The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
If Aerith being his destiny is a red herring, well then ...

Cait doesn't tell them what their destiny is, he tells them what their compatibility is....2 different things. Even though she asks what their future is, he doesn't answer that question. He tells them they were "made for each other" not "will be together" < that would be a red herring.
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Your Mom
Someone refresh my memory ... I could have sworn Cait said something about a bright future.

It doesn't matter regardless. Disc 1 is intended to mislead us -- in many aspects, not just Cloud's love life -- and Cait's prediction is part of that. The revelations of disc 2 are meant to toss everything we thought we knew on disc 1 on its head.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
actually i take it back ;)

reading through COULD be a red herring. But I just feel the red herring is the actual dying....but the compatibility was with those 2 as stated.

" {CLOUD},I'll arrange your marriage," does suggest that the future together part was a red herring.

He does say that they have a bright future and this is certainly proved to be false. But maybe they were compatible :) In any case, it could be either and without the writers we will never know

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The writers also want us to see cloud cross dress and have butt secks with Mukki and friends in order to :quote:complete:quote:the outfit.

I'm just sayin'...


But in all seriousness I think the first disc was meant to be as confusing as Cloud felt. What things seemed were not reality. Everything was blurry, including robo cat's predictions. I don't know why this is made to be such a big deal as far as 'cannon' couple. Not that you're saying that DB. I just don't find the whole 'meant to be because the head of urban development for Shinra who's controlling a robotic cat' says so. And if there was any mysticism to it at all I would think he'd be picking up on the vibes and persona of Aerith's dead boyfriend as a match because well, they were once. But eh...I'm just rambling.


reading through COULD be a red herring. But I just feel the red herring is the actual dying....but the compatibility was with those 2 as stated.

" {CLOUD},I'll arrange your marriage," does suggest that the future together part was a red herring.

He does say that they have a bright future and this is certainly proved to be false. But maybe they were compatible :) In any case, it could be either and without the writers we will never know

Well one small problem. Cloud is acting like Zack in disc one. So maybe Aerith is compatible with him?

Also once Cloud regains his true self he is pretty much all about Tifa.

Hinata Hyuga

Juniper, Rinali, Legretta
(Oh sorry. It looks like some others said hat I thought already. I missed those posts)

What I have wondered about the prediction is something I had noticed others run through at the Northern Crater before it closing(by the way, good job to the people in this thread who were there debating canon). I do not know a whole lot about astrology but how do you tell what someone's star is? Their birthday, I guess. But they didn't tell Cait that before he did the fortune.

Since he is Reeve, I guess he could have known what they are already. Or he might have guessed by their personalities. If he did that then Cloud's would be not reliable at all to go back at the time it was done.

But since his fortune was wrong it doesn't matter too much. And we can't have an answer for every small thing from SE. But since Cait fortune are vague and he himself doesn't even understand them, we can't trust the way he said things about the compatibility and marriage for them.

There is some quote that says that them meeting sets their destinies turning so that could have been what was behind Cait prediction at the Temple of Ancients.
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Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Well one small problem. Cloud is acting like Zack in disc one. So maybe Aerith is compatible with him?

Also once Cloud regains his true self he is pretty much all about Tifa.

yes, that is possible also. Since cloud actually forged his false memory (Jenova is able to do that) because of jenova (he had jenova's cells) and sephiroths manipulation. He actually forges his memory based on tifa, himself and zack. Jenova is an extra terrestrial who has the power to impersonate/copy a person right down to the memory (if I have got that right....since this game is very confusing at times, esp with the awful translation)

Infact, Aerith does say that she saw Zack in Cloud (zack and aerith dated), the same mannerisms etc and that is what drew her to cloud.
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Celes Chere

A writer doesn't place in a whole scene about Aerith and Cloud being a perfect match for no reason.

Reeve is a Clerith fan, what else is new? :monster:

Anyway, using the "for no reason" bit against you (sorry), consider this:
The creators wouldn't have stated that Zack and Aerith were in a sincere love, inseperable relationship, intimate relationship, and that they were destiny, for no reason. They also wouldn't state that Cloud only opened his heart to Tifa, Cloud is Tifa's ideal love, and that Cloud and Tifa belong living together... for no reason. These instances point out FAR more directly than Cait Sith's silly predictions, that the canon pairings are Zerith and Cloti. Words such as love, intimacy, destiny, and mutual feelings, are not used with mere friends, small crushes, or fading love.

