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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
But that is the way life is.

Things suck but it doesn't stop people from acting the way they are and having their own views like that.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
But that is the way life is.

Things suck but it doesn't stop people from acting the way they are and having their own views like that.
You mean, you can't change your mind from what other people believe? How shocking. :awesome:

Celes Chere

You wear a skirt like that an tell me you aren't afraid of showing off your gonch. Also low res graphix hide panties

It's not about me though. :)

Did you see them in Crisis Core? :awesome: I didn't think so. Anyway, even if you could see them, look at what I said about Rikku. The way you dress doesn't make you who you are as a person. I mean, it can to some extent, but you shouldn't judge people only on the way they look.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
My own views do suck but experience has shaped them for me. So I'm not about to go changing them willy nilly because it sounds better.

Edit: Regarding Rikku she didn't wear panties. She wore a bikini. :monster:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
My own views do suck but experience has shaped them for me. So I'm not about to go changing them willy nilly because it sounds better.
Wearing pants and playing video games has clearly shaped me to be a lesbian in the future, all the guys told me so. So I'm just going to be over here feeling up some hot chick because some dudes told me that's how I should act. :awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Tidus and Yuna never said "I love you" at all in the original Japanese script.

And Cloud and Tifa shared a physical and probable sexual moment in FFVII. What's your fucking point?

A skirt that shows her panties. And Yes, Aerith's dress is unbuttoned nearly that high too, I'm well aware of that. I'm also bothered that Tifa doesn't wear a bra, or at least gives the illusion she doesn't anyway as artwork/figures constantly show as if she just came out of a wet t shirt contest.

But don't even get me STARTED on Sephiroth. All that leather when running around can NOT be comfortable.

Yeah, same for fucking Selphie, Rikku, Fran, Rydia, and the countless other females. Panty shots. Big whoop. Get over yourself. Deal with the fact there's sexuality in a game marketed at teenagers and young adults from Japan. You sound like the fucking Christian Coalition here.

No. If you knew me at all you'd know Radical Feminism is my thing, and while I give props for Tifa for being her own woman, I liked her more in AC/C as she was being her own woman wearing tasteful clothes.

You're not a radical feminist, you're a straw feminist. Because any rational and true feminist knows and understands that a woman isn't supposed to be judged by what she wears or how she perceives and decides to embrace her sexuality and beauty. It's that type of fucking backwards, 1940's, sexual restrictive thinking that feminism attacks and tries to move away from, not back to. "Tasteful" is entirely subjective, and a fucking skirt and t-shirt is pretty normal.

Well I mean why not? Isn't that what Cloti is based on? The fact that despite they knew eachother so well an shit, they can just pick up a relationship after a night of wild hot desert plain sex beneath the Highwind?

No, it's not. And apparently you don't have the facts straight at all. Go back to FFVII and the Compilation, please.

It is for a lot off young gamers who play this game. And gamers are getting younger everyday.

It's a game marketed to teenagers and young adults for fuck's sake. There's smoking, drinking, prostitution, sex and more. What the hell are you talking about?

It's not just rapid Clerith shipper madness, it's just an honest opinion Celes asked for. And the main ideal of these opinions have stayed with me since I first played VII when I was 12. When I opened the instruction booklet and saw Tifa first thing I thought was "How big are those boobs?" followed shortly by "Is she really a main heroine dressed like that?" Granted with VII's bad graphics it's not all apparent of how Tifa's dressed or offensive that much but it was a bit.

It's a bullshit opinion to be honest. Her boobs are not that big compared to other FF characters, let alone anime characters in general.

This is where that double standard comes into play. Do guys ever get chided for how many women they sleep with? No. It makes them players. Do women? Yes, it makes them sluts.

So will a guy get chided for how he dresses? No, it makes him cool.

This idea is bullshit but it's been around for decades. And it sucks.

That idea would hold credence if it were relevant and men were not actually ridiculed or also objectified in terms of their sexuality based on their appearance as well. Feminine males who dress provocatively like a woman have been mocked, and have had their sexuality questioned. That's a load of bullshit. And what does how many fucking partners a male has have to do with anything? This isn't about Tifa sleeping around with other people. So the comparison makes no sense at all.

Two weeks so obviously gives you enough time to jump into a guy's head and justify your causes for sleeping with him.

...Yeah, if you get into his head by a fantasy plot device and know his inner most secrets and love for you that you also feel and thus come to an emotional understanding and fall in love. What a full-of-shit statement.

I guess the main point I forgot to address last night regarding skanky outfits, is how can anyone expect to take you seriously when you dress like that?

Welcome to Japanese anime/video game character designs. If you come off your high horse you may be able to enjoy it, or understand it.

"Gee Cloud, those stars sure are sparkly."
"Wanna do it?"

