The General Turks Worship Thread


Yeah same here.

Funny thing is, I remember watching Daggers the year it was released. And I knew I fell in love with the actor who played Jin. I don't understand why I didn't bother to look him up at that time! :lol:

Really, the only time I discovered him was when we were posting pics of 'RL Turks'.
It's not just that he's handsome, but his face is kind of goofy in a nice way. Like he'd play practical jokes on you and give you weird (intriguing wierd, not creepy wierd) presents.


OMG yes. That smile of his.

I like him best when he's all silly and mischievous like in Fallen Angels and even Lavender. He made pole dancing look so funny.
I watched "Lavender" and it was so cute! I felt sorry for poor Chiw-Chow, though.

At first I didn't get the
thing abut Andrew being a Spanish bull, but I liked the comment which observed that this went to show how incomprehensible heaven was to people; he'd moved on into a whole different life, and Athena could rest easy knowing he was okay

I also read two different interpretations of the
1. He's been sent back to earth to be with her, and has lost his angel memories, but it's okay because she remembers

2. the whole thing was her dream; she fell asleep in the bath - which is why it overflowed - and dreamt an angel fell onto her veranda, but really it was the guy named "Michelangelo" she'd subliminally registered but never really thought consciously about because she was grieving over Andrew.

I think I like the second interpretation more.

Well worth the watching. It got better and better.


^^Yes I prefer the second interpretation too.
I thought it was reinforced that Angelo is a real person who existed before when he admitted to wolf-whistling to her earlier and apologized for it.

Another (cheesy) theory is that the dream itself was some sort of divine intervention so that she wouldn't blow up her chance with Michaelangelo that was waiting to happen

I like the movie, but I think they could've made it better. The whole thing is 5% story and the rest is Takeshixploitation*. And what is up with his fixation with shoes?

*Wait that's really nothing to complain about.. :desu: really I'm just pissed about the minecraft-ish quality of the uploads, I'm an ingrate

Hey look I found another flick with Kelly Chen!

^I haven't watched all of it but I couldn't help it-- I skipped to the ending. Looks really worth watching. Serious movie :desu:

IMO they have an amazing onscreen chemistry. It's like they're a couple but above all best friends, the type you'd be fine to be a third wheel with because they're fun and carefree and not surrounded by relationship drama

And I just recently discovered this short clip from

^This must be in some parallel universe where women would rather slit their throats than have sex with Takeshi :monster:
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Pro Adventurer
Hey, sorry I've been not here for so long. I've gotten sort of crazy busy IRL, so I've mostly just lurked Tumblr.

Re: That Reno cosplayer - It makes me so happy. Not only because the cosplay is brilliant and the piece is brilliant, but how it's done. So often people think "good" cosplay is just about having a good costume and looking good in it with an emphasis on making complicated costumes and body image. For me cosplay has been a way to create fan art, so I really LOVE works that look like fanart. The effort put into the image and the background as much as the costume and make up all coming together to create something amazing. All the details in those cosplay pictures, costume, make up, lighting, background, editing = just wow.

Re: Takeshi: When I get back to the United States and have access to my indie video store and television, I'm going to have to check out these movies. I think I've seen House of Flying Daggers, my cousin went through kung-fu movie phase in high school and so every week my family rented a different one. Although they're all a bit of a blur to me so I'd have to rewatch it since I haven't seen it since high school.
I didn't really like House of Flying Daggers that much - the story was kind of ridiculous and about 75% of it was magical kung fu ninja stuff. It's really beautiful to look at, though.

"Lavender" was more fun, but "Red Cliff" is the best.


Great Old One
She can hear Tseng walking over to the window by the kitchen. It’s the only window she has.
It’s the only window she has.
It’s the only window she has.
It’s the only window she has.
In Norwegian, people have windows. In English, they don't; houses has them, apartments has them. How I wrote this, it gives me images of Elena having a window on her chest. Maybe with a couple of birds sitting there, chirping --

Oh god it makes me so sad that I was to be born somewhere with a mothertongue only shared by 5 million others. I struggle to improve my English and immediately seeing this mistake when I reopened one of my old fics says I have improved, I guess, but still. I have stuff I want to SAY, to TELL, but my toolbox is insufficient.

Cad. Disdain. Acquiescence. Profanity. Ingratiation. So much to learn before I can reach a level where I can actually write anything good. I guess a way to learn faster is to write more, and then have it read by someone who can look for stuff like this - where I confuse English with Norwegian.

That was a completely off topic sigh.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^ no u! I don't see the problem, It never struck me as strange, we often talk of *someone* having a big kitchen/window/staircase etc etc, rather than the house. And anyway putting it the way you did makes it more personal and effective. So again, no u!


