The General Turks Worship Thread


Pro Adventurer
Actually, when Josh Duhamel was younger he would have made a good Rufus. He was one of my first crushes. He doesn't have the exact look but he could pull off the role. Aslo, if Leonardo Dicaprio was younger.

I think I know what you mean. I think using it as a blanket term caused a bit of a confusion, it's a bit surprising sometimes that some people don't know that Indians and Arabs are technically also 'Asians'. 'Oriental' is clearer to me but I've heard it's derogatory, I don't understand why but oh well

I think the term Asian is used because in America you have so many immigrants from different countries, many of which intermix, that it gets boiled down to general look. If you're or European Discent you're white or Caucasian regardless of whether your ancestors were Italian or Irish, while a lot of Americans are a mix. My mom's family is from Southern Italy and she's dark skinned and was often mistaken for hispanic. Then if you have any Spanish, Mexican, or otherwise of mixed Spanish ancestry you're Hispanic. In my experience Indians and Middle Easterners may call themselves brown, people with any African ancestry call themselves black or African-American. Then there's pacific-islanders, which is the bubble you fill in if you're answers are from the Philippines or other places like that...(Do other countries have students bubble in a race category on the standardized tests?)

The other thing about American is everyone is something-American, and Americans tend to remember their parents heretage (if they know who their parents well enough to know) and identify by that heretage. I'm Italian-American even though I'm mixed and don't look that Italian, people who know what they're mixed with can often say I'm Irish, English, Norwegian, and German-American.

Then with so a diverse population it can be hard to tell race (personally, I'm obvious when it comes to race. Had a teacher once say he was Pakistani as part of an anecdote about the morality of stereotyping (it was a philosophy class on morality) and my first thought was 'I thought you were canadian" because of the way he pronounced about. I tend not to notice race, although I'll notice general traits and notice beauty.

One of my friends is the frist generation in her family born in the states. Her father is Turkish and her mother is Mexican. A lot of people mistake her for being Asian (she's told she looks 'like a K-Pop Star').

So I think when you can't tell exactly what race someone is you made a broad category based on general characteristics.

And I expect it's because they think she must be Rufus' sister

LOL..although the sad thing is that's probably true...even though Rufus and Elena both have canon dads and I doubt Elena's dad hooked up with Rufus's mom...
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Am I the only one who seriously thinks that SE had The Rock specifically in mind while creating HD Rude :desu:

: I understand the reasons. 'Asian' is an acceptable term anyway, so no worries there. The only beef I have with it is most people (from my experience) tend to associate the term only with people mostly from the East Asian countries (something that even my fellow Asians are guilty of). Granted that there are terms like 'Indian', 'Middle Eastern' etc, but if those are treated as separate terms then might as well add 'East Asian' in the bunch.

Then there's pacific-islanders, which is the bubble you fill in if you're answers are from the Philippines or other places like that...(Do other countries have students bubble in a race category on the standardized tests?)

I'm not sure I know what you're asking about. Is it similar to the race and ethnicity census? If so, nope, we don't have that in my home country. Probably because we're not as racially diverse as the US. Also, the Philippines is somewhere near the Pacific Islands but it's considered to be in Asia. I think the Pacific Islanders are the polynesians-- Samoans, Maoris, etc.

Then with so a diverse population it can be hard to tell race (personally, I'm obvious when it comes to race. Had a teacher once say he was Pakistani as part of an anecdote about the morality of stereotyping (it was a philosophy class on morality) and my first thought was 'I thought you were canadian" because of the way he pronounced about. I tend not to notice race, although I'll notice general traits and notice beauty.

As for noticing race.. as a minority I don't really mind if people ask me where I'm from and such. People are genuinely curious, I guess, especially when they're not in a place as racially diverse as, say.. LA (like my place now, which seems white-dominated). And I'd definitely prefer being asked rather than being stared at, which happened to me numerous times now. Because that's really rude no matter what reason.

