The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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The next person I see who says Cloud and Tifa are just friends I will strangle them through my computer.

Let me repeat from a different thread.

A friend is one who will bail you out at 3am. A really good friend would be in jail with you. A soul mate is someone you intend to spend the rest of your life with.

I don't care how good of a friend I am with anyone. I am not helping them raise two damn children and live with them. AND SAY I WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH THEM.

At most I will be in that jail cell with you going "she didn't look like a cop".


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Bwuahahhaha... Sorry but bringing KH up as relevant Clerith material is laughable. Aside from the entire thing being AU there's the fact that Aerith is not shown to be anything more than she ever is--a spiritual guide, loyal friend, and a woman he has a soft spot for. To which I say, well, duh. But romantic? Hardly.

I understand that some 'shippers want to see every action as having potential hidden meaning and symbolism, and they see romance. Ok. Sure. That's opinion, and no one is knocking opinion. However, ignoring canon in favor of fanon is just silly.

I know, I know, us Cloti's have it so hard, being steeped in fact and the obvious and we don't have nearly the **sigh** worthy relationship as Clerith's tragic love with all it's hidden (NEVER SEEN) scenes and mystical symbolism.

What were the creators thinking...?


I'm just gonna step in for a moment about the KH thing.

KH 1 was very pro Clorith. Considering Cloud is looking for someone, swallowed by darkness, and in the end of it all after confronting his greatest enemy... he finds the person he's looking for in the end. Aerith.

In KH 2 it's still Clorith to me.

Here we have Aerith and Cloud coming across each other, and having a semi meaningful conversation. Cloud wants to go face something on his own, but he promises to her that he'll come back.

He doesn't even see Tifa until she finally catches up to him in the SoF part deux. The whole game she's looking for him, but doesn't find him until later on. Cloud's lacking light to battle, he needs strength. Tifa gives him her light. While this may seem Cloti at first, I had a rewatch of it, and Tifa emits a white light, while Cloud is surrounded by yellow light.

imo, it seemed like Cloud was finding his own inner light. Couple that with
Tifa: Cloud, you can have my light! ~whooooosh
Cloud: I just... don't know.

I never understood what he "didn't know", he seemed unsure about accepting her light.

Besides, I think Tifa was there when Cloud confronted Sephiroth for one reason... What happened the last time when Aerith was with Sephiroth and he was slashing his blade about? :wacky:

If Aerith was Cloud's light, why would he then still look for it in KH2?
And I've read in some Ultimania that in the end of KH1 he was reunited with his friends. Not just Aerith.. So I don't think Cloud was looking for her. Because Cloud was confused in the beginning, (Nomura said so in an interview) and while Cid, Aerith, Yuffie and Leon left.. Cloud started to search for Sephiroth, so he could defeat the darkness inside himself. And then in the end he met up with his friends again. But he still hadn't found his light.

And I wouldn't exactly call Tifa a 'stalker'. I think she was something very special since all she did was looking for Cloud. She knew that he needed the light, but Cloud himself maybe didn't even realize it? So later Tifa gives Cloud her light, and I really don't think Cloud didn't want it. He had been searching for it. And sure, maybe Cloud found his own light. But Tifa was the only one that could help him.. Because we know that Aerith accepted that he would go away and defeat the darkness/find his light and then come back to his friends, didn't we? So all she can do is to support him.
-"So I will stay here, and I'll cheer for you!"

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I still think some people claim KH1 is pro-Clerith simply because Tifa isn't there. While I did entertain the idea when I knew nothing about FFVII (and didn't even know Tifa existed), I found LeonAerith to be more canon. :monster:

If KH1 is pro-Clerith, then KH2 is pro-Cloti. And which one is the present? :awesome: Exactly.


The romance is when Aerith leaves him the fuck alone and doesn't stalk the poor insecure guy and spam light on him until he's blind and crying out "NO". :awesomonster:

The romance is when Tifa tries to help Cloud because she knows what he's missing even though he doesn't realise it. Lovers are to knock some sense into each other, not to leave one another the fuck alone when he/she is having a trouble :monster:

Seriously, you're making Cloud looks like a jerk here. He didn't say "NO" to Tifa's offer, he said "he doesn't understand" because I don't think he even realised that he himself was running away from something warm like in AC as stated by Nomura. It makes sense if he's blinded when trying to look at Tifa because he couldn't see what is important to him.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
To be fair, I can understand how people came to the conclusion that the person Cloud was searching for in KH was his light. He has a conversation with Sora wherein he mentions that he's looking for someone, and Sora asks if that person is his light.

Actually, Sora doesn't even do that. Sora says he's looking for his own light, Cloud says Sora shouldn't lose sight of it, and Sora says Cloud, who is 'mired in his darkness' will find his own light some day.


AI Researcher
Question - Sephiroth wasn't in the original version. So in the original release without Sephiroth, who was Cloud looking for then before they changed it?
Whoever you wanted him to be looking for.

This is Nomura, after all :monster: After the Japanese version, he said he didn't want to decide who Cloud was looking for, because Cloud is such a popular character. You can take it as Aerith, but he wanted to leave enough room for people to think about it themselves. (KH Ultimania)

Then they released Final Mix and said it was Sephiroth.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
If Aerith was Cloud's light, why would he then still look for it in KH2?

'Inner light?' So first, in KH1 its all about Aerith being the light, but when Nomura say's Tifa's the light its automantically Tifa = Stalker, Aerith = ANGEL, Cloud's Light = Inner acceptance...?

