The General Turks Worship Thread


aka AlysanneLake
I would love to be part of a live stream. I'd just have to know in advance so my husband won't be pissy for being glued to the computer, and so I can arrange for child care, as I won't be able to hear a thing otherwise (with all three here, it's a'll be a miracle that my husband and I aren't both deaf before 50).
I found a wonderful fanartist on DA, called In_Sant. I'm sure you have all seen some of her work before. She's Russian and her posts are all in Russian. I ran some of them through google translate to try to understand what the pics are about, but google translate made about as much sense as it usually does. Anyway - enjoy:







She seems to have been writing a mega FF-BC fanfic, but sadly it's all in Russian. Revan looks like a OC who's in Avalanche but becomes Veld's love interest. See next pic


He looks like he's saying "Was it good for you?' and she's thinking I've had better


Don't often see Tseng at such a disadvantage. Apparently he's been taken hostage by Avalanche. The caption, in Russian, says something like "He deserves it! For Veld and Elfe!"



I don't know.


She seems to have a second AU story going on in which Veld and Vincent are two young detectives on some unnamed police force. The Russian text that accompanies this picture seems to be giving the thoughts of the man at the desk, and they are not very flattering to Vincent: weakling, the type to screw up.



Reminds me of Inspector Morse, with two Lewises!



And finally - nothing to do with the Turks:



Pro Adventurer
I found a wonderful fanartist on DA, called In_Sant. I'm sure you have all seen some of her work before.


Thank you! He's so pretty. I love her art - Rufus is great too, and her Knives - all of them in fact. It's a shame her stories aren't available in English. Google translate seems good for languages that are like each other - my daughter has a Danish friend who came to England for a term, and they communicated via Google translate for the first two weeks until they started learning bits of each other's language, but I've never been able to get very far with it.


Pro Adventurer
I concur with the 'Kassi! Hugs!' sentiment and second it. Hugs! So much Hugs!

Oh and here's some fan art I commissioned


His necklace is meant to be a fossil dinosaur claw, because he's from Bone Village and my head canon is his father is a paleontologist.

Also, I know we've probably discussed pairings but what about sexualities of characters in general. Does anyone see certain characters as gay or straight or bi?

I generally like to pair based on personality which has led to a general could be bi philosophy towards sexuality or having sexuality be whatever works for a given story but certain characters just have head canon sexualities.

For example, Rufus I see as leaning towards men, has been with women and can be somewhat attracted to certain women, usually on a more mental than physical level, but is for the most part more into men. Rude I see as straight and can't see him as being with any guy.Then my Nunchaku, who I call Asher, is also straight.

for Asher is that he's often mistaken for being gay and doesn't really care but definitely likes girls. At one point Reno tried to kiss him while they were out partying together, Reno was drunk. It was very awkward for Asher who pushed him off and felt very weird about the whole thing. Later when Reno was sober there was a conversation because Asher wanted to make sure he hadn't been sending any wrong signals. He likes Reno, as his superior, his mentor, his fellow Turks and his friend but doesn't like him like that and isn't into guys so it's nothing personal. Reno assured he was just drunk and Asher was there and pretty.

"Is it because I look like a girl?" asked Asher. He was honestly used to that sort of thing. Pretty, never handsome. It didn't bother him too much, pretty wasn't a bad thing but...still.

"What? Oh no, you're just good looking is all...blond, blue eyes...I'm surprised you're not fighting the girls off, really. Lets' just forget it happened all right?"
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Pro Adventurer
Love Raver Ash and his glow stick nunchucks. Why does he really remind me of Link?

I tend to be fairly flexible about the Turks' sexualities depending on what I'm writing, but for some reason I almost always write Rufus as gay. Reno I think is usually up for anything with anyone, although there is this excellent asexual Reno fic by notraffic: which made a fascinating change from most Reno fanon.

Rude is usually straight in my headcanon except when I'm writing him with Reno - but then I'll write almost anyone with Reno.

And now I'm confused about Nunchucks, because Licorice makes me believe he's gay and Cam makes me believe he's straight. I can believe both.

Tseng loves the people he loves, regardless of gender.

Elena I think is straight. I believe in her canon crush on Tseng.

With all the BC Turks it just depends on what I'm writing at the time. I tend to think that the Turks have all done and seen so much that they're mostly all prepared to be a bit flexible in such matters. Sex probably just isn't that big a deal for most of them.

Cam - I can see that happening with Reno and Asher!

And then I have a whole other headcanon (Can you call it headcanon if you have several versions of it?) in which Turks avoid office romances like the plague. But that isn't actual canon, because of that whole "Who do you like?" conversation, in which Reno doesn't seem at all concerned that his boss likes the Ancient he's supposed to be keeping under surveillance, and his partner likes an anti-Shinra terrorist!
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Pro Adventurer
That asexual Reno fic is very good, and very sad. It’s interesting.

Also, wait Skeeter is gay? I think I really need to reread that fic because I think I’ve either missed or forgotten a lot of details (I sort of read everything the available in one sitting a couple years ago, so there’s a lot I don’t remember.)

Tseng loves the people he loves, regardless of gender.

Beautifully put.

With all the BC Turks it just depends on what I'm writing at the time. I tend to think that the Turks have all done and seen so much that they're mostly all prepared to be a bit flexible in such matters. Sex probably just isn't that big a deal for most of them.

