The General Turks Worship Thread


Joe, Arcana
If there's one thing the compilation hasn't given us enough of, it's Elena.

Remake, don't let me down.


Unlucky, I wish I could thank that a million times!

Also, WELCOME BACK! You have been missed. Hugs.

And so have you folks. Thanks! It's great to be back :monster:

@remake hopes: Appearance wise Rude is perfect. Reno is just too pretty in a generic JRPG way and I feel that it takes away from his character. I want a Reno that looks stoned and lazy but is actually competent and not a comic relief :awesomonster: And bring back the blue suits!!

I am so down for a segment of the game in the Turk's POV! Or if they're adding sidequests, Turks would perfect for a stealth or investigative mission, that would be cool.


I just wanted to say that ive been rereading this thread and omg i miss it. So many awesome memories! 4 years laer and I am still obessed with Rude, probably even more than before.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I like Reno because he reminds me of myself more than anyone else. That's why I picked him for my avatar.

Yeah, Reno's one of my favorites too. I think he looks fabulous in Advent Children/Complete, and Crisis Core(HD CG scenes like the helicopter scene) because he's a lot better in that render than his render in the original game and even a lot better than the renders in Before Crisis and Last Order.

I also respect him in the Original game like in Wutai and in the movie and Crisis Core.

Made fanfics that has him more than almost anything else.


Can we please revive this thread if only for a little while???

I found a couple of fan drawings that I really like.

Anddd... I thought maybe we can start a conversation on what we want to see from them in the remake.

I'll go first..

I really would like them to be less on the comedic side. I mean, they are suppose to be highly trained killers right? It doesn't have to go completely. tho, but I want to take them more seriously and be a challenge to fight. If they can find the right balance with being funny and bad ass I will be happy with that as well. (But bad boys do turn me on :p)

I remember in AC/C I thought their suits looked to loose on them. Like they had air for bodies. Reno has a very laid back look so a little loose is good for him but I l'd like the rest to be more fitted, sophisticated. I want Rude's muscles to really pop. He is suppose to be the strongest and tallest and I want to be like wow what a sexy beast.

I also want a back story for them. We really know nothing about Reno and Rude's past. It would be interesting to see where they came from, how they got to be Turks, and the first day they met.

I want to see them interact with Rufus. I don't recall ever in the OG seeing that. I want to see that bond they have with him.

I want Elena and Tseng to have sexual tension.

I dont want Rude to have a crush on Tifa.

I want at least one scene with Reno and Rude in a locker room changing out of their bloody dirty clothes talking about...anything really cause I wont be listening anyway.

Okay I know most of these are just me being pervvy. If anyone knows me tho, that's just me :D

That's all I can think of for now... I'm excited to hear other opinions tho.


Honestly, I think in the remake I just want MORE of them. They're such great characters and, like you say, we never get any backstories or anything and it'd be awesome to just get to know them better, see more of them, all that.

For the most part I liked how they were portrayed in the Turks Lateral Biography, although to be honest I haven't read it since I finished editing it, haha, so I don't remember it that well.

And yeah, LET'S SEE RUDE'S MUSCLES PLEAAASEEEE :hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes:


I do like them in the Lateral Biography as well and in Case of Shinra. They aren't as overly comedic and ridiculous in those stories as they are in the OG and AC/C and that's what I dont want. I mean, I dont mind character development in that they are serious and heartless at first and then as things develop and we get to know them they start to see what Shinra has done/did to the planet and that can make them more laid back and remorseful but I dont want them to be the Jesse and James of FF7 like I see so many people compare them too.

I also really like the scene in CoS between Reno and Rude when meteor is falling. You know - the one when they are hiding in the stalls in a washroom and they kinda say their own goodbye to each other. I hope they add that in there.

Also yes just more Turk scenes in the game in general! If I could Id do away with the remake and just do a game about them! :D
I want everything you want, Soak, except I'm not sure I want any backstory. I've invested so much of my imagination creating my own backstories for them, it'd be a shame to see that wasted. Anyway, I think they're like the foreign legion: you leave your past behind when you sign up. If we did get back stories for them, I'd like their stories to be something we couldn't have predicted.

PS I love both those artworks. Karameruderei always gets the Turks right, imo.


I get what you're saying Lic. You are a brilliant writer and any back stories square comes up with won't match the writing you do, not even a little bit.

Even if there aren't any back stories from before they were Turks I'd still like to see the days of their beginnings as a Turk. Maybe what their training was like, how they all met each other. It can be a reminiscent before meteor hits when they think all is lost and ending.

But I'd gladly trade all that for some shirtless goodness :P.

I actually hope this remake in its entirety isn't to cookie cutter/kiddish and goes in a more dark direction. Anything but a E rating lol.


Is it weird that there is a part of me that would almost rather a BC remake than an OG remake? I think it's because I feel bad that BC was shoved onto an old, proprietary cell phone platform and thrown away like trash by the company, even though the story and content were quality and deserving of more imho.


NO! Or at least I don't think that's weird! I don't know the story super well cos, as you say, phone blah blah, but it never sounded any more outlandish than any of the other compilation stuff AND added bonus of more Turks shit and then being a bit more fleshed out!


I feel like I'm necroposting, but I felt that this thread was the best place to write this. My friend and I watched Advent Children Complete recently. She knows very little about FFVII except from what I tell her, and her favorite characters by far were Reno and Rude. Here are two things she said that I thought were amazing:

- Rude is a mood.
- Reno and Rude should star in a buddy cop movie.
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