The General Turks Worship Thread


Pro Adventurer
I actually have a question about Reno's markings. It seems to me any sort of body modification be tattoo (especially in a very visible place, i.e. facial) or piercings would be problematic for a Turk.

Do the Turks want to be highly recognized outside of uniform? Wouldn't having a distintive tattoo be a disadvantage. I think piercings might be hazardous, especially for a close range fighter. Having piercing ripped out in the middle of a fight can't be fun.

So why Reno's markings and Rude's piercings.

Why does Veld allow this? For that matter, why does Veld allow various Turks (Reno, Rod, Knives) to break dress code?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah, and lets not forget Tsengs bindi/tilak thingy. Plus his hair is kind of distinctive too. In fact Rude and Elena are probably the most nondescript of the Turks (Rudes piercings excepted) You'd think that would be a huge hazard in their line of work. Kind of leads me to believe that they don't really have their own lives outside of Shinra, that perhaps even their living quarters are part of Shinra HQ, because how else would it be safe for them?

Unless they have to disguise themselves for 'civilian' life? Which would be kind of interesting, a sort of reversal of the superheroes/villains secret identity?


Pro Adventurer
My head canon with Tseng's dot is that he didn't actively seek to get it but rather it was something done to him, more specifically done before he could remember. (I'm writing a fic that will explain the origin of the mark). Although I love hearing other people's theories.

I'm currently writing a fanfic which explains Reno's reasoning behind his facial tattoos, it's fun to think about.

I don't know if living quarters are in the building. Case of Shinra describes the office as "like a home" to the Turks, but doesn't mention them actually living there. I think Shinra may own separate apartment buildings reserved for employees, sort of like Universities may have off campus student housing. The reason for this would be that Shinra could then control the rent in those buildings, so employees could afford to live near HQ rather than living somewhere cheaper to save on rent. I'd assume these complexes would have security.

As for having lives outside of work. Well certain Turks have been shown to have personal lives. Rude was dating Chelsea, and Veld had family. That said, all shown attempts at having personal lives outside of work have ended badly.

Maybe that's a plus for Turk/Turk dating.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
The way Midgar was set up I don't know why they didn't just dorm the Shinra building out.

When watching Case of Denzel, even the suburbs looked pretty cramped.


Pro Adventurer
Well, security wise, if the Shinra building were ever compromised, and everyone lived there.... Then again, President Shinra seemed pretty convinced that his power was invincible when he built the building, so maybe...


aka AlysanneLake
I don't have a solid answer regarding Reno's markings, but I did a short-fic a few months back, and in it I postulated that Reno wanted to somehow make his face less...appealing. I mean, if you're going with the AC Reno, he's kind of, well, pretty. Perhaps the marks are an effort to harden his features. I'm sure there are a thousand other origin stories more grandiose than "Reno thinks his face is too pretty", but somehow, I don't think it HAS to be more profound than that. It's HIS face after all.


Pro Adventurer
Can I have a link to that fic?

Honestly, I think would be really cool if someone could like create a date base of fanfics on the same topic, just to see the various explanations.

My explanation is

Rude had known Reno for years, and at this point thought nothing could surprise him. Then Reno swanned into the room with those things on his face, and all Rude could do was stare.

“Facial tattoos…” said Rude. He wondered what everyone at the office was going to say about this. Tseng’s face might very well be priceless.

“Yup,” said Reno. He went to the fridge and helped himself a beer he was not legally old enough to drink.

“Any reason?” asked Rude. Voice calm as ever. Who was he to judge? Rude had his share of piercings, which were arguably a lot worse than tattoos. A tattoo couldn’t be grabbed and ripped out in the middle of combat. Not that Rude would let anyone who’d think to try it be successful.

Reno flopped down on the couch beside Rude, and propped his feet up on the coffee table. “Remember the other day?” asked Reno, “when we came back to the office and I was all covered in blood?”

“After your first kill, you mean?” asked Rude. “Reno, are you dong ok?”

“What? Oh yeah, I’m fine,” said Reno. He took a deep drink. “I mean…I will be.”

“It’ll get easier,” said Rude.

Reno laughed and shook his head. “That’s what I’m afraid of,” he said. “That’s why I got these, it’s a reminder.”

Rude was silent, but gave him a look that prompted him to go on.

“When we got back, Tseng took me to the bathroom to get cleaned up. While I was scrubbing my face I saw these marks, perfect streaks of blood here and here,” he pointed to the messy lines on his face. “It was kinda…striking, I guess? So I took a picture in the mirror before I finished cleaning up for my debriefing. Then I gave the picture to the artist when I got this done, to remind myself that even after you scrub it off the blood’s still on you and so that when I do get used to the killing I can remember that it didn’t always used to be like that. Was a time my face didn’t have these marks.” Reno set the bottle down, and looked to Rude to say something.

