The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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...yeah....Thank god that not all cleriths are like that.

So I have a question for you guys: when cloud went with aerith to save tifa, and dressed as a woman, wouldn't that be considered to be something that zack would do? i mean he "was" zack at the time, and would he do that to save tifa if he was himself?

I already asked this at the CT forum, but I wanted to know what you guys think on this.


Pro Adventurer
C'mon folks, let's actually debate and discuss the points that are here, rather than what hasn't been brought to our thread yet. :monster:

Problem is, every point here has been debated and discussed. For years on end. There's nothing new that hasn't been through here.


Higher Further Faster
not to mention the fact that the Cloudy Wolf ring trumps all. That's his family.

Not sure if the Cloudy Wolf ring is good proof or not. Nomura said in an interview once that it's something easily attainable in their world, also Barret has one in addition to Denzel and Tifa, and Marlene doesn't have one at all.

Now maybe if we would have actually seen Cloud giving them the rings and the context of the situation in which he did, it might have more weight, but I've never really thought that it did with what we've been given.

It's all about context and common sense. No need to start trying to make background stuff have more meaning than what it actually does (ie lensflare).


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

Well that is true, but this wouldn't be much of a LTD thread if we just didn't have any structure to it or anything for that reason? :monster:

We want people who are willing to argue and defend their point to come here and be able to get in and start debating. Having a bunch of random points that haven't really been addressed or anything kinda dilutes that.'s alreadye been talked about too.

We just want to keep it organized.


Problem is, every point here has been debated and discussed. For years on end. There's nothing new that hasn't been through here.

We could shut the LTD thread down and re-open it when there's something new, :monster:.

Or you guys could work on getting all the facts organized for a frontpage article on the subject. An LTD war on the frontpage would sure get our activity up, :monster:.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I..don't want that type of activity, to be honest. I'd like it if we didn't get put on fandom wank, kthnx.


Yes. And that there were clues behind their names, like..
Cloud = a cloud, the sky
Aerith = flowers, the earth
Dude, that's nothing. Try Aeris sounds like Eris, the greek goddess of strife and therefore C+A = <3

Of course, Tifa is still the bitch the staff wanted to make sure complemented Cloud in every way, including wardrobe, but never mind that. We don't mention stuff like that.

LMAO @ "the ribbon is still there". :lol:
Yes, the lens flare is still there. Their powers of observation are astounding.

Not sure if the Cloudy Wolf ring is good proof or not
I'm not sure what you mean by proof. The Cloudy Wolf ring was introduced by SE themselves back at some fnacy SE Party as "the Cloudy Wolf ring Tifa wears" and it is also hers that is emphasized in the movie.

That's all. Take it as you please


Pro Adventurer
We could shut the LTD thread down and re-open it when there's something new, :monster:.

You could. But it'll just keep respawning under different names. I'd assumed that's why this one was never closed.

@Mako: well, I respect your effort to make a decent thread out of this. The biggest problem is that there's no intellectually honest way to argue the other side. I've tried, and all I can do is wait for people to make logical mistakes. No one's interested in exploring "what-ifs" either.


Higher Further Faster
LMAO @ "the ribbon is still there". :lol:
Yes, the lens flare is still there. Their powers of observation are astounding.

Yeah, why would SE take that shot out? It's a gorgeous aerial shot of rural Hawaii. Lens flare is a natural phenomenon that occurs when you point cameras in the direction of the sun. XD

I'm not sure what you mean by proof. The Cloudy Wolf ring was introduced by SE themselves back at some fnacy SE Party as "the Cloudy Wolf ring Tifa wears" and it is also hers that is emphasized in the movie.

That's all. Take it as you please

Oh that I did not know. I didn't realize how much emphasis SE had put on it as TIFA's ring.


Lesbian Aerith
Tess, Leaute
As much as I hate to use articles of clothing or accessories as proofz, I do recall Tifa's ring actually getting a close up or two. When she was confronting Cloud, right? The ribbon's a little different in that it was pretty obvious on just about every character. It signified more of AVALANCHE's desire to remember Aerith as a group than it did Cloud's alone.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Not sure if the Cloudy Wolf ring is good proof or not. Nomura said in an interview once that it's something easily attainable in their world, also Barret has one in addition to Denzel and Tifa, and Marlene doesn't have one at all.
My theory is Cloud gave one to Marlene, and then she gave it to her dad so he'd be connected to her. Just my epileptic tree. :shifty:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
As much as I hate to use articles of clothing or accessories as proofz, I do recall Tifa's ring actually getting a close up or two. When she was confronting Cloud, right? The ribbon's a little different in that it was pretty obvious on just about every character. It signified more of AVALANCHE's desire to remember Aerith as a group than it did Cloud's alone.

There were times when I saw the ribbon as protection from status ailments. :monster: Something left over from 2 years prior. :awesome: SRSLY not a symbol of eternal wuv.

I think the ring was given a close-up because it had the wolf on it. They had to show Tifa with it to further convey the symbolism of the cloudy wolf. And they might also be hinting on something thar :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
We could shut the LTD thread down and re-open it when there's something new, :monster:.

Or you guys could work on getting all the facts organized for a frontpage article on the subject. An LTD war on the frontpage would sure get our activity up, :monster:.

It already has.
But yeah, it's really just kinda pointless.

I..don't want that type of activity, to be honest. I'd like it if we didn't get put on fandom wank, kthnx.