Late to the party but I friggin' love the Turks. I'd work for them in a heartbeat.

Welcome to the thread! :renoball: :rudeball:

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As for noticing race.. as a minority I don't really mind if people ask me where I'm from and such. People are genuinely curious, I guess, especially when they're not in a place as racially diverse as, say.. LA (like my place now, which seems white-dominated). And I'd definitely prefer being asked rather than being stared at, which happened to me numerous times now. Because that's really rude no matter what reason.

They might ask because it's an easy way to start a conversation. Maybe you have an accent. Maybe they've visited the place they think you might be from and they want to talk about how much they loved it. When I meet black people with an African accent I like to ask where they're from in case it's somewhere I used to live, which automatically gives us something to talk about.


Pro Adventurer
I'm not sure I know what you're asking about. Is it similar to the race and ethnicity census? If so, nope, we don't have that in my home country. Probably because we're not as racially diverse as the US. Also, the Philippines is somewhere near the Pacific Islands but it's considered to be in Asia. I think the Pacific Islanders are the polynesians-- Samoans, Maoris, etc.

It's in public schools when students are taking standardized tests you have to fill out gender and race (although you can elect not to). A lot of students don't even know what to put if they're mixed or not most of students with answerers from Philippines put Pacific Islander rather than Asian from what I've seen. The whole having to identify with a category all your life on tests is a bit...IDK, but if it helps people get scholarships then that's good

Hey Soak!


Also, Jiro! Hi! Welcome! Who's your favoriate Turk? Do you like Before Crisis? How did you get into the fandom. This is me being friendly...I hope it doesn't come off like an interrogation.


It's in public schools when students are taking standardized tests you have to fill out gender and race (although you can elect not to). A lot of students don't even know what to put if they're mixed or not most of students with answerers from Philippines put Pacific Islander rather than Asian from what I've seen. The whole having to identify with a category all your life on tests is a bit...IDK, but if it helps people get scholarships then that's good

I remember coming across something similar while applying for my SSN. It was only one question (or two?) but it's also optional.

About Pacific Islander.. common mistake, I suppose. It's an island in the Pacific, after all XD Although it's also known as 'Pearl of the Orient', and that should tell enough.

Aww.. Rude is so adorable. I think he really makes an excellent boyfriend (for Soak :P ). I have a headcanon of him preferring cats as pets inspired by that fanart.

Speaking of headcanon.. does anybody have their own regarding how Rude
chose (or is given?) his name? I'm sure it's not his real name, so any thoughts how he got it/ came up with it?

Some Reno goodness:








Are they working? :D


Speaking of headcanon.. does anybody have their own regarding how Rude
chose (or is given?) his name? I'm sure it's not his real name, so any thoughts how he got it/ came up with it?

Some Reno goodness:








Are they working? :D

I have no idea. I do remember a long time ago when I read that some said his real name is William Johnson, which I thought was the stupidest name ever. I have no idea where they got that from. As for his Turk name I think its because of his mannerisms. He looks very intimidating, he doesn't really say much and is kinda standoffish so I guess people always thought of him as rude, which is probably that's why its is Turk name. But I don't see him as that. What we know about him is that he's actually probably the one who cares the most. He cares about the other Turks and actually has a sweet heart but I guess when he's in Turk mode that's what he is perceived as ,"Rude".

I dont know if Its his real name. It makes sense for Turks to have code names. Elena doesn't. At least I don't think so because In BC she wasnt a Turk and her name was still Elena. Reno and Tseng seem like real names. It seems odd that someone would name their child Rude but in Japanese his name is Rudo so maybe its more common over there?

Btw The Reno Facebook stuff is just awesome. I wish the Turks actually had Facebook, but of course they would have to real, which I also wish :P


Pro Adventurer
My head cannon is that Rude and Tseng are cat people and that Reno is a dog person. This is mostly based on how the people in my cosplay group act. (my Reno likes to wrestle Dark Nation or just pick him and walk off with him as though he were a giant cat will hardly near Lee and has hissed at him).

