The General Turks Worship Thread


Pro Adventurer
Following that blog now, thanks Lic!

Well OG-wise he does give off the vibe (the embodiment of Shinra) imo. I saw him as nothing but a cliche villain back then but I think the game purposely wanted to portray him as such (along with the executives).

Except they do give him moments which make him, if not more sympathetic more... intriguing than the rest of the executives, such
going to face WEAPON at Junon.

Barret: Dunno. But he's up here goin' around tearin' shit up. Right now Rufus'
fightin' it. I hate to say it, but he's got guts.

Then in Costa Del Sol, you get the feeling that members of the general public like him.

"He's quite handsome, isn't he?......"
"Oh, don't worry, I'm not talking about you."
"I'm talking about President Rufus. Charming, rich, blond... He
even looks good in a double-breasted suit."

"Rufus complimented me on my job!"
"Wow!! I guess it pays to do good work."

My question is why have Rufus have any redeeming qualities if he's meant to represent Shinra? Actually, why have Rufus at all? They didn't have to kill off President Shinra Sr. and they gave the players plenty of reasons to hate him. He was the embodiment of Shinra, so if the game wanted to give us someone to represent Shinra as a villain why have this character of Rufus Shinra? Why make him handsome, charming, and brave?

I agree with everything Licorice said about Machiavelli. For those interested in the relevant
Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with. Because this is to be asserted in general of men, that they are ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, covetous, and as long as you succeed they are yours entirely; they will offer you their blood, property, life and children, as is said above, when the need is far distant; but when it approaches they turn against you. And that prince who, relying entirely on their promises, has neglected other precautions, is ruined; because friendships that are obtained by payments, and not by greatness or nobility of mind, may indeed be earned, but they are not secured, and in time of need cannot be relied upon; and men have less scruple in offending one who is beloved than one who is feared, for love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails.

Nevertheless a prince ought to inspire fear in such a way that, if he does not win love, he avoids hatred; because he can endure very well being feared whilst he is not hated

Licorice does a good job surmising Machiavelli's point, but I'd like to add that what Machiavelli is saying goes beyond "it's better to be loved than fears" what he's saying is that it's best to both loved and feared, but if you can't have both go with fear because it's a easier stragety, but don't be hated.

I think a lot of people when they hear the phrase "rule by fear" immediately jump ideas of tyranny and abuse, but that's not what Machiavelli is advocating. Rather, the idea is to be loved and feared if possible, and never hated and feared. So that isn't wanton abuse or displays of power of power to the detriment of the populace, but force where justified to keep people in line.

I think Rufus's philosophy is much
I don't think he'd support, for example, what happened to Corel and Sector 7. That kind of actions harms innocent civilians which breeds hatred. Hatred is dangerous, because it's difficult to control people who hate you.

Rather than killing hundreds of innocents to prove that he can as Scarlet might, Rufus seems more the sort to make an example of people who are actually guilty to assure the public that criminality and rebellion will not be public.

Berret and Tifa were terrorists, guilty of conspiring to commit acts of terrorism and carrying out operations which resulted in the mass murder of innocent civilians as well as Shinra personel. Rufus would be justified in killing them, his reasons for doing it were dishonest, but as Licorice points out, smart politically because it reassured the people that the government was doing something. At that point, Rufus needed to do all he could to prevent the populace from panicing.

Rufus is understandable, where as the other Shinra executives aren't nearly so sympathetic. What happened in Sector 7 alone is enough to make you hate the entire board, but Rufus had no part in that.

The other thing about Rufus in the OG is that he really doesn't do anything.

In BC does things like

Father. No – President. It looks to me like our fight with AVALANCHE isn’t going well.

President Shinra
I don’t see why that should matter to you – you’re leaving, remember? (6)

I’m the Vice President of this company. Of course it matters to me.

President Shinra
Well, that’s true, but…

There’s something that’s been bothering me. How is it that AVALANCHE knows exactly where the Turks are going to be every single time? They’re getting their information from somewhere… or someone. Well, Veld?

……we’ll look into it.

If this is the way things work around here, it’s no wonder AVALANCHE is getting the upper hand on us, President.

