You could say the same for Clerith. I've seen some see it as Clerith, and same with Cloti. Depends on how you saw the game. And obviously, atm VII has no official couple or there wouldn't be this debate. Obviously, people saw an obvious pairing for most FF games, when VII there has been a 12 year debate.
There was an 8 year debate about R=U before it died. There is still a 'debate' about FF12's pairing.
People still argue regarding the relationship of Edge and Rydia from IV, over 17 years later.
Honestly, i don't think it will ever end, nor will either be proven official canon. Both Clerith and Cloti are canon in some form so even if it was confirmed nothing would work. The creator have dug waaay to far of a hole.
Hardly. With the narrative AS IS, C/T has more than a strong enough case. They have demonstrated more as a couple and progressed further in their relationship than any FF main pairing save FFIV, who they have distinct and marked similarities to.
Ask Angelalex about it. I shall have no hand in further mind bendings.
I never took it as a romantic scene rly. He's too late to save her and his own sickness causes him to pass out. And then they're both just passed out lying there.

I'm half tempted to post a sarcastic remark about other non-romantic moments but I shall withhold myself.
It's not directly romantic, but the points of the scene are A: Cloud has failed Tifa, causing a flare up, and one in which he slightly cries and B: Cloud and Tifa are in this together. Even as Cloud has been lonewolfing it up, he's been doing it inexorably linked to and for Tifa and his family.
Ahh, but what is reality is the fact that neither creator/producer/director or any other person on the FFVII team has flat out said "Cloud belong with Tifa. They marry in FFVII-4 and have spiky haired babies together."
And by that logic no FF couple is canon save Cec/Ro. Not even Wakka and Lulu. It could be Auron's spirit baby, after all.
If you're going to go down the "creator says" path, you've got the creator's specifically calling Tifa a "girlfriend/lover" within the narrative of AC. So again, that doesn't really hold any weight either.
Want to try again? People bitch about how "inconclusive" the LT is when the fucking writing is on the white wall in blood. Bright red blood.
And do you know how often that stuff needs to be reapplied? BLOOD GOES BLACK QUICKLY FOLKS.
I don't know. Did he say that?
Yes, he did. P80, if I am not mistaken, of the Reunion Files.
Did they actually share mutual feelings? I was told the word mutual was not in the sentence. And I am asking for clarification, not to argue.
IIRC, and I cba to check, if not 'mutual', then 'the two of them' would be closest.
It's amusing how even the Mods don't take this thread seriously anymore. I think we have Mako's "monkeyshines" to thank for that.
Let me end the LT debate, for real - Advent Children. Also known as AC. OMG, AerithxCloud, it's so OBVIOUS PEOPLEZ!!!!!!
Before Crisis= Baret/Cloud? Crisis Core = CloudxCloud? Dirge of Cerberus = DenzelxCloud? Ewwww....
And let's not even touch what that naming scheme reveals when we dip into the novellas...