The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Pro Adventurer
i don't know if this is a joke or not and that's really sad

It's a joke :P That's a potential argument against it, because one letter changing suddenly changes everything LOL

I still can't move on from onna=/= josei madness where changing josei to onna suddenly makes the taisetsuna meaning different.


Pro Adventurer
Okay here's my draft post 2, please tell me if the explanation is sufficient (and the translations okay) and tell me if it seems offensive. I'm a bit wacky today hence the language:

Yeah Feelings FTW

A lot of FF couples like Locke/Celes, Squall/Rinoa, Steiner/Beatrix and Tidus/ Yuna seems to share something in common with Cloud/Tifa.

Warning: Huge LTD post and Japanese text

The disputed Highwind scene has been embedded in Cloud and Tifa's profiles where it's said they communicated their feelings and find them to match. Many argues that this can be merely friendship because it is affected by player choice "optional" despite the FTOIL page but then it turns out a lot canonical FF couples also share this "friendship moment."
First the FFVII quotes without mentioning the player option at all, just saying plainly what happened to the characters:
(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 15; Cloud’s profile)

“Declares that the team should dissolve in the final hours before the final battle, and communicates his feelings together with Tifa, who remains behind at the airship with him.”

(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 27; Tifa’s profile)

“When Cloud proposes that the group separates temporarily, she remains behind at the airship and communicates her feelings together with Cloud. “

(Crisis Core Ultimania, pg. 33; Tifa’s profile)

“She communicates her feelings together with Cloud in the final stages of the story, and in AC and DC they live together.”

Take note of those bolded kanji. The grammatical explanation will be at the bottom of this post. But let's just say the reason why the end characters are る and せ is because of politeness and tenses but the meaning are the same.
Locke and Celes


(not the actual source text but the picture in the "For the One I Love" page)
Note this is also a optional scene, but for some reason no one seem to nitpick it.

帝国の将軍と反帝国組織の一員 -- お互いの立場ゆえにすれちがっていたセリスとロックは、長い期間を経てようやく想いを通わせた。
The imperial general and the anti-empire organization member — Celes and Locke’s relation to one another is like ships passing in the night; it’s a long period before they get to communicate their feelings completely.
FF 20th AU "For the One I Love"

Squall and Rinoa

ティ ンバー独立を目指すレジスタンス「森のフクロウ」に身を置く、 人なつっこくて快活な少女。 SeeDとして派遣されたスコールたちと行動をともにし、 自身の当初の目的ではない魔女討伐作戦にも協力。 戦いのさなかイデアから魔女の力を継承してしまい、 自分が世界中の人々の敵となることに恐れを抱くが、 想いを通わせたスコールに守られつつ アルティミシアに立ち向かう。
"A friendly and cheerful young woman, part of the resistance group called the Forest Owls, whose goal is the liberation of Timber. She joins in Squall and co.'s activities when they are dispatched by SeeD, and also participates in the witch assassination plot, which she wasn't supposed to be involved with. During a battle, she inherits the powers of a witch from Edea; she begins to fear that she will become an enemy of the whole world, but Squall communicates his feelings to her and battles Ultimecia to protect her."
FF 25th AU Vol. 2

Steiner and Beatrix

ベアトリクスにとってスタイナーはただ一度敗北を喫した相手であり、双方ともに対抗意識を燃やしていた。だが、エーコのラブレターを互いが互いに宛てたものだとカンちがい して以来、ふたりは意識し合うようになり、エンディングで想いを通わせる。

A Love That Started With A Misunderstanding
To Beatrix, Steiner is the one opponent who has defeated her, and they both harbour a rivalry towards each other. But after mistaking Eiko's love letter for one sent to them from each other, they start to take notice of one another and in the ending make their feelings known.
FF 25th AU Vol. 2

Then there is another variation of the quote found in other pairs as well.

Zell and Pigtailed Girl


Note this scene is also optional, the whole quest with her actually, but now the Ultimania tells it happened.
教師陣からは問題児あつかいされているものの、生徒やバラムの人々からの人気はそこそこ。なかでも三つ編みの図書委員には好意を持たれており、やがて彼女から想いを打ち明 けられる。

Romance with the Library Committee Member With Braids
Despite being seen as a trouble maker by the faculty, he is fairly popular with the students and people of Balamb. In particular the member of the library committee with the braided hair likes him, and eventually she reveals her feelings to him.
FF 25th AU Vol. 2

Even if it was Pigtailed girl revealing her feelings to him, this is the same quote used for Cloud and Tifa towards each other. Then here:
Tidus and Yuna
FFX UO pg. 60
At the mysterious spring that glitters like the stars, the two kiss and embrace many times, confirming their feelings for one another.