But Fandom Wank brings the lulz :(

To be frank, I feel we do need to deal with this in much the same way as the Harmonian/ Zutara/ etc. nonsense was dealt with. There's liking a pairing, then there's ignoring reality (or what passes for it) and character and plot assasination in the name of your ship.

But yeah. What we need to do is make known that in this shipping war, ours has all the canons.
No, that's not a typo. More a pun.

Celes Chere

Cloud = a cloud, the sky
Aerith = flowers, the earth

Reminds me. Someone brought up Aerith's dress in CC. Aerith's dress was made blue and white to relate to the sky. Guess what's in the sky? Clouds!

AerithxCloud is definitely what they were going for there. :rage: And saying that Tifa wearing black means that she's a tragic and dark character, and therefore wasn't meant for Cloud? Aerith is the bright and bubbly character, and everyone knows couples can't be in love unless they're opposite because opposites ALWAYS attract! :monster:

Reminds me of the "too many dark scenes of Tifa in AC" crap. "But when Aerith shows up, it's always bright and totally not depressing!11!!"


Lesbian Aerith
Tess, Leaute
Reminds me of the "too many dark scenes of Tifa in AC" crap. "But when Aerith shows up, it's always bright and totally not depressing!11!!"

I always thought Aerith's appearances in AC were sad in a way. They might've looked bright and happy with all the flowers and soft light, but the fact remains that she's pretty much a ghost. She's not coming back, and it's with a bittersweet fondness that I think we're supposed to remember her. Not to mention the fact that, for Cloud, she is a symbol of his failures. I'm not saying that's all she is to him, but it certainly gives her appearances that sad and bittersweet at best undertone.

As a fan, I was happy to see her have a role in the movie, but it was also kind of sad because I know she's never coming back. She brings hope with her to Cloud, Tifa, the children, etc, but like I said. It's still sad because she's gone, and there aren't going to be any happy reunions amidst the flowers for her and Cloud with picnics and 'becoming spiritually one' or whatever the kids are calling it nowadays. To me, though I enjoy the pairing myself, Cloud/Aerith sports more tragic undertones than Cloud/Tifa does.

Cloud and Tifa's relationship is a struggle at times, yes, but there is hope for them throughout all the bad times. And in the end? They return to being a happy family.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Reminds me. Someone brought up Aerith's dress in CC. Aerith's dress was made blue and white to relate to the sky. Guess what's in the sky? Clouds!

AerithxCloud is definitely what they were going for there. :rage: And saying that Tifa wearing black means that she's a tragic and dark character, and therefore wasn't meant for Cloud? Aerith is the bright and bubbly character, and everyone knows couples can't be in love unless they're opposite because opposites ALWAYS attract! :monster:

Reminds me of the "too many dark scenes of Tifa in AC" crap. "But when Aerith shows up, it's always bright and totally not depressing!11!!"

LOLWUT SRSLY Clothing for proofz now? Cloud and Tifa both wear dark colors. Hmm, CANON?! :awesome:

What I've noticed about Clerith arguments is that most of the time, Cloud and Aerith are totally out of character. Sometimes I wonder who the freaking heck they are really shipping. I just don't get it.

Whereas Cloti arguments always has Cloud's true self within the proofz, and Cloud's true self is often related to Tifa. AMIRITE

Opposites attract don't always work. Squinoa won't be a lasting relationship, what with Rinoa always trying to change Squall and not accepting him as who he really is. Sure, him opening up is fine, but getting him to change too drastically is just...drastic. In FFVII, it's Cloud not being himself, and Tifa brought him back to his true self, regardless of how much of a "failure" he was. FFVIII is too dreamy and unreal... FFVII has a lot of realism in it.

Tifa = dark and depressing
Aerith = bright and happy

So which one is the dream and which one is the reality? Come on, peeps, stop running away from the truth. :awesome: Which one connects with FFVII's theme the most?
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the feels.
dewey dell / annacamille / anna
A = the first letter in the alphabet = 1
C = the third letter in the alphabet = 3
1 + 3 = 4 and guess how many letters there are in LOVE? :3

This was one of the first LTD-related things I read and my favorite piece of proof.

@Koibito... hahahaha I can't wait to see what crap they'll put for Koibito now.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
@Koibito... hahahaha I can't wait to see what crap they'll put for Koibito now.


Wonder why Cleriths didn't use that instead?

Celes Chere

She's not coming back, and it's with a bittersweet fondness that I think we're supposed to remember her. Not to mention the fact that, for Cloud, she is a symbol of his failures. I'm not saying that's all she is to him, but it certainly gives her appearances that sad and bittersweet at best undertone.

I definitely agree with this. It's the same for Zack too, so this 'dark scene' business should really be dropped. It's not like Cloud and Tifa are always doused in darkness, either. It was dark because it was night time. The scene in the church with Cloud and Tifa is actually very bright, and they even get their own music. Unless that's meant to show how miserable they are together too. :awesome:

Cloud and Tifa's relationship is a struggle at times, yes, but there is hope for them throughout all the bad times. And in the end? They return to being a happy family.

It's those struggles that make them grow more as a pair. The power to over come the struggles that come along with life by supporting one another is an amazing thing.

Cloud and Tifa both wear dark colors. Hmm, CANON?!

No, that means they're too similar, and they can't be together because Cloud needs a woman to warm his heart, not make him more depressed. I can't believe people say Tifa upsets Cloud, or depresses him. When has Cloud EVER expressed that?

Opposites attract only worked for FFVIII. All of the other FF pairings have been fairly similar, imo.

I can't wait to see what crap they'll put for Koibito now.

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