The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Celes Chere

Mm, I was debating and someone randomly brought up the quote. I don't think this is the exact word-for-word quote, but here goes:

"We've held some disagreement with the staff on who Cloud pairs up with in the end. But we've made a decision."

Something like that. I'll try looking for it.

I've seen that quote as well. I can't remember where for the life of me, though.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well, if 'they made a decision', then really, this whole affair is MORE than over. Making the decision and then repeatedly emphasizing Cloud and Tifa... Yeah.

But then again, certain Pinkers don't see any romance in C/T, so OBVIOUSLY there is none anywhere...

Sometimes, I wonder if they actually think about some of the things they say and how they reflect on them before they say it.
Then I realize, no. They do not.

::Waves to the audience:: Feel free to join in any time, cowards!


Higher Further Faster
Them's fightin' words, Ryu. Just be careful what you wish for.

But yeah TLS does seem kind of empty without at least a couple of Clerith debaters around. :/


Your Mom
The Cleriths simply don't debate anymore. That's why there aren't any here and why they abandoned NC. As to why they don't debate, well ... they have very busy, rich, full lives.


it aint cleriith, its aerocloud...and i still support this as a means to keep this thread alive apart from silly spamming and desparate posts.

now considering i have only played FF7 u gotta give me a chance, Aerith liked cloud and looked at him like zack, so what if she always thought of zack, she still liked cloud in that way. Aerith loved zack more than she loved cloud, but in the end she saw cloud for who he really was, and still loved him, that is evidence in itself.


well from ff7, I do not have to spell it out in my post, u have played the game 17 times. so u know. She liked cloud because she saw zack in him, but she eventually saw the real cloud but she still liked him did she not? now no matter how u defend this argument, at the end of the day she still liked him for who he was.


Higher Further Faster
I believe 'Bella asked you for evidence of Cloud loving Aerith. Even if it really is true that Aerith loved Cloud more than Zack it does not mean that Cloud loves her back. That is the false logic that has people still debating that Maiden is canon.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Okay....Aerith liked Cloud.

But...when does Cloud like Aerith? :monster:

See, its gotta work both ways for there to be a relationship. The whole thing is proving Cloud loves Aerith. It isn't just showing Aerith liked Cloud.


oh no no Ten,

She does NOT love cloud more than Zack, but she still oved cloud....but not because she saw zack in him.

@ Mako.

cloud loved aeris because he cared for her so much, if she was an emo and a normal guy expressed that care for her, u would agree that he must love her.


Higher Further Faster
Okay then, where are you going with this, Username? Aerith loved Cloud, but not more than Zack, okay, cool, I can take that. But if you want to throw out an opposing view to "keep the thread going," then do you have proof of Cloud loving Aerith more than Tifa at any point?


@ Ten.

Well apart from the silly childhood scene with cloud and tifa at the begging, what evidence do u have during the setting of FF7, that cloud loves tifa so much@ he dates both of them, and is obviously so sad when aerith dies, even though he hardly knew her.

Celes Chere

Am I the only one that thinks Aerith didn't love Cloud? I think she was in denial over Zack's death, and continued to see the Zack in Cloud throughout the entire FFVII game. In fact, there are three quotes saying just that, maybe even more. If we're counting Maiden as canon proof, Aerith didn't know who the true Cloud was until after she was dead, and even then, she awakened Zack by trying to think of what it was she liked about Cloud.

People tend to be sad when their friend dies. It's not romantic.


Your Mom
Am I the only one that thinks Aerith didn't love Cloud?
No, I agree. By the time she had sorted her own feelings out, she was, well, dead. She certainly cares about him as he does about her. But she's taken on a nurturing, mother-type role now.

@User: So we're back at the "Cloud loves Aerith because he was upset by her death" argument? Would he just have shrugged it off if another member of the party was murdered as he stood there and watched?


@User: So we're back at the "Cloud loves Aerith because he was upset by her death" argument? Would he just have shrugged it off if another member of the party was murdered as he stood there and watched?

Certainly, not because they are blokes lol, but if tifa for example died, he would also express the same kinda emotion but this was because he knew tifa for so long and kinda liked her, he liked aerith because tifa was proving too hard a catch, he was getting tired of her.

Celes Chere

she's taken on a nurturing, mother-type role now.

Definitely, Aerith has been referred to as a Mother many times. In fact, the flowerfield scene with Aerith and Cloud comes along with the quote about her appearing in front of people who are pained and confused like a loving Mother. Not to mention, Cloud calls her 'Mother' himself, while Zack and Aerith joke around about him being 'too big' to adopt. I wonder WHY they did that? :monster:

tifa was proving too hard a catch, he was getting tired of her.

I'm going to need proof of that one, especially considering Tifa devoted her very being to him.


Higher Further Faster
@ Ten.

Well apart from the silly childhood scene with cloud and tifa at the begging, what evidence do u have during the setting of FF7, that cloud loves tifa so much@ he dates both of them, and is obviously so sad when aerith dies, even though he hardly knew her.

The fact that Cloud seems different around her than everyone else (ie less badass), creator comments in interviews and Ultimanias, the Lifestream scene, the Highwind scene, him telling Tifa in CoT that they are going to be together from here on out and her being by his side from that point on is what will keep him from failing, his reason from leaving them in AC being that he thought it is what is best for them.

Then there's also Cloud singling Tifa out in his speach when he stabs Sephiroth in Nibelheim, him molesting her face during the Nibelheim reactor stuff, his conversation with Zack in the Nibelheim Inn in CC, Cloud being obsessed with his promise to Tifa in BC.

Want me to go on?

Also Cloud NOT being sad at Aerith's death would make him seem like the ultimate douche bag, don't you think? People cry over the deaths of people they barely knew. Heck I have before myself. It's sad, it's part of being human. Cloud was also just as equally distraught over Zack's death as he was Aerith's.

he liked aerith because tifa was proving too hard a catch, he was getting tired of her.

Excuse me? How did you deduce this opinion?


@ Ten

First of all, i understand all ur evidence...that is good.

but i am looking at his from a pure FF7 persepctive, not the one-off interviews made by various staff confirming the relationship purely to end the continous rant from fans. FF7 shares 2 different realtionships between cloud/aerith and tifa, and they are completly different, i see cloud's realtionship with tifa in FF7 as a friendship, aerith in the other hand is, first love kinda romance, if ya get my meaning, cloud never tried it on with tifa in FF7, he looked more prominant to aerith throughout.

"""Excuse me? How did you deduce this opinion?"""

It is purely my own instinct. But i think i am right tbh, he obviously liked tifa, but showed hardly no interest in her throughout the story of FF7 whilst aeris was hanging around him.
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