Japanese text:

Take note of the part with parenthesis part in Tidus and Yuna. And note they were kissing and embracing here (duh Macalania Spring) and oddly, this is the same quote used for Cloud and Tifa's "friendship moment." Is SE trolling us? XD

(FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, pg. 118; pg. 120 in the Revised Edition; story summary)

“Cloud and Tifa, who remain, reveal their feelings for each other and confirm them to match.”

(FF 20th Anniversary Ultimania File 2: Scenario, pg. 232; main body of FFVII’s story summary)

“And when Cloud and Tifa remain behind alone, in their final hours, they disclose that their feelings for each other match.”

(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 198; story summary)

“When their companions disperse to the places where people important to them await, Cloud and Tifa are the only two to remain behind. They reveal their mutual feelings in their final hours, and…….”

And did you guys notice that..
These are like almost everyone listed in the For the One I Love Page page? (And I'm talking about the named people not the pictures. And sorry Zell, you're not there.)

And also, all of the canon couples in FF share just like one quote for their feelings communicated but then Cloud and Tifa has like seven quotes for it not mentioning optionality at all and various other references like Tifa's "Words aren't the only way..." quote in her trading card and Dissidia (and possibly, and hopefully, theathythm.)

Bottomline: Cloud and Tifa had a revelation of feelings for each other the same way Squall/Rinoa, Celes/Locke, Steinex/Beatrix, Pigtailed girl to Zell and Tidus/Yuna have one in their romantic moments.

Translation notes:
used as a conjunction (used more in written and formal language in my experience). you take the stem of the verb you would use to conjugate the 'polite/masu form' of the verb (通わせる becomes 通わせます) and drop the ending.

examples from other quotes in this thread:
SeeDとして派遣されたスコールたちと行動をともにし、 自身の当初の目的ではない魔女討伐作戦にも協力。 戦いのさなかイデアから魔女の力を継承してしまい、 自分が世界中の人々の敵となることに恐れを抱くが、 想いを通わせたスコールに守られつつ アルティミシアに立ち向かう。

し = する = し・ます
しまい = しまう = しまい・ます


し = する = し・ます


打ち明け = 打ち明ける = 打ち明け・ます

i don't really have a big explanation for this, it's just the past tense. here it's modifying スコール, while talking about how rinoa is protected by him. he has already communicated his feelings at this point.

想いを通わせたスコールに守られつつ アルティミシアに立ち向かう

if you look at most of these quotes, they use this tense. i can't give an official reason why, it just happens. perhaps because it gives a more immediate nuance, like you're talking from point of view of the time the event is happening. you're in the present, so it feels like you're talking stuff as if it's going on now.
by Hitoshura/Claudia Wolf

Thanks to Tres/SoS and Hitoshura for the translations! If you have issues with the translation debate with this fella in the Lifestream forums. This post will not discuss itself except for minor clarifications. The Squinoa/Tuna quote is by Tresdias/Hawkeye in that thread and Hitoshura for the Zell and Steiner ones.The rest of the other translations, I'm exactly not sure who did what but they will be able to explain it in the forums!
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AI Researcher
from replies on quex's tumblr:

You can use an “and” or you can’t but in my personal experience that would sort of only make sense if a “と” was used, but it just doesn’t seem the same when the actual word “淡く” has been used, it just strange to me to compare it to a normal “and”, it’s sort of a special case.
Not using 'and' with と doesn't make sense to me at all unless it's in a list of more than two items, and と is only used with nouns. Whatever makes sense for と doesn't apply to adjectives and verbs. You cannot use と meaning 'and' with an adjective and have it still be grammatically correct. For adjectives, your options are くて or く (or で with na-type adjectives).

Yes it is, but the actual text is “淡く” not just “淡い”, it does make actually make a slight difference, but yes we’re talking about the “淡く” form of that word. I just want to make sure we understand it is a bit different, is all, not putting words in your mouth, just y’know getting a check.
What difference is there beyond the 'and also'?