That's a exert from chapter 12 of a very long Turk fic /novelization that I'm working on. That chapter is a yet to be beta read WIP, but I wanted to share my basic idea that the marks were based on blood.

I don't know anything about forensics, so I don't know how you'd get a spray pattern like that, but I know the first time I saw a picture of BC Reno I thought, what's on his face, it looks like blood. before remembering he's always had those marks. The image of Reno with his face marked by blood sort of stuck with me.
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Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
Do the Turks want to be highly recognized outside of uniform? Wouldn't having a distintive tattoo be a disadvantage.

I've never seen or heard of a Turk out of uniform except in fanfic. In my headcanon it seems like one of those 'Men in Black' jobs where the job is an identity, over which is laid whatever personal life each Turk can (or wants to) manage. Additionally the Turks have such a reputation and are so deferred to it seems to me like they don't care about being recognized and maybe even bask in the special possibly fear-induced treatment they'd get from being recognizable. Although bear in mind I haven't watched all of Before Crisis, so these thoughts may run contrary to canon.

I think piercings might be hazardous, especially for a close range fighter. Having piercing ripped out in the middle of a fight can't be fun.

Probably not, but I assume from the fact that he has so many large-gauge piercings -- and the fact that he's a Turk -- Rude has a high pain threshhold or at the very least can take pain like a Turk. For that matter, though, in terms of handicaps, Reno has that big long grab-able rat-tail of hair that in close range could be used against him. ...I find it really exciting in fanart when somebody's tugging playfully/sexily on it, though, like Rufus...

Why does Veld allow this? For that matter, why does Veld allow various Turks (Reno, Rod, Knives) to break dress code?

My theory is that it seems to me like the Turks are considered such hot shit they're like the 800-pound gorilla that sits anywhere it wants. They have uniforms 'cause they're cool, but also wear weird hairdos and piercings and facial markings and break uniform code 'cause they always don't play by the rules to get the job done?

I dunno, I'm probably romanticizing, but I do get the sense that as intense as the Turks are, it's more like an FBI/CIA type deal where if you're good enough to get there, you get a lot of special treatment and can do a lot of things your own way as long as you're good. SOLDIERs, it seems to me, are more rigidly military, and perhaps out of consternation given the Mako infusions and raw power given them kept under a system of stricter control.

Just my two cents, though, take it with a grain of salt! I love conversations like these and hearing everyone's theories and viewpoints, and sometimes learning awesome details I missed. :neo:

I pretty much agree with everything Kassi said, though she said it much more articulately than I could.

In my fanfic there are times when the Turks have to disguise themselves, and sometimes it's a problem, like when they had to escape from the Shinra building and there was no way Reno could conceal the marks on his cheeks. Normally, in my headcanon, when he goes undercover he uses make-up over the scars/tattoos and covers his hair with a wooly hat. They have a huge costume wardrobe in their department, and it goes witbout saying that they are masters of disguise. It's part of the coolness of who they are!


Pro Adventurer
...I find it really exciting in fanart when somebody's tugging playfully/sexily on it, though, like Rufus...

That does sound quite exciting. Do you have links to this fanart? Because that mental image alone...

Anyway, in terms of hair it seems a lot of the Turks have long hair. Martial Arts Female gives me particular pause because from what I know of marital arts it's advantageous to keep your hair tied back. Which in fact makes Reno's rat tail fine by comparison. I've always read the the thing to do with long hair is braid it and keep it out of the way. I think having tied hair pulled would be less painful that someone grabbing a handful of lose hair.

Although perhaps most Turks would simply be skilled enough to defend against hair grabs.

SOLDIERs, it seems to me, are more rigidly military, and perhaps out of consternation given the Mako infusions and raw power given them kept under a system of stricter control.

Perhaps it's a difference in leadership style between Veld and Heidegger. The Shinra military seems to stress uniformity, since most military grunts wear helmets, it's literally impossible to tell most of them appart. Perhaps, in the military, individuality is discouraged, while in the Turks individuality is encouraged.

Each Turk is not just another face in suit, they each stand out and have their own unique personalities and styles. They are not interchangeable, and perhaps in a way it comes down to function. While the Turks are a cohesive organization, each Turk has their own specialities. Veld probably knows exactly which Turk is best used for which job and knows that by seeing each Turk as an individual he can make the best use of their individual talents. In contrast, the military would seek to hammer out individuality, stress uniformity and group identity, and aside from the elite (Gen, Seph, Angeal, Zack) most of the military would be seen as interchangeable.

