It took me about an hour of looking into the domain of Pink to conclude that they were nuts. This was from a completely unbiased PoV. The LTD was something that I was vaguely aware of and didn't care who loved who. But I do love my FF7. And I will not abide people butchering it for their own shipping.
I have to admit the CxA forums have lost their magic for me too. Maybe my initially fanboi reaction to FF7 is wearing off, but really, I'm coming to see the LT as sad, so much bad blood when it isn't needed. There's threads at CxA (threads, plural) that are basically tutorials and lists designed to help Cleriths debate properly with Clotis, and then there's kinda pointless ones, like one about what pet names Cloud and Aerith would give each other, etc.
I'm now a self-declared neutral with Clerith tendancies. CxA has really lost its charm to me anymore. I'm kinda thankful I never got in too deep with the LT war, save for that one essay Anastar asked me to write for Devotion. Honestly, I've come to realize that both sides skew facts and have their own biases for different things. Duz not pleeze me.
At this point I think, as a whole, Cleriths and Clotis are at the point where they hate each other for the sake of hating each other. For all my complaints about the Clerith bashing here, there are Cloti bashing threads at CxA, and some of the insults slung by either side aren't really well-founded.
To paraphrase George Carlin:
I think Clotis and Cleriths really show their ignorance when they say they wish they could get along...what are these fucking cretins talking about? If Clotis and Cleriths learned to get along, the whole fandom would collapse! No one would know what to do! An understanding would fuck this fandom up!