The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Double Growth
I'm going to find whomever is spamming the Ul'dah Shouts with the gil ads and throw their computer in a woodchipper.

And they're going to be glad I only did it to their computer.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Yeah how do you block that stuff?

I did however, find out how to turn the sound off in the Message settings.


Need to play this after much sleep, just got back from my week on boats doing environmental testing :/

Anyway yeah, the gil spammers are really fucking annoying (and we SERIOUSLY got one on the forum while I was away waaaaaaaaat), I now have 30 people on my Blacklist from gil spamming. That seems pretty excessive.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Ul'dah is possibly the worst offender (spambots shouting every second, making communication in the chatbox impossible) and it makes me the saddest panda because it is a beautiful home city


Joe, Arcana
It's not as beautiful as Limsa Lominsa.



Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Honestly, I initially thought that way but the more I spend time in the big three cities, the more I feel that they're all pretty much on equal ground. Limsa is indeed beautiful, but Ul'Dah has one of the strongest and most unique identities for a locale in the game. It's a giant towering, enduring city-fortress made of rock and cobblestone, and it looks like it was carved from the surrounding desert.

Surprisingly the area also feels like one of the most vertical, with deep sinkholes and underground rivers and lakes. Gridania might be very connected with nature, but imo Ul'Dah seems to be the very embodiment of the ground.


~The Other Side of Fear~
I haven't played nearly as much of this as I planned to. Been too busy. I do find it's fun, but I'm not a huge fan of the combat. But my god it's so pretty!


Honestly, I initially thought that way but the more I spend time in the big three cities, the more I feel that they're all pretty much on equal ground. Limsa is indeed beautiful, but Ul'Dah has one of the strongest and most unique identities for a locale in the game. It's a giant towering, enduring city-fortress made of rock and cobblestone, and it looks like it was carved from the surrounding desert.

Surprisingly the area also feels like one of the most vertical, with deep sinkholes and underground rivers and lakes. Gridania might be very connected with nature, but imo Ul'Dah seems to be the very embodiment of the ground.

yea no, not really feeling Ul'dah. It has cool music and is pretty but the other places hands-down beat it imo.


Double Growth
I like all three cities. I'm partial to Gridania but I'm sure that has to do with me starting there.

Limsa Lominsa is very pretty, but I have no idea how to get around that city.


I started in Gridania and felt a bit overwhelmed, I think it's because there are too many people there (most popular classes etc). Limsa was a pleasant surprise. Ul'dah was... fitting for the classes it represents.


Well it was my first MMO, so I assumed the extreme number of people there was normal. Until I went to the other cities.


Joe, Arcana
Limsa was where I started and it just feels like home. Also as far as feeling vertical, Limsa wins hands down. All of the places you walk and can go are like stalagmites rising from the ground, carved into giant rocks, an obvious sign of cliff faces eroded by nature. It's by far the best city, with plenty of people running around and an added focus of it floating atop the sea.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Didn't know there was this much info on the FFXIV houses. They're huge!



Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I've always started in Ul'dah and liked it. It's pretty much home for me. Don't get me wrong, Gridania and Limsa are both beautiful, but your starter will have the most impact right from the start.

Misha Mie

Rookie Adventurer
I started in Ul'Dah and I like Gridania better. Limsa is too much of a maze for my liking and Ul'Dah is just blah....

that said, I try to avoid the cities when I can to avoid the gold spammers :P


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I want them to bring back Good King Moggle Mog just for this



Still quite liking the game...but sometimes I swear I want to throat punch some of the assholes I get stuck in parties with :(


Double Growth
Every single person I met in the beta was pleasant. I thought all the proponents of subscription-based MMOs always argue that it "keeps all the riffraff out." I know this month is free, but still you had to buy the game at this point and I've run into fewer fun people.

Maybe that argument is being made by all the assholes though and they are actually referring to casual players.

Misha Mie

Rookie Adventurer
seems like most issues I've seen (and I've only seen a few) appear to revolve around console players who have no keyboard and thus don't communicate with the rest of the party. they appear to do things recklessly or make weird moves without warning and I think if they could actually say what their plan was it might be easier to either understand what they're doing or discuss with them why their plan might not be the best idea.


That's not really been the problem I've run into so much; in fact, it's kind of the opposite problem I've been having - people who clearly have a keyboard yelling at people rather than simply saying what they may have an issue with. Last night Force and I were doing Cutter's Cry for the first time, and one of the bosses spawns a million adds who go after the healer. I put them to sleep, and the healer told me I was "f***ing wrong" for thinking that was a good thing to do despite no one having told me not to do that and then proceeded to yell at me and told me if I casted sleep one more time he'd ignore any injuries the party took. Just tell me it's not a good strategy, and I won't do it, don't freak out at me because I don't automatically know what to do. Of course, it was the healer who kept dying first after that, and then the healer who threw a temper tantrum and said they weren't going to come back to the boss room and was instead going to "sit here and waste 27 minutes of your time" (the amount of time we had left in the dungeon). I wasn't being irate back, I hate being yelled at for something I just don't know, and the only time I even remotely snapped back was when he again yelled at me for not stacking. I didn't know what that meant, I thought he meant stacking my spells as that increases the damage, which I had been doing so I snapped that I had been, and then he basically called me a moron because that's not what he meant by stacking - which I just didn't know, again. I'm completely new to MMOs and as such I'm unfortunately not familiar with all of their terms. Stacking is in my spell description which is why I thought that's what he meant. But anyway, it's people like that whom I've been running into in dungeons lately and it really sours the entire experience. The dungeons are one of my favorite parts of this game because I love working together, but if I'm being berated, it really takes away from it.

Misha Mie

Rookie Adventurer
yeesh, that sounds awful!

sounds like we need more guildies to catch up so we don't have to rely on PUGs as much ;)


Horrible people can be a real problem in dungeons sometimes. At one point I went through a string of parties with tanks and healers just rage quitting/ shouting. And the thing is you don't really want to argue back because it looks so juvenile in the chat box and it's a little embarrassing.

That first boss in Cutter's Cry was my first instance of this aswell. At first there was a tank who was a gladiator and just couldn't keep the aggro from all the adds like a marauder can, so he got frustrated and quit. Then there was a know-it-all who proceeded to tell us how crap we all were when he was the one making all the mistakes.

Pretty much every party instance after that has been the same. The only thing I can tell you is to try your damn hardest to take a healer you know (someone from the FC) to fight Garuda, because the number of attempts that took me was because of shitty healers.
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