets) and working my way up the higher level content slowly but surely as Scholar.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
and working my way up the higher level content slowly but surely as Scholar.

What dungeons are you on? I can be your DPS.

I've been spamming Praetorium for Soldiery because I can't find anybody for the other dungeons I've unlocked. I'd really like to start tackling the 25+ Soldiery dungeons.


Joe, Arcana
I'll let you know next time I check, it's been a while. I do remember doing the first lot of Crystal Tower stuff though so wherever that leaves me.

Also nice to see somebody moved in upstairs. That lot was vacant when I was last around.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
There's a free 14-day trial going on right now for the PS4 for anyone interested.


^Crap I was supposed to tell someone when one of those sprung up and I can't remember who it was.

I miss running dungeons. I'm going to pop back on shortly too.

Celes Chere

I LOVE MTQCAPTURE her guides are lifesavers to me. Also if ya'll move anywhere move to Ultros B)

I've been doing the christmas event and i got the cute little snowman minion today &#9829; ALONG WITH ALL THE OTHER EVENT CLOTHES AS WELL *V*

There are other items you can get that I haven't gotten yet so I guess I'll keep collecting gems to get the rest just to see what they are ~



I just wish you guys would be more constant in playing it / playing times, maybe I would've liked it better if my experiences with you lot weren't limited to running into Ami once or twice while she was running an errand before moving on again, :monster:


I don't think it helps that you decided to nab the game when half of us had stopped playing it for a bit and were therefore already at the end of the story when you were at the start. You can't really do much with that big of a level discreprancy between characters :D.


You could've started new ones, :monster:. IDK, I guess I don't like games where the level difference means you can't effectively play together. I'll bring up Eve again, where even the biggest most senior fleets are pretty much useless without a group of newbies in cheap frigates doing some pew pewing and tackling and shit.


I'm always happy to run the lower level dungeons with anyone that wants to play, but we were never on together. The most fun thing about this game is running dungeons and fights with people you actually know rather than randoms :monster:

Celes Chere

that's the cool thing about xiv tho? there's so many classes you guys could have just started working on a new class from the start with him! unless of course... you've reached level 50 on all your classes in which case bravo make an alt character and play again? or just have ur high level do low level dungeons together unless you actually want to trek through the tasks together bit by bit

I only have about a handful of friends i play with (only two I really ACTIVELY play with) and when I first started the game that's what they did! But one of my friends had the game so long she just waited for me to play catch up. Once I was in the higher levels we had tons of fun running dungeons and trials together and she helped me complete a lot of my primals. The other friend I stick with i did play catch up with a little bit but she also started new classes to get on my level with which was cool.

Tbh I think doing the story together is boring anyway, lol. I'd rather just do the tasks and SNORE FILLED STORY LINE on my own as fast as possible and get to the good bits (THE HIGH LEVEL STUFF IS THE AWESOME PART , DOING THAT WITH FRIENDS IS WHEN IT GETS REALLY GOOD) . tbh ... i don't really know the story line well. ever time there's a cutscene...

i skip it. I started doing that after the... 20th main story quest. I did watch a few cutscenes at the first end of the main quests tho and I do watch new dungeon cutscenes otherwise I don't even bother. i was just like wow this story is kinda boring EVEN FOR an mmo. tho there was a sad thing in the main story line that I was actually like wow good on u , u got a tear out of me

duty finder can be hell but it can also be really fun. Even with a bad party, it can be a hilariously good time. Sucks if you're farming or trying to complete, though... I've been trying Titan Extreme in duty finder for months now with no luck. Even when I had two friends with me, we bit the dust because of an awful healer. That annoys me, because I really want to unlock my next primal which is ifrit extreme :/ And ifrit was my favorite fight on hard mode. I usually ask between two linkshells and FC BUT NO ONE EVER WANTS TO DO TITAN EXTREME so I'm kinda SOL on that one, I have to hope one day I get a committed and logically thinking party on duty finder.... some day

duty finder has been really, REALLY great for me up until titan ex... i mean some days you get those REEEALLY bad ones but every time for titan ex... it's frustrating :'( So many times it's been me and the tank last ones standing and we both jump off and kill ourselves bc wipe

I remember this one time I'd joined a party for titan ex and the tanks first words were "new to tanking" and I just let out the most giant SIGH I knew shit wasn't getting done lol SO YEAH duty finder is hit or miss I really wish more of my friends played on ultros, I was lucky enough to get a few I already knew &#9829;&#9829;&#9829; I find it a little difficult to make friends actually IN GAME tho. My FC barely talks to one another lol. I feel kind of out of place in my linkshells tho I have made a few friends of friends.

I think in game?? I've only actually made two friends whom I've only spoken to a few times xnx
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