Infact, Aerith does say that she saw Zack in Cloud

The CC Ultimania and Guidebook elaborate on this, and the compilation basically pounds this fact into your head. The interesting thing about the CC Ultimania and Guide Book quotes, are that they refer to FFVII in general. Implying that Aerith saw Zack in Cloud during the entire time she lived in FFVII.


SacredViolator, Supersix4
Okay, so I'm REALLY tired, so sorry if I don't make any sense. :monster:

This isn't like hardcore evidence or anything. But I've noticed that Cloud and Aerith's story was kind of your typical love story. Guy meets girl, instant attraction, they're opposites, girl needs a brute guy to look after her, etc. You know, the cliche stuff I guess. The player thinks it's all going great until Aerith gets stabbed. At that moment, you think that Cloud's world falls apart. But in reality, or at least FF7 reality, Cloud's world slowly builds back up. And eventually, he regains his true self through Tifa.

Not just that, but the typical romance was built on a pretense. It wasn't real. Because Cloud's persona was fake, so the typical "cliche" relationship was fake, too. The game, at first, was to make the player think that this was, in fact, real. Cloud and Tifa's relationship is real. It's not cliche and Cloud is his true self. Which is what I think makes their relationship true.

That's all I can think of now. Just wait, tomorrow, I'll look back on what I wrote and I'll say "what the hell did I just write?!?!?!" LOL


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
No, that interpretation definitely makes sense and in fact I think it's exactly what the developers were going for - intending to confound the player's expectations as much as possible. It's not the only place they confounded the player's expectations - hell, pretty much the entire reveal of Cloud's real self does that, really.

Goodbye Charlie

Rising Chest-Bank Protestor
actually i take it back ;)

reading through COULD be a red herring. But I just feel the red herring is the actual dying....but the compatibility was with those 2 as stated.

" {CLOUD},I'll arrange your marriage," does suggest that the future together part was a red herring.

He does say that they have a bright future and this is certainly proved to be false. But maybe they were compatible :) In any case, it could be either and without the writers we will never know


Sometimes you have to step away from the nuance of a scene and look at the bigger game and say to yourself, "does my notion - no matter how salient it may seem on its own, match the bigger picture?"

Cloud is not Cloud on disk one, but a messed up fusion of Cloud, Zack and JENOVA's whims all topped off by a healthy dollop of player's choice. The real Cloud doesn't surface until later. Ergo, whatever Cloud is on disk one, whatever Aeris and Cait see, is not the real Cloud. Which means any "prediction" or "writer's observation" to Aeris' and Cloud's compatibly delivered to the audience is nonsensical because it would be build on a false assumption; that the Cloud we've seen hanging with Aeris is the real Cloud.

The real Cloud is far from compatible with Aeris - not because he doesn't care for her deeply, nor because they are dysfunctional - simply because his life before and after his crisis has been centered around Tifa. That's the big reveal on the next disk. So really, not someone who would be compatible with Aeris.

The reason the scene is there is for dramatic juxtaposition with the events forthcoming. The audience are given a nugget of information which infers a prophetic direction of these two characters, only to have that idea shattered in the next act. It's not uncommon and as has been said, was given by a character who is underlined as a fraud. If they wanted to suggest compatibility, they'd have given the statement to a character who can foresee the future or has great insight.

So respectfully, red herring - a fishy moment that when you step away from the confines of the single piece of script, is evident for what it is: a small misdirection for the player before they a) discover Aeris' is to die, and b) before they discover the Cloud they've been playing isn't actually Cloud at all.


Okay, so I'm REALLY tired, so sorry if I don't make any sense. :monster:

This isn't like hardcore evidence or anything. But I've noticed that Cloud and Aerith's story was kind of your typical love story. Guy meets girl, instant attraction, they're opposites, girl needs a brute guy to look after her, etc. You know, the cliche stuff I guess. The player thinks it's all going great until Aerith gets stabbed. At that moment, you think that Cloud's world falls apart. But in reality, or at least FF7 reality, Cloud's world slowly builds back up. And eventually, he regains his true self through Tifa.