So while the Turks may lose a little "professionalism" by lacking uniformity, what you get in return is an organization of distinct individuals serving a larger whole. And perhaps people do better when allowed to express themselves and be unique.

They have a huge costume wardrobe in their department, and it goes witbout saying that they are masters of disguise. It's part of the coolness of who they are!

I like the idea that hey have a costume department.

In my experience, something as simple as a wig makes you fairly unrecognizable. I'll meet people at cons while wearing a costume, none of which obscure my face at all and I don't do tented contacts because I need my scripts to see, and then they won't recognize me if I see them out of costume (And vice versa, if I meet someone in costume). Even with my best friends, I could walk right past them without being recognized if my hair's remarkably different, i.e. long black hair, short blue hair, purple curls. Even after saying something to them sometimes it takes a moment to get recognition. ie. Lee? Lee?'s Sky?

What characteristics do we notice about people. Before learning my name, my best friend girl, Squeak, summed me up as "you're the blonde with the big boobs". Those who aren't staring at my chest tend to remember my eyes because they're fairly large and very bue.

So, sunglasses or contacts to cover eyes and a wig to cover hair, there goes the two features people tend to notice.

Oh and if you want to avoid being noticed, carrying a clipboard makes you all but invisible.

One summer I worked voter outreach in low income neighborhoods and had to carry a clipboard. At one point my partner was trying to see if someone was home by looking in the windows of a house. We came to the realization that if we wanted to spy on people or case houses to rob, we could do it and no one would question what we were doing because we were carrying clipboards. People just assume you're working some sort of survey or bureaucratic thing. In fact, people will avoid talking to you if you have a clip board, because they assume you'll ask them to participate, so they avoid eye contact

I think it can fairly easy to be disguised, it's just about knowing what to look like to avoid notice or to blend in. Also, if you act like you belong somewhere, you can get away without getting questioned.

Once there was a con held at a resort with a water park open to guests only. My friend and I wanted to go swimming so we wore our swim suites under our street clothes. When we approached the gate, before the man could ask to see our room cards, I said. "Excuse me, is it possible to order drinks pull side or do we have to go the bar?" His response, "We have a menu of drinks available, I can send a waiter to take your order or you can use our swim up bar." I thanked him, said that the swim up bar sounded lovely and walked right in without being questioned.

So with the right attitude and the most rudimentary disguise, think it would be easy for a Turk to get in wherever they needed to. I'd also add that some people just have a natural aptitude for avoiding being seen.

My husband can move through a crowd without being noticed and is very good at sneaking up on people without trying. (He startles people, a lot). On the other hand, when he chooses to he can get the attention of everyone in a room or be fairly intimidating. (the consensus is my husband is a bit scary). I think there must be some trick to this, to controlling your presence so you can either be unseen or the center of attention, an I assume Turks would be masters of this, even without the use of disguises.

So I do not doubt that the Turks could avoid being seen, if they wished, but in day to day life, on their own personal time, would they be able to just be themselves and recognizable? I guess they could, because maybe part of being a Turk is being willing to wave who you are like a flag and know that no one will cross you.

I also like to think that before things went bad, being a Turk probably got non-fear based perks in a thank you for your service kind of way. BC shows that they did do good for civilians, once upon a time.
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Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
That does sound quite exciting. Do you have links to this fanart? Because that mental image alone...



Although perhaps most Turks would simply be skilled enough to defend against hair grabs.

That's what I thought, too.

Perhaps, in the military, individuality is discouraged, while in the Turks individuality is encouraged.

Each Turk is not just another face in suit, they each stand out and have their own unique personalities and styles. They are not interchangeable, and perhaps in a way it comes down to function. While the Turks are a cohesive organization, each Turk has their own specialities. Veld probably knows exactly which Turk is best used for which job and knows that by seeing each Turk as an individual he can make the best use of their individual talents. In contrast, the military would seek to hammer out individuality, stress uniformity and group identity, and aside from the elite (Gen, Seph, Angeal, Zack) most of the military would be seen as interchangeable.

So while the Turks may lose a little "professionalism" by lacking uniformity, what you get in return is an organization of distinct individuals serving a larger whole. And perhaps people do better when allowed to express themselves and be unique. [/quote]

^THIS. Love it all and copypasta-ing it into my headcanon. :D

In my experience, something as simple as a wig makes you fairly unrecognizable.

