The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


The Sublimely Magnificent One
Fastest way to get Esos is to just grind Aetherochemical Research Facility for 150 a pop. Which is also a really fast and easy way to get 3 comms per run as a tank with all the big pulls there :)

Got my Gilded Magitek Armor yesterday, by the way.


I can't stand that place. I don't mind getting it in the level 60 roulette for economy, but choosing to farm it? Ugh. And I have to. For umbrite XD. Although I've just been doing roulettes for that tbh.


The Sublimely Magnificent One
I can't stand that place. I don't mind getting it in the level 60 roulette for economy, but choosing to farm it? Ugh. And I have to. For umbrite XD. Although I've just been doing roulettes for that tbh.

I love it, though, I main Paladin, and big pulls are so much fun, lol. I can see why it would get old, though. And the whole no loot thing sucks.

It has great music, though. "Imagination" is one of my favorite HW tracks.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Look what was added to the fan kit!




Job sprites based off the Deep Dungeon 8-bit UI!


Like I ranted to Obs er, last night / night before last, I'm 20K ish off (so like 2 enemies) of lvl 60. I guess the real game v2 begins then, again. fuck mmos yo. halp. Moar people should coem play and do stuff, pls.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
I've enjoyed FFXIV enough so far I've renewed my subscription for it. I like being able to switch off and just level up without having to think about much.

...Granted I'm only level 16 :closedmonster:


I just hit level 60, so er, let the grind begin :monster:.

I'll try and finish the main story (up until the expansion thing anyway, not sure if there's more main storyline added in patches afterwards) and start ze big grinde. Else I'll level my machinist for shits and giggles, see the game from the side that actually has to wait in queues.

(On that note, why don't they just up the number of people in an instance, add DPS until the queue thing is no longer an issue. I know Eve has a vastly different ratio of people vs healers; no tanks, all dps, and about 5-10% of players in a group have the role of healer. There's no "traditional" PvE content though, so, idk.)

I should probably go into the last battle thing unspoiled. Don't really care much about the dungeons, they were unremarkable.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^The Heaveansward story only just got it's conclusion in 3.3, so you've got quite a bit of story left. Also, dungeon design greatly improved in Heavensward, or at the very least, it got more visually impressive (Sohr Kai <3).

One thing I got used to doing as DPS was using all the time spent waiting for spots to open up to level other classes. When I started leveling my tanks and healers, I actually got annoyed that the wait time was non-existent.

As far as role ratios go, there's several trials/raids that need two tanks to swap stacking debuffs or they'll die (Rahmu, Ifrit, lots of Bahamut/Alexander bosses, etc.) and several mechanics that alternate between targeting one healer and then the other (Ifrit, Alexander bosses). So you pretty much do need two tanks and two healers for most end game content if simply so that if one healer dies, the other healer can Raise them and prevent a wipe. Bosses' frontal cleaves hit way too hard for DPS to hold aggro for any length of time and a lot (practically all) of boss strategies rely on the boss staying in specific locations so the DPS can play DDR with the AOE attacks with as little hassle as possible. Long story short, SE designs PvE content with Tanks and Healers in mind and makes it very difficult (if not impossible) to use party comps that don't have them.

It should be noted that when people fight battles unsynced (though the party finder with no maximum Lvl/iLvl), they'll often use less tanks/healers if the boss strategy doesn't need two of them. Also, Warriors and Scholars can do decent DPS for not being DPS classes; so you'll sometimes see them gear for damage instead of defense/healing if the boss isn't the latest Extreme/Savage mode to come out.


Yay endgame grind stuff; I've already done two new dungeons and unlocked the first Alexander thing, but my ilvl isn't high enough yet so I'll have to grind Aetherochemical something a few times. Already got the sword and shield so far. I'm not going to go for the Atma weapon set, fuck that grind, did it for the other weapons and it was tl;dr and I don't know how you guys managed to get it up to Zeta because fuck that shit.


