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But you can base the amount of attention paid to those scenes. They paid more attention to Tifa's assets in the previous FMV sequence than they did to when Tifa and Cloud fell into the lifestream.

First off.. They probably wanted to pay more attention to the scenes that contained Aerith. Because SE wanted her to have much screen time and make a big influence on everyone while she still was alive. So.. Do you think that they thought Clerith was so important that they wanted to make the graphics better just for them? I don't think that's the case, hun.
As I said, Aerith was a special character.. And her death was tragic and shocking. Does it have to be related to Cloud and Aerith's love?
Why didn't they then make the whole scene better when Aerith falls into Cloud's arms and he realizes she is dead? That is much more of a "Clerith-moment" than the actual death-scene, because that part is about Aerith.
And personally, I don't care how SE decided how to make the scenes. It is what the characters say that counts.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I find it interesting Cloud goes by the rule of going out when your SO can't. That being, if your significant other is busy with something else, and they can't run somewhere with you, bring them back something nice. :awesome: It's very cute, to say the least.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
If you're so adamant about how SE rendered those scenes and whatnot, then what is your say on AC/C? It has moar Cloti than Clerith in it, if I'm not mistaken.
Tifa's fight scene is even re-rendered in AC/C. Cloud's back-to-back with Aerith wasn't.
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Looks like I'm a little late for the party...

@ the gondola lovin' - If what Aerith and Cloud had sex in there, I wonder what Yuffie and Cloud did there....Those two horn dogs :awesome:

Cloud's back-to-back with Aerith wasn't.

Don't you know yet? That's not considered romantic anymore....

I'll be honest and say that the only moments in the compilation that I consider being "clerith" are from dic 1, and I think that everybody knows here that on disc 1, was the player that controlled Cloud and aerith flirting with him...

I don't know why but I never really liked clerith....I mean there's something in that pairing that sreams INCEST...but that's my opinion, so lets not debate on that :wacky:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Looks like I'm a little late for the party...

@ the gondola lovin' - If what Aerith and Cloud had sex in there, I wonder what Yuffie and Cloud did there....Those two horn dogs :awesome:

I wonder about that too. Clearly, Cleriths have some kind of explanation for that.

Even though we totally see Yuffie kissing Cloud. :monster: It's much more than what see from Tifa or Aerith. Clouffie much?

Don't you know yet? That's not considered romantic anymore....

I do know. :monster: Even then, it's one of the few and short Clerith scenes in AC/C. So it's a good example.

I'll be honest and say that the only moments in the compilation that I consider being "clerith" are from dic 1, and I think that everybody knows here that on disc 1, was the player that controlled Cloud and aerith flirting with him...

Yet people always forget that. :awesomonster: I don't think it's that hard. SE agrees with us as well, what with the Ultimania and all. :awesome:

Goodbye Charlie

Rising Chest-Bank Protestor
I don't know why but I never really liked clerith....I mean there's something in that pairing that sreams INCEST...but that's my opinion, so lets not debate on that :wacky:[/COLOR]

As dirty as it sounds, I get that. I'm not sure why as Aeris is very interested in Cloud. I guess you're saying their relationship has - to some degree - a more naive sibling quality than a sexual one. Aeris is quite a young character as much as she's strong. There is a childish innocence and with Cloud being more custodial/defender than romantic, perhaps that imbues a sort of "protective brother" dynamic.

So without sounding icky, I think there is an angle there - though I'm not sure all would agree, I can see what you mean.

Celes Chere

If you're so adamant about how SE rendered those scenes and whatnot, then what is your say on AC/C? It has moar Cloti than Clerith in it, if I'm not mistaken.

And who was
taken out of the end of Calling, again?
. Lone, if you're seriously trying to use graphics as proof, than you have no right to claim that anyone's ideas are far-fetched, imo. That's like claiming merchandise as proof.

Besides, true original distorted figures is where the real love's at. :awesome:


AI Researcher
Not quite sure where people are getting 'Cloud left to find a cure' from (but I've not seen all of ACC yet). By 'left', do we mean when he disappeared from Seventh Heaven?

Little bit of ACC stuff I do know :monster:
His desk has medical books and papers that look like reports on Geostigma scattered around, so it hardly seems like he was hiding it. CoT tells us that Denzel and Marlene helped with his work, his office door isn't locked and anyone can just walk in.

I would think the plot would go something like:
Cloud finds Denzel > Cloud decides to look for a cure while living with Denzel > Cloud eventually gets Geostigma and buggers off


KH 1 was very pro Clorith
If being in the same game automatically means they are in love.
he finds the person he's looking for in the end. Aerith.
Right. So, why are Sora and co. saying Cloud looks even worse in KH2? If he found Aeris, why's he still chasin after that dude, Sephiroth? What's this light business all over again?

I mean, this is even without pulling numerous quotes that say he was looking for Sephiroth - the embodiment of his darkness, and his own light (embodied by Tifa).
Your interpretation always hits the wall of something called coherency and consistency.

I never understood what he "didn't know", he seemed unsure about accepting her light.
Do you people fucking follow the entire dialogue? Wouldn't hurt to listen to Sephiroth, he tells you what Cloud is unsure of.

For blinding white hot sex.
For the somethign warm that he is running from (similar to AC): Tifa. Aeris who?

I can still see why some people would infer that he's looking for a person who happens to be his light.
Yes, but Tesster, zey is wrong. Btw, I don't remember thinking that. I got that he was looking for Seph to have sex with defeat him so he could find the light inside him he lost.
Why would Cloud become an agent of the God of the Underworld and use darkness to find his light? He was looking for Sephiroth, the embodiment of his darkness and used darkness itself to find him. Then it backfired cause Seph's dick grows in the dark and Cloud was completely fucked.

