The General Turks Worship Thread



^You can interpret this in as many ways as you like.. Vinnie being a slave to Lucrecia a la Severin to Wanda in Venus in Furs.. Lucrecia being a slave to her bitchiness ambition that ultimately led to her ruin.. In general these two are both slaves to their own miseries and stupidity and they both had to regret everything for the rest of their lives, which is such a shame because they're unfortunately both immortal :monster:

I'm not a fan of this couple, although I've lamented in another thread before how their potentially intriguing story from what was shown in the OG was destroyed by the crapfest that is DoC.

Partly inspired by The Paperman because for some reason the guy just reminds me of Turk Vincent! :lol:


Oh and I absolutely love obstinatemelon's comic!


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Gif pans ahoy







I have a 3DS now would they please remake this game like they said they were gonna

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I wish they bestowed names for those turks, because damn they're so cool. Shame they weren't seen much on the Compilation other than this series. Needs more presence and love.

And fights with WEAPONS. can't have a good Turk day by fighting WEAPONS and wrapping it up with beer in Midgar.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
You know I'm really dying to see how they handle the Turks in that web series they're making on Kickstarter.


That should be interesting. I just hope they can accrue enough funds since their goal is so high.

I've really wanted to see the original game concept art remastered in modern graphics by Nomura. I personally liked everyone's outfit better in the OG.

I wish they bestowed names for those turks, because damn they're so cool.
I think the group from VII use aliases as well. Though it would help if I could remember if Elena was referred to by such name by another character in her BC cameo.


Pro Adventurer
The fact that the BC Turks aren't named makes it difficult for discussing the characters and tagging them on tumblr since they have no canon names, but naming them is also part of the fun and if Sqenix had named them we might have been stuck with names we hated (like Balto).

My theory is the Turks give up their surnames, replacing it with "of the Turks" making every named Turk go simply by their first name. Though if a Turk were to marry they may give their former legal name to children/spouses and when they die they may have a family name on their grave marker if they want to be buried alongside any non-Turk spouse.

Cissnei isn't Cissnei's real name because she was "adopted" by Shinra and they may have given her a new name. So she has a birth name. Other Turks may go by nicknames or chosen names if you want to continue the theme that no one knows their "real name". Though no headcanon can explain the wildly divergent names players and writers have given their Turks.

On the plus side, having Turks with different names makes it easier to distinguish head canons between writers and track influence among writers in the community.

I have my Asher, Licorice has her Skeeter. Both Nunchaku, but different interpretations.

Asher: straight/cis guy but very feminine seeming, has a crush on Knives. From wealthy background, mother owns a piano company, but joined the Turks out of admiration for them/desire to prove himself. Friendly/happy/nice but believes in the Turks and will efficiently carry out orders. Sort of Reno's puppy since Reno trained him/he looks up to Reno.

Skeeter: gay male, from middle class background but lost everything after his parents died/brother stole inheritance, got by as best he could until he got the attention of the Turks. Same basic Nunchaku personality, so very good natured and sweet.

(correct me if I'm wrong on any of that Lic).

It's cool to have different character names because we can discuss different interpretations without have to go Lic's Tseng vs Cam's Tseng, and you can see where author's adopt another's head canon to some extent by what name they adopt. For example, Cherry has adopted my Asher wholesale into her head canon.

I'm somewhat tempted to just take Licorice's Aviva if she'll let me have her, though so far I've just called my Knife Knives.

Though this isn't always the case. I took the name Rosalind from Lic, but my Ros has her own backstory/characterization. The name just sort of stuck with me.
o now that I have some free time I have indulging in a read through of early FFVII fanfic (1997-1999) on the RPG Gamer site. I found one fic by Adam L with a description of Tseng that I have to share with you:

By age twelve, Tseng was faster, smarter, and stronger than most

people twice his age. By fifteen, Tseng had shed his past as an unattractive

outcast. By sixteen, Tseng was a red-hot heartthrob, making ladies swoon to

the left and right of him. He was friends with every guy on the block, and

nearly every girl would sever their limb for a single day with him.

When Tseng turned 21, he was too hot to handle. His current job at a

business company was failing--Tseng just wasn't the entrepreneur his parents

had hoped. So he was fired. For six months, Tseng was unemployed. Sure, he

had money--businesses aren't miserly companies, mind you. But by the sixth

month, Tseng was almost broke. Friends still supported him. Women still

fainted at the sight of him. But Tseng needed work. Something he was good

at. But what?

