The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm just gonna step in for a moment about the KH thing.

KH 1 was very pro Clorith. Considering Cloud is looking for someone, swallowed by darkness, and in the end of it all after confronting his greatest enemy... he finds the person he's looking for in the end. Aerith.

In KH, Cloud is looking for someone, swallowed by darkness, AERITH WONDERS IF HE HAS FOUND HIM, and in the end, after confronting his greatest enemy, THE PERSON HE WAS LOOKING FOR, Cid drags him back to hollow Bastion and he gets stared at by Aerith for two seconds, in a sequence in between Gheppy and Pinny and Daisy and Minnie.

KH:FM renders any chance of the person he's looking for being anyone other than Sephiroth, especially it being Aerith as ZILCH.

In KH 2 it's still Clorith to me.

Here we have Aerith and Cloud coming across each other, and having a semi meaningful conversation. Cloud wants to go face something on his own, but he promises to her that he'll come back.

He doesn't even see Tifa until she finally catches up to him in the SoF part deux. The whole game she's looking for him, but doesn't find him until later on. Cloud's lacking light to battle, he needs strength. Tifa gives him her light. While this may seem Cloti at first, I had a rewatch of it, and Tifa emits a white light, while Cloud is surrounded by yellow light.


In KH, When Riku stole Kairi's light, it was a different color than when she gave it to Sora later in the game.

imo, it seemed like Cloud was finding his own inner light. Couple that with
Tifa: Cloud, you can have my light! ~whooooosh
Cloud: I just... don't know.

I never understood what he "didn't know", he seemed unsure about accepting her light.

He wasn't sure he could accept it, that he wouldn't destroy it, that he was worthy of it. Take your pick.

Besides, I think Tifa was there when Cloud confronted Sephiroth for one reason... What happened the last time when Aerith was with Sephiroth and he was slashing his blade about? :wacky:

Technically nothing since that never happened in the AU that is KH. Histories are different.

And Loneypony, please, do read the subject matter before coming in here. And don't play dumb (at least, I do hope it was simply playing) and act like I was referring to Marlene when I talk of the kid Cloud and Tifa were given to be replacement parents for. Because I refer to Denzel, the kid who they both believe was brought to their home, whose biological parents and Cloud and Tifa S-E has drawn obvious parallels between. Who Cloud left to seek a cure for. His child. Tifa's child. Their child.

Celes Chere

He remembers and mourns her in AC. I don't hear any of you Clotis' denying that.

::le sigh:: I just want to say that Aerith is an astounding woman, an amazing and special friend to Cloud. Considering her past and the fact that she saw the Zack in him, makes it impossible for them to have developed into something more. You know what else makes it impossible? The fact that Aerith never understood Cloud the way Tifa did, and that Cloud never opened his heart truly to Aerith. Aerith saw that something was wrong though, and she had the desire to meet him, to help him. She was a kind and caring soul that grew in each and everyone's hearts. Especially to Cloud, for the extra special attention that she gave to him. Of course he still remembers the woman. Of course he cherishes her. This does not make it love. Their bond exceeds friendship though- it's special. It's more than friends, less than lovers and it's quite a lovely medium if you ask me. Furthermore, Aerith has been described countless times as a Mother to Cloud, and to the entire planet. She's like an angel, guarding and watching not only over him, but the entire earth. This is her purpose in the entire story! She had the desire to be normal, but she had to lay that aside and take her rightful place. She was mature enough to realize this, and especially since you think Maiden is canon- you should be able to see Aerith's intentions. She gave her feelings to Tifa. She smiled down on the two of them like an affectionate Mother. She gave her all to help the planet, as she knew was her destiny.

Aerith has been linked romantically to Cloud in several games and novellas. Comparing her to Zack is rather silly.