And then I have a whole other headcanon (Can you call it headcanon if you have several versions of it?) in which Turks avoid office romances like the plague. But that isn't actual canon, because of that whole "Who do you like?" conversation, in which Reno doesn't seem at all concerned that his boss likes the Ancient he's supposed to be keeping under surveillance, and his partner likes an anti-Shinra terrorist!

What I get from that exchange is mostly that Reno is a gossip who likes to know everything about everyone else’s love lives. Having the rookie tail Rude that one time in BC also seemed a bit like meddling unless he suspected something was wrong from the get go (I think at first he just wanted to know because he’s nosey).

I tend to write concern about office romance varying between characters. Asher wants to be professional and wouldn’t want to hurt his working relationship or friendships. Rod will do what he can get away with and likes the idea of going after Gun, get her to relax a bit, also she just drives him crazy and there’s a sort of weird love/hate possibility. Gun wants to focus on her work and be professional. Knives, well I want to borrow Licorice’s canon on her thoughts on Reno but I like the idea that she might warm up Asher someday.

I wonder what Gun thinks about Tseng and Elena?


Pro Adventurer
Gun's relationship with Elena is a fascinating one. I think Gun might well feel protective towards Tseng!

I'm pretty sure Skeeter is gay. There's a great bit in one chapter where he's playing golf with the president and it's ironic that he's the president's favourite Turk because if Pres. S knew he was gay he'd be horrified, since the president is more than a bit homophobic. I hope I've remembered that right.


Great Old One
Morello said:
There's a great bit in one chapter where he's playing golf with the president and it's ironic that he's the president's favourite Turk because if Pres. S knew he was gay he'd be horrified, since the president is more than a bit homophobic. I hope I've remembered that right.
Oh I loved that part, absolutely loved it. When I encounter stuff like that I read it several times.


Pro Adventurer
That is awesome.

Anyway, I'm going to start the live streaming thing this Sunday at 4 PM my time (I'm in Arizona). I'll be using my husband's Twitch set up and will give you more details soon.
Gun's relationship with Elena is a fascinating one. I think Gun might well feel protective towards Tseng!

I'm pretty sure Skeeter is gay. There's a great bit in one chapter where he's playing golf with the president and it's ironic that he's the president's favourite Turk because if Pres. S knew he was gay he'd be horrified, since the president is more than a bit homophobic. I hope I've remembered that right.

Yes, that's right. Also, [my] President Shinra is one of those homophobes who thinks he can spot a "pansy" a mile off, because "you can just tell"; he assumes that he could never like a gay person, that he would instinctvely sense their gayness and be repulsed by it, and therefore if he likes someone it never crosses his mind that they might be other than straight.

I will try to get on board with the streaming, Cam. I'm really impressed you're doing this.


Pro Adventurer
Oh I don't know if it will be all that impressive. We'll see how this goes.
My husband's account is so everyone grab a twitch account and meet me there.

I wonder how people with that homophobic world view deal with celebrities coming out. Then again, I suppose the President wouldn't pay much attention to actors or whatever. Anyway, I might adopt that head canon.

Now I'm wondering if Shinra would have generally homophobic policies.
Like could you be fired for being gay? I'm assume no partner benefits and any push for benefits wouldn't end well...

Although allowing personal bias to effect business choices isn't very good. Shinra should strive to be attractive to talent, regardless of what they do in their personal lives. Yes, Shinra can 'get' talent, but the key is have employees who "want" to work there. Who care about their jobs and feel valued and taken care of in general.

Shinra has a serious problem with fiduciary duties among the general employees. Rufus says in his speech that the President spends too much money on the people, but I doubt that money is going to HR.

Right, back on topic. It's funny, with Nunchaku, I'd assume he's the kind of person people would think is gay. Because he's pretty and really nice, which strike me as stereotypical gay traits because I think masculinity is tied to be less emotional, less kind, and the stereotype of being gay is femininity which is tied to being nicer. In terms of stereo types.

Of course, my Asher is probably more effeminate than most interpretations of Nunchaku.


Great Old One
Cam, cool! Can you post in here when you're starting in 30 minutes or something?

Were you planning on doing the twitch chat while watching, or Skyping as well?

Edit: Also,


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Great Old One
I was in there around 11 PM my time, but there was noone on. I checked on, and if by Arizona you mean like Phoenix Arizona (you can only search on city or time zone), 4 PM your time is midnight my time, 11 PM in England, and 5 PM Soak's time, to name a few. Yeah I think if you announce it a few days in advance and set a specific time, it's much easier for people to drop in. Also you could make a separate thread, "Cam streaming Before Crisis" or something, and then announce like 2 hrs, and then 30 min etc before you start.

Also you didn't specify what the "deal" is - you were previously talking about Skyping, but now I assume you're just gonna stream BC and use the twitch chat box for chatting?


Pro Adventurer
Yes, my plan now is to use Twitch to stream and use the chat box for chatting, that way we could all watch at the same time.

Thank you for your advice. I mentioned doing the stream at 4 on Sunday here but it was included in another post so it might be better to make a thread for it. Then maybe ask what time would work for people. I don't know what time zones everyone's on and I want to be on at a time people can watch. Streaming when no one is watching wouldn't be good.

Although, how can I tell when people are watching? I just kept refreshing the chat and no one was there as far as I could tell...then my husband and I got into a fight about putting up shelves so we decided to stop broadcasting until someone showed up and gave up around 6.

I'm new at this whole thing.
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