The Twilight Mexican
Ex-SeeD-ingly good
- TresDias
You say that like I'm some kind of serial thanker. 

OK.Okay first of all if that is what "the Cleriths" are saying, why single out the Ultimanias. OBVIOUSLY our interpretation isn't neccesarily one hundred percent correct, the same is true of the original game. Something that the Cleriths obviously believe. I feel the Cleriths were saying rather more then that.
OK...?I highly, highly disagree. I feel it's pretty clear that Zack for instance had romantic feelings for Cissnei and you have to option of having Tidus express interest in Rikku and Lulu. LTD I feel is about who Cloud chooses.
I know.It's not.
I know.But that's not the case.
I know. That's why it's my opinion.That's debatable.
...but RealCloud's feelings for Aerith in Advent Children are based on his interactions with her during disc 1. Obviously the interactions JenovaCloud had with Aerith resonated with RealCloud because of his behavior in AC.WHY? Cloud has strong feelings of guilt because Tifa got hurt when she was six years old almost completely of her own volition. You think it'd be surprising that he'd care about what happened to a girl that he might not have taken to in quite the same way if there wasn't an entirely new persona at the helm when he met her? It is irrelevant to the situation NOW, yes. Because he WAS controlled by Jenova, and that Cloud did bond with her, and she did die, and it was his fault.
Nojima says that perhaps things would have gone well with Aerith in contrast to things not going well with Tifa. And part of the RealCloud was present during disc 1, so we *DO* have an idea of how RealCloud would interact with a living Aerith. We also have an idea based on Cloud and Aerith's close spiritual connection.When it comes to who'd the real Cloud actually enter a relationship with, yes it is relevant. We have no idea how the real Cloud would interact with a living Aerith.
OK...?one part of the real Cloud does not equal the real Cloud. And Tifa's perception of the young Cloud also does not equal the real Cloud. Tifa and Cloud weren't close friends when they were little and she had no idea about why Cloud seemingly picked a lot of fights, the reason behind which had everything to d o with secrets being kept from her by her father and her other friends. Her perception was very scewed.
EDIT: It's not being quoted. It's my own words.Can I ask where this is being quoted from? Because Cloud and Aerith certainly don't see it the same way. IF, and let me stress IF, they go on a date at the Golden Saucer Aerith ASKS him if he had ever gone on a date before and none of the options you are given are reminding Aerith of their chat at the Sector 5 park about Zack.
According to *YOU* he is in a relationship with Tifa. Unfortunately for you, there is nothing indisputable that proves Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship. In-fact, your opinion flies in the face of direct statements by SE. All you have is circumstantial evidence that, when looked at on the surface, may suggest a romantic relationship (living together) -- but when looked at more closely (Cloud has his own room with his own bed, Tifa and Cloud are never shown to be intimate, Cloud visits Aerith's Church) doesn't mean what you claim it means.He's in a relationship with her.
Thanks for your kind words.First off I would like to thank BlankBeat, Alex, and any other Cleriths who responded to/received Tres's apology in a mature and gracious manner (ex BB and Alex in comments section of article)
Secondly I would like to thank both BlankBeat and Tres for the mature and civilized discussion they had going on in this thread recently.
Thirdly I would like to ask BlankBeat since Cloud loves both women as you said in the comments section, then why wouldn't he be in a relationship with her?I don't understand. This does not demean his relationship with Aerith in any way or prevent him with being with her either (if you believe she's with him in spirit)
"The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.
FFVII: Seeing Cloud and Aerith developing their world together before her eyes, she inadvertently lets slip her peevish feelings.
AC: Upon knowing that Cloud had been residing in Aerith’s church after leaving the place they had been living in together, her expression becomes complex.” ~Tifa’s character profile, 10th Anniversary Ultimania
(Cloud has his own room with his own bed,
I agree. If Aerith had lived, I firmly believe the HA Highwind scene wouldn't have happened and Cloud would have most certainly ended up with Aerith. Nojima hints at this, and if you look at Cloud and Aerith's interaction during disc 1, it's clear they had a great dynamic together. A dynamic Tifa admits to being jealous of. Cue JenovaCloud arguments in 3...2...1...First off just to make this clear i am a Clerith fan, always have been always will be, since the day i first played the game till the (7th) time iv finished it to date, Aerith and cloud had feelings for each other and that is very clear.
However at the end of the day Aerith died...which lead to him and Tifa. Now IF Aerith had not died, am willing to bet anything u like that they would have taken there realionship much further and things like the highwind scene with Tifa would never of happened (well maybe they would but it would have been Aerith and Cloud not the other way round) which would have at least saved us all from this massive LTD lol...
But yeah am 100% sure if Aerith had not died then u could have kissed this whole LTD out the window lol. (Or if a resserction of Aerith should ever just saying that would help end this LTD hahaha).
(its 4.02 am here and am just randomly blahing sorry guys, also sorry for spelling!!)
I've heard all these counterarguments before...Cloud has an office with a bunk that lacks a mattress or sheets and a door with a window in it.
A place Cloud could sleep is not necessarily the place Cloud does sleep. Especially in a family such as theirs where Barret/Cid/Vincent/Reeve/Yuufie/RedXIII are very capable of dropping by whenever. It actually looks a lot like my family's guest room that doubles as a storage room.I've heard all these counterarguments before...
The room lacks furnishing.
The bed doesn't look comfortable.
The bed lacks sheets.
All of the counterarguments are irrelevant because at the end of the day... IT. IS. A. PLACE. TO. SLEEP.
SE has shown us that Cloud has a place to sleep in a room that is his designed space. That's the point. There's no reason for SE to include this except to tell us that Cloud sleeps there. Alone.
