The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Clack and Aerti's where it's at. :awesome:


AI Researcher
*CC Aerith’s dress resembles closely that of BC doesn’t it?

Nomura: Up until now Aerith has appeared in BC and in Kingdom Hearts, but each time I’m always troubled by her clothes. At one point, there was a likelihood of an underpants-style or a mini-skirt-style of clothes every time I think of ideas, however it’s hard see that way don’t you think? (laughs)

-That image is certainly hard to see.

Nomura: So I always get around to thinking what I’ll do about the same pattern, this time “white” was the basis.


*Nojima: The motif is like, “Tifa is your childhood friend grown together since preschool, and Aerith is a transfer who does not stay long and leaves for other schools”. Although the scenes of this transfer are not much, I have to make her leaving a great impact to others.
:objection: Objection!

Those translations aren't twisted and biased enough.

I don't have mine for the CC one, but I'm sure it was better than 'underpants-style'.

Oh wait, I found it :monster:


- Aerith's CC outfit is similar to her BC one, isn't it.

Nomura: "Aerith has appeared before in BC and Kingdom Hearts, but each time I stress over her outfit. Each time I consider the possibility of having trousers or a mini-skirt, but I just can't see it (laughs)

- It certainly is hard to imagine.

Nomura: "But I wasn't big on following the same pattern every time, so this time I designed it using white as a foundation."


Fire and Blood
*falls over*

Wait, WHUT? XD

Purity, so, OMG, it's clerith? I thought the clerith colour was pink? Until it was turned into a Zerith colour :monster:

I find your the lack of faith logic disturbing.

No, seriously, I do. o_____o"


Your Mom
How would Aerith being more "pure" (and that opens a whole new line of debate) make her more compatible with Cloud? Was there a scene where Cloud expressed his desire for a pure companion that I somehow missed?


Great Old One
Same goes for, "Because Aerith is more of a FINAL FANTASY character (meaning she's more of a fantasy character), she and Cloud are the intended couple. :awesome: "

EDIT: Isabella, apparently being pure gives high marks and shows off moar chemistry.

Doesn't anyone know that Cloud likes bad girls? :awesome:


AI Researcher
How would Aerith being more "pure" (and that opens a whole new line of debate) make her more compatible with Cloud? Was there a scene where Cloud expressed his desire for a pure companion that I somehow missed?
There was, but it was told through symbolism which you couldn't possibily understand.

Celes Chere

How would Aerith being more "pure" (and that opens a whole new line of debate) make her more compatible with Cloud? Was there a scene where Cloud expressed his desire for a pure companion that I somehow missed?

Because, that's how it is in every Final Fantasy game, and almost every RPG, ya nut. Just like how the main hero always falls in love with the main heroine. The fact that Aerith is portrayed as an angelic, pure, and cheerful spirit makes her much more an obvious choice for Cloud. She can help him through his struggles in the best way, while Tifa is just an Avalanche terrorist that flaunts her body, and makes poor choices. Granted, Aerith is naive and a bit insensitive at times, it's Tifa who is the real sinner.


Your Mom
And what does Cloud's dirty panty fetish symbolize? What about his cross-dressing tendencies? Or his hot-tubbing activities? :monster:

Just like how the main hero always falls in love with the main heroine.
Except there are two main heroines in this story.

The fact that Aerith is portrayed as an angelic, pure, and cheerful spirit makes her much more an obvious choice for Cloud.
And this goes back to that red herring thing again.
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
And what does Cloud's dirty panty fetish symbolize? What about his cross-dressing tendencies? Or his hot-tubbing activities? :monster:

That Cloud likes it wild and unpure. :monster: Which totally means Clack Cloti Clack Cloti is canon, because Aerith is very pure and innocent. Cloud can't be turned on by that, AMARITE :awesome:

It also means Cloud is ghey. CANON


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
How would Aerith being more "pure" (and that opens a whole new line of debate) make her more compatible with Cloud? Was there a scene where Cloud expressed his desire for a pure companion that I somehow missed?

It goes back with the whole 'Knight and White mage' shit that keeps getting tossed around.
Which incidentally reminds me of how white mages always seem to be horrific cynics in fan works...

Same goes for, "Because Aerith is more of a FINAL FANTASY character (meaning she's more of a fantasy character), she and Cloud are the intended couple. :awesome: "

How is Tifa LESS of a FF or Fantasy character in general? As to the former, she's a member of a band of folks seeking to topple the evil empire that ruined their lives. Hi FFs 2, 4, arguably 5, and 6! As to the latter, Awesome martial arts and bartenders are both fantasy staples.