Daggers is silly alright-- the plot AND the echo dance part. But yeah it is pretty, and I loved Zhang Ziyi's performance.

I absolutely enjoyed Red Cliff, Takeshi aside, because I've played Dynasty Warriors (which centers on The Three Kingdoms) and therefore familiar with the plot and characters. It was great to see it all on film. Lu Xun is one of my favorite characters but I don't think he appeared in the movie.
Re The window thing

I agree with Octo, the phrasing didn't strike me as strange in any way. I think I would definitely say something like, "I only have one floor" or "I only have one bathroom" rather than "my house only has one floor" or "my house only has one bathroom." And like Octo says, it makes the window more personal, like she only has one point of view out on the world or something, not because she doesn't want more but because that's how it is.


Cameo Amalthea said:
Re: That Reno cosplayer - It makes me so happy. Not only because the cosplay is brilliant and the piece is brilliant, but how it's done. So often people think "good" cosplay is just about having a good costume and looking good in it with an emphasis on making complicated costumes and body image. For me cosplay has been a way to create fan art, so I really LOVE works that look like fanart. The effort put into the image and the background as much as the costume and make up all coming together to create something amazing. All the details in those cosplay pictures, costume, make up, lighting, background, editing = just wow.
Double post, I hadn't seen Cameo's cameo earlier.

I like the use of game universe/lore in cosplay and fanart and when effort is put into the background. It's as significant as the costume itself. I love the subtle little easter eggs in that shot.

In fictional universes, especially in Japanese media, there's a minute selection of black characters (with the tendency to be very buff), and in the 80s/90s, extremely gendered characters. If someone relates to a character and has fun with it I don't see a problem; sometimes you might want to play something outside of your racial/gender/body spectrum, or even a character very different to break out of your usual personality. An "ironic" extremely tall Edward Elric I spotted a few years ago comes to mind. I personally can't afford meticulously grandiose costumes ala Cloud Strife (can barely afford con tickets and hotel/gas division) and prefer to replicate fairly simple costumes using normal conventional clothing. Though personally if I dress as a character that I don't resemble at all I tend to consider it more of an "inspiration" than a cosplay.

On the subject of Reno, I'm thinking about his competency level and his depiction in AC. Although his character is messy, obnoxious, overly casual and a busybody (and quite dark, as expected of a Turk, which is often ignored in fandom, thanks to the movie), his skill and efficiency is what secured his position in Shinra. During the beginning of BC, Reno was third in command. Considering the fact that the Turks maintained a decent number of recruits and had a place in the company during this time prior to Rufus' accusations, it's pretty easy to assume that his position wasn't a fluke. Although many of the Shinra executives likely hold their position solely on basis of seniority and tenure, an ineffective Turk, whose job description requires meticulous skill and to be trusted with extremely sensitive information, would likely die before being promoted to such an extent. Reno is not the silly slapstick idiot he was relegated to in the movie. I think having Tseng as the sole injured character and Elena as comic relief (like she was in the OG) would have worked better, but then again, everything could have been better in regard to AC.
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Pro Adventurer
I think with cosplay you don't have to be a physical match so long as the costume looks good on you and things like skin color shouldn't matter. There are some really great black cosplayers that do "white" characters, and the things is a lot of 'white' characters aren't meant to be white anyway, they're Japanese (like Sailor Moon) but the style of anime uses unnatural hair and eye colors (blue eyes, blue hair, etc). I think if you do a costume well, then it's cosplay, if you do a twist on it, like a gender swap femme version then that's fine, although I like seeing effort. (If I did femme Rufus, it would just be me in my normal clothes so not much of a cosplay, but a well done femme Cloud would take effort). For me, cosplay is about doing characters that I like or relate to, not being the best looking or having the best costume.

So any one remember when we were talking about doing a contest/prompt thing with

Rufus Shinra and Slave

as the prompt?

Well I've written something.


^Interesting :desu:
Reno tops.. well at least in this first chapter :desu:

As for the prompt, I have started on something, but I'm confused now-- is the prompt about Rufus and slavery or just slavery with any Turk character? IIRC it's the latter and my work doesn't have any Rufus in it :closedmonster:


Pro Adventurer
Let's be broad, slavery in general with any character in it if we can get more people interested in the topic, although I think the original prompt was anything featuring Rufus with slavery as a theme (be that symbolic, litteral, or BDSM). But Slavery as a general prompt works.

I think Reno will continue to top, lol. Not that this is that sort of fic exactly


I think the prompt should apply to any of the Turks, being that there has been no activity (aside from Cameo's fic) related to it within a few months.

