The General Turks Worship Thread


Great Old One
Woot! I already wrote Elena and Rude's apartments in two of my fics. Maybe I should do a take on Elena's, although it might not make much sense outside of the smutty fic it is part of. I don't think I'll be able to find a picture that matches either, as most apartments have more than one window.

Basically I haven't been into the Turks universe for a long time, which is the reason I haven't posted in her since forever. But I do love Rude. Maybe it is time for another Rude rant. idk. Most of all I want to do a Cid story.

I don't think we ever meant to confine the game to just the Turks. The only problem with the main cast is that there's already a canon for the visual appearance of their living spaces. But maybe you could give Cid a new room or give his thoughts on somebody else's room?


Pro Adventurer
Yes, the prompt was rooms from the world of FFVII but it somehow turned out to be mostly Turks (the bias could have arisen based on who follows me on tumblr since my followers and I tend to be Turk fans). But yes, share all the rooms/explore all the characters!

I only shared this here since so many of the mini fics posted had been Turk centric.


JFC I'm out of the loop. How is everyone doing?

I really like the prompt. Nice ideas all around. I don't have a fic entry but here's an idea:




Reno just strikes me as someone who doesn't invest in furniture or decor, kinda goes along with this headcanon of mine that he is sort of a detached person, with the exception of the Turks ofc.

Oh and remember when I found Tseng's little brother.. well, I found Turk Vinnie's twin too.



Hair? Check!
Suit? Check!
Brooding? Check!

EDIT: Link isn't working right. Anyhoo it's just a room, bare save for a bed, that's the idea :desu:
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Great Old One
I'm just gonna put this in here because I have a feeling several of you guys who frequent it might know this.

Basically it's -- halp, hao do I do this exchange stuff? I've been staring at livejournal, dreamwidth, AO3 and Tumblr pages for half an hour now but I am none the wiser. I read about the Chocobo Down 2013 which looks like it's still open (ff exchange on Dreamwidth) but then I saw some of the same prompts presented at that DOINK! thing which is now... closed? Cus it only runs 3 months a year? And prompts are named "unclaimed" so I assume they can only by claimed once... or?

I am so confused. Does anyone have link to a good FAQ which explains all of this? It's like... worse than Norwegian bureaucracy. And that is really bad. X)
Fangu, did you find this list of FAQs?

Basically, the first thing you have to do is join a team. There are three teams: Shiva, Ifrit, and Ramuh.
You can join a team here:

Then you pick a prompt you want to write a story for. For the latest round of exchanges, there are three separate lists that you can choose a prompt from:

Towards the end of November the mods will create a post or thread in which you can post your fic. You have to specify who you wrote it for and what the prompt was.

I think that covers the basics.

Good luck!


Great Old One
Thank you, that (along with the other posts) answers pretty much every question I had.

Now, I don't mean to be rude, and the only reason I say this is I prowl the Internet a lot for information, and I work in IT. But goodamn I can't find that FAQ linked from anywhere. It's almost like I think they did it on purpose, like with Tumblr, who hides as much information as possible to segregate their users into "those who feel they're good at this" and "n00bs". I don't like services that makes me feel like an idiot.

Thanks again!

Edit: Also wow all of a sudden I find myself writing that Elena fic I said I was gonna write 1.5 years ago. Didn't really feel inspired until now. Life is strange.
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Great Old One
I have a question - around the time Reno is wounded in VII (because we kick his butt!) and Elena is brought into the Turks - can we assume the Turks/Shinra still has some sort of training program for new Turks? I have a feeling that by VII, there are only four Turks (Tseng included) and no one in training but I can't be sure.

Edit: I went for "yeah sure" :lol: I finally wrote and posted that 'dark Elena fic'. I changed the setting a bit, it now takes place early in VII, as opposed to post-VII. The man she takes to her bed is no longer Cid but some random. Anyway here it is :monster:
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I have a question - around the time Reno is wounded in VII (because we kick his butt!) and Elena is brought into the Turks - can we assume the Turks/Shinra still has some sort of training program for new Turks? I have a feeling that by VII, there are only four Turks (Tseng included) and no one in training but I can't be sure.
Which begs the question, did she finish training and have her employment guarantee/graduation frozen or voided during the siege against the Turks? Was she in the middle of schooling and resumed after Veld was "eliminated" and then graduated right during the time that Reno was injured, or maybe she hadn't graduated at all and was recruited out of urgency? If the President hadn't been killed and Reno remained uninjured, would she ever have been accepted into the program at all, given how they fell drastically out of the President's favor in a short period of time? And I think she would have had to have been the last and only student in training, because Rufus, being bonded to the department, probably would have put more operatives on the team if it'd been convenient, provided they were qualified.

