The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Celes Chere

Cleriths are nice anyways, we're not generalizing.

Agreed. I have Clerith friends (who I can prove aren't phantoms. =P), and I could never put something as silly as an LTD between us. It's just people who lie, and take things too far, so far as to harass and insult, that are just really pathetic. On any side of the LTD, and anywhere, any time, any place in general.

Getting upset over a fictional pairing to go so far as to make up lies and create a "Cloti Oppression" is just going too far. It's immature, and it's not right.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Wait... I got no warnings before my posts got deleted.
Nor did I 'rip' anyone's throat over anything.

I do like how she determines that I 'didn't like' the no bashing rule when I noted that their qualifications for bashing were rather asinine (Literally 'I love it, it's not canon' was considered bashing, and I see that as asinine), nor did I 'constantly repeat' myself. I made all of three posts before turning my attention elsewhere. And the only thing I said in those other two posts were that the deletion of such posts was really not the best way to handle grievances as a member of staff and that it made them appear rather draconian, something people had expressed grievances about before.

Also, for months? I had barely appeared there 'for months' in the first place.

Sorry for talking specifics, A, but really, libel like this does get my dander up.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Nah it's fine, I'm facepalming at the people responsible for deleting your posts anyway.


Great Old One
Getting upset over a fictional pairing to go so far as to make up lies and create a "Cloti Oppression" is just going too far. It's immature, and it's not right.
This is just going too far. Of course we all deserve to be crushed by their pink Nazi boots. Don't bring up something fucking taboo like that and expect it to be well received.

And also, V. LOL.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
So like you, FB, I am typically friendly and light-hearted about most things, even when telling people in debates to calm down, but Ryu was just the straw that broke the camel's back in this case.

Wait, wait. I'm confused... this poster is a camel??

I salute the Pink boots...:salute:

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
V- You have a finger in that pie too? :P Seriously is there anywhere you don't mod/admin at? ;)

Aaron owns the internets? :wacky:

Thanks everyone. I actually like it here you're all nice to me :joy:

It is a bit hard with all the smack sometimes but I feel the same when I see the bashing of Clotis at other forums (I worry if I'm going to get tossed on my ear for defending Ryu one day <_<) I have the sense to know when people aren't generalising/being specific/personal though. That's why I can get on here :D

There is much nice to be found like the clubs and friendly Clotis posting pictures and videos. As well as that the LSN isn't just about the LTD, there are so many threads and posts about/for many different subjects that I think there's something for everybody to enjoy here really if they look hard enough :)
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
which pie? :wackymonster: right now the only places I'm staff are here, FG, lastocp, FCF and FFOF. :monster:

And glad you like it here. :awesomonster:


Great Old One
It is a bit hard with all the smack sometimes but I feel the same when I see the bashing of Clotis at other forums. I have the sense to know when people aren't generalising/being specific/personal though. That's why I can get on here :D
That's good to know, everyone's welcome here, and this isn't a Clerith or Cloti forum that won't allow either pairing. :)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or aren't familiar with the 'straw that broke the camel's back' expression, FHS.

But yeah, I'm always amazed at how easy it seems to be to accidentally browbeat or oppress some people who greatly outnumber me.

What always gets me is how unwilling to discuss these things a lot of people are. I LOVE talking about stuff like this, especially when I think I have a solid case. It just seems strange and alien to me NOT to subject such things to the rigor of testing in the form of a dispute, ya know?

Addendum: I appreciate it, but don't get banned on my account, FB. I'm a big boy, and can take the lashings. It irks me more than anything, really.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Oh, I'm as honored as can be, it's just the sort of irking one gets when one hears a tale that one knows is false reported as if it were true.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
I have the sense to know when people aren't generalising/being specific/personal though. That's why I can get on here :D

I appreciate that. I don't like having to constantly say "Of course it's not everyone! I mean I'm only-" That type of thing.

And I'm glad you understand that this forum isn't some oppressive Cloti haven. Reading what some had to say, I wanted to post and suggest that they ignore the LT threads and look through ones that weren't about that before judging the forum that way.