I feel this fanfic (Dance of the Macabre, RufusxReno) works well with the "enslavement" concept in a deeply psychological sense. As a side note, lot of fanfiction writers are wary of writing lemons (especially regularly) into a story that is intended to be gripping and embody good character development, can't find relevance and thus don't do it, but I think the hypersexuality works very well into this story. It really is excellent, and mental slavery is certainly a pertinent theme.

seems of slight relevance to the topic.


Probably should have used Heidegger Gya haa haaing for 010.


Pro Adventurer
I love that President's mood gage thing. Totally hilarious and so true. I've tried to read Dance of the Macabre before but I could never get into it for some reason, despite the fact people say it's the best Reno/Rufus and I ship that pairing. No idea why...


Even outside of the story I find myself going back occasionally to re read some of those lemons honestly. :awesome:

With that mood gauge I was inspired by the FFVII parody comic on DA (do recommend) - the artist made fun of Rufus' static expression. You know on the subject of my random graphical creations, I've only recently started to get into tumblr: I wasn't much of a fan originally due to its Warholian nature, especially in comparison to LJ. I've found a couple of good pages and it's definitely worth it for the hilarious chain reblogs that I encounter occasionally and good original content. Reblogs are cool but they can get excessive if that's all you do. I do like your blog as it has a lot of original text/discussion posts; nobody does that really and if they do it tends to be mundane and uninteresting. The majority of the time you could look through hundreds of reblogs of something on tumblr and not one person adds even a sentence of extra content.


Pro Adventurer
I was hesitant to join tumblr initially for that reason. There were no threads of comments. No one "said" anything, they just put what other people said on their blogs and the whole thing seemed woefully derivative and lazy.

Then Licorice was on tumblr so I checked out her blog and it was "oh, I like this picture, I'll reblog it". So I discovered the reblogging is less "I have nothing original to put on my blog, here's random junk" and more "I like this, I shall collect and share it with friends". Think of a tumblr blog as your own private gallery to fill with whatever works you wish by whatever artists. Reblogging is affirming things whether it's a message (Gay rights violations are happening in Russian, we should be informed and out raged) or something more abstract (this exotic creature exists, isn't that fantastic, look at it) or (awe it's a kitty). Of course, a lot of reblogs are simplistic and boil down to things like "awe, it's a kitty" and no one says anything of their own, but it's a sort of simple communication based on assent.

I like this photo of a man in suit, it is attractive, I will hang on my virtual wall and you shall see my tastes. If you reblog, I know you share my tastes. We have an accord on a very basic level, and there's something to that simplicity. Then when you have women reblogging beautifully drawn porn of artistic merit that's wonderful, because it's saying I have a sexuality and other people do as well and we can enjoy it without same, look how we agree that this work is beautiful even though it's definitely erotic. (Also, LOL for ineffective yaoi censor bars that cover nothing)

However, I'm more of a talker, so I prefer platforms that are geared towards discussions and tend write long comments quite a lot. I'm glad someone appreciates it.

Do you have a link to the DA parody.


I do think the reblogging function can be cool especially if there's a nice variety and the reblogs are entertaining, I use it all the time, but a lot of blogs lack personality: I could never get into those instagrammy aesthetic blogs.

A lot of times I like to find internet content, like on pixiv or Zerochan, even facebook, some parody series I like, whatever on the internet, etc, and bring it to tumblr so that the community can enjoy it. Though I am careful with artists' original works because tumblr is notorious for its lack of sourcing and occasionally eliminating the sourcing when it's there.

On top of that, Tumblr is one of the few communities on the internet where misogyny is actually combated instead of unanimously encouraged. That alone is pretty cool. It's a massive problem and its good to see people not just standing by and going along with it in the name of "truth" or "humor."

Gallery page 8, comic 178 & 179 specifically. I think a Reno scene ended up in this thread once, actually.


Pro Adventurer
Thanks! Oh I love that comic so much! It's such a perfect parody, exaggerated features of the characters to ridiculous extremes. Aerith is my favoriate part of that comic, how she's just this incredibly sweet but ditzy girl (if I cosplay Aerith, that's what I would be like...)

Also this one was funny

But seriously, I love Aerith so much, she's the best par-She going to die *sigh*


Cid and Shera filmed in front of a live studio audience gets me every time. Also the Rufus Chuck Norris joke in response to the whole "bleed or cry" spiel. And the fourth wall, crumbling with each of his guest appearances.

I also recommend FFVII Abridged. Last episode features Aeris' death in the most fanboy/girl/fourth wall unfriendly manner possible, though. :monster:
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