In the KH universe, at least, she's shown to be the closest person to him
Right. Aeris is close to him, but Tifa is the opposite of Sephiroth and embodiment of his light -- directly involved in the conflict between light/darkness that's central to Cloud's story in KH (in the creators' own words).
Whoever said Aeris and Cloud weren't friends? <3
I'm just sayin' it doesn't make KH Cleris

I don't see them explicitly establishing them as a couple anywhere.
In order for Cleris to be established in other games, they need only be standing within a few feet of each other. Or have their names mentioned somewhere :monster:

they are far more comfortable around each other physically.
Show me one person who shares more intimate physical contact with Cloud than Tifa, in the game and rest fo the Compilation.
Show me one person feels comfortable enough lecturing him (minus his own fucking wife/girlfriend and child) in AC.

Don't skip this. I want this answered, because it never has been. You or anyone else, I don't particularly care who.

I don't buy this whole, "SE Is just doing it not to upset our feelings",
Neither do I. They wouldn't have killed Aeris if they did despite Nomura being called a villain. It was important to the story. It was done. period.
Similarly, they have never said FFVII is inconclusive. THE ANSWERS ARE THERE, baby!

not truly official until after AC
why do you think they are a couple AFTER AC when you disagree on them being romantically involved prior to?
What makes you think they're gonna get it on post AC that didn't convince you pre-AC?

They did once, from the horse's mouth. We don't need a detailed sex schedule to infer the rest.
It's not rocket science. Let's not throw away known storytelling devices in favor of Cleris, yes? Thanks.

I think it can be assumed that he'd be comfortable with her presence.
Perched over his bed like a fuckin gargoyle? :lol:

We never get Cloud's perspective on the matter, do we?
Yes sir, we do! He agrees! Unless Tifa imagined every dialogue taking place in CoT and she's actually a schizo.

CoT implies this is the beginning of a relationship
How is Tifa left behind by a man she was never in a relationship with to begin with?
Let's answer this question first before we move on.

Ask the creators why they chose to have Aerith die and Cloud bury her in fully rendered animation, whereas Tifa and Cloud falling into the lifestream looks... terrible.
Lonewolf, you GUT ME. :lol:
Seriazly. Here you go, groundbreaking moment where main female character croaks forevah, nevah to be brought back by them damn PDs, and you ask why render that fully? Yes, it was fully rendered all pretty and such to show the great love between them.
Like Shirtless Sephiroth. Clephiroth wins.

Cloud gets the Momma vibe off Aerith, not Tifa
As does his VA, apparently. LOL

I'm saying it's not as important as Aerith's death sequence
....which proves Cloud loved Aeris how? Why did they also choose to fully render a naked Sephiroth? I don't know, you tell me.
Well, ok I lied. I know.

I meant he's not taking his calls. Why wouldn't he answer his phone if he'd left for the sole purpose of saving Denzel?
He didn't leave for the sole purpose of saving the little fucker. He also left cause he felt useless and such. You know, being afraid of failure's been his thing, his achilles heel so to speak[/i] type.
He is afraid of this happiness, null. Afraid of it because it is so blinding white, like those fuckin flashes that clingy bitch ho threw his way.

Cloud finds Denzel > Cloud decides to look for a cure while living with Denzel > Cloud eventually gets Geostigma and buggers off
you forgot the nagging.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You forgot the ACC Profile you translated from Dengeki. Furthermore, wait and watch the rest of the movie because that's not the case. :awesome:


Fire and Blood
Marlene talks to Cloud about how she knew that he went to seek a cure for Denzel - Cloud asks her how she knows and she says that he should clean his desk, or something like that :D

So yeah, this is how it happened :)

I think I love ACC so much - I really hated AC, because I saw no character development except backwards one. Cloud's actions are a lot more detailed - you can see him being very fatherly towards the kids, it's lovely :3 Also, his character gets really a lot more of character development - while AC was lacking, ACC made up for it :)

Erm... /end of OT :wacky:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
And who was
taken out of the end of Calling, again?
. Lone, if you're seriously trying to use graphics as proof, than you have no right to claim that anyone's ideas are far-fetched, imo. That's like claiming merchandise as proof.

Besides, true original distorted figures is where the real love's at. :awesome:

CALLING was taken out of the credits too, Teef,
but I get what you're talking about. But yeah
Instead of the ghost, we get several flashbacks back to the movie, including a sequence of Tifa clips.
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Celes Chere

Thanks Ryu, that's what I meant. x'D
Don't worry! Her ribbon is still there, following and watching over him. <3

How sad is it that that's an actual statement from a Clerith fan? Do any Clerith supporters here really think that the lens flare is actually Aerith's ribbon? I don't mean to offend anyone, but... it's just not.


well, Celes that's because you have to believe from the bottom of tour heart <3. Like in matrix "there is no spoon" and BAM the spoon bends :awesome:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
We're in the Matrix now? The Matrix of Lensflare Ribbons! THERE IS NO SPOON!


Just note that 'there is no spoon' is no spoiler, it's a fact - just like the one saying that the cake is a lie.


It's all the same...
Do any Clerith supporters here really think that the lens flare is actually Aerith's ribbon? I don't mean to offend anyone,

lol No I always thought it was a well, lens flare :/ It's in the original, why would the decide to put a random floaty ribbon to make up for her missing, I was slightly embarressed when I read that assumption about it being a ribbon...


Haha, they're not talking about ACC, Chained. The Devotion website on which several members contribute essays/graphics etc. claimed (thus them as a group) that the floatin ribbon was there in AC.


It's all the same... so :/ they think that not only is she in the flowerfield but also her ribbon is randomly floating? Besides isn't it still in ACC anyway? o_o I'm sure that when I seen it they provided a pic from the acc credits...
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