Bow chika bow wow

When you say things like this, I wonder if you've actually played the game. This is such utter bullshit.

Celes Chere

Edit: Regarding Rikku she didn't wear panties. She wore a bikini.

That somehow justifies her 'slutdom'? It's barely a bikini. :lol: And what about Yuna, with the big slit that shows off her cleavage? Ashe is practically wearing a loin cloth.

Tifa is dressing modestly compared to them.

Her boobs are not that big compared to other FF characters,

Yeah, look at LuLu.
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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
That somehow justifies her 'slutdom'? It's barely a bikini. :lol: And what about Yuna, with the big slit that shows off her cleavage? Ashe is practically wearing a loin cloth.

Tifa is dressing modestly compared to them.

So all women who wear bikini's are sluts now too? :monster:

And I thought Yuna's transformation was very random. I didn't quite get how she needed to shed 3/4 of what she wore to suddenly empower herself.

Oh. That.

I don't understand why you need to wear nothing to feel empowered as a strong woman. That's my point.

also brb gaiz, replying to mako :wacky:


~The Other Side of Fear~
Most of the FF cast are dressed like they're looking for the wrong kind of attention. It's marketed to teenaged boys. Whatdidya figure?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
It was an example of how stereotypes are not always correct. Like that meme that says "I am German, so I MUST be a nazi." (Keep in mind that that is NOT TRUE, just so you know, Chanz. Cos I know you can be a little slow sometimes. :monster:)

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Okay I don't have time to read the last few pages before I get ready for work, so I apologize if this has been said or the topic moved on.

But if Tifa decides that she wants to have sex with a guy and you point at her and yell "SLUT!" then it's kind of hypocritical to start talking about feminism in regard to her outfit.

Is her outfit retarded in the eye of practicality? Yes, times a thousand. But calling a woman a slut because she decided to have sex is just as hurtful to womankind. She felt something for Cloud, he felt something for her, and neither of them were sleeping around. If she wanted to have sex then it's her decision. And Cloud's.

Viva la sex. :monster:

Celes Chere

So all women who wear bikini's are sluts now too?

And I thought Yuna's transformation was very random. I didn't quite get how she needed to shed 3/4 of what she wore to suddenly empower herself.

No, but according to your logic I just assumed. O_o

Well, Rikku designed her outfit. :)

I don't understand why you need to wear nothing to feel empowered as a strong woman. That's my point.

But Tifa doesn't wear 'nothing' to feel strong and empowered. Nor does Rikku, Fran, Yuna, Selphie, Terra, etc. It's their actions and personality that make them who they are, not their attire. That's my point.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Tidus and Yuna never said "I love you" at all in the original Japanese script.

And Cloud and Tifa shared a physical and probable sexual moment in FFVII. What's your fucking point?

Yet they exchanged "I love you's" in the English script. What's your point?

Yeah, same for fucking Selphie, Rikku, Fran, Rydia, and the countless other females. Panty shots. Big whoop. Get over yourself. Deal with the fact there's sexuality in a game marketed at teenagers and young adults from Japan. You sound like the fucking Christian Coalition here.

Tifa just opened the door for scantily clad women everywhere. You go girl. :monster:

You're not a radical feminist, you're a straw feminist. Because any rational and true feminist knows and understands that a woman isn't supposed to be judged by what she wears or how she perceives and decides to embrace her sexuality and beauty. It's that type of fucking backwards, 1940's, sexual restrictive thinking that feminism attacks and tries to move away from, not back to. "Tasteful" is entirely subjective, and a fucking skirt and t-shirt is pretty normal.

Yeah, tasteful is subjective. Infact the entire thing is subjective, hence why I expressed my opinion regarding the whole thing because Celes asked. Perhaps you should get off your high horse and actually accept the fact that not every Clerith is out there to press opinions into facts, and some are, in fact, just out there to share opinions?

No, it's not. And apparently you don't have the facts straight at all. Go back to FFVII and the Compilation, please.

Nothx, already been there.

It's a game marketed to teenagers and young adults for fuck's sake. There's smoking, drinking, prostitution, sex and more. What the hell are you talking about?

I dunno?

It's a bullshit opinion to be honest. Her boobs are not that big compared to other FF characters, let alone anime characters in general.

Her boobs are huge. Compared to Lulu probably the same size.

That idea would hold credence if it were relevant and men were not actually ridiculed or also objectified in terms of their sexuality based on their appearance as well. Feminine males who dress provocatively like a woman have been mocked, and have had their sexuality questioned. That's a load of bullshit. And what does how many fucking partners a male has have to do with anything? This isn't about Tifa sleeping around with other people. So the comparison makes no sense at all.

Actually we were talking about whether or not Tifa slept with anyone else, where have you been? :monster:

...Yeah, if you get into his head by a fantasy plot device and know his inner most secrets and love for you that you also feel and thus come to an emotional understanding and fall in love. What a full-of-shit statement.