No. :rage: She has been linked to a Mother, and linked to having a special connection with Cloud. She's been described as a dear friend to every single person, it's just that her bond exceeds mere friendship when it comes to Cloud. Think of all the things the damn woman has done for him... the words the two shared. How have they ever come across as romantic? I think comparing Aerith to Zack is perfectly fine, because they are both dear comrades who met their tragic end and left Cloud with a guilty and upset heart. Ignore for a second that Zack is a guy, and you'd think Cloud were in love with him, wouldn't you? =/ It's because Cloud reacts exactly the same for both of his friends, but no-one from the other side is willing to admit that, and it's really starting to bug. :rage:

Sorry, when in the compilation did Cloud say he loved Tifa?

Are you kidding. Cloud said nothing had changed since he was a child. Pardon me, but who did Cloud crush on as a child? Who did he join Soldier for? Who did he make a promise to? Who did he open his heart to?Who did he spend a night with, under the stars? Who did he thank especially, over Aerith? Who has their own keyword together in the compilation? Who fueled his aggression towards Sephiroth in the beginning, over his hometown and even his own Mother?
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I'm just gonna step in for a moment about the KH thing.

I counter your step in with mine. HAHA.

KH 1 was very pro Clorith. Considering Cloud is looking for someone, swallowed by darkness, and in the end of it all after confronting his greatest enemy... he finds the person he's looking for in the end. Aerith.

I can see that. I can also see it being completely the opposite, given the lack of affection or emotion, or any fact whatsoever, but Nomura kinda debunks it by saying "It was just something I wanted to do for the fans." Having Clouds affections described as 'Wavering' between both females it makes perfect damn sense in an AU universe Cloud might possibly be shown with Aerith, as a bit of fanservice. Like the Cloti AC!Toy play SE thought would be hilarious.

In KH 2 it's still Clorith to me.

Here we have Aerith and Cloud coming across each other, and having a semi meaningful conversation. Cloud wants to go face something on his own, but he promises to her that he'll come back.

Meaningful? Flinching away from her? Lying? Uncertainty? Thats meaningful in context to Cloud? Opposite. Sure he'll come back, but remember Tifa's there to. She's the one that gives him that 'light' thingy also, might present a problem in their loving reunion.
He doesn't even see Tifa until she finally catches up to him in the SoF part deux. The whole game she's looking for him, but doesn't find him until later on. Cloud's lacking light to battle, he needs strength. Tifa gives him her light. While this may seem Cloti at first, I had a rewatch of it, and Tifa emits a white light, while Cloud is surrounded by yellow light.

He doesnt 'see' Tifa because for some odd reason he feels her. I know weird. Nomura called it 'Warm feelings' or some bullcrap. It basically means Tifa is an icky stalker, and Cloud's roaming the earth to get away from her.
Naw. See, There were many CloTi scenes in KH, 3 I can recall on, even if they arent very 'Waffy' We have Tifa searching for Cloud, quite extremely to. Cloud running from the feelings of 'Warmth' Tifa radiates, then running away without 'seeing' her, so that scene is unromantic, or anything. (Guess Cloud and Aerith back to back arent very romantic either then. No eye contact. Go figure.)
Then, the optional, yet just as relevent, scene with Sephiroth. Which, Thats Tifa's light. let's not play bullshit. The colors are different? Are you SERIOUS? Is that *SERIOUSLY* Your arguement? Find a better one for this case, because otherwise, your fooling no one.
It's Tifa's light. Said so by Nomura. Because Tifa = Light. Therefor if TIFA AND CLOUD..GLOW WITH LIGHT..IN THE SAME SCENE...WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF FIGHTING THE DARK...(Dark = Sepheh) Yes. Tifa's the light.

imo, it seemed like Cloud was finding his own inner light. Couple that with
Tifa: Cloud, you can have my light! ~whooooosh
Cloud: I just... don't know.