Not just that, but the typical romance was built on a pretense. It wasn't real. Because Cloud's persona was fake, so the typical "cliche" relationship was fake, too. The game, at first, was to make the player think that this was, in fact, real. Cloud and Tifa's relationship is real. It's not cliche and Cloud is his true self. Which is what I think makes their relationship true.

That's all I can think of now. Just wait, tomorrow, I'll look back on what I wrote and I'll say "what the hell did I just write?!?!?!" LOL

That's exactly what SE wanted.
They builded up a story that we thought was going to end up all Clerith, but instead.. We found the real Cloud, the one that have feelings for Tifa.
And about Cait Sith.. Atleast I think the whole "Cloud and Aerith will have a great future!" was one of those things that made you to think that Cloud and Aerith was going to end up together.
But Cait Sith is a LIAR, and fake.
There, I said it. :monster:

Anyway.. What's left to discuss about the LT really? It feels like everything is solved. All we do is bringing up the same things over and over again, but I have to admit.. It is kind of funny. :wacky:
Awright, I'm going to point out all the Cloti quotes from the Ultimania. (I don't have a life, I know)


-The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud&#8230;

-With the support of former allies and Tifa, an important woman to him and now also part of his family, Cloud regains the courage to move forward.

-A Promise to Tifa, Etched in his Memory.

-While it was Tifa who strong-armed him into making the promise, it seems that the idea that he must keep this vow was forever in Cloud&#8217;s mind.

-He lifts a collapsed Tifa up in his arms, and upon seeing her aware of him, he smiles gently.

-She ventured into Lifestream together with Cloud. Amidst the course of him trying to ascertain his memories, they became aware of the thoughts/feelings which each other was holding.

- The present Tifa isn&#8217;t just Cloud&#8217;s childhood friend, but also the mother of the &#8216;family&#8217; they were forming in Edge.

-Tifa, watching over Cloud warmly as he regains the strength to move forward. Having been together with him since they were young, she is able to believe in his recovery for certain.

-She and Cloud came to realize their feelings for each other in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DC.

-She gives encouragement to Cloud, who is unable to shake off his doubts, and creates the catalyst for him to regain the will to fight.

Nothing of these things is said in Aerith's profile. And all the quotes with Clerith I know, is one-sided.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I think someone should also post the Clerith quotes anyway, so that we can compare. That way, none of us will be labeled biased or rapid. :awesome:

But I cba to do it. :monster:


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch

-With the support of former allies and Tifa, an important woman to him and now also part of his family, Cloud regains the courage to move forward.

This one, in particular. If Tifa is no more than a friend/ally why single her out? Because she's not a part of that collective to Cloud. She is more than friend, more than ally...

dare I say...koibito. :awesome:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Okay, I did it myself, anyway. :monster:

From the Ultimania; Aerith's profile.
  • Aerith sold flowers in Sector 5. It was there she met Cloud by accident and asked him to be her bodyguard.
  • After the Reactor exploded, Cloud and Aerith merely exchanged words briefly. Meeting him again in her favorite Church, the wheel of Aerith’s destiny started spinning.
  • Even though Aerith perceived that Cloud had lost sight of his true self, she still has great affection for him.
  • And in particular to Cloud, as a symbol of his failure to having being unable protect those dear to him, she was a major factor in causing him to close himself off. For Cloud, and the world once again faced with danger, she reaches out and offers her aid.
  • She joined everyone in the fight against Bahamut-SHIN, lent her power to the people suffering from Geostigma, and personally provided for Cloud’s recovery.
  • Suffering from an attack of Geostigma, Cloud strayed into the labyrinth of his heart. Aerith wants to take away the burden on his mind, and she greets him with a tender, teasing voice.
  • Cloud’s friends sent him toward Bahamut like a relay race, and as for the last push—Aerith!
  • As an Ancient, Aerith had planned to accomplish the mission. On the one hand, her last concern is Cloud.
I had a hard time finding those that refer to Cloud only, and some are just repetitions. D; I'll go look at Cloud's profile now.