Erhm, I don’t know about fan translations, since “Snow” is being talked about and its saying “it falls” “fleetingly”…I don’t think I’ve ever heard of snow falling “dimly” or “slightly”, so fleetigly/passing IS a way to translate it, I don’t really care if you choose to translate it as “dim/slight” but I DO have a problem when people over at TLS badmouth my credibility.

Uhm, the point was to show you that “Awaku” does and can mean “fleeting”, I also posted online dictionaries too, if you didn’t see those, as well.
But why does what snow does matter when you're talking about how the word is used when describing love? I can mean pale colours but that doesn't mean 'pale' is the translation you'd use with other words that aren't colours.

Don't get the 'I don't know about fan translations' when she was the one who brought one up as proof.

But it doesn't say that the snow falls fleetingly, that's not the word that 淡く is modifying.

降り積もる雪は 淡く揺れて 温もりを 奪いさる

Breaking it down:
降り積もる - furitsumoru - to fall and pile up
雪 - yuki - the snow
は - wa - topic marker
淡く - awaku - fleetingly???
揺れて - yurete - shakes/sways and...
温もり - nukumori - warmth
を - wo - object marker
奪いさる - ubaisaru - to steal, to take

The word being modified by 淡く here is 揺れる, which isn't falling but to sway/shakes. It would then be 'sways fleetingly' instead of 'falls fleetingly'. Or 'lightly'/'slightly'. It might sway as it falls from the sky, but it's not about falling specifically.

If you've never heard of 'dimly falling/shaking/swaying snow' (or whatever else), then that's probably a sign that that isn't going to be the translation you want. 'Pale' is a translation of 淡い but you wouldn't really say 'palely falls' or 'palely sways'.

I never said anything about “going away quickly” so, lets stop talking about it, it was never said by me — I don’t know where you got it from, I have simply said “fleeting/passing” were what I would translate the quote as, nothing about “quickness” or that sort of crap.
The very definition of 'fleeting' is something that lasts only a short time, that's basically the same as going away quickly.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
(FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, pg. 118; pg. 120 in the Revised Edition; story summary)

“Cloud and Tifa, who remain, reveal their feelings for each other and confirm them to match.”

(FF 20th Anniversary Ultimania File 2: Scenario, pg. 232; main body of FFVII’s story summary)

“And when Cloud and Tifa remain behind alone, in their final hours, they disclose that their feelings for each other match.”

Okay I think these translations are old.

(FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, pg. 118; pg. 120 in the Revised Edition; story summary)

“Cloud and Tifa, who remain, reveal their feelings for each other together.”

(FF 20th Anniversary Ultimania File 2: Scenario, pg. 232; main body of FFVII’s story summary)

“And when Cloud and Tifa remain behind alone, in their final hours, together they disclose their feelings for each other."

Use those, and I'm still not seeing "mutual feelings" in the one, but w/e.

The word being modified by 淡く here is 揺れる, which isn't falling but to sway/shakes. It would then be 'sways fleetingly' instead of 'falls fleetingly'. Or 'lightly'/'slightly'. It might sway as it falls from the sky, but it's not about falling specifically.
Go slightly :joy:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Are we really seeing the argument here that conjugating a verb changes its meaning? And that you would use "to" for listing multiple adjectives rather than multiple nouns?

The first one I could almost buy as someone's genuine argument (or at least as a question), because the appropriate meaning to take could vary depending on the noun the word is modifying -- but that has jack all to do with conjugating the damn thing. The second argument, though: No, that's someone who Googled "means and in Japanese" and is also full of shit.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Um, Cali's sister doesn't HAVE any credibility.

Credibility is not something you can just show up and claim you have. It's something you gather over time. And guess what, being Cali's Sister is a serious mark against one's credibility by association.

Also, don't get mad about people calling you bitch when you say the shit you do, Calisister. As your religious book says, remove the plank from your own eye before criticizing the speck in your own.


AI Researcher
Credibility is not something you can just show up and claim you have. It's something you gather over time.
Yeah, this.

Credibility is a reputation you earn. You don't get a reputation if you've never done anything. You have to prove yourself first.