Pro Adventurer
For the anima weapon, I am just taking it slow. The first step in the expansion took me 2 1/2 months. With the current step, the part that is slow is that you need 300 esoteric tomes for each item (and you need 80 items total in the end - so 24,000 esoterics). So I am just running any daily roulettes I feel like running that day and buying the items when I can. I am starting to feel like it isn't worth it though, as I don't do the savage raids anyway and thus don't have to have the best weapon. Getting a weapon that is only 10 ilevels less from tomes is so much easier. But, since I get esoterics anyway that I can use towards the relic weapon, I am at the "might as well" stage.


The Sublimely Magnificent One
For the anima weapon, I am just taking it slow. The first step in the expansion took me 2 1/2 months. With the current step, the part that is slow is that you need 300 esoteric tomes for each item (and you need 80 items total in the end - so 24,000 esoterics). So I am just running any daily roulettes I feel like running that day and buying the items when I can. I am starting to feel like it isn't worth it though, as I don't do the savage raids anyway and thus don't have to have the best weapon. Getting a weapon that is only 10 ilevels less from tomes is so much easier. But, since I get esoterics anyway that I can use towards the relic weapon, I am at the "might as well" stage.

You need 680 Esoteric tomes for the Unidentifiable items, not 300.

Dear God I wish it was 300.


Pro Adventurer
For the anima weapon, I am just taking it slow. The first step in the expansion took me 2 1/2 months. With the current step, the part that is slow is that you need 300 esoteric tomes for each item (and you need 80 items total in the end - so 24,000 esoterics). So I am just running any daily roulettes I feel like running that day and buying the items when I can. I am starting to feel like it isn't worth it though, as I don't do the savage raids anyway and thus don't have to have the best weapon. Getting a weapon that is only 10 ilevels less from tomes is so much easier. But, since I get esoterics anyway that I can use towards the relic weapon, I am at the "might as well" stage.

You need 680 Esoteric tomes for the Unidentifiable items, not 300.

Dear God I wish it was 300.

That's the step that took me 2 1/2 months. The step I am on now requires Umbrite, which costs 300 esoterics. Just like the last step, there are 80 items needed again.

Also, you can get the unidentifiable items in other ways besides tomes in the step you are on, such as beast tribe dailies. For the current step, the ONLY way to get umbrite is from esoterics. So there is sort of a reason why it costs more on your step. I preferred it that way actually, as it gave me more options.
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The Sublimely Magnificent One
That being said, I still feel like that phase would be easier :P

100 Esos from level roulette
100 from 50
120 from 60 Roulette
60 from Expert
45 from Vanu tribes
Plus whatever you get from hunts, miscellaneous dungeons, etc.

It would be pretty easy to get 2 a day, at least, just doing roulettes with a run of ARF.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
On Anima weapons: The drop rate of crystals from FATEs is way better then it used to be. I think the longest I spent grinding on one crystal type was maybe two hours. I did one crystal type per day so it took me a week to do. And that was taking it pretty easy. You'll often find groups of people doing FATES so that everyone is guarantied gold so that helps out a lot.

What gets to me isn't the Tombstone grind as that's very predictable. It's the gill grind. You need 16 HQ items that can only be crafted by Lvl 60* crafters (and you need all crafting classes to be that high). On Cerberus, those items go for 175k per item on average. They're usually sold in stacks of four and go for around 750k - 1M per stack. Getting that much gill takes way more effort then getting the Tombstones if you were to only rely on the gill gotten from doing dungeons/trials/raids. So yeah, the Tombstone grind is annoying but the fact that I have to save around 4M gill... it shouldn't be that high. At least there's a bunch of new crafting gear which should make it easier (and less expensive) to craft the items in the first place...

Speaking of iLvl 210+ weapons... they are way more annoying to get then armor... like by a lot.

