The General Turks Worship Thread


Pro Adventurer
Crimsonsun has been hard at work again. Right now I can't upload pictures to photobucket, so here's the link:

He's the only artist I know who regularly does art of Veld.

Nice! Thank you for sharing. I love the details, all those scars. Veld is pretty sexy for an older guy. Generally, I'm not into Veld, because the whole old enough to be my father thing is sort of a turn off, but that picture is kind of...

If Before Crisis was a movie, I'd like to see Veld played by Liam Nissen.

Just lines like this from Taken.

Wife: You sacrificed our marriage to the service of the country, you've made a mess of your life in the service of your country; can't you sacrifice a little one time for your own daughter?
Husband: I would sacrifice anything for her.

And of course this:

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."

Also, Liam Nissen is awesome, seriously,


Pro Adventurer

Yes! I love the idea of a Turk/Avengers crossover. Either the Turks would have to go to Earth, or the Avengers crew would have to lose some of their powers though - one of the main reasons I like the Turks better than SOLDIER is that they're just un-enhanced people. Who would get on and who would clash? Would Rufus and Tony Stark like or loathe each other? That would be some mega meeting of egos. Cissnei and Black Widow - friends or rivals? Friends and rivals? Tseng and Coulson would probably work well together in a civilised way. Thor and Reno could have drinking competitions. Rude and Hulk would be interesting fighting side by side - one all control and one - not. I'm not sure what Captain America could do in the Turks - he might end up joining SOLDIER. He might share Angeal's outlook. Hawkeye would fit right in - he'd just quietly join during Before Crisis and get on with it. He might be friends with Martial Arts male - they both seem unflashy and effective. As for romantic pairings - the possibilities are endless. I'm shipping Loki/Sephiroth - they can have happy little misanthropic chats about the patheticness of humanity and how no one understands them, and how they always knew they didn't quite fit in...

(Guess who got the Avengers DVD for her birthday :D)

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
i'm pretty sure Loki would be a very good turk. he can be a fantastic spy and be focused in magic and maybe he can train Aerith during his watch on her. the final mix between Aerith and a turk! :joy:

Rufus and Tony: :D
Rufus and Nick: :awesome:
Reno and Thor/ Reno and Hulk/ Reno and Tony: :desucait:
Cissnei and black Widow: :wacky:
Loki and Sephiroth/ LokiXSephiroth: :aah::joy::excited::wacky: *fangirling*

PS: i shouldn't be allowed to think about crossover XD


Pro Adventurer
My friend Lee, who hates yaoi so he is not saying this lightly, came the conclusion that Reno is the love child of Thor and Loki. He claims "it makes sense, yo. Reno uses electricity and is resistance to electric attacks, he's got blue/green eyes, and that sort of mischievous personality. It makes so much since." Considering his general dislike of shipping in general, yaoi in particular, I was very surprised by this theory of his. Strangely, that fact makes me want to give his rational more credence because there must be strong evidence if Lee's going to consider slash pairings. (Although Loki might have been a girl at the time, since one of them would have to carry the child and Loki has been a girl and a mom before).

Personally, I ship OG Yuffie with Kid!Loki from the comics. (Journey Into Mystery is an amazing comic series). Loki is 15, Yuffie is 16, Loki used to be a thief in Paris and is a trickster who loves shiny things (mostly the latest Stark tech, he loves his Stark Phone), Yuffie is a materia thief and a bit of a trickster herself.

And we're getting a bit off topic, but speaking of other characters as Turks. What about Yuffie as a Turk. How would that have worked out?

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
i don't think yuffie would be a good turk.
but, it's fanart time! probably they are all been already posted, but never mind.
ok, the original name's 'if she's happy then', but i have to complete the thought
dunno why it's so little

and that's only p.1 :)


Pro Adventurer
Yes, I like that one as well. It's very...evocative? I'd like to know what those two would have to say to each other after all these years, or what's going on in Vincent's head.


Great Old One
Ryu said in #tls about an hour ago that there's a new Rufus figure on display in the SE store in Japan. I think Front Page post will be make.

Just look at it. I think it's awesome.


More pics

Rufus really looks like a spoiled kid from the Westside of Oslo in this one. Like, aristocratic looking white boy. The hair is slightly off, but with slicked back hair, he could pass directly for a rich shipping heir.
I've been thinking for some time now that Rufus is really emerging as a fan favourite. Has anyone else noticed this? It might have something to do with growing interest in BC, but I think it's mostly because he and Reno between them stole the show from Cloud in ACC, by being consistently snarky and cool-as-a-cucumber badass and getting all the best lines. These images make me long all the more to go to Tokyo. Maybe this means a PlayArts figure of Rufus will soon come out, though I think he'd be pretty lonely without Tseng. I don't know why they don't just make Playarts of all five of them.

edit, apparently it does mean exactly that.
I have never, ever typed this before, but
Am getting one. Somehow.

Did U No - Cid is the only FFVII playable character without any type of figurine to call his own?
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Pro Adventurer
It's ridiculous how excited this news makes me. I can't wait to get hold of him and introduce him to my Reno. I wonder how long it will be before he's available? Maybe there is hope of a BC English release after all. And other Turk figures? Reno without Rude seems as wrong as Rufus without Tseng. (I know there's already a small Reno and Rude, but it's not the same.)

Did U No - Cid is the only FFVII playable character without any type of figurine to call his own?

No fair. How can there be Cait Sith, and not Cid? Is there a Reeve? There should be a Reeve. Scarlet would be fun, too.
I want to be SE's new director of merchandising, fgj. I would ensure that everybody had their own action figure. Then we could remake the entire game using stop-motion animation.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
For now rufus will have to make do with wooly Tseng lol.

Yeah I just wish theyd release figures of everyone. When star wars came out you could get figures of every damn character - even background characters like max rebo the piano playing elephant!

If I had the time and the talent id do my own custom figures.


Wow. You have no idea how this made me both happy and sad. Happy because Rufus finally has his own figure, and save for the hair, he looks gooood. Sad, because I probably can't buy it. :sadpanda:

And good point about everyone having their own action figures. Even the ones who aren't popular with the fans (the Shinra executives, President Shinra, etc) would be bought by those collecting FFVII stuff. Hell, I want a Heidegger!


Rufus' figure looks hot! :P

After AC/C and reading CoS I really started to love Rufus as a character. It's no fair that japan get all the cool shit.

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
loki's turks gallery P.2
AKA the only colored pics of the post
hope you like them too (and i'll post a p.3 too)


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Is it that hard for them to make all the figures though? I mean, they have all the Advent Children models on file. That's ripe for 3D printing, no sculping from scratch necessary!
Whenever I see a helicopter in the sky, I imagine Reno is flying it.


When worlds collide: Last month I was taking a boat tour of New York harbour. Some military helicopters were passing overhead, coming in to land on one of the piers. The tour guide said, "That's the President - " (and he was right, it was) and of course I immediately pictured Rufus in the back of the chopper and Reno at the controls. Obama was my second thought. Later we passed the pier where the helicopter was waiting, and there were a fair few Secret Service guys just hanging around, looking pretty much exactly like Turks but with thicker necks. I don't know whether I was more thrilled to be waving at Obama or having a Shinra fantasy momentarily brought to life.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I reckon nobody has been killed, it's just the result of a hangover and a blunt razor :monster:
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