I like the fact that he's such a huge superstar and yet almost nobody in my RL world has heard of him. It makes the world feel a little bigger.
She can hear Tseng walking over to the window by the kitchen. It’s the only window she has.
It’s the only window she has.
It’s the only window she has.
In Norwegian, people have windows. In English, they don't; houses has them, apartments has them. How I wrote this, it gives me images of Elena having a window on her chest. Maybe with a couple of birds sitting there, chirping --It’s the only window she has.
Double post, I hadn't seen Cameo's cameo earlier.Cameo Amalthea said:Re: That Reno cosplayer - It makes me so happy. Not only because the cosplay is brilliant and the piece is brilliant, but how it's done. So often people think "good" cosplay is just about having a good costume and looking good in it with an emphasis on making complicated costumes and body image. For me cosplay has been a way to create fan art, so I really LOVE works that look like fanart. The effort put into the image and the background as much as the costume and make up all coming together to create something amazing. All the details in those cosplay pictures, costume, make up, lighting, background, editing = just wow.