Edit: Okay, I'm just putting quotes here at random nao. DDDX Why so elusive, Clerith quotes?! :rage:

Edit 2: Cloud's profile

  • Cloud’s meeting with her lead him on a new path.
  • Both Aerith, who is forthright, and Tifa, who is demure, have feelings for Cloud but he is none the wiser to them.
  • Cloud laughing with Aerith after outrunning Reno and ShinRa in the slum church.
  • He found Aerith, who had been acting on her own, but shortly after lost her at the hands of Sephiroth.
Phew. I give up. Unless there's something Clerith in the other profiles, I think this is all of it. :hohum:
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Great Old One
Your sig made me lol FHS. :monster:

Also, one can point out that if singling out Tifa is the case, then not only, "In that sense she is like a mother watching over the entire planet, and it gives the feeling that she lives in every part of the world.", but they single Cloud out by providing a nice piccy above the caption with singling out Cloud...

Dare I say... mother. :awesome:

EDIT: Mei, most of that aren't Clerith quotes. They're just quotes talking about Aerith and Cloud, I wouldn't consider some of them Clerith. Hell, I wouldn't consider some quotes with Cloud and Tifa in them to be Cloti either. It doesn't matter how many sentences the either pair are put together.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Your sig made me lol FHS. :monster:

Also, one can point out that if singling out Tifa is the case, then not only, "In that sense she is like a mother watching over the entire planet, and it gives the feeling that she lives in every part of the world.", but they single Cloud out by providing a nice piccy above the caption with singling out Cloud...

Dare I say... mother. :awesome:

Hee hee.

It's hard to find Clerith quotes. Why is that I wonder... It shall forever be a mystery.


Okay, I did it myself, anyway. :monster:

From the Ultimania; Aerith's profile.
  • Aerith sold flowers in Sector 5. It was there she met Cloud by accident and asked him to be her bodyguard.
  • After the Reactor exploded, Cloud and Aerith merely exchanged words briefly. Meeting him again in her favorite Church, the wheel of Aerith&#8217;s destiny started spinning.
  • Even though Aerith perceived that Cloud had lost sight of his true self, she still has great affection for him.
  • And in particular to Cloud, as a symbol of his failure to having being unable protect those dear to him, she was a major factor in causing him to close himself off. For Cloud, and the world once again faced with danger, she reaches out and offers her aid.
  • She joined everyone in the fight against Bahamut-SHIN, lent her power to the people suffering from Geostigma, and personally provided for Cloud&#8217;s recovery.
  • Suffering from an attack of Geostigma, Cloud strayed into the labyrinth of his heart. Aerith wants to take away the burden on his mind, and she greets him with a tender, teasing voice.
  • Cloud&#8217;s friends sent him toward Bahamut like a relay race, and as for the last push&#8212;Aerith!
  • As an Ancient, Aerith had planned to accomplish the mission. On the one hand, her last concern is Cloud.
I had a hard time finding those that refer to Cloud only, and some are just repetitions. D; I'll go look at Cloud's profile now.

Edit: Okay, I'm just putting quotes here at random nao. DDDX Why so elusive, Clerith quotes?! :rage:

Edit 2: Cloud's profile

  • Cloud&#8217;s meeting with her lead him on a new path.
  • Both Aerith, who is forthright, and Tifa, who is demure, have feelings for Cloud but he is none the wiser to them.
  • Cloud laughing with Aerith after outrunning Reno and ShinRa in the slum church.
  • He found Aerith, who had been acting on her own, but shortly after lost her at the hands of Sephiroth.
Phew. I give up. Unless there's something Clerith in the other profiles, I think this is all of it. :hohum:

I was going to do the Clerith quotes too. But when I was trying it was hard.. That's why I said that the Clerith quotes I knew was one-sided. :whistle:
And FHS, your sign is epic. xDDDD
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Hee hee.

It's hard to find Clerith quotes. Why is that I wonder... It shall forever be a mystery.

INORITE :rage: I mean, I don't want more Cleriths running away from this forum is why I tried to post stuff for them. DDDDX But... that was hard...

EDIT: Mei, most of that aren't Clerith quotes. They're just quotes talking about Aerith and Cloud, I wouldn't consider some of them Clerith. Hell, I wouldn't consider some quotes with Cloud and Tifa in them to be Cloti either. It doesn't matter how many sentences the either pair are put together.