Yet it's fine for posts to be all over Tumblr calling into question the credibility of people like Tres (and by extension other regular translators here by labelling it as 'TLS') who have done this enough to gain credibility?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves

Thanked by 7:
Remove Your Thanks
Gym Leader Devil (7 Hours Ago), Hawkeye (13 Hours Ago), I Am Not Me (7 Hours Ago), JayM (5 Hours Ago), Quexinos (3 Hours Ago), Unlucky (3 Hours Ago), Zealkin (15 Hours Ago)

I see you, come out JayM I know you're dying to contribute :awesome:


AI Researcher
what does 淡く儚い恋 mean if 淡く is 'fleeting'

'fleetingly fleeting love' sounds a bit redundant to me :sadpanda:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
another usage in the ffvii ultimania omega

page 58, elena's profile:

For those wondering about this, by the way, that would be, "She begins having [slight/light/awai] feelings for Tseng."

Further debunking this "fleeting" nonsense -- Tseng's profile right next to Elena's describes his feelings for Aerith as 特別な想い ("special feelings"). In the 10th Anniversary Ultimania, which takes into account a broader spectrum of time than just the original game, Elena's feelings for Tseng are now described in the same way, with his for Aerith still using the same description.

In other words, Elena's feelings for Tseng grew from something "light" to something "special." Again demonstrating that "awai" does not denote something that will fade away.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
That's cool and all but... the thing I'm still not getting is, if it can't (or at least usually doesn't) mean "fleeting" then why does every Jap > English say it can? :sadpanda: In what way do these dictionaries mean fleeting if it's not the way we know? :huh:


AI Researcher
Not every one :awesome:

If it's the meaning of the kanji itself, then you do have it used in words like 淡雪, fleeting snow. But they also say that not being salty is a meaning, and I don't think 'unsalted love' makes sense. 軽い can mean a bunch of things for example, but you look at the meaning that applies to the word in question.

If 淡い is fleeting when talking about love, then a phrase like 淡く儚い恋 sound be saying the same thing twice. It's like Chewie living on Endor with a bunch of three foot tall ewoks. That does not make sense.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Not to mention that in a number of the contexts we're looking at 淡い being applied, it's in cases where romantic feelings verifiably grew stronger (Elena's feelings for Tseng, Cloud's for Tifa) or were still in play at the same intensity by the end of the composition as at the beginning (Mel->Korcha, Leblanc->Nooj).

This argument that 淡い "officially proves" Cloud doesn't have romantic feelings for Tifa simply flies in the face of all information available about Cloud/Tifa, as well as comparable uses of the word for other Square characters (even another FFVII character).
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Not to mention that in a number of the contexts we're looking at 淡い being applied, it's in cases where romantic feelings verifiably grew stronger (Elena's feelings for Tseng, Cloud's for Tifa) or were still in play at the same intensity by the end of the composition as at the beginning (Mel->Korcha, Leblanc->Nooj).

This argument that 淡い "officially proves" Cloud doesn't have romantic feelings for Tifa simply flies in the face of all information available about Cloud/Tifa, as well as comparable uses of the word for other Square characters (even another FFVII character).

It's also like using a statement like 'When he was a child, Bruce Wayne had no idea how to fight to disprove the statement 'After years of training how to fight, Bruce Wayne could take out anyone who stood in the way of justice'

Even if, for some fucked up reason, it explicitly did mean 'fleeting' in this case, we're explicitly told the favor Cloud has for Tifa has lasted for years. We're told he unveils the nature of the favor he holds for her, oh, and it's worth inclusion on a page about romantic confessions.

All this Bullshit about 'awknowledge the ku' and 'commas can't be used in place of 'and also' and 'awaku is fundamentally different from awai' are all distractions ignoring the rest of the evidence.

It's silver bullet thinking again.

You think the argument will be won with a 'silver bullet' of an argument. You fear the silver bullet argument. So you see each argument and try, desperately, to convince yourself and everyone else it's not silver. Meanwhile, a hailstorm of argument and evidence lead is being fired from a gatling.

We have the preponderence of evidence, and the arguments from an in-universal and extra-universal perspective.


You want a silver bullet? Well here you go.

Cloud does not give a "shy smile" to Tifa at the end of the movie.


and this


are the EXACT SAME expression. His face doesn't even twitch. He just keeps the same expression & looks away. It's pathetic.

Clearly there is nothing going on there. I mean it can't even come close in comparison to his clear expression of awe and love while gaping at Aerith.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
If 淡い is fleeting when talking about love, then a phrase like 淡く儚い恋 sound be saying the same thing twice. It's like Chewie living on Endor with a bunch of three foot tall ewoks. That does not make sense.

Just to clarify, is it impossible that it could mean two different things when talking about love?