I never understood what he "didn't know", he seemed unsure about accepting her light.
'Inner light?' So first, in KH1 its all about Aerith being the light, but when Nomura say's Tifa's the light its automantically Tifa = Stalker, Aerith = ANGEL, Cloud's Light = Inner acceptance...? Or something? What an interesting plot to work out.
Think I'll stick to canon. Tifa = The light.
He 'didnt know' wether or not he should embrace the light. Then as we see Sephiroth deciding to get scared, HE DOES. Guess he got reassured. So he glows with light and, off to fight an epic battle they go.

Besides, I think Tifa was there when Cloud confronted Sephiroth for one reason... What happened the last time when Aerith was with Sephiroth and he was slashing his blade about? :wacky:

Yeah, I'd deffinetly be on the crew of 'Hide the Aerith from Sephiroth oh noes!1*Scramble*' Staff. That would be a good paying job. Dates, remember? Hell yeah.

Seriously, did you see how freaked out Cloud got when Tifa was fighting him. :awesomonster:
I mean, his voice was getting all weird and shit, he runs in there and stands between them, its completely unromantic.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I counter your step in with mine. HAHA.

Ohohohoho big man :awesome:

I can see that. I can also see it being completely the opposite, given the lack of affection or emotion, or any fact whatsoever, but Nomura kinda debunks it by saying "It was just something I wanted to do for the fans." Having Clouds affections described as 'Wavering' between both females it makes perfect damn sense in an AU universe Cloud might possibly be shown with Aerith, as a bit of fanservice. Like the Cloti AC!Toy play SE thought would be hilarious.

So from what I gathered by your statement regarding fanservice.. aerith fanservice > tifa fanservice :monster:

Meaningful? Flinching away from her? Lying? Uncertainty? Thats meaningful in context to Cloud? Opposite. Sure he'll come back, but remember Tifa's there to. She's the one that gives him that 'light' thingy also, might present a problem in their loving reunion.

You don't think he flinches because he doesn't want her seeing him in this wretched stressed state that Sephiroth's putting him in?

Donald: I thought you looked kinda different Cloud.
Cloud: If I do, it's his fault.

imo that flinching and uncertainty is paralleled in AC/C when he "runs away" from Tifa and the kids because he doesn't want to endanger them further.

Cloud's just an insecure ponce who doesn't like to be seen. :monster:

He doesnt 'see' Tifa because for some odd reason he feels her. I know weird. Nomura called it 'Warm feelings' or some bullcrap. It basically means Tifa is an icky stalker, and Cloud's roaming the earth to get away from her.
Naw. See, There were many CloTi scenes in KH, 3 I can recall on, even if they arent very 'Waffy' We have Tifa searching for Cloud, quite extremely to. Cloud running from the feelings of 'Warmth' Tifa radiates, then running away without 'seeing' her, so that scene is unromantic, or anything. (Guess Cloud and Aerith back to back arent very romantic either then. No eye contact. Go figure.)

I was gonna call Tiffs a stalker but I see you did it for me. :monster:

The only scenes I remember regarding Cloti are when she's looking for him. They don't interact until she finds him with Sephiroth.
Then, the optional, yet just as relevent, scene with Sephiroth. Which, Thats Tifa's light. let's not play bullshit. The colors are different? Are you SERIOUS? Is that *SERIOUSLY* Your arguement? Find a better one for this case, because otherwise, your fooling no one.
It's Tifa's light. Said so by Nomura. Because Tifa = Light. Therefor if TIFA AND CLOUD..GLOW WITH LIGHT..IN THE SAME SCENE...WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF FIGHTING THE DARK...(Dark = Sepheh) Yes. Tifa's the light.

ohohohoho let's not get our panties in a knot.

'Inner light?' So first, in KH1 its all about Aerith being the light, but when Nomura say's Tifa's the light its automantically Tifa = Stalker, Aerith = ANGEL, Cloud's Light = Inner acceptance...? Or something? What an interesting plot to work out.
Think I'll stick to canon. Tifa = The light.