I know. But they were all I could find. :sadpanda: The main thing I can see by reading and comparing the collection, however, is that the Cloti quotes contain implied romance, much more than the Clerith ones. I think you can all agree with me on this. :salute:

I want to steal FHS's sig :awesome:


INORITE :rage: I mean, I don't want more Cleriths running away from this forum is why I tried to post stuff for them. DDDDX But... that was hard...

I know. But they were all I could find. :sadpanda: The main thing I can see by reading and comparing the collection, however, is that the Cloti quotes contain implied romance, much more than the Clerith ones. I think you can all agree with me on this. :salute:

Hmm.. Well then. Let's come up with some Clerith moments? With the ZaCloud, or the real one.

I just love the credit scene in AC, when Aerith is standing in the flowerfeild and is watching Cloud driving away on his bike.
And the hand-reaching scene, of course. Cloud is like: "zomg lets beat the crap out of bahamut!!!1" but then he gets shocked when he see Aerith. And then she comes and grap his hand. I think it's adorable~
But their relationship is tragic, because it's kind of one-sided from Aerith's POV. And we know she have feelings for him, but Cloud is living with Tifa and the kids.. And she is just drifting around in her little Lifestream, and watching him.
And smex up with Zack. :monster:

The thing is.. She never got to know/meet the real Cloud herself, did she?
But all she can do for now on is to cheerish him, Tifa, the kids, the friends. She's just like a mother.. :awesome:
Anyway, enough with my fdhjhjd-talk.
What's your favorite scene of Cloud and Aerith then? And what do these two have that Cloud and Tifa doesn't?


Keeping in mind that this is the LTD thread...........

I just love the credit scene in AC, when Aerith is standing in the flowerfeild and is watching Cloud driving away on his bike.

Oh you poor thing. Don't watch ACC then. At least not the credits.

And the hand-reaching scene, of course. Cloud is like: "zomg lets beat the crap out of bahamut!!!1" but then he gets shocked when he see Aerith. And then she comes and grap his hand. I think it's adorable~

I thought it was more adorable that Tifa is the last person to help him and it slows down as they look into each others eyes. *runs off to cry*

The thing is.. She never got to know/meet the real Cloud herself, did she?


And what do these two have that Cloud and Tifa doesn't?

Spirit sex?

Also you missed a Cloti quote "He defeated Sephiroth after his Advent, and returned to Tifa and the children".
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Celes Chere

I think someone should also post the Clerith quotes anyway, so that we can compare. That way, none of us will be labeled biased or rapid.

It's hard for us to see Clerith quotes, for obvious reasons. Quotes that are considered Clerith, Clotis aren't going to think are as such and therefore, we're not going to be able to find a lot of them. But, here are some that I've seen used in debates/discussions. I'm sure I left out a lot, but I hope it helps.

So here it goes: (Made sure not to repeat the ones from Meibito. :D)

*In Cloud's "Compilation Check":

In the beginning of FF7, Cloud is know like a "cool SOLDIER", this can be detected only through his behavior. Although it's been distinguished as a lie afterwards and he seems to plan to act like one, he rarely shows any emotions. His smile in FF7, while still being controlled by the story basis of JENOVA's consciousness, is only seen during the conversation with Aerith.
After that, even though he brings himself back and tries to lead a new life, the bond of the awareness of sin makes him almost always keep a somber face. Consider this, his smile in the end of AC is quite impressive.

*As for Aerith, who can be called a love rival since she also has affection to Cloud, Tifa gets along with her as friends. Though it's true, it's not difficult to visualize Tifa's carrying complicated feeling to her, since there's a special bond, which differs to hers, formed between Cloud and Aerith .
Tifa's complicated feeling still continues after 2 years from Aerith's death. As we know, Cloud considers that Aerith's death is his responsibility, so after self-interpreting Densel as "someone carried by Aerith" and has him being protected, Cloud himself goes to the Church where Aerith used to be. It's clear to see Tifa's anxious about Cloud; maybe not only because Cloud is dragging over the past, but also Aerith is one of the reasons.