President Shinra
(Splutters) Do you have a problem with the way I’m running my company?

I’m not saying that. I’m just saying you should move with caution.

President Shinra
Veld! Get to work! I want to see results, and I want to see them soon!
It looks like this mission was a failure too, President.

President Shinra
(Makes a noncommittal noise)

SOLDIER members getting kidnapped without any resistance… soldiers dropping like flies. It’s all too clear now that someone’s leaking information.


Well, President? How are you going to deal with this?

President Shinra
That’s supposed to be Veld’s job.

so he's manipulative.

Then you have his suggestion on
President Shinra
How many years have you been trying to capture her with no success at all, Veld?!

We’re using all available resources to locate and capture her, sir.

Send out the army, President. The Turks will only take up precious time and labour. (2) The Ancient won’t be able to put up much of a resistance if she’s got a bullet in her, will she?

Rufus is so callus.

In his role as
AVALANCHE conspirator
Our plan was a success.

Yes. HQ was destroyed, and its leaders with it. They think they’ve destroyed AVALANCHE entirely.

Hmph. Veld was starting to get too close to the truth. The surveillance around me was tight so I couldn’t do much, but… I shouldn’t have those problems anymore.

So, right so far we have manipulative, callus, and cunning. We can also add being a general rude jerk to to the list, as seen
You’re the one in charge of those flying contraptions…

Don’t call them contraptions. Those are my partners. That baby’s called the Tiny Bronco.

I don’t care about the flying contraption’s name. Just what are you thinking? This is a rehearsal, not the real thing. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you know that.

'Course I do. Just leave the Shin-Ra No. 26 to me!

That’s right. That means this rehearsal doesn’t mean a thing.

Don’t you worry none about that. The sky was calling me and I answered, that’s all. What are you going to do but answer back?

(Thought) That’s a true man of the sky right there. He’s just as legendary as I’ve heard.

Look, Vice President. Tell the executives this for me. I’m gonna be the first one up there to reach the moon. Wait for it!

I’m cheering you on too, Cid.

Yeah! So you get it too, huh? What’s yer name?

Rosalind, of the Turks. I’m acting as the President’s escort today.

Hmph. Stupid. It’s all stupid.


I don’t care about this outer space stuff. My interests lie firmly on the ground. Our company should be there too.

Keh. Yer so young, but so cynical. Not like yer pop – that man's got dreams, see! He built the company from the ground up. See, the scope's of your respective visions is different, the scope!

Hmph. Cid… Let’s drop the talk about my father, hmm?

Huh? That sounds like an engine. What are those guys doing?!

They’re stealing the Tiny Bronco!

Like hell you will! That’s my baby! I’m not gonna let !%@#&* like you touch her!

Cid! Wait! You’re the only astronaut in the world. If something happens to you, the launch can’t go on. I’ll go. Rufus, sir, I’ll be back soon.


and it gets
So you got through all those bully boys outside, did you? I should expect no less from the Turks. You've all caused me enough problems, after all.

What are you doing here?!

AVALANCHE has gone too far, that's why.



Are you…?

Sir… what's going on?

Everybody! Capture the Vice President!


What are you doing here?!

Why's he here?!

Vice President Rufus has been controlling AVALANCHE.

I can't believe it!


That does explain things.

Like how (classified) information was leaking out.

These are orders directly from the President: Capture Vice President Rufus bring him back to headquarters, where he will be confined.

(Thought) He's going to be placed under house arrest?!

Hmph. Veld, have you forgotten the current situation here?

Heh heh.

(Gasp) Up?! (Looks up)

That is correct. We are occupying this reactor.

Fuhito! So you were alive!

Hmph. It looks like the tables have turned. Fuhito, kill them.

This sums up my feelings

So if there's reasons to hate Rufus or see him as villainous, I think they're more in Before Crisis than the original game. Although Before Crisis is a prequel to the Original Game, it went into development with Advent Children in mind, so the characterization of Rufus in BC should be consistant with AC. While it's arguable that AC retcons Rufus's characterization in the OG to make him less of a villain, BC and AC are congruous, this is the character they meant to portray.