Find where I said that Aerith = light pls, because I think you'll find that I didn't mention her being light, and that you're making yourself out to be a douche with all these accusations. :monster:

I'm not your typically Clorith who sees one thing one way regarding the couple, and then disregards it if it applies to the other. I DO see differences in the way things are displayed and don't try to play one thing off as another.

I remember vividly the scene in KH 1 and acknowledge what Cloud says.

"I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help... I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into the darkness. And I couldn't find the light."

This is where I take my "inner light" into play. He couldn't find THE light. This doesn't exactly tie in to looking for Aerith, other than simply being overpowered by his inner demons, etc.. So Aerith isn't his light, nor do I believe that Tifa is his light. He's looking for his own light throughout both games, and when he couldn't find it, that's when Tifa offers hers.

Seriously, did you see how freaked out Cloud got when Tifa was fighting him. :awesomonster:
I mean, his voice was getting all weird and shit, he runs in there and stands between them, its completely unromantic.

By freaked out you mean when Tifa was spamming him with light fixtures and blinding him? :wacky:
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu


Lesbian Aerith
Tess, Leaute
I bring the blue sparks, bb.

Clear focus? Last I checked, Cloud's been confirmed as Aerith's lover from CotL. From what the people in this thread have been making Crisis Core out to be and suggesting that SE is now pushing Zerith, it's rather surprising that the latest material confirms they had a relationship while Aerith was still alive.

You'd think that if it was clearly Cloud and Tifa, SE wouldn't suggest that Cloud and Aerith were lovers torn apart.
Woah, I must've missed a lot of material. Did something new come out where they called Cloud Aerith's koi~bito or something? Because if so, I'm going to start drinking now.

That said, if this new material is legit, Cloud being Aerith's lover while she was alive really wouldn't do anything to disprove the legitimacy of Cloud/Tifa as proven throughout, oh Iunno, most of the Compilation?

And I now realize I was a little late with this. Feel free to disregard as we debate light and Kingdom Hearts. Seriously, peoples, Winnie the Pooh is Cloud's Light.
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Ohohohoho big man


So from what I gathered by your statement regarding fanservice.. aerith fanservice > tifa fanservice

I'd say Aerith fanservice = Tifa fanservice, but thats just my baised showing through. Oh wait.

You don't think he flinches because he doesn't want her seeing him in this wretched stressed state that Sephiroth's putting him in?

Donald: I thought you looked kinda different Cloud.
Cloud: If I do, it's his fault.

imo that flinching and uncertainty is paralleled in AC/C when he "runs away" from Tifa and the kids because he doesn't want to endanger them further.

Cloud's just an insecure ponce who doesn't like to be seen.

That's totally possible and I wont argue there, but you can't lie and say him acting that way with Aerith is something to assume along the lines of 'romantic', while with others it isnt. What scene with Aerith dictates the game is Clorith-baised? Since we both know his conversation with her, and the emotions behind it are all shared between other encounters, such as Tifa, Sora, Donald and Goofy even, and possibly even Squall. Playful flirting anyone?

I was gonna call Tiffs a stalker but I see you did it for me. :monster:

The only scenes I remember regarding Cloti are when she's looking for him. They don't interact until she finds him with Sephiroth.

Tough titty then. Go re-play, I've no life to run off to anyway. I'll be here. 3 scenes that *I* can recall happened, so any less then is rather odd on my part. But I could find them on Youtube so.

ohohohoho let's not get our panties in a knot.

Yes mother.

Find where I said that Aerith = light pls, because I think you'll find that I didn't mention her being light, and that you're making yourself out to be a douche with all these accusations. :monster:

So say's the person telling me not to get my panties in a knot. And boxer's but they're Skimpy, so close.