*With the promise of being her bodyguard and one date as payment, Cloud brought Aerith out and escaped from the church together. He sent her home.

*Nojima: The motif is like, &#8220;Tifa is your childhood friend grown together since preschool, and Aerith is a transfer who does not stay long and leaves for other schools&#8221;. Although the scenes of this transfer are not much, I have to make her leaving a great impact to others.

*CC Aerith&#8217;s dress resembles closely that of BC doesn&#8217;t it?

Nomura: Up until now Aerith has appeared in BC and in Kingdom Hearts, but each time I&#8217;m always troubled by her clothes. At one point, there was a likelihood of an underpants-style or a mini-skirt-style of clothes every time I think of ideas, however it&#8217;s hard see that way don&#8217;t you think? (laughs)

-That image is certainly hard to see.

Nomura: So I always get around to thinking what I&#8217;ll do about the same pattern, this time &#8220;white&#8221; was the basis.

*CC's ending quote: "If you see Aerith, say hi" (This is taken as Zack putting Aerith in Cloud's hands)

*"She watched Cloud's face which looked as if his heart was going to fall apart from the sadness of loosing her, the anger and hate he had for her being taken from him. "

*"How can I save Cloud? How can I stop Meteor? I didn't think that Holy would be held back. At this rate, the Planet's going to end up the way Sephiroth wants it... What can I do? Tell me, Cloud..."

Aerith cried as she thought about the shattered Cloud that even her prayers wouldn't reach. His wrecked character could no longer be fixed. If he wasn't Cloud in the first place then, who was he? Knowing him only as a former member of Soldier, there was no way she could guess. She embraced the feeling of helplessness that she couldn't put into words.

"Cloud... I miss you. I miss the real you..."

*Both of them were engulfed by Mako as they fell into the Planet. For Cloud, it was the second time but for Tifa, it was her first experience.

Aerith risked everything she had in this golden opportunity.

She desperately talked to Tifa who was about to get intoxicated by the highly concentrated Mako. Guiding her conscious, Tifa took her into Cloud's closed heart.

*Nojima: "The ending scene of the battle with Bahamut, the scene where Aerith reaches out her hand, is homage to the last scene from a previous production. It was Tetsuya (Nomura)'s idea...."

*"But I'm...... we're here for you, right?"

*She looked up into the sky like the time she sat beside Cloud around the kindling fire in Cosmo Canyon.

* "They reach for each other and Cloud is finally able to take Aerith's hand, as he was unable to do two years previously"

*"...It's not an excuse. I feel it in my soul."

"You're Tifa's childhood friend, and you brought a girlfriend
to a place like this!?"
"What kind of guy are you!!"

"Guess what? Guess what? Aerith was asking me lots of questions."
"Like what kind of person Cloud is. I bet she likes you, Cloud!"

I don't know
Let's hope so

I don't know


Let's hope so

"I won't tell Tifa."

"Aerith, you all right?"

"She seems all right, many ways."

"I knew that Cloud would come for me."

"Hey, I'm your bodyguard, right?"

(She walks to the door of her cell.)

"The deal was for one date, right?"

(Tifa sits up.)

"............oh, I get it."

"...!? Tifa! Tifa, you're there too!"

"EXCUSE me."

(She stands up.)

*This scan from a magazine calling Aerith a love interest:

*From the Loveless Play: " the sister of the lead tells her lover 'I'll come back, even if you've moved on, because I know you'll be waiting.'"

*From FFT:
FLOWER PEDDLER: A flower for a gil, ser?

RAMZA: A flower?

FLOWER PEDDLER: Yes, a flower&#8212;a blossomed bud. You've seen one, I'm sure.

RAMZA: Of course I have!

FLOWER PEDDLER: Well, then, surely you could spare a gil for one of mine. They're quite pretty.

RAMZA: A gil seems a fair price.

FLOWER PEDDLER: Then you'll buy one? Truly? Oh, thank you, kind ser! [Gives Ramza a flower] Few stop these days, and even fewer buy. It's a harder life than you might know. I always dream some charming knight will come galloping through and sweep me away from all this. Beg pardons, ser. I know there's naught that you can do. I thank you again! May that flower bring you good forture.

[The flower peddler leaves leaves]

RAMZA: These times are hard for all.