Later, he and
decide to get married. Here's the proposal scene. Elena has rescued Tseng from the jungle after his wounding by Sephiroth, and he is recuperating in a hospital in Mideel.

Elena, what about Sephiroth?"

"Gone I think," she replied.

"Good." Tseng closed his eyes, exhausted. "So much for that dinner, eh?"

Elena chuckled with him, happy that Tseng would make it. Suddenly, without

any warning at all, she kissed the poor man, long and lovingly.

"I thought so," he replied after she broke off.


"Don't deny it, Elena. I know you've had a crush on me for ever. You've

wanted to do that for ages."

"You're right, Tseng," she replied quietly. "I don't know how you knew, but

you were right." Tseng smiled, and closed his eyes again.

"Marry me, Tseng," she said simply.

"All right," he replied, not even opening his eyes. Elena laughed, and

kissed him on the forehead.

This cute fic can be found at
As I continue my trawl through early FFVII fanfic, I found this one that Crimson-sun (who I'm sure you all know, but if you don't, he's the one who drew Elena's fantasu of Tseng on a unicorn) recommended. from 2002, "May to December" by Lady Aoi. (or Lad Yaoi, I guess).

This is Hojo/Elena but don't let you put that off. It is so well worth reading, really! He has nefarious designs on her, and you know how nefarious Hojo's plans can be. It's a really fun, engaging, well-written puece. Unfortunately it's been left unfinished.


RPGamer fic:
Reno fondled his Electro Turk Staff gently.
"I wish you'd get a wig, man. You creep me out whenever you do that. Reminds me of Rufus the Doofus."
And I love how there's a 'special agent wanted' ad in the newspaper. This is truly fun to read.


Bald Is Beautiful--The Tale of Rude said:
Rudiger Kissinger.
Mister Rudiger Kissinger.
Sir Rudiger.
Secret Agent Kissinger.
Mayor Kissinger.
President Kissinger.
Pope Rudiger I.
Emperor Rudiger Kissinger.

Well that escalated quickly.


It's interesting to know that both 'Rudiger' and 'Kissinger' are legit names.

As for Reno's made-up name.. well I think we can conclude what brand the author's laptop is :desu:

And I think I'll add to my headcanon that TURKS is actually an acronym. :flipmonster:

New Chapter of Fifty Shades of Turkish Delight!

For some reason, there's been a lot of traffic on "Fifty Shades of Turkish Delight" at AO3, which has inspired me to write the next chapter. This is for you, Soakette!! There's a brief 'story so far' paragraph at the beginning since you've probably all forgotten the story, such as it is.

Story so far: After meeting famous sexy billionaire Rude Attaturk in a coffee shop, Soakette realised the attraction the mutual when he followed her home from her job at the Bulk Barn, rescued her from the advances of her not-gay friend, and swept her off to Turkmenistan in a helicopter piloted by his buddy Reno O'Turk. On the way, he introduced her to the delights of candy, something which, due to her nutritionally strict upbringing, she had never known. He started with vanilla, but they have many flavours to go. They are about to land in Midgar, and he has just informed her that he will be taking her to meet his Boss. Now read on...

“Your – Boss!” Soaketta squeaked, alarmed. Wasn’t Rude his own boss? What was going on here? Had she been led up the garden-path by this sugar-tongued charmer? Well, even if she had, this path, rocky and rose-strewn and full of twists and turns as it was, seemed a damn sight more interesting than any other path she’d ever been on.

“Yes,” he replied. “And I think you should know, I’ve never introduced one of my women to him before. What have you done to me, Soaketta?” he growled. “I can’t help wanting everyone to know that you’re mine.”

The helicopter landed, the engines died, the fuselage door was opened, and Rude helped Soaketta down the steps to the landing pad. Looking around, she realised that they were on the top of a very tall building in the middle of a large city: it was night. Greenish-black storm clouds boiled overhead, blotting out the moon and the stars. From the city below rose a strange green light, an eerie glow. Pudenda was afraid to look down, however, because she suffered terribly from vertigo, which was a nuisance, but not as bad as being clumsy.

"At last!" cried a voice. It was a female voice. Soaketta's heart sank. She looked around, and saw that said voice belonged to a petite - in fact, practically flat-chested - blonde woman in a dark blue suit hurrying across the landing pad towards them. Oh, god, more blondes, just my luck, Soaketta sighed to herself. Turkmenistan was probably swarming with the wretched things. She watched as the flame-headed pilot grabbed the girl round the waist and bent her backwards in a deep-throated French kiss which, judging from the way she wriggled in his grip and pulled at his hair, the blondette clearly reciprocated. Was she Reno O'Turk's girlfriend, Pudenda wondered, or just a slut?