I agree. If Aerith had lived, I firmly believe the HA Highwind scene wouldn't have happened and Cloud would have most certainly ended up with Aerith. Nojima hints at this ...
BlankBeat said:SE has shown us that Cloud has a place to sleep in a room that is his designed space. That's the point. There's no reason for SE to include this except to tell us that Cloud sleeps there. Alone.
I *DO* think Cloud and Tifa love each other. But does that mean they are in a committed romantic relationship? Not necessarily. Unfortunately, I think Cloud is a very complicated person and has a hard time being in a committed relationship. As Nojima points out, things didn't seem to go well between Cloud and Tifa and perhaps things would have gone well with Aerith (but we'll never know for sure).
The idea that the bed is for guests is solely an attempt to try to explain away what should be common sense: Cloud sleeps in the bed found in his room.Especially in a family such as theirs where Barret/Cid/Vincent/Reeve/Yuufie/RedXIII are very capable of dropping by whenever. It actually looks a lot like my family's guest room that doubles as a storage room.
Right. I'm using common sense. Common sense tells us SE included a bed in Cloud's room to tell us he sleeps there.Furthermore, we have no information about where exactly he does sleep in 7th Heaven, all we know is that he lives there. So this piece of evidence doesn't support or not support who Could is paired with.
They slept together the night before they thought they were going to die. Didn't one of the books say Marlene *ALWAYS* slept with Tifa?Although given that in OG he and Tifa were sleeping together right before they fight Sephiorth... exactly why would they change that now that they are living together in the same house?
No relationship is without problems. But when Nojima speaks of Cloud and Tifa's relationship not going well in unison with the suggestion that things might have gone well with Aerith, I think it hints that things would have gone better with Aerith.Is he really hinting at *that*, though? When he discusses the possibility of Cloud and Aerith, he still says that there could have been problems between them because of Aerith's responsibilities (presumably as Cetra Omega).
To me, there's no reason to include the bed if not to tell us Cloud sleeps there. But instead of sleeping in his bed, he's been visiting Aerith's Church.There was a discussion here about this point once before (I think I quoted JayM with regard to it in the LTD article), and, as said then, from a directorial POV, I can see this point. The bed is framed within the shot in a deliberate way, whether to emphasize to us that Cloud's not been there in a while or just to display the existence of the bed.
Certainly it doesn't preclude him from sleeping elsewhere, but, yeah, I can see the argument that it was included for a reason, and that we're meant to ponder its significance because it's shown to us so pointedly.
That's exactly what I think Nomura meant with his quote about having no clue if they are in a relationship. Sure, they have feelings for each other. But did these feelings turn into a committed romantic relationship? Not necessarily. There's absolutely no unequivocal proof of one when looking at AC, statements by SE, or the relationship charts.So with all that in mind, when you say you don't think they're in a committed relationship at the time of Advent Children, I do honestly see where you're coming from.
I think that on this particular point, the "committed" part is the key note.
If someone feels that Cloud and Tifa did their thing under the Highwind, had their optimistic exchange when the Lifestream stopped Meteor and set out with the intention of taking things further, but then just ... never quite figured out how to get around to it ... I can honestly see that point of view. The two of them are fucked up. They have difficulty communicating their feelings in general, and especially things at a romantic level.
Isn't there a quote that says Cloud and Tifa are more than friends but less than lovers?The reason I say "committed" is the key note here is because I think one definitely couldn't say that they aren't in at least a tenuous relationship that they haven't figured out and solidified into something like, say, Wakka and Lulu's relationship.
That's pretty much what I think. Cloud and Tifa have feelings for each other, but a committed relationship between them never developed or lasted. Until we see a kiss, or a direct statement from SE, it is simply speculation that they are in a committed romantic relationship.If this is the interpretation one takes -- that they love one another and have wanted to give a real relationship a try, but both of them just kind of suck at it -- I think that's fair. I think the material can *easily* support that interpretation. Do I entirely agree with it? No, but I don't flatly disagree with it either.
BlankBeat said:One question I have: I know the relationship charts don't always list every couple as being romantically involved. But is there at least ONE OCCASION when at least one chart lists Squall x Rinoa, Zidane x Garnet, Tidus x Yuna as either having mutual favor arrows *OR* some sort of romantic description? I'm specifically referring to *MAIN* FF couples.
BlankBeat said:Isn't there a quote that says Cloud and Tifa are more than friends but less than lovers?
I really think that says something.Yes.
Cue JenovaCloud arguments in 3...2...1...
Do you really think it's more likely SE included the bed to show us they have a guest bed rather than showing us that Cloud has a place to sleep?
No it hints it MIGHT have gone better with Aerith. Because that's literally what he says.No relationship is without problems. But when Nojima speaks of Cloud and Tifa's relationship not going well in unison with the suggestion that things might have gone well with Aerith, I think it hints that things would have gone better with Aerith.
OFF COURSE SHE HAD A PROFOUND EFFECT ON HIM. We see that he thinks a great deal about Zack in AC too. He visits his gravemarker at the start of the movie, during the movie and then after the movie after which he goes through painstaking efforts to restore to pristine conditions so he can slit Zack's phallic symbol deep in Aerith's inner sanctum. When Sephiroth asks what he cherishes most it promps Cloud to summon Zack for a conversation. This is two years after Zack's death.And she was obviously someone who had a profound impact on him considering his actions in AC and what he says in Cosmo Canyon ("I think about Aerith a lot")
Where he lived in spectacular luxury compared to his dusty office (which is quite a feat since like Aerith's it has a hole in the roof)To me, there's no reason to include the bed if not to tell us Cloud sleeps there. But instead of sleeping in his bed, he's been visiting Aerith's Church.
If SE wanted to unequivocally tell us Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship, I feel as though they would done so in at least one of the relationship charts (like they did for all other main FF couples)