KH 1 was very pro Clorith. Considering Cloud is looking for someone, swallowed by darkness, and in the end of it all after confronting his greatest enemy... he finds the person he's looking for in the end. Aerith.
Quoted by you.
Actually Cloud was looking for Sephiroth. Don't you know? So 'Someone' = Sephiroth, therefor you referring to 'Someone' as 'Aerith' and since I cant see Cloud wanting to rip Aerith's throat out, I assumed by your assumption that you mean the Aerith = Light case.

I'm not your typically Clorith who sees one thing one way regarding the couple, and then disregards it if it applies to the other. I DO see differences in the way things are displayed and don't try to play one thing off as another.

You are truly one of the last of your kind then.

I remember vividly the scene in KH 1 and acknowledge what Cloud says.

"I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help... I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into the darkness. And I couldn't find the light."

This is where I take my "inner light" into play. He couldn't find THE light. This doesn't exactly tie in to looking for Aerith, other than simply being overpowered by his inner demons, etc.. So Aerith isn't his light, nor do I believe that Tifa is his light. He's looking for his own light throughout both games, and when he couldn't find it, that's when Tifa offers hers.

That's a good way of looking at it, but where does that dictate any Clorith romance? If I can ask. (Since you said you got that out of *Both* games) I wants to see.

By freaked out you mean when Tifa was spamming him with light fixtures and blinding him?

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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy


I'd say Aerith fanservice = Tifa fanservice, but thats just my baised showing through. Oh wait.

Well as long as you admit it.

That's totally possible and I wont argue there, but you can't lie and say him acting that way with Aerith is something to assume along the lines of 'romantic', while with others it isnt. What scene with Aerith dictates the game is Clorith-baised? Since we both know his conversation with her, and the emotions behind it are all shared between other encounters, such as Tifa, Sora, Donald and Goofy even, and possibly even Squall. Playful flirting anyone?

I didn't say it was romantic, I said it was meaningful. Garsh you Cloti's like to assume. :wacky:

I said the game imo IMO was Clorith based on the ideals of him searching for Aerith (and this is where the bullheaded Clorithism comes in :wacky: ) and him trying to hide his insecurities from her and not wanting to get her involved/endanger her.

Tough titty then. Go re-play, I've no life to run off to anyway. I'll be here. 3 scenes that *I* can recall happened, so any less then is rather odd on my part. But I could find them on Youtube so.

cba to reply, find me youtube vids.

Yes mother.

Atta boy.

So say's the person telling me not to get my panties in a knot. And boxer's but they're Skimpy, so close.

Are they sexeh boxers?

This statement seems grossly inappropriate considering what it follows. :awesome:

I assumed by your assumption that you mean the Aerith = Light case.

It's okay, we all make mistakes. *pat*

You are truly one of the last of your kind then.

I needs to bring forth a Channy Reunion and make hundreds of clones of myself. :wacky:

That's a good way of looking at it, but where does that dictate any Clorith romance? If I can ask. (Since you said you got that out of *Both* games) I wants to see.

The romance is when Aerith leaves him the fuck alone and doesn't stalk the poor insecure guy and spam light on him until he's blind and crying out "NO". :awesomonster:

Seriously, peoples, Winnie the Pooh is Cloud's Light.
No! It's Eeyore, they're both so melancholy and depressed and insecure that they're soul mates and meant to be!

And one giant no u at Ryu. Just because. :monster:

Celes Chere

Aerith leaves him the fuck alone and doesn't stalk the poor insecure guy

Woah, woah. Who wouldn't let Cloud leave her room in FFVII? And then when he finally sneaks out, who magically teleports to the exit? :awesome:


The Wanderer of Time

Question - Sephiroth wasn't in the original version. So in the original release without Sephiroth, who was Cloud looking for then before they changed it?

Celes Chere

If I had Cloud sleeping in my room, I wouldn't let him leave either.

They weren't in the same room together. :monster: Besides, what if Cloud had to take a piss, or what if he was hungry? I call that torture. >D

Question - Sephiroth wasn't in the original version. So in the original release without Sephiroth, who was Cloud looking for then before they changed it?