It's also my head canon that Rude's mother, who lives in Costa Del Sol, breeds shih tzus. They try to lick Rude's face and get slobber on his glasses. He isn't that fond of them.

As for Rude's name...I always accepted it. Although apparently Rudo is a name.

Also, almost burst out laughing in the library at those facebook posts.


It's also my head canon that Rude's mother, who lives in Costa Del Sol, breeds shih tzus. They try to lick Rude's face and get slobber on his glasses. He isn't that fond of them.

OMG! This made me so happy! I have a Shih Tzu! Its meant to be!! <3

I haven't posted pics in a while. So here you go...



















Also I just noticed that this thread is almost a year old! Next Thursday is the Turks thread 1st birthday!
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Pro Adventurer
Here's a fan video I made based on "Death is Part of the Process". It stars Aviva (Knives (Female) so Turk related (although it makes more sense if you've read the fanfic).

It's my frist attempt at directing and it's probably not accurate to what happens in the fic, but I hope it's all right in terms of fan art.

Ironically, we were talking about FFVII the musical last week during my BC Stream and I was all ready working on this project.
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Average Jiro
Also, Jiro! Hi! Welcome! Who's your favoriate Turk? Do you like Before Crisis? How did you get into the fandom. This is me being friendly...I hope it doesn't come off like an interrogation.

Whoa, geez, it moves fast in here. Thanks for the warm welcome!

I'm a sad sap from Australia so there's not a chance that Before Crisis would ever make its way here, but from what I read and saw I did like the characters and whatnot.

The thought of the Turks being a larger organisation is cool, although I think I prefer the small, elite task force they've got during the original game.

I don't know if you mean the Turks fandom or the Final Fantasy fandom, but let me try and answer that first question in a single word.


Pro Adventurer
Oh thank you Soak!

I'm not sure what else to make (not sure if I'll be able to do any Gangnam style aside from a possible Rude/Reno gif). Most of my Turks can sing/have musical training (everyone but Reno, actually). I'd love to use Cissnei for something as Autumn has a beautiful voice.

If you'd be willing to leave a comment on youtube I'd appreciate it. I'd love to have feedback/reviews.


Gangnum Style! YES PLEASE! If Reno cant sing then just make him lipsync or something. And We dont care if he's good or not. We know the real pixel Reno probably cant sing at all so its in character for him to try and it would be funny.


Pro Adventurer
So does anyone have Turk OCs?

I've borrowed Licorice's Natalya and I have one of my own named Jackie (I love her). Give that the organization seems so large during BC I assume there were more Turks around during Vincent's time and Veld probably had a lot of people in the department before BC. Tseng, Reno, and Rude are just the ones still around when the player Turks show up.


Pro Adventurer
Maybe we should name him Ace? LOL But seriously, a sniper sounds plausible. I never thought of it from the point of view of specialities. Someone else who borrowed Natayla in a gfit fic for Lic made her a knife expert and I made her good at interrogations/very personable. I'm not sure what speciality Licorice intended her to have or if she had one.

Jackie is an expert with a handgun, but can hold her own hand to hand. She's pretty much an all around Turk and a real go getter. Her father was military, her future husband is military, and her two daughters grow up to be Turks.


Pro Adventurer
Well at least it's post hair cut, so she looks a bit less little girlish, although it also implies she's only wearing it because Tseng has a thing for that...


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I'm reading it as:

Elena: See? I told you I could still fit into this.

Tseng: hmm... Well I guess I owe you dinner...(internally: NOSEBLEED)


Pro Adventurer
I agree.

I'm writing a novelization/adaption of The Case of Shinra and rereading the original so I can adapt it. Every time I read Rude and Reno, I rewrite it as Reno and Rude. It's the same for Elena and Tseng, I write Tseng and Elena.

Does anyone else put the names in a certain order when they think of them or is this just me? I have no idea what I'm doing this either.
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