Rude chose this moment to bend down and murmur in her ear, "That's our intern, Elena McTurkish. She's a real eager beaver. You'll see."

Reno broke off the kiss and stood back, grinning. "Miss me, Laney?"

"Piss off, you skanky sleazebag. And don't ever grab me or kiss me again or I'll have your ass in the biggest sexual harassment lawsuit this company has ever seen. But only after breaking all your teeth first."

"See, she likes me," Reno informed the intrigued Soaetta.

"If your definition of "like" is "forced to breathe the same air as", then yeah, sure, I like you," said Elena McTurkish. "Now step out of grabbing distance or I'll shoot. I'm not even kidding. Hi," she said to Soaketta, holding out her hand. "Welcome to Midgar."


Pudanda just couldn't stop thinking about candy. It was all Rude's fault, that naughty man! In her mind she metaphorically associated each of his colleagues with confectionary items. Elena McTurkish was a Crunchie Bar: that businesslike suit and assertive manner concealed, like a coat of milk-chocolate, the essential blondeness within. Potentially delicious, indisputably irritating: she would seem to melt, but hours later you'd still be picking bits of her off your teeth.

Reno O'Turk was like a packet of Skittles, or sour jelly beans: loud, colourful, strongly-flavoured, maybe even irresistible (if she hadn't seen Rude first) but if you didn't ration yourself, before you knew it you'd realise you'd eaten too much and were feeling a bit sick.

The tall, broad-shouldered ravenette with the chiselled jaw, inscrutable almond joy eyes and what looked like a chocolate chip stuck between his brows who stood waiting for them at the top of a sweeping staircase was, Soaketta thought, like a glossy stick of black bitter licorice or a stern smooth aniseed ball - barely a sweet at all. "This is our leader, Tseng Takusunoshou," Rude introduced.

Tseng looked Pudenda up and down with eyes like an electron microscope: they were clinical and made here feel very small. Oh my, she thought in a tiny voice.

"Follow me," said Tseng in a voice like melted chocolate. He turned and led the way towards a large chrome and ivory desk standing on a raised dais, framed by a panoramic window overlooking the bright lights of the city far below. A man was sitting behind this desk, arrayed in an expensively tailored spotless white linen suit with accents of charcoal, and a pirate patch over his right eye. He stood up when she approached, a courtesy which made Pudenda decide that his hair colour was not, after, strawberry blonde, as she had thought at first, but gingersnap.

Elena McTurkish, Reno O'Turk, and Rude Attaturk all stopped two metres from the desk and bowed deeply. Soaketta, realising that the guy behind the desk must be somebody important, copied their motions.

Tseng intoned, "His Supreme Excellency Rufus 'Turkel' Shinra, President of the ShinRa Confectionary Corporation and Chairman and Numero Uno Donator to the "Let's Put Smiles on Their Faces" Children's Home and Social Fund, welcomes you to Midgar, Ms Soaketta."

Soaketta looked up from her bow to see The President smiling at her. A chilling, immaculate smile.

Rufus Shinra, she decided, was an icy-hot, extra strong coolmint.
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Omg that was amazing! This totally made my day and put a huge smile on my face! But I have one question... whats a Pudenda? I read on google it means female genitalia?


No, it's fine, I usually call my lady parts my "Queen Victoria". But this is your story! I'm just thrilled to have a little part in it :P
Thought I might share this directly with the proper audience. While playing the PC2012 version of FFVII...


Like with so many other field models in this port, his blinking animation adopts the completely wrong textures. He takes on Cloud's eyebrows, which is a very common occurrence in this version.


Pro Adventurer
New Chapter of Fifty Shades of Turkish Delight!

For some reason, there's been a lot of traffic on "Fifty Shades of Turkish Delight" at AO3, which has inspired me to write the next chapter. [/spoiler]

Because it's absolutely hilarious. Have you updated it on AO3, because I've only read the parts posted there. I joined this forum after this had started and I'm not sure digging through the thread for entries will go so well for me.

Also, if you want to use the cosplay pics from that photoshoot I did as art on the fic on Ao3 feel free. The cosplayer granted permission to do so.
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