Reminds me.
Someone brought up Aerith's dress in CC. Aerith's dress was made blue and white to relate to the sky. Guess what's in the sky? Clouds!
AerithxCloud is definitely what they were going for there.
And saying that Tifa wearing black means that she's a tragic and dark character, and therefore wasn't meant for Cloud? Aerith is the bright and bubbly character, and everyone knows couples can't be in love unless they're opposite because opposites ALWAYS attract!
Reminds me of the "too many dark scenes of Tifa in AC" crap. "But when Aerith shows up, it's always bright and totally not depressing!11!!"
LOLWUT SRSLY Clothing for proofz now? Cloud and Tifa both wear dark colors. Hmm, CANON?!
What I've noticed about Clerith arguments is that most of the time, Cloud and Aerith are totally out of character. Sometimes I wonder who the freaking heck they are really shipping. I just don't get it.
Whereas Cloti arguments always has Cloud's true self within the proofz, and Cloud's true self is often related to Tifa. AMIRITE
Opposites attract don't always work. Squinoa won't be a lasting relationship, what with Rinoa always trying to change Squall and not accepting him as who he really is. Sure, him opening up is fine, but getting him to change too drastically is just...drastic. In FFVII, it's Cloud not being himself, and Tifa brought him back to his true self, regardless of how much of a "failure" he was. FFVIII is too dreamy and unreal... FFVII has a lot of realism in it.
Tifa = dark and depressing
Aerith = bright and happy
So which one is the dream and which one is the reality? Come on, peeps, stop running away from the truth.
Which one connects with FFVII's theme the most?