Rufus is someone who has it in him to be a terrible human being and subsequent entries to the compilation don't simply make him more sympathetic or nicer. If anything, taking the compilation as a whole, BC, OG, CoS, AC he seems consistant as a character but not stagnant. He develops as a character, in BC, and during CoS. Rufus suffers a lot during CoS and grows as a person, just as he grows as a person during BC, which is why he's actually a better person in the OG than the first half of BC. (Seriously, compared to BC, OG Rufus is great).
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Pro Adventurer
Check out this tumblr, it's amazing!!

Those are great pictures. I did a bit of digging, and one of the sites they use is this one: The main site is just, but this link is to the English version.
I don't know whether the maker of that tumblr photoshopped some of those themselves or if they're all from sites like this, but it's so much fun to do. You can make all kinds of Turk-related pictures! These took a couple of minutes each - you just pic a frame and upload a photo:





Even more addictive than those baby photomorphing sites!
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Pro Adventurer
I had a two hour car drive and to pass the time we discussed what Hogwarts House everyone would be sorted into ala Harry Potter.

Reno: Slytherin

Rude: Hufflepuff

Tseng: Slytherin

Elena: Slytherin

Gun: Gryffindor

Shot gun: Ravenclaw

Cissnei: Slytherin

Two Guns: Slytherin

Rod: Gryffindor

Martial Arts Male: Gryffindor

Martial Arts Female: Ravenclaw

Katana: Gryffindor

Knives : Hufflepuff

Nunchaku: Hufflepuff

Legend: Gryffindor

So in all that's 5 Slytherin Turks, 3 Hufflepuff Turks, 5 Gryffindor Turks, and 2 Ravenclaw Turks.

Veld, we couldn't decide, either Gryffindor or Slytherin, but either way the majority of the Turks seem to be Gryffindor and not Slytherin as we'd initially guessed before doing analysis of each Turk individually.

Rufus Shinra, is obviously Slytherin, so counting him there'd be more Slytherins but not the over whelming majority. Of course, this is just our conclusion, if anyone here disagrees I'd love to hear your reasons.

Also this
Me: I wrote a really long discussion on why Rufus Shinra desserves hate
Friend: Before Crisis?
Me: Yeah, after what he does you really do just want to hit him
Her: I don't want to hit him, I want lock him in a room until he sees the error of his ways
Me: Can we hit him and then lock him in a room?
Her: That could also work
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Pro Adventurer
I think most of those are spot on. I'd say Veld would definitely be Slytherin. Shotgun seems more Gryffindor than Ravenclaw to me - she's so bouncy, which isn't a trait I associate with Ravenclaws on the whole. I think Cissnei has slytherin tendencies, but maybe that's just because I can't let her off being so mean to Reno in DIPOTP!

At the park this afternoon there were two dogs called Rufus - a boxer and a Yorkshire terrier. At one point they got a bit aggressive towards each other, and their owners were both yelling "RUFUS" for about five minutes, and I was thinking of the Rufus discussion above and wondering which dog was most like him. I have a serious case of Shinra-on-the-brain. I'm afraid it may not be curable.


Pro Adventurer
You're not, I had a
. I was leaving my friend's father house and he extended an invitation to come and stay over the winter Holidays whenever we liked, and said, "I'll be gone skiing for some of it, though, not sure when yet."

"You ski?" I asked, surprised, because he seems more of an indoor type.

"Yeah, grew up in Flagstaff," he said.

"Oh, that makes sense then," I said, "I suppose everyone who lives there skis since there's nothing else to do."

"No, there's other stuff to do," said his Dad, "there's partying. I did a lot of that too."

"Right, so getting drunk or throwing yourself down a mountain with boards or a board strapped to your feet. That's all there is to do in Flagstaff."

"Yeah, that's about it, but you can't forget the drinking."

In my head I couldn't help think that there could be scene with people talking about Icicle Inn that way. Then half the time I can't help but think Lee is so much like Reno.

He called me on Friday and we're having a
and I heard him whistling at a girl.

"Did you just cat call someone while on the phone with me?" I asked.

"" he said, in the way he says when he's obviously lying but knows he probably shouldn't say yes.

"I thought you were done with women forever?" I asked.

"I am," he said, "but I can still look."