LOL, I just played through the bit in Wall Market where Cloud gets a wig by doing squat thrusts, too! There's a long bit in Terry Pratchett's novel 'Going Postal' about how if you wear a wig or outrageous fake facial hair or fake warts or a fake nose or some other overwhelming fake facial change it will be all people see and hence obscure all run-of-the-mill features and render one unrecognizable.

Oh and if you want to avoid being noticed, carrying a clipboard makes you all but invisible.

Trufax! “A clipboard and a confident wave will get you into any building in the world.” --film 'The Paper'

I love the stories you told! Also this:

So with the right attitude and the most rudimentary disguise, think it would be easy for a Turk to get in wherever they needed to. I'd also add that some people just have a natural aptitude for avoiding being seen.

Here's a few fanarts which maybe some of you have not seen before:










Pro Adventurer
No I hadn't, thank you for sharing.

F*&% that's sexy. Oh and considering how the bandages are placed I could probably cosplay that...if I were in better shape. I'm going to hit the gym.
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aka AlysanneLake
Club scene

So, at the behest of another, and prompted by a discussion over fic and perceptions of BC Turks, I am curious as to what you might think about our Turks and possible favorite extracurricular activities.

Specifically, who do you think might indulge in the club scene?

I've always imagined Rod and Two-Guns would love it, mainly based on their backgrounds, and I fancy Nunchaku would be the type to go along with anything (I imagine him being the kind of guy grade girls would want around to keep the creepers away).

Knives, in my head, is very graceful and agile, able to pick up dance moves really easily, and so I can picture her tagging along. I think Cissnei would also be one to frequent the party scene.

Now, although he seems the type to be in all kinds of fun, I don't picture Reno to be the club type, certainly not for dancing anyway. He seems more the dive type, with dark corners, plenty of liquor and not too much noise.


Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
I really should watch more BC. I'd tend to agree based on what I know of Rod that he'd be into it. My understanding is he's a city boy, so he'd at least be more at home with crowds of people.

Now, although he seems the type to be in all kinds of fun, I don't picture Reno to be the club type, certainly not for dancing anyway. He seems more the dive type, with dark corners, plenty of liquor and not too much noise.

I can see that possibility. I'd love to daydream that based on his agility and his command of his physical form he'd have some phenomenal dance moves, if he were so inclined. I tend to see interesting and watchable dancing in people that are diligent in developing some sort of physical discipline. I played with the idea that Reno could have had dance lessons in his youth, as a way of cross-training to develop finesse and balance and agility for fighting skills -- and also get a whole lot of tail. :monster: But I can also totally see him not needing or desiring the club scene to pick up chicks.

There was that line Soak or Fangu spotted (I think it was Soak or Fangu? I can't remember, sorry all...) on a recent playthrough of FFVII in Junon, something about it not being a party when Rude's not around, and the speaker looked kind of like a club-goer. Leading to lovely daydreams about Rude in sleeveless fishnet shirts and tight leather pants...

...What would the mating dance of a Turk look like? Ah, the delicious possibilities! I read a highly enjoyable fic in which Vincent explained to Cloud that Reno blackmailing Cloud for sex was the Turk equivalent of courting. Vincent went on to say that in his day 'courting' involved more rubber hoses.

Also I'd love to see a fic where some of them have to go undercover at a club. I just watched an episode of 'Burn Notice' where Fiona, a pyromaniac former member of the IRA, goes to a club to dance with/distract/seduce the club owner. I could so see any of the female Turks slipping into that role, with clubwear to drop the jaws of their coworkers.

Can you imagine if Tseng had to go undercover in a club? He's got a really good poker face, but I can still imagine those chocolatey eyes broadcasting a loud and clear 'DO NOT WANT' in that situation. Mm, imagination! <3


Anyway, just my wild imaginings... I'd love to hear others'!



aka AlysanneLake
I have a blurb on my hard drive...Knives and Rude undercover at a party/club, with Reno sort of crashing. Just playing around with the characters. I have no intent to publish as I've shamelessly used Lic's characterizations, but it was fun in the making.

And mating dances? Now that sounds interesting.


Well for Rude I think he would go to bar and play poker or pool. We already saw that he does that in the OG at Junon. I also love in Lics fic he has a guitar so I would like to think that he's into music as well. Nothing is more sexy than a guy who can play the guitar and write you a song. :P


Great Old One
There was that line Soak or Fangu spotted (I think it was Soak or Fangu? I can't remember, sorry all...) on a recent playthrough of FFVII in Junon, something about it not being a party when Rude's not around, and the speaker looked kind of like a club-goer.

Yeah that was me. Here.


So Rude looks more like an underground shady gambling/ stripper club kinda guy to me.
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