Zack. <3


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Question - Sephiroth wasn't in the original version. So in the original release without Sephiroth, who was Cloud looking for then before they changed it?

Still Sephiroth. The KH:FM simply revealed who it was he was looking for, a question never actually answered in the original release.
In any case, even if it did change rather than reveal, KH:FM stands as official, just as ACC stands over AC, KH2:FM over KH, FFIVDS over FFIV, Just as ANH:SE stands over ANH, etc. etc. etc. etc. kumquat.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
You Cloti's obviously just don't care enough. :monster:

Letting him live in a church away from home... FOR SHAME


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
You Cloti's obviously just don't care enough. :monster:

Letting him live in a church away from home... FOR SHAME

You call that living?

And with that, we stray dangerously close to spam territory, and so I say, keep it on topic, or I shall be forced to gut someone.

And I've specially rusted up my gutting knife.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy

Well I was just waiting on a reply from the shoeshu person but I'll just go to bed and get back at them tomorrow.
I said the game imo IMO was Clorith based on the ideals of him searching for Aerith (and this is where the bullheaded Clorithism comes in

Well your opinions arent a strong case for debating in the LTD thread D: ! D: ! D: !
I needs to bring forth a Channy Reunion and make hundreds of clones of myself.


Question - Sephiroth wasn't in the original version. So in the original release without Sephiroth, who was Cloud looking for then before they changed it?

'Changed'? Who says it had to be changed? Same wether he appears or not.

Well I was just waiting on a reply from the shoeshu person but I'll just go to bed and get back at them tomorrow.

IM SORRY D: My roommate keeps stealing the internet away to play online games on the PS3 *headwall* AND ITS SHUSHU >_> Its like...RIGHT ON THE OTHER PAGE. Like zomgomgomg.


cba to reply, find me youtube vids.
(14:00 where the scene pretaining to Cloud and Tifa begins)

Are they sexeh boxers?
This statement seems grossly inappropriate considering what it follows.

Oh hell yeah. Sexy spam is sexy spam.

The romance is when Aerith leaves him the fuck alone and doesn't stalk the poor insecure guy and spam light on him until he's blind and crying out "NO".

HAHA. At least their is a clear romantic-ness to it! So what if tis painful and tragic, no matter how much Cloud loves Tifa she's just TO DAMN BRIGHT. Can't get near her. He shall never hold her in his arms...Or feel her soft little hands on his shoulders...Or sleep next to her sleeping form and awaken only to see her angelic little face...TIS TRAGIC.
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Lesbian Aerith
Tess, Leaute
To be fair, I can understand how people came to the conclusion that the person Cloud was searching for in KH was his light. He has a conversation with Sora wherein he mentions that he's looking for someone, and Sora asks if that person is his light. I know I was under the impression that Cloud was looking for his light until I heard about Final Mix. Even though we understand now that it was always intended to be Sephiroth, the original game (the English release, anyhow) was a little misleading.

The important lesson we've all learned from all this, however, is that Aerith is a clingy bitch, and Tifa is a stalker. No wonder Cloud was searching so hard for Sephiroth. He wanted to get away from them crazy womens.


Fire and Blood
That reminds me of a friend who played FF7 when he was 9 years old and he thought Cloud was gay for Sephiroth - since he kept running after him - until the Highwind scene where he got the clue that Cloud and Tifa had sex at that time. AT NINE YEARS OLD. I never asked him how he got that, I was too scared of his reply :wacky:

But damn, if even a 9 years old boy who thinks Cloud is gay can have the clue... XD

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Offtimes, kids are right in such matters. They see things, :ph34r:.

INORITE :monster:

I see a lot of things. :shifty:

That's why you can never doubt these words I will say: CLACK IS CANON.

Kids never lie.

OT, I know Cloud and Aerith has something special. What does Cloud and Tifa have then? Besides smex every night a family together.
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