"That's not looking, that's street harassment." Even the girls he does that sort of thing are somehow charmed by him more often than not.

Sometimes he can come off as a pig, I swear. Of course, by the end of the day he was calling me nearly in tears because he'd spoken with his ex on the phone and was trying not break down, because he's not actually a shallow, loud mouthed, obnoxious ass, he's very caring, loves deeply and is almost fragile sometimes.

And everything about him reminds me of Reno, or at least some version of Reno.

Anyway, hmm, I put Cissnei as Slytherin because she's the undercover agent and you get the impression she'll go to whatever lengths to achieve her ends.

As for Veld and Shotgun.

Shotgun, I get the impression she likes competition and being the best.

Player C is a fan of big game hunting, and it shows in her work as well. While big missions incite a certain zealous enthusiasm in her, the smaller missions don’t really hold her interest.

She's very confident, and a bit over the top because of that confidence. (In my head I imagine her as a bit like Rarity in My Little Pony).

From the Harry Potter Wiki

Ravenclaw House prizes learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect in its members.[3] Thus, many Ravenclaws tend to be academically motivated and talented students...Slytherin prefect Gemma Farley did note that Ravenclaws are so competitive when it comes to academic success that they are known to backstab each other, and likely other students, in order to get the top marks, while Hufflepuff prefect Gabriel Truman noted that they are so proud of the success of famous members, such as Laverne de Montmorency, that they claim any intelligent wizard as a member of Ravenclaw, such as Bridget Wenlock, who was in fact a Hufflepuff.

Although I don't know if she's exactly academically minded, she's definitely sharp and very much an achiever.

Gryffindor on the other hand

The Gryffindor house emphasises the traits of courage as well as "daring, nerve, and chivalry," and thus its members are generally regarded as brave, though sometimes to the point of recklessness.

I see Shotgun as more drawn to achievement than motivated by courage alone.

Of course, students from all Houses can share common traits, Snape was certainly brave and Hermione is certainly an academic achiever, but I guess it's whichever trait is dominent.

As for Veld, he is certainly brave, and I'd characterize him as particularly ambitious, although he is shrewd and a strong leader, but I feel he will put others before his own self preservation and has acted quickly without seeming to weigh the out comes. We see this when he rescues Tseng at detriment to the mission and when he leaves everything to help Elfe. That sort of reckless daring seems more like a Gryffindor.

Slytherins tend to be ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented. They also have highly developed senses of self-preservation.[9] This means that Slytherins tend to hesitate before acting, so as to weigh all possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done.
According to Albus Dumbledore, the qualities which Salazar valued in the students he chose included cleverness, resourcefulness, determination, and "a certain disregard for the rules.


Well there goes my thoughts on OG-Rufus :lol:

LOL Fangu you just made my day!


Even more addictive than those baby photomorphing sites!

This is AWESOME.

Also I have no idea what you guys are talking about. I don't watch Harry Potter.

Haha me neither. I don't hate it but I haven't even watched the first film/ read any of the books so I couldn't follow.

I've been considering buying FF merchandise online and since it's my first time I just mostly surf trusted sites like ebay and Amazon (SE online shop is your best bet but it's down, unlucky me). I can't find the Rufus cup anywhere! :(

Anyway I bumped into
RudexEveryone (the 'sexiest Turk around!' according to the summary)

Misleading title


Narcissistic Sexy Dancers (what the hell is Rude doing in that costume?)

Monthly President

The President, You and I (I think the cover looks amazing)

Rush! Dash! Beat!

'Baby Ruffles' (I love the cover :lol: And if I'm not mistaken I think this one's been translated by Lic [?] in this thread)

Self-Centered ..lolwat.
Unless I'm much mistaken, in "Self-centred" Elena walks in on Rufus dressed in a bunny girel costume.

Lol those Shinra peeps and their hi-jinks

Rufus would make a good James Bond

Edited to add: Just bought "Monthly President". I have been eyeing that for several years now. It's my Christmas present to myself! It'll be my next translation project.
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Lic if you ever get the chance will you scan some of monthly president? I really like the artwork it's so old school 80's manga :D


Yay Lic you made me so happy :reptar: I might just buy one of those I posted, if only I'm using my own credit card :P


Pro Adventurer
That's brilliant. And it goes to show that although all Turks (and Zack!) are great, Rufus firing at Kadaj as he falls off the building is the coolest moment ever.