There really are a lot of interesting topics and discussions here. I've been following the one about Sephiroth and the one about Genesis and Kuja.

So yeah, y'know... :)


Great Old One
There really are a lot of interesting topics and discussions here. I've been following the one about Sephiroth and the one about Genesis and Kuja.

And I'm glad you understand that this forum isn't some oppressive Cloti haven. Reading what some had to say, I wanted to post and suggest that they ignore the LT threads and look through ones that weren't about that before judging the forum that way.
Not only that, but I'm glad you know we're not generalizing all Cleriths. I've been trying to bring up Clitos to keep it balanced, but you guys probably know that they have problems already. :monster:

@ Ryu: When one goes so far into making up lies, that really is sad.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or aren't familiar with the 'straw that broke the camel's back' expression, FHS.

Color me sarcastic, Ryu. I'm well versed in analogous expressions but I found it funny that you were the straw, therein, they become the camel. It's just not a reference of self I'd make.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I thought that was the case, but you phrased it in such a way that the sarcasm, which does not transmit well at all through the internet, was harder than normal to parse.


the feels.
dewey dell / annacamille / anna
I generally trust Cloti's not to pull random quotes out of their asses. :P

Wooow thanks. I was just curious because I hadn't seen some of those quotes before. Thanks!

lol a lit student. :lol:


Rebel without a Cause!!!
First two are from 10Ani Ulti. Both can be found front page.
Third is from AC's prologue book.
Third is most recently from the PS3 dengeki magazine about ACC
Also from prologue book, though Hito says it's not quite so dramatically stated.
Reunion files, nojima talking about among the first things cemented about AC was Cloud living with Tifa, that everyone would be home where they belong.

Oh yes, something else a little birdy told me, the pinkers are exulting because they have a literature student amongst their number, that she can be just the thing they need.
Of course, this is hilarious, because several folks here, myself included, have our degrees in that 'specialty' already, so we can even win on appeals to authority.

Thanks, I'll take a look into it. By the way, and I know it is a little late to ask this, but what are pinkers? And, if all of these quotes basically point to a Cloti relationship, why the heck do people keep debating about Cloti and Cloith. Isn't the LTD basically over?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
pinkers = rabid Cleriths who refuse to accept canon despite all evidence :monster: And yes, it should be over, but some people like to disregard facts :wackymonster:

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
And, if all of these quotes basically point to a Cloti relationship, why the heck do people keep debating about Cloti and Cloith.
Buh? is that yet another name for the pairing? They must have 70.

Anyway... I think that I say this every time someone asks that question: Why do people still ship Harry/Hermione, and why do some STILL insist that Harry/Hermione are meant for each other?

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Anyway... I think that I say this every time someone asks that question: Why do people still ship Harry/Hermione, and why do some STILL insist that Harry/Hermione are meant for each other?

Because they are. Ginny is just a Sue.

Edit: Oh yeah, Harry is a Stu too. My bad.


Well the LTD has many facets. One of them is making Clerific youtube comments.

"Actually, they said Aerith & Cloud were koibitos in the new novella, so no, Cloud and Tifa are not a couple."

Of course I had to speak up. And apparently in the span of about 3 comments I am a rabid Cloti. Then again maybe using the term "clerith nazi" was a bit much.

And for the record I did not start anything. I am pure as the driven snow.


Higher Further Faster
"Actually, they said Aerith & Cloud were koibitos in the new novella, so no, Cloud and Tifa are not a couple."

lawl I spy backpedaling. :awesome:

Oh noez! The gifs that hito and I made no longer apply to the LTD! Whatever shall we do?! D:


Great Old One
Don't even bother with Danzaii, she's done some pretty fucked up shit that's disturbing to even bring up. Of course, she's probably lurking into this thread right now too, so hi. *waves* Oh, and if you want to know, she also tends to stalk/troll/insult/accuse any Cloti she meets, so I wouldn't be surprised if she was making an accusation like that.

EDIT: I don't mean to be generalizing members, but I can't seem to let go with Sky/Danzaii. Oh the horror.
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