Yes because knowing of a childhood love suddenly turns the crank for any girl.

Welcome to Japanese anime/video game character designs. If you come off your high horse you may be able to enjoy it, or understand it.

I'll jump down off of mine when you get off yours. :)

When you say things like this, I wonder if you've actually played the game. This is such utter bullshit.

I have played the game kthx

Ninira: I didn't say stereotgypes, I said experience.

What I meant by that was that girls I knew irl who dressed like Tifa = sluts/looking for attention. Women in the media who dressed like Tifa = sluts/looking for attention.

I'm sure there are women out there who are the opposite but as I said, experiences shape a persons views. And with other experiences to shape me from, I'm surprised I'm not a full on racist. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The english script isn't the originally written script, that's the point.

Channy said:
Yeah, tasteful is subjective. Infact the entire thing is subjective, hence why I expressed my opinion regarding the whole thing because Celes asked. Perhaps you should get off your high horse and actually accept the fact that not every Clerith is out there to press opinions into facts, and some are, in fact, just out there to share opinions?

Hypocrisy and misogyny however, aren't subjective, especially if you call yourself a fucking feminist. You got on your high horse saying crap about her being slutty and crap, which completely contradicts your premise of being a feminist and what not, since you're practicing the behavior that feminism (you know, *real* feminism) condemns. The opinion is based on a bullshit foundation.

Actually we were talking about whether or not Tifa slept with anyone else, where have you been?

....What? And no, she fucking hasn't. Where the hell did that idea come from?

Yes because knowing of a childhood love suddenly turns the crank for any girl.

Congratulations at missing the point of the story! Good job! Because clearly, all Tifa and Cloud felt for each other was a childhood love!

I'll jump down off of mine when you get off yours.

Calling out bullshit and hypocrisy doesn't take being on a high horse. At all.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Ninira: I didn't say stereotgypes, I said experience.

What I meant by that was that girls I knew irl who dressed like Tifa = sluts/looking for attention. Women in the media who dressed like Tifa = sluts/looking for attention.

I'm sure there are women out there who are the opposite but as I said, experiences shape a persons views. And with other experiences to shape me from, I'm surprised I'm not a full on racist. :monster:
Is there something more wrong with women gunning for sex than men? Sluts is derogatory, but being a player is considered cool. I mean, just watching Six Feet Under and seeing Nate, who regularly goes around and has sex with women, he's supposed to be looked at as cool, while his girlfriend's same desires are seen as unhealthy and disturbed. :hohum:
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Celes Chere

So anyone who wears a skirt and tank top is a slut looking for attention?

A whole buncha whores


I don't know those girls as people, btw. And even if I did know that they cared about one guy, and genuinely cared for people in general, they're still sluts because of what they're wearing.

That's what you're saying?


Rookie Adventurer
McChanny said:
I guess the main point I forgot to address last night regarding skanky outfits, is how can anyone expect to take you seriously when you dress like that?

I'd understand if Tifa was wearing just a bra and a thong, but what's hard to take seriously about a skirt and a sleeveless top? That's pretty standard summer wear to me (yes, yes, she wears it during other seasons too, but so does everyone else, those unhygienic weirdos); most people don't even bat an eye at it. It's not like she was going for a job interview or something.

Don't even get me started on Red or Cait. VII is full of sluts I tell you.
If you agree that all :awesome: some other characters in FFVII dress "slutty" as well, why do you especially dislike Tifa for doing so?

"Gee Cloud, those stars sure are sparkly."
"Wanna do it?"

Bow chika bow wow
That just proves Cloud is similarly guilty about having no other thoughts on his mind, despite the world ending :awesome:

Seriously, though, their pre-coital convo was more than just smalltalk.


Fire and Blood
Let's all wear burka, so we can't be tagged as slut, seriously :monster: [since guys flirted with me even though I wore jeans and a large sweatshirt when I was younger, I'll assume it was too sexy :monster:].

As for Tifa being a slut, I won't comment, because, even though I didn't like her outfit at first, I got over it pretty fast, considering that all that mattered was how she acted. IMHO, Aerith acted way sluttier than her, if you want my opinion. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yeah, women need to be get with the times, be moral and stop showing SKIN. Burkas are clearly the only outfit an empowered, liberated, and intelligent woman can wear. Anything else and she's a dirty fucking whore asking for sexual attention and harassment. Hell its their fault if they get raped after all.


Fiat Lux
A woman's clothing does not make her a slut.

While that is true, we live in a 'judge now, think later' society, and I would wager we're all guilty of it. Let's remember that clothing is a form of expression. If someone is by no means easy, but dresses like a two-bit hooker (for whatever innocent reasons), they can't blame people for making conclusions.
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