I can understand why Clorith's don't like Cloti's because you mention a Clorith moment, and you randomly start shoving words into my mouth. Jaysus gaiz.

imo, it seemed like Cloud was finding his own inner light.

I didn't think Aerith was Cloud's light, I just said he was looking for her.

Only because I haven't played Final Mix, so I didn't know it was Seph. :monster:

Seriously, you're making Cloud looks like a jerk here. He didn't say "NO" to Tifa's offer, he said "he doesn't understand" because I don't think he even realised that he himself was running away from something warm like in AC as stated by Nomura. It makes sense if he's blinded when trying to look at Tifa because he couldn't see what is important to him.

Sarcasm's not your friend, is it? :monster:

Then they released Final Mix and said it was Sephiroth.

I deed nawt no this. :wacky:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I can understand why Clorith's don't like Cloti's because you mention a Clorith moment, and you randomly start shoving words into my mouth. Jaysus gaiz.

Consider it vengeance/ catharsis for all the times words have been put into theirs.

I didn't think Aerith was Cloud's light, I just said he was looking for her.

Only because I haven't played Final Mix, so I didn't know it was Seph. :monster:

I deed nawt no this. :wacky:

Maybe I should start yelling louder, then...


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Why are we bringing up KH in a FF7-based LTD thread? It's a totally different universe.

Because grasping at straws in FF7 compilation wasn't working anymore :P
For blinding white hot sex. :awesome:


That makes perfect sense. No wonder Sephiroth didn't want Cloud to find it...because then he'd never have a chance with Chocobo-head. Awww, poor Sephiroth and his dark, cold...angst.


Lesbian Aerith
Tess, Leaute
Actually, Sora doesn't even do that. Sora says he's looking for his own light, Cloud says Sora shouldn't lose sight of it, and Sora says Cloud, who is 'mired in his darkness' will find his own light some day.

Okay, I re-checked the script, and you're right. Sora doesn't quite say that. However, I can still see why some people would infer that he's looking for a person who happens to be his light.

Cloud: I’m looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the
power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into darkness, and
couldn’t find the light.

Sora: You’ll find it. I’m searching, too.

Cloud: For your light? Don’t lose sight of it.

Now that we have all the information from Final Mix and KH2, it's obvious that Cloud isn't talking about searching for his light. He mentions that he lost it, but obviously the person he's looking for isn't the personification of said lost light. What I was trying to say is that I think it's easy to misinterpret that dialogue nonetheless. They jump from talking about the person he's looking for to finding your light.

I can understand why Clorith's don't like Cloti's because you mention a
Clorith moment, and you randomly start shoving words into my mouth.
Jaysus gaiz.

Seriously? Both sides do it too each other constantly. Everyone twists everyone else's words around until we don't even know what we're talking about anymore.

It's part of the fun! :awesome:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Clorith sounds like a shitty kind of bleach.


Fiat Lux
- Why do Cloud & Tifa sleep in separate bedrooms?

- Why is there no shred of physical intimacy in AC? Not so much as a peck?

I know Clotis will argue 'Why should they?' but that's my point: it's hardly a big deal to show token intimacy. That's the thing that feels jarring to me.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I don't think the fact Cloud has an unused, broken down, raggedy cot in his office indicates that they don't sleep together at night. Hell, it could've just been put there for when Cloud works late or it came with the place. A couple can have a separate bedroom or guest bedroom.

Furthermore, the moments they do share can be seen as intimate, albeit subtlety. The fact is, AC isn't a romance movie, and hell, in FFIV, we see about the same level of intimacy as we do in FFVII and AC. Their words and actions while not clearly romantic, convey a sense of intimacy and closeness that's beyond friendship.


wangxian married
What does it matter if Cloud was looking for his light or his left shoe? He went to Sephiroth to confront his darkness and then returned back to his home -- and there is an emphasis on Cloud seeing Aeris again. In the KH universe, at least, she's shown to be the closest person to him (in a nice way, not in a Sephiroth creepy darkness way).

- Why is there no shred of physical intimacy in AC? Not so much as a peck?

One of the main reasons I don't buy the "Cloud and Tifa had sex under the Highwind" theory. If they did, and if the creators intended it to be that way without a doubt, they shouldn't be squeamish about the two of them showing physical affection afterwards. Maybe there's not a whole lot of time for it in AC, but in CoT. Hand holding, hugs, a quick kiss on the cheek?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Like I said, I think they just don't want to alienate fans of a particular shipping entirely for fear of losing potential sales.


wangxian married
Like I said, I think they just don't want to alienate fans of a particular shipping entirely for fear of losing potential sales.

There is that, certainly, but I think that if they are going to establish them as a family raising kids they can skip the pretense and just go for it already. It's kind of ridiculous for them to have two grown adults living together and then act like the two of them are still at the hand holding stage.

Anyway, they whore out Aeris with Cloud in a bunch of other games, so it's not like they aren't throwing us a bone in some way.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
What bunch of other games? I don't see them explicitly establishing them as a couple anywhere.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Thing is though, a lot of people would still be terribly unhappy if the Love Triangle were resolved, Clerith or Cloti, and Squeenix wants to keep making money. Thus, No Huggging No Kissing from Cloti or otherwise.


wangxian married
I didn't say they were "explicitly established" as a couple, but they do have them make cameos in games like Kingdom Hearts, Tactics, and Itadaki Street together. They are usually shown as having some significance to each other (KH, she's one of the -- if not the closest person to him, Tactics he's wigging out over her, Itadaki Street opening shows them as a pair).

I'm not implying any of this is ~seriaz proofz~ but we get our shippy goodness elsewhere since we can't have a happy Cleris ending in FF7.
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