The Love Triangle Debate: Another Turn in the Cycle

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AI Researcher
the real question is, in the year 01 ayl (after year of luigi) (2014)

are cameos 'throwing bones' or showing you the true romance

because they might have changed like the standing of ultimanias


unsavory tart



Is that a mickey mouse mini mouse wedding? That's adorable. I didn't know they had Disney rights for Airborne Brigade. I always assumed Disney were dicks about their intellectual property, especially after the capcomvsSF thing.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Top image: Tifa is giving the heart-shaped box to Cloud rather than receiving it from him, so it doesn't count -- OR Cloud has just handed it back to her after receiving it from her, and it does count.

Bottom image: Cloud's looking at her because he's about to say "Whatchoo grabbin' mah hand for, bitch? Step off."

Am I doing it right?

What's that from, by the way? KH Mobile?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm sorry but that Minnie and Mickey are ugly as fuck :monster:

and okay so those are official? That's the part I wasn't sure of.... and it's funny how Tifa is giving Cloud the valentine. That's kind of how I imagine their relationship. Tifa's always the one to take charge :awesome:

Bottom image: Cloud's looking at her because he's about to say "Whatchoo grabbin' mah hand for, bitch? Step off."
It's more like

"haven't you ever been IN a wedding? You have to walk down the isle with someone you don't love. Like the groom/bride's sister or friend. It means nothing. That pic means nothing"

there you go :monster:


unsavory tart
wait, if that's kingdom hearts mobile, why are Cloud and Tifa in their original outfits.

This smells of conspiracy, I'm going to blame Tres, king of Clotis, for bias.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Lol that sounds like a move in a video game

"Splintered used biased against the King of Clotis. It deals 8 damage"

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I traced those KH Mobile (?) pics back to their upload source. Looks like the Valentine's Day image was uploaded January 21 of 2012 and the wedding pic was uploaded June 24 of the same year along with a Tuna pic.

So these have been around for a while. Just nobody knew about them outside Japan, I guess.

Fuck. Since they predate the LTD article, I guess I have to add them to that cameo section. Fucking fuck fuck.

EDIT: Yeah, definitely from KH Mobile:
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Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Guys, but but Tidus/Yuna are wearing school uniforms (?), you know what this means right? :pinkmonster:

Seriously though. That Cloti stuff is amazing.

"How what the, what what what, wow" > literal reaction.

Guys, though clearly these are just avatars and things you can download, and make up scenes with on your own m'rite? :monster:

(yes it's started already, what que posted about tumblr was what I was referring to earlier on as well)


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Yeah are we sure these aren't fan made shots? :monster:
I don't wanna get anyone all excited for nothing

Thanks for the correction of info on where they're from Tres. Also:

passinglurker said:
Another thing: In Japan (as shown in shoujo manga/anime/games), besides the tradition that girls are the ones to give chocolates on Valentines, there are also two types of Valentine’s chocolates they can give—“honmei choco” and “giri choco”. “Honmei choco” is basically homemade chocolate, given to a person one has romantic feelings for. “Giri choco” is known as “obligation chocolate”, which is a type of chocolate given to friends and people they are obligated to give chocolate to (like a mentor or a person who helped them in the past).

Now here’s the kicker. Accepting “honmei choco” is equivalent to accepting the other’s feelings and also reciprocating them. There is a reason why a lot of “popular” male characters in shoujo manga refuse to accept honmei choco from girls they are not interested in—accepting them means going out with them, as in, as boyfriend and girlfriend. This is also why, to a lot of girls, giving this is equivalent to confessing, and having them not be accepted means rejection. Honmei choco is a big deal.

Now, what is Cloud doing in this picture? He is accepting Tifa’s chocolate. And it’s obvious that it’s honmei choco because it is heart-shaped (seriously, google honmei choco and that’s the first thing you see). You can’t give heart-shaped giri choco, because that’s mixed signals. It’s also obvious that he’s reaching out to it because he is. And don’t forget all those hearts surrounding them.

Put two and two together, and what do we get?

"Confirmation of mutual feelings", maybe?

Words aren’t the only way, indeed.
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Kermitu Kleric Katie

wait, if that's kingdom hearts mobile, why are Cloud and Tifa in their original outfits.

This smells of conspiracy, I'm going to blame Tres, king of Clotis, for bias.

Maybe it's hinting they'll be in their original outfits in KH3?

And guys, since the cloti and tuna cameos were in Kingdom Hearts mobile, I guess Cloti and Tuna are canon in KH.:monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Maybe it's hinting they'll be in their original outfits in KH3?

And guys, since the cloti and tuna cameos were in Kingdom Hearts mobile, I guess Cloti and Tuna are canon in KH.:monster:

Not quite sure I follow the logic completely or are you making a joke?
(also wait, Tidus and Yuna are in KH Mobile?)


Pro Adventurer
msnoodle11 told me

"My best guess is since it’s from the KH mobile, that it’s from the Point Art Gallery, where users can purchase wallpaper for their phones using the points they collected. And since it’s a Square Enix game…who knows."

I hope it's the case. LOL SE making Cloti wallpapers. But we need to investigate more.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Sig, we're going to need proof that they aren't fanmade... tbh actual images and not just a pic of someone's phone would be nice. How hard is this to verify
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Pretty sure they aren't fanmade. I found this old blog post on the official website detailing different services available with KH Mobile:

You'll notice one with an image of Aerith and a portrait on a similar landscape as the wedding picture we saw earlier (Disney Castle is in the background, but the terrain is slightly different). Those are identified as cellphone wallpapers (待ち受け; short for 待受画像), and it describes the process of getting to them as going to Point Art Gallery->Wallpapers->FF CHARA->Aerith Illustration 1 or Point Art Gallery->Wallpapers->AVATAR KINGDOM->At the flower field.

"Point Art Gallery" is ポイントアートギャラリー, by the way.

Here are some more examples:

The Cloud vs. Sephiroth image and the one of Sora handing Kairi a heart-shaped balloon are wallpapers ("machiuke"; 待ち受け); the other images are decome (デコメ), short for "decomeeru" (デコメール) -- or "decoration mail." They're basically cellphone based stationary where you can add your own text.

There were examples of those in that blog post I linked to earlier as well:

In this case, the image of Aerith in the flower field and the "THANKS MOTHER" image are stationary templates while the little Moogle and Heartless pictographs are little touches of personalization that you can add to them. Obviously, you can edit the text on them as well.

As near as I can see, there's no feature for creating a wallpaper, though. The closest to that you can do is placing your avatar on a different background that you've unlocked, but -- as you can see at the KH Wiki article for the game -- those backgrounds are identified with "Vignette Room" and all feature a cylindrical platform in the center of whatever KH location they represent:

I think you can also customize your profile backgrounds with clothes and items that you've purchased, as in this image:

That seems to be the extent of what you can "create," though.

So, yeah, I'm fairly well convinced that the Valentine's Day image and the wedding image are not fanmade. That said, with the KH Mobile service discontinued since April 30 of 2012, I have approximately zero confidence of finding them on an official website.
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