The General Turks Worship Thread

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
may I suggest you to use the english hour? it's much easier for everybody to understand (you simply must say "i'll start at 4 UTC") :)


Pro Adventurer
I can do that, I'll have to figure out what the UTC time here would mean? Also, how often should I stream this? Like if I did at 6 pm my time every evening that would be six hours later than that UTC, so 1 am UTC? Is that how UTC works?

Also, does the rest of the world use UTC?


Great Old One
Just state the city you live in and the which time it is for you when you start streaming, we can figure out the rest :) We don't really need to use UTC - it can be fine when dealing with just Europeans, but for people all over the world it's by far easier to just state a city and a time, and then work it out from there.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, Arizona is on the same time zone for the whole state, so Phoenix and Arizona would work fine.

Right then, the question is when...because no matter when I do it half the world will be sleeping. lol.


Great Old One
Nah, it depends on how late up people are willing to stay. From experience, Octo has a shady time schedule anyway, and I have time off (being a student and all) so I can do late :) So yeah, 4-5 your time is perfect I think. Can't remember if Morello is US or UK though... think it's UK?


I'm from Southern California and I'd like to join. I don't have a fixed schedule (although I might be busy this week), so I'll go with what everyone agrees on and try to be there.


Pro Adventurer
Yes - I'm UK. 4 - 5 your time would be fine. Since discovering this whole internet thing a couple of years ago now, I've more or less given up on proper sleep :D


Pro Adventurer
Oh so today I made a new friend and it turned out she had filmed a Before Crisis themed panel we did a few years ago, or most of it.

The theme of the Panel was Before Crisis: Shinra recruitment. In which representatives from the Turks and Soldier try to convince people to join, and Rufus pretends to be trying, but loves the fact this is a disaster.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

It was the first thing we ever did as a group and completely ad-libbed. It's very crack, and not PC (there are off color jokes about sex and sexual harassment, and for the record no one approves of sexual harassment). But I think over all we did all right.

My Reno cosplayer was a bit...over zealous but it worked.


Blue jeans :lol: It was good, it kinda made sense actually but turned out pretty violent towards the end when I blew up all his cars and the bunk he was staying in :lol:


^How I wish it was somethin like that :awesome:

I was going uphill towards a base..I didn't know who I was meeting but I knew that it was an important person. I had an armed escort accompanying me all the time and when we finally reached the base that's when I saw Rufus and he was in denims and a white dress shirt like he wasn't expecting a visitor. He was walking around with two bodyguards and chatting with them like they were friends. He was pretty chatty with everyone. Then after sometime he retreated to the bunker.

My escort saw me ogling and got mad, said something like I'm not worthy to see Rufus not dressed his best (lol) and had me stand against the wall to shoot me but he's missing on purpose just to scare me off. But then he grazed my collarbone and I got mad so I grabbed his AK and went Rambo on everything, I blew up the garage and the bunker.. :lol: I remembered Rufus was there but I was too busy being a badass

Here is my gift to you:some scanlations from Monthly President

This first set is dedicated to Cameo Amalthea. It's called "Monsters Come for Bad Children". Prepare for many feels.








Note: This was difficult for me to translate. I went for what sounded good in English rather than a purely literal translation. And sorry for the typos!

And here's the back cover in glorious Technicolour:


For now these scans are my Christmas present to you guys. I won't be posting them on tumblr till later.

More tomorrow!!


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind

Although I can't stop laughing at Rufus' frilly long johns.


Pro Adventurer
Dedicated to me? Thank you, I'm flattered you would think of me. That's so nice!

I love it, especially Rufus's frilly long johns. Kid Rufus is so cute, and also a total brat. The language he uses and the way he talks to Tseng.

Oh but yeah, seems pretty dark. I'm glad we know Rufus and Tseng don't actually die in the original game. If the canon had been left at that...I'd be sad.
One of the things I love about this doujinshi is that it was made in 1997, and is "uncontaminated", so to speak, by the Compilation. Not that I don't love the Compilation too, but it's really interesting seeing how the FFVII world was interpreted when the OG was all there was to go on.

In this 4-page story, Tseng teaches Rufus a lesson about pet ownership, and by extension other things.





I love how
Rufus's dad hands his young son this dangerous wild animal and just walks away when it starts to attack him. Although Rufus did bring it on himself!

Here's another cute picture of young Rufus:


And here's


If that pet is supposed to be Dark Nation (does the story confirm this?) then there is a design mistake. The tail is supposed to stretch out from the back of the animal's head, not from its behind like with normal cats/dogs. This neck-tail is seen for Dark Nation and the Guard Hounds in the FFVII bestiary.
No, the story doesn't confirm it. I just assumed it was because it's Rufus's pet and it's a common piece of fanon that Rufus was a child when he got DN. A guard hound should have a stumpy tail and a tentacle growing out of the back of its head, but this thing is just a puppy, maybe the tentacle only grows in adults? Maybe they dock the tails? Does it matter if we just pretend it's DN?


Pro Adventurer
I think it's common in fanon for people to mistake Dark Nation for a panther. This might be due to size of guard hounds, the quality of the game graphics, or a combination of both. (You have to admit, it's a pretty odd looking design for a dog creature. And yes, it is confirmed in canon as a dog, concept art calls them guard dog and Zack refers to them as "doggies" in BC. Square probably going for something akin to giant Dobermans or Great Danes with tentacles.) Because a lot of people mistake guard hounds for big cats, you will often to see Dark Nation depicted as a panther rather than a hound.

Licorice, what I'd like to know is to what extent, if any, pre-compilation fanon influenced later canon characterization.
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