Not counting the Anima weapon, which goes up to iLvl 240 now, here's how the rest of them are gotten:

210 (Artifact): trade guarantied drop from Void Ark raid for Gobdip and upgrade iLvl 200 Wep. Easiest weapon to get on the list.

220 (Sephirot): Sephirot Extreme drop or exchange 10 Extreme drops for a specific weapon. Well, you have to be able to farm Sephirot Extreme...

230 (Ekion): 1000 Lore and 1 High-Capacity Tombstone. You can only get 450 Lore per week and can either get a High-Capacity Tombstones from Alexander: Cuff of the Son (Savage) or by exchanging 7 Midan Gears for one. Midan Gears can be got once per week from Alexander: Burden of the Son. So you can either farm an easier boss for over double the time it takes to get the Tombstones (and get more 230 armor in the meantime) or farm Savage battles.

235 (Hoard): Same deal as Sephirot weapon, but now you're farming Nidhogg Extreme.

240 (Augmented Ekion): Upgrade the 230 Ekion weapon with drops that can only be gotten in Alexander: Arm of the Son (Savage). Yup. More Savage farming.

245 (Midan): Same deal as Hoard weapon, but now you're farming Alexander: Burden of the Son (Savage) (you only need 8 drops instead of ten to buy it though).

So yeah, that's how all the end game weapons that aren't the Anima are gotten. And at least getting to the iLvl. 240 Anima weapon can be done with a lot of different, diverse turn-ins instead of just a few items that can only be gotten in a few ways. Yes, you still need Esoterics, but you also don't need to get items that can only be gotten by high level crafters...

Armor on the other hand...

Well, you can get the iLvl. 230 Ekion armor just for Lore Tombstones, nothing else. You can upgrade them to iLvl. 240 armor by getting the catalyst to upgrade by either farming Alexander Midas Savage floors or by exchanging items gotten from both Void Ark and Weeping City raids once per week (Void Ark always drops the item, Weeping City drops it once a week) or by exchanging Unstained Clan Mark Logs which are gotten by doing the Clan Hunt. So you've got a lot more lower stress options to get high tier armor.

And do Weeping City for a piece of iLvl. 230 armor once a week (no accessories though).

Or you can get the iLvl. 240 Midian armor by farming Alexander: Midas Savage...

But still, way simpler (if longer) to get good armor then to get good weapons.


The Sublimely Magnificent One
Oh, definitely. I have a complete 240 Augmented Hellfire Fending armor set (and a 220 Eikon Ring of Fending) for my Paladin, and am being held back by my infuriatingly low 210 Weapon.

It's a good thing that I like beating up the Gobbie Megazord, because I'm not even going to consider savage runs until I can get a halfway decent weapon. And frankly, fuck Nidhogg EX.


Pro Adventurer
@The Engineer

I completely forgot about the HQ items. I kind of hate it when they have steps that require HQ items because they label the relic weapons as "casual" content that is supposed to be easy, but time consuming. However, not all casual players are rolling in gil, which sort of defeats the purpose they stated for the relic weapons.

I will say that it makes sense to make weapons the hardest to get though because they have a big impact on your DPS, which has a large impact on how easily a group can down content.

That being said, I still feel like that phase would be easier :P

100 Esos from level roulette
100 from 50
120 from 60 Roulette
60 from Expert
45 from Vanu tribes
Plus whatever you get from hunts, miscellaneous dungeons, etc.

It would be pretty easy to get 2 a day, at least, just doing roulettes with a run of ARF.

You are probably right actually. I just get lazy and don't want to do multiple roulettes every day, so it is taking awhile. :P


I think, all things considered, it's easier to just wait for the next expansion and do the first mission or something, :monster:


Joe, Arcana
Obs and I fought through the first ten floors as an Archer and Dark Knight. It was pretty fun and entertaining. The progression feels really rewarding along with the items you get inside. I'd highly recommend people try it out, either solo or in a group you know. ^_^
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