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Celes Chere

but showed hardly no interest in her throughout the story of FF7 whilst aeris was hanging around him.

So saying things like:
"Thanks everyone, especially you Tifa... you've been so kind to me, I don't know what to say."


"No matter what anyone else says, it's your attitude that counts most."
"We finally meet again, Tifa."
"I hope you meet the real Cloud again someday."
"Tifa, let's go home."

Mean absolutely nothing? If Cloud showed no interest in Tifa, then why is he still devoted to the promise he made to her so long ago? Why did they share that night under the High Wind? Why is there a statement saying that Tifa is the only woman Cloud opened his heart to?


"Thanks everyone, especially you Tifa... you've been so kind to me, I don't know what to say."

Well whenever he said this, it dont mean nothing, i could say that to my mate, but it wouldent mean nothing extravigant.

"No matter what anyone else says, it's your attitude that counts most."

this is even worst, i mean anyone could say that to anyone dependant on their situation.

""""then why is he still devoted to the promise he made to her so long ago? Why did they share that night under the High Wind? Why is there a statement saying that Tifa is the only woman Cloud opened his heart to? """""

He promised her that because she was the only interest in his life at that time.

he slept with her under the highwind because he did, who wouldent? i mean u have the chance to show ur love, she agrees...u suddenly pull out...i dont think so.

the statement made about tifa is the only women cloud opened his heart to is so bad...its just something to fill a part of the story with, to please the majority, its awful.


Higher Further Faster
Purely from an FFVII perspective? It almost sounds like you're trying to find a reason to ignore certain pieces of evidence, but I'll take you on, because it can be done.

I'm going to jump to farther on in the story to what I feel is most prominent. In the Lifestream we learn that many of the things that Cloud did, he did to impress Tifa. He wanted to be friends with Tifa, to be noticed by her. It's why he called her out to the well, it's why he went to join SOLDIER, it's why he always got into fights as a child. He wanted to be noticed, ans when Tifa doesn't get it and asks who it is he wanted to noticed him, he says, "Who? You know who! You that's who!"

And when Tifa says that she checked the newspapers for world of Cloud everyday, his younger self says, "You should tell him that, it'd make him really happy."

Why would Cloud fight so hard for Tifa's attention? Why would the current adult Cloud be happy to hear that Tifa had been so adamant for word of him while he was gone?

In the first visit to the Northern Crater Cloud tells Tifa that her opinion is the only one that mattered to him and that he would believe whatever she told him.

The math speaks for itself.

And Aerith hanging around him on the first disc? That's just Aerith being who she is. And wanting to find a new Zack in the process. You've said so yourself that was the case.

And your opinion is that Cloud loved Aerith and you think that's right and that's why we should believe you? I can go there, too. I think that Cloud loved Tifa and I think that's right so maybe you should believe me.


Your Mom
User, you realize that Cloud didn't remember his feelings for Tifa during the first half of the game, right? He rediscovered them in the lifestream. And any flirtation between Cloud and Aerith is initiated by Aerith, who we later find out is chasing the shadow of Zack. We never see Cloud initiate anything or make any sort of move on Aerith.

You can't base your "instinct" on your first impressions when you're dealing with a story that contains a series of plot twists. If we're going to do that, we might as well be arguing that Cloud is an ex-SOLDIER.

And I'm not sure why I'm trying to give a serious answer here. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
I'll argue that Cloud is just a five year old Sephiroth Clone made from scratch by Hojo and not a real person who was just injected with Jenova cells and was being manipulated by Sephiroth. After all that's what we are led to believe first so that has to be what is right.


well more than half the quotes made there, are made before cloud met aeris or after she died, so it proves that cloud is thickle and is willin to "love" a women if he knows her as a mate and is attracted to her.


""""He rediscovered them in the lifestream. And any flirtation between Cloud and Aerith is initiated by Aerith"""

i wouldent go that far, if clouds actions towards aerith was to do with his infection, then that is a bit too much infection, if ya get my point. its ridculous, put tifa in that situation, cloud would not bullshit how he disliked her when infected.


Higher Further Faster
well more than half the quotes made there, are made before cloud met aeris or after she died, so it proves that cloud is thickle and is willin to "love" a women if he knows her as a mate and is attracted to her.

If you are talking about my post about the Lifestream scene then no, everything said in that scene is said after Aerith is already dead. The little kid version of Cloud is his subconscious. He knows who the real Cloud is and what the real Cloud wants, and it's obvious from his words that he wants Tifa.

""""He rediscovered them in the lifestream. And any flirtation between Cloud and Aerith is initiated by Aerith"""

i wouldent go that far, if clouds actions towards aerith was to do with his infection, then that is a bit too much infection, if ya get my point. its ridculous, put tifa in that situation, cloud would not bullshit how he disliked her when infected.

I don't follow what you are saying here...

Also don't double post.


Well i aint smart enough to is merge, it is silly. a mod can do that for me.

and also saud them things after aeris died because he did...that is cloud all over, he does care, but only for the aeris is now dead and gone. all he wants is to be cared for, he was a bit derranged like that throughout.