Rufus IS a rock star.
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Makes me wonder how his fight with Cloud would be like IF there ever will be a remake.

I think he'll be 1,000,000X more badass with Dark Nation :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I have a love hate relationship with doujinshi, on the one hand I love them on the other hand I hate that I can't read them because I don't speak Japanese. I own a few, ones a bunch of FFVII stuff, one has Rufus, the Turks and the Remnants turning into cats, and one if Rufus/Tseng but I think Tseng turns into Sephiroth.

Love the AMV, I like they blend the different bits of the compilation. I really love the animation in Last Order and Before Crisis.

His fight with Cloud would be sexy, that's how it would be. Although, honestly I want a BC remake more than anything. Seriously, there's a lot of new stuff you could do with that for a new system. Aside from better graphics and voice actors, if they could figure out a multiplayer mode that would allow you do side missions or mini games with other players online sort of like what they did in 358/2 that would be so cool.

Anyway and ladies and gentlemen if I may have you attention I'd like to make a proposal. For those of us who are students or teachers winter break is coming. Would anyone be in favor of doing a live stream of Before Crisis over break. I feel like sitting through the play through would be more fun with a group. We could stream one of the play throughs from youtube and get accounts on so we can chat during it.(my husband watches Mine Craft Live Streams there and said he could set it up). We could like schedule times that would work best for us? (And full disclaimer, I don't know anything about streaming, I'm bad at technology, so I don't know if this has been done before with BC but it seemed like a fun idea).


I am so down for that! I sat through the playthrough by myself and it was soo boring, plus a little bit confusing at some points so having a group and being able to discuss things would be super fun!


Pro Adventurer
So I've noticed my cat, which was very orange when I first got it now more blondish. My thought was...I wonder if that's what happened to Rufus between the OG and Advent Children. This is how my brain works. It doesn't help that the cat's fur looks like it was animated by Square Enix. But I think I'm worse than Cherry in terms of FFVII on the brain.(Also
, but I freaking love my cat, there was some sort of very frightening insect flying around near me and I hate insects, so I was like "someone kill it" and the cat jumped onto the table, chased it away from the table and me, then when it landed on the wall pounced off the table and killed it. I don't care how many people have called it bastard for scratching them, my cat is awesome).

Also, speaking of cats, while procrastinating today I was reading the BC facts thread and I have a question about Tifa' cat. Do you think the player Turk would take Tifa's cat after Nibelheim and adopt it? Could you see any of the Turks doing this?

I have this image of one of them sitting in the helicopter in near shock over the horrible things that has happened and clutching a tiny white cat, little more than a kitten. Then maybe years later, most Advent Children they meet Tifa and give her her cat back.


Great Old One
Would anyone be in favor of doing a live stream of Before Crisis over break. I feel like sitting through the play through would be more fun with a group. We could stream one of the play throughs from youtube and get accounts on so we can chat during it.(my husband watches Mine Craft Live Streams there and said he could set it up). We could like schedule times that would work best for us? (And full disclaimer, I don't know anything about streaming, I'm bad at technology, so I don't know if this has been done before with BC but it seemed like a fun idea).
I would love to be in a BC stream! Or watch one :) It's a perfect TLS event!

I've streamed a bit on twitch before, the easiest thing is if one person has everyone on Skype and streams the call along with the youtube video. There are two tricky parts to this: The first is having everyone watch the video at the same time. Clicking "play" at the same time isn't exactly idiot proof, so the best thing is to have two streams - one person streams the videos, and the other streams the browser with that stream and the Skype call. The other tricky part is to set up your computer to stream the mic of the person who streams the call. But it's all perfectly doable. Ryu on TLS has a lot of experience with audio stuff etc, as he does the LP's. I'm sure he has some tips if asked.

Also, if too uncomfortable to be 'on the air', we could just do a test run where we get together on Skype and watches a stream with BC without streaming it, for fun. I'd definitely be in for that.
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