[At Goug City]

MUSTADIO: [in front of a machine] You don't suppose this one will metamorphose as well, do you?

RAMZA: We'll soon know.

[Ramza inserts the Cancer stone.]

MUSTADIO: Father's mercy!

YOUNG MAN: What... is this place? Who... who am I? I remember being swallowed by a current&#8212;a great stream, and then...

BESRUDIO: I recall reading of something like this in a volume long ago: a transporter.

MUSTADIO: A transporter?

BESRUDIO: A device for teleportation across dimensions&#8212;across the very fabric of time and space.

RAMZA: Then, the man before us hails from a world beyond our own?

BESRUDIO: Like as not. Behold his manner of dress.

CLOUD: My name is... Cloud. Yes, that was it.

RAMZA: I am Ramza, of House Beoulve. That man over there is&#8212;

CLOUD: I couldn't care less what your names are. What I need is a battlefield. That's right. I was... I was a memeber of SOLDIER.

MUSTADIO: He has no manners at all?

[Cloud is overcome with pain]

CLOUD: Uhn... What is this... this feeling in my fingertips? The heat! Inside my skull... No, stop... Sephiroth&#8212;no!

MUSTADIO: Best keep your distance. That man is not stable.

CLOUD: I have to go there...

[Cloud runs out]

MUSTADIO: What do you suppose that was all about?

[Back at Sal Ghidos]

FLOWER PEDDLER: A flower for a gil, ser?

CLOUD: ...

FLOWER PEDDLER: Is something the matter? Do I look like someone familar?

CLOUD: No. Never mind.

[Cloud leaves]

FLOWER PEDDLER: Well, then... Good-day to you, too.

[A group of knaves appear: three thieves and a monk]


RUFFIAN: We've been searching for you, Aerith. Thought you'd kick'd away, eh? Hawking flowers for your mum again today, I see. Such a dear girl, always working hard for your mum...

AERITH: Please, ten more days&#8212;even just a week is all I need!

[The ruffian grabs Aerith by the neck]

RUFFIAN: We set a date, and the date's long passed, love. You'll make good on that gelt here and now&#8212;all thirty thousand as we lent you!

AERITH: Release me!

RUFFIAN: *laughs* You know, now as I look at you, you're quite the rum-dutchess, aren't you? Seems to me you'd earn a lot more selling that tinder-box o' yours than them flowers!

[off-screen]CLOUD: Get your hands off her!

RUFFIAN: What did you say?

CLOUD: I said get your filthy hands off her.

[The ruffian lets go of Aerith and turns to Cloud]

RUFFIAN: I'd not be talkin to me like that. Might be as you get blood on them facy riggings of yours.

[Cloud pushes him over]

CLOUD: [to Aerith] Run.

[Aerith flees]

RUFFIAN: You looking for a good drubbing!?

CLOUD: You want to fight? [Cloud grabs his head] Uhnnn... [Cloud falls to one knee]

RUFFIAN: What's with this cull?

[Ramza & crew appear]

RAMZA: Cloud! Are you all right?

RUFFIAN: Twice-be-damned luck! Come on, boys!

[Enter battle. Winning condition: protect Cloud]

CLOUD: I lost something... something very important.

RAMZA: Cloud... ?

CLOUD: I've not been myself ever since. Who... who am I now? What should I do? How... how can I stop this pain?

RAMZA: Cloud... There are people waiting for you back in your world, am I not right? With the power of another Stone, we might be able to return you there.

CLOUD: Let's go, Ramza. I can't stay here. I have to get there&#8212;to the Promised Land.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
*CC Aerith&#8217;s dress resembles closely that of BC doesn&#8217;t it?

Nomura: Up until now Aerith has appeared in BC and in Kingdom Hearts, but each time I&#8217;m always troubled by her clothes. At one point, there was a likelihood of an underpants-style or a mini-skirt-style of clothes every time I think of ideas, however it&#8217;s hard see that way don&#8217;t you think? (laughs)

-That image is certainly hard to see.

Nomura: So I always get around to thinking what I&#8217;ll do about the same pattern, this time &#8220;white&#8221; was the basis.

Er...I don't get it. This is Clerith? o__o
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