Celes Chere

User, are you failing to notice that Cloud is singling Tifa out, apart from everyone else, including Aerith? When he thanked EVERYONE, he thanks Tifa especially, not Aerith. When he says no matter what anyone else says (anyone including Aerith), it's your attitude that counts, he means it's only Tifa's attitude that matters to him- not Aerith's.

He promised her that because she was the only interest in his life at that time.

he slept with her under the highwind because he did, who wouldent? i mean u have the chance to show ur love, she agrees...u suddenly pull out...i dont think so.

the statement made about tifa is the only women cloud opened his heart to is so bad...its just something to fill a part of the story with, to please the majority, its awful.

As for this, if Aerith became his new interest, why wouldn't he tell Tifa that he would no longer be keeping the promise, and moreover, why would he continue to keep the promise even while Aerith was still living? As for the Highwind bit, you seem to be typing in a foreign language, because I did not understand a word of that. Perhaps you could try explaining what you mean again?

How is it bad? It's not something to just fill a part of the story. They didn't have to put that quote in to fill in any parts. In fact, that quote is rather un-needed but they put it in there anyway.

I wonder why. :monster:


Your Mom
if clouds actions towards aerith was to do with his infection
What actions toward Aerith are you talking about? I just said that any flirtation is initiated by Aerith. Do you have examples that contradict that?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
No. No it does not mean he's fickle. In fact, that's such an asinine conclusion, I'm gonna ask- are you posting drunk again, man?

Cloud had sex with Tifa. His reaction to the death of Aerith was less extreme than his reaction to Zack's death. Cloud's heart CALLED OUT TO TIFA'S when they were in the lifestream.

What leads you to believe that Cloud had a ROMANTIC INTEREST in Aerith?

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Higher Further Faster
Oh dude I forgot about the fact that Username likes to come online and post while drunk. He normally posts much better than this, too. I should have seen the red flag sooner.

Dude, User, you really should NOT do stuff like this, and I'm not saying this to be snarky or funny but because it's just not healthy. I hope you aren't drinking alone.


haha Celes.. i likke u.

well the reason behind the higwind quote is cos i am british which is foreighn to u huh?? but it still makes sence. Bsicually what i was saying is...all u people thing of the highwind scene to be thepinnacle of cloud and tifa's love ealationship...but i personally think its because cloud wanted to love tifa becausehe was attracted to her....which bloke wouldent be?? he did that because yeh...he loved her...but would be prepared to split with her for aerith.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Can you prove he'd EVER, even? Sit on this for a day. Long enough to not be drunk.

Celes Chere

haha Celes.. i likke u.

UM, EW!!!

well the reason behind the higwind quote is cos i am british which is foreighn to u huh?? but it still makes sence. Bsicually what i was saying is...all u people thing of the highwind scene to be thepinnacle of cloud and tifa's love ealationship...but i personally think its because cloud wanted to love tifa becausehe was attracted to her....which bloke wouldent be?? he did that because yeh...he loved her...but would be prepared to split with her for aerith.

No, it's the fact that you typed it out awkwardly, and the bad spelling really did not help. I don't think that scene is the pinnacle of their relationship at all.

Edit: Can you prove ANYTHING?!


calm...ok i am thinking. to Ten's post...give me a whiile to post and think u lot.

""Can you prove that he would be so quick to leaver her for Aerith? ""

well tbh cloud never was tifa's GF, so he wouldent need to leave her, andi'm not saying he totattaly loved aeris either.


Higher Further Faster
You're flip flopping User...

You can't say that Cloud would leave Tifa for Aerith then say that Cloud never really loved Aerith. What are you on about?


no ur using that as an excuse to end this debate Ten lol.

now can we debate my reasoning plz, the reason being cloud loved tifa from the start but loved aeris more because she saw zack in him, but lied aeris more than tifa at the time (in my reasoning).


Your Mom
Cloud loved Aeris more because she saw the Zack in him? So you're arguing Cloud LIKED that Aeris saw Zack in him, and this made him love her?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
no ur using that as an excuse to end this debate Ten lol.

now can we debate my reasoning plz, the reason being cloud loved tifa from the start but loved aeris more because she saw zack in him, but lied aeris more than tifa at the time (in my reasoning).



i dunnnno lol?? cloud liked aeris from the start. right.

he also liked tifa...but he had tried it on with tifa before the highwind scene for example. but aeris seemed more of an interest to cloud in FF7, more than tifa from my view. t is still saved on my memory card.

And hi Ryu, long time no talk.


Great Old One
Damn, you guys posted a lot. T_T

Um, yes. I remember seeing the quote from several places, including the fanfiction forum. But I don't remember.

he also liked tifa...but he had tried it on with tifa before the highwind scene for example. but aeris seemed more of an interest to cloud in FF7, more than tifa from my view. t is still saved on my memory card.
What makes you think that Cloud was more interested? By the fact that he felt guilt for her death?
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