Doesn't anyone know that Cloud likes bad girls? :awesome:

Cloud IS a bad girl.

There was, but it was told through symbolism which you couldn't possibily understand.

I have the brain of a Japanese man under my bed. It's Symbolism deducing powers are mine to control!

Because, that's how it is in every Final Fantasy game, and almost every RPG, ya nut. Just like how the main hero always falls in love with the main heroine. The fact that Aerith is portrayed as an angelic, pure, and cheerful spirit makes her much more an obvious choice for Cloud. She can help him through his struggles in the best way, while Tifa is just an Avalanche terrorist that flaunts her body, and makes poor choices. Granted, Aerith is naive and a bit insensitive at times, it's Tifa who is the real sinner.

Setting aside that you're joking, 'Main Hero/ Main Heroine'... no. FF1-3 and 5-6 say no. Firionel and Maria no hooky, Bartz and Lenna no Hooky, and Terra no get with anybody. The others have no romantic pairings, period.

And what does Cloud's dirty panty fetish symbolize? What about his cross-dressing tendencies? Or his hot-tubbing activities? :monster:

In order- He's a heterosexual Japanese male, he's really really desperate to save Tifa, and he's too fucktarded to know not to get into a hot tub with a man who calls you bubby.

Except there are two main heroines in this story.

Hey, the last time we had two main heroines in FF, the chick with the special ancestry didn't wind up with the hero.
Y'know, while I'm on this analogy and statistics kick.

BTW, the FFT appearance actually implies that the something precious Cloud was actually himself. His in party quote also suggest he's still searching. Odd to still be looking after meeting AU Aerith.
Also, I do have to smile wryly at Ramza's "I'm sure there's someone waiting for you back home" Line.
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Same goes for, "Because Aerith is more of a FINAL FANTASY character (meaning she's more of a fantasy character), she and Cloud are the intended couple.

...what makes Tifa less of an FF character? The fact that she fights with her fists and bartends, instead of casting magic spells and praying for world peace?


Keeping in mind that this is the LTD thread...........

Oh you poor thing. Don't watch ACC then. At least not the credits.

I thought it was more adorable that Tifa is the last person to help him and it slows down as they look into each others eyes. *runs off to cry*


Spirit sex?

Also you missed a Cloti quote "He defeated Sephiroth after his Advent, and returned to Tifa and the children".

Woah, take it easy there.
First off, I know that they removed the original credit scene from ACC.
And second, yeah. It was adorable when Tifa reached her hand to Cloud. He smiled at her too.
Please, don't be so harsh.

The fact that Aerith is portrayed as an angelic, pure, and cheerful spirit makes her much more an obvious choice for Cloud.

Lulz. :lol: That's why... Aerith is too obvious. And that's why... SE decided to make it all twisted. So that we thought Aerith and Cloud was meant for eachother.
Oh, I know sum Clerith pr00fz. Take a look at this..

I know someone brought this up before, but weren't SE supposted to make a sex scene between Cloud and Tifa? When they are walking out of a Chocobo-stable..
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Great Old One
I don't think Vendel's being harsh xAerith, it is the truth. Vendel's just saying what there is to see, Vendel's not directing or insulting at you. Don't take it personally. :)


xAerith said:
Woah, take it easy there.
First off, I know that they removed the original credit scene from ACC.
And second, yeah. It was adorable when Tifa reached her hand to Cloud. He smiled at her too.
Please, don't be so harsh.

I don't think Vendel's being harsh xAerith, it is the truth. Vendel's just saying what there is to see, Vendel's not directing or insulting at you. Don't take it personally. :)

It was not meant to be harsh. But as I pointed out this is the LTD thread. Any complaints about my post can be brought to my signature for review.

Speaking of Sigs.... WTF is that from A? It's driving me nuts.


It was not meant to be harsh. But as I pointed out this is the LTD thread. Any complaints about my post can be brought to my signature for review.

Speaking of Sigs.... WTF is that from A? It's driving me nuts.

Sowwy. I will not f*ck off. :monster:
Errrrh... something GAIZ? :awesome:
The first time I saw it, it gave me lulz.


Great Old One
Which part of my sig are you talking about Vendel? The koibito thing or the gif?

Either way, don't apologize xAerith, s'not your fault. Don't take it personally.


Which part of my sig are you talking about Vendel? The koibito thing or the gif?

Either way, don't apologize xAerith, s'not your fault. Don't take it personally.

I was talking about the gif.
Anyway, can we get back on track? :awesomonster:
What do you guys have to say about that commercial I posted?


Great Old One
I know, but I'm not sure what Vendel was talking about. :awesomonster:

The commercial? What commercial? I cba to look back .


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The Man, V
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