Lv. 25 Adventurer
To add more from the official translations..
Not many care much for the LTD anymore, but I remember how intense it was back in the heyday. It’s a good thing that people have moved on, but i do admit to feeling a bit smug, not only because it supports CloudxTifa so much, but also because of how the translations were so trashed by a certain group. In fact, thelifestream was too conservative with some of the translations as to not offend a certain shipping group, especially the “faint” love part (it was such a big issue back, some even proposed the translation really meant Cloud’s weakening love for her). The official English version is straight up explicit in talking about Cloud’s love for Tifa, without any ambiguity or “faintness”.
Not many care much for the LTD anymore, but I remember how intense it was back in the heyday. It’s a good thing that people have moved on, but i do admit to feeling a bit smug, not only because it supports CloudxTifa so much, but also because of how the translations were so trashed by a certain group. In fact, thelifestream was too conservative with some of the translations as to not offend a certain shipping group, especially the “faint” love part (it was such a big issue back, some even proposed the translation really meant Cloud’s weakening love for her). The official English version is straight up explicit in talking about Cloud’s love for Tifa, without any ambiguity or “faintness”.