If it's the meaning of the kanji itself, then you do have it used in words like 淡雪, fleeting snow. But they also say that not being salty is a meaning, and I don't think 'unsalted love' makes sense.
Maybe not in YOUR world :awesome:

EDIT BTW, is there a reason that can't mean "light snow"?
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Pro Adventurer
BTW I made the post about Cloud and Tifa's feelings and... I refuse to look into the character tags. I also made a post about Zerith's "platonic love" that it's an oddity since platonic means non-sexual/spiritual but then is followed with "koi."

BTW is there anything similar to Cloti that can be found in Zidagger and Snerah in terms of feelings communicated? If there can be that will be more awesome.

BTW I'm researching on 想いを通わせ and it led me to Fate Stay Night

I'm not really sure if this is a fanfic or just a fan summary of what happened but basically Shirou and Saber are a canon couple in Fate and they had sex at some point. Though it may not refer to sex it's worth it that it was used between an undeniably canon couple:

And this phrase is used in a fanfic apparently:

And a man with his wife problems I think:

And an adverstisement of a love bracelet or whatever:

Possible non-romantic use:

But then this cafe used it for coffee:
And farmers:
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
For completion's sake, I decided to go ahead and translate Barret and Yuffie's dates from the Memorial Scenes sections of their profiles in the new Ultimania.

pg. 33
Forbidden Date?
If his degree of affection for Cloud is higher than that of the female party memebers, Barret will go on the date with him at the Gold Saucer. He issues Cloud a forbiddance ... wildly misunderstanding and jumping to a hasty conclusion, he asks whether it isn't the women but, rather, Marlene that Cloud is concerned with.

Japanese text:

Source photo:

pg. 45
The Courageous Act of the Tomboy
Despite her usual boyish behavior, she boldly kisses Cloud on the gondola during the date with him at the Gold Saucer. Expecting him to have some kind of reaction, she becomes angry when he can't even think of anything to say, and so she slaps him.

Japanese text:

Source photo:

Couple of quick notes:
-I didn't follow the original syntax of the second sentence in Barret's entry, as it came off a little clunky to me. If any meaning was lost in my attempt to smooth it out for English, I do hope someone will correct me
-I was mistaken before when I said that affection ratings aren't mentioned by name anywhere in the book, as they clearly are here for Barret's date entry. However, they aren't mentioned with relation to the Highwind scene at any point, nor is any version but the High Affection version of that scene referenced


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Couple of quick notes:
-I didn't follow the original syntax of the second sentence in Barret's entry, as it came off a little clunky to me. If any meaning was lost in my attempt to smooth it out for English, I do hope someone will correct me
-I was mistaken before when I said that affection ratings aren't mentioned by name anywhere in the book, as they clearly are here for Barret's date entry. However, they aren't mentioned with relation to the Highwind scene at any point, nor is any version but the High Affection version of that scene referenced

Also, note that AGAIN, it's 'Affection for Cloud.' Cloud's affection is, as always, off the table. It's constant. The illusion of choice rears its head once again!


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
-I was mistaken before when I said that affection ratings aren't mentioned by name anywhere in the book, as they clearly are here for Barret's date entry.

Actually I find it interesting that it ONLY mentions it with Barret. None of the other ladies. I also like how it's Forbidden XD


Pro Adventurer
I have another post that I plan to make. I googled the phrase in the ultimania and I got really satisfying results.

The new ultimania has this:
For many years, Cloud and Tifa have been holding favor for one another. At last facing the impending final battle with Sephiroth, they confirm together their feelings of desire towards one another

Japanese text:

And I googled it ^_^ and here are the results. Try to visit the Japanese website themselves and have fun at their cute, romantic layouts:

And there's actually more ^_^ Now I wonder why SE would use such a phrase that is used like this? *hint hint*

Anyway, I'm not sure but what is 気持ちを確かめ? I think it's confirming feelings but again, I'm not expert so I may be wrong.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Anyway, I'm not sure but what is 気持ちを確かめ? I think it's confirming feelings but again, I'm not expert so I may be wrong.

It is, yes. The 求める before 気持ち is relevant there as well -- that's "to desire" or "to wish."


Pro Adventurer
I googled the whole phrase and I can't find any match, but anyhow, the 気持ちを確かめ being overwhelmingly romantic is also a good evidence in itself. Where's the part of the sentence that the feelings are for each other? Thanks for the help!

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
That's established by the first sentence. The subject of the second remains the same as the first (ティファとクラウド) in this case.
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