Now that is a version of Rufus who would not have second thoughts about torturing somebody with a variety of tools.

What a neat AU this would make.

"The Shinra Nation is harvesting the power of mako to unlock what is, according to them, the true Aryan strength. It is said that the true Aryans roamed the planet up until two millennia again, after which the strength of their blood dwindled when mixed with inferior races.

After disobeying orders by his superiors, Cloud's hometown of Niflheim was burned down and Cloud left the SS (the Shinra Soldiers). After initially being seen as a threat and a spy, Cloud joins a rebel faction to defeat the Shinra Nation. Little do they know the full scale of Shinra's experiments and that Cloud is a ticking 'mind control' bomb."

I have a feeling somebody wrote this already, but I won't bother to check. :P


^That's pretty neat indeed.

It's obvious who Mengele's and Göring's counterparts are.

On a side note.. I am tempted to do my own version of the fanart, with Rufus in the classic

Suits him better, I 'd say. :P This uniform is all levels of sexy, btw.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
While I dont dig the nazi aesthetic, it makes sense to me. I mean we like the Turks and all, but lets not forget theyre the bad guys. Shinra are a fascisitic organisation pretty much.

Dunno if the artist appreciates the connotations there or not. Kind of reminds me of when my little brother drew swastikas on his bedroom wall, he had no idea what it meant except something hed seen in war films :facepalm:



Suits him better, I 'd say. :P This uniform is all levels of sexy, btw.
That is far less... unsettling.

So it's good to see a new high quality fanart done in lieu of the newer design. Hair in secondary colors in Final Fantasy always seems to retcon/default to blonde - Terra, Faris, Rufus. I like him as a redhead (the complimentary colors of the eyes and hair on the white is very striking and attractive). A fan once actually got ruffled when someone called him a ginger - I'm sorry, but the neutral/ashen blonde is a retcon: Rufus steals people's souls and his hair was always at least somewhat orange in the original game and the original game art (even the
was a warm blonde), and let's also not forget that his name quite literally means "red haired." I think Nomura could have preserved the red in his hair in Advent Children or even kept it neutral like in BC, in favor of changing it to ashen blonde, the opposing (cool) hue. The added scene with the Turks would have also been the perfect opportunity for him to toss it back, but I digress.​
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While I dont dig the nazi aesthetic, it makes sense to me. I mean we like the Turks and all, but lets not forget theyre the bad guys. Shinra are a fascisitic organisation pretty much.

Dunno if the artist appreciates the connotations there or not. Kind of reminds me of when my little brother drew swastikas on his bedroom wall, he had no idea what it meant except something hed seen in war films :facepalm:

Yeah, in fact I posted it here to read some thoughts because I myself felt conflicted about it. I like the idea (Rufus in uniform).. the SS uniform.. not so much. I mean it's art and all, but ehh...

@Ryvius: The image link doesn't work..

I think I've mentioned this before, I like the blonde retcon, but I still don't get why Nomura (?) changed it completely? The OG color would have made him stand out. I think Ester is the only character with the same hair color :desu:

How about

Everyone wins :desu:


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Pixiv won't allow direct imaging (unless people have membership probably). I've been meaning to sign up forever.

Also, I followed some of kei's link in the side gallery. Yes, he/she is very good:

Example A

Example B

Example C


^Reminds me of Gundam W art style

I had a pixiv account but dumped it. I cba to sign up again but I really should, a lot of the fantastic fan art from tumblr came from there.


My Elena cosplay




With CameoAmalthea's Tseng and Aerith at a small con last weekend:



Yeah I know I'm 5'2" and Aeris Gainsborough is canonically 5'3" so just pretend Elena is 4'11". :monster:
Some photographer at the con took a nice shot: [x]

I will probably be posing a couple shots with my M9 airsoft model (with different pants, I realized my casual pants are too baggy) this weekend (Elena is proficient with firearms; yeah, I know I can do Gun, especially since the wig is more suited to that, but I generally prefer Elena when applicable because my eyes are naturally brown and I find her base character more interesting); it's hard to get photogenic self shots of guns (especially since realism is important to me, in spite of the fact that a lot of animators and directors don't care), the first three were selfies.
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