AI Researcher
- hitoshura
someone please find me a boyfriend and then kill him so i can have some love beyond death
or me, kill me now
or me, kill me now
On another topic how the LT is going to be handled during the remake I am VERY interested in that and wondering are they going to keep us guessing or establish something more definitive and end the debate once and for all.
Lic is maybe referring to the recent official English translations of the ultimanias. Which I believe even actual full blown Cloti shippers were astounded by (it's all very Cloti).
what an extraordinary claim, soul bond? melded completely? it's a huge leap to get that even from the quote provided, which has already been discussed down the dark decades of this topic. the translation of which i've critiqued before, because none of this stuff is new if it's just going to be recycled from other people. which is the problem with just copying some old essay or forum post from years ago, it says nothing new.This quote explains why only Cloud can see, hear, and touch Aerith. For Cloud, who is so closed-off around others,
sharing a soul bond like this, a bond in which they are melded completely and nothing is hidden between them, this
relationship must be a very intimate one indeed.
what ridiculous claims to make over shipping video game characters, hinged on what is one interpretation of 'love' as if you can have a single definition of that (and one that conveniently suits the ship being pushed). in addition to being generally horrible to people in the real world and the experiences of life. does a widow(er) whose partner died young and who later starts another relationship have 'no concept of love and has never been in love' because they didn't 'wait forever or search for a way to be with' their dead partner? if a guy moves on from a dead partner they're just 'hormone-driven' and just thinking about sex? what a gross way to cast judgements on actual people's lives just because someone said mean or churlish things about a fictional relationship you happen to like. you can find those 'necrophilia' comments distasteful and all but come the fuck on.People that use this obtuse declaration in love triangle debates should be shot. They are maladjusted, immature, and completely
ignorant when it comes to love. They have no concept of what love is and have clearly never been in love
themselves. For all of you morons who still don't get it ... He isn't anything like you horny fan boys out there, so stop ruining his character by lowering him to your level.
- elmyra is a minor character whose inner life isn't really explored outside her relationship with aerith so it's hard to draw much from her character and if it was her preference not to move onSo, why is it a requirement that Cloud should "move on"? Why is it so pertinent that he cease loving Aerith just
because she has died? Vincent, Barret, Dyne, and Elmyra all chose to remain alone, preferring to live with the
memory of their loved ones close to their hearts.
I’m honestly shocked that there’s not a mod for PC that expands the romance system. It could be called “A New Throat”
Zack and Cloud are not best friends. Fight me.
I'm not denying that they're friends. Zack explicitly says that he considers anybody he's gone on a couple of missions with to be a friend. His definition of friend is pretty broad. Tseng is his friend. Hell, Kunsel is his friend. And Cloud's attitude towards Zack is as much hero worship s friendship. I don't even see why they need to be best friends in order for their story to be meaningful. If somebody gives their life for you, do they and their sacrifice become less significant in your life and memory because they weren't previously your best friend? Zack saved Cloud because that's the kind of guy he is: nobody gets left behind. If it had been Tseng in that sidecar instead of Cloud, Zack would have saved him too.
Zack and Cloud are not best friends. Fight me.
I'm not denying that they're friends. Zack explicitly says that he considers anybody he's gone on a couple of missions with to be a friend. His definition of friend is pretty broad. Tseng is his friend. Hell, Kunsel is his friend. And Cloud's attitude towards Zack is as much hero worship s friendship. I don't even see why they need to be best friends in order for their story to be meaningful. If somebody gives their life for you, do they and their sacrifice become less significant in your life and memory because they weren't previously your best friend? Zack saved Cloud because that's the kind of guy he is: nobody gets left behind. If it had been Tseng in that sidecar instead of Cloud, Zack would have saved him too.
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^that is, I'll fight alongside you...
I never understood why folks would jump to that assumption. Well, that's a lie—I understand given Zack's appearances over the Compilation, from urging on Cloud in AC(C) and being a 'ghost' that walks away with Aerith to being the Bestest Good Guy Hero™ in CC and someone that Cloud clearly looks up to. We understand from these appearances that Zack is a significant person in Cloud's life, and it's easy to rationalise that they must've been really close. But we have no proof of this. We only know that they worked for the same company and inevitably crossed paths a couple of times and shared mutual, traumatic experiences together which is a special bond in and of itself. Like vets who survived the same war fighting in the same division. Only they and few others can understand that unique experience and that sort of bond can, indeed, be intense and powerful. But a prerequisite for such a bond is not being BFFs4Lyfe. It can certainly lead to it, but Zack sorta died before that could happen...
@Roger re: starting a business together. Ain't that something of a stretch? I'm pretty sure Zack was just talking out of his ass to pass the time, basking in the glow of having escaped from Hojo's clutches and nearly getting to their goal. It was all... I forget the technical term for it.
By your description the old man is exactly as close a friend to Zack as Cloud is.
They both take it for granted that if they are getting out of there, it's gonna be together.
I don't think they are best friends, but i think given that we are told they are friends, i feel the default assumption ought to be they are what we would consider friends. Rather then feel the need to believe that anything and everything that comes into contact with Zack more then once is branded friends and only insofar is a Cloud a friend. They're nothing that says they aren't actual friends without any asterics attached thatmassively detract from the meaning of that, so why not leave it at that?
Don't know if it matters to anyone, but the Ultimanias do refer to Cloud and Zack as best friends ...![]()
Again, no one is saying they aren't friends.
If you have to feel the need to qualify the statement with "Zack calls everybody his buddy." then I feel like you are.
Well, yes, Roger, like I said there are degrees of friendship. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Zack gets invited to people's houses for dinner all the time. I agree that Cloud inviting him home shows that Cloud sees him as someone special. Maybe Cloud just wants to prove to his mum that he's not a Nobby No-Mates? I really feel you're stretching a point saying "He couldn't pick the other guards that went to Nibelheim and Modeoheim out a line-up. Nor any of the guys at Junon." You don't know this. In the gam they're just the same cookie cutter character model because CC focuses only on his friendship with Cloud; that's what the fans want to see. But you can't infer from this that Zack can't tell anbody else in SOLDIER or PSM apart!
If he and Genesis and he and Tseng aren't friends, then why are they on the DMW?