The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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I never understand any of these language arguments. Even if the romance is referred to as fleeting during their childhood, does that change the fact that Cloud and Tifa are referred to as being together numerous times now? Why can't people just enjoy shipping other ships in their head? I went through a phase of enjoying Clack but I'm not about to have a bitchfit over a random language connotation about it >_>.


Rookie Adventurer
I'm not understanding this language argument either. I mean when you have stuff explicitly saying Cloud and Tifa favored each other for years, confess their desire for each other, their moment being something "special", the moment being highlighted in a love article, and their feelings being mentioned 8 different times (even before the 25th anniversary), I'm sorry, that makes Cloud and Tifa canon. It's not even a matter of preference anymore. This whole thing on faint, young, immature, childhood awakening, slight, fleeting, etc is an argument over semantics which do not matter in the long run.

That doesn't mean people can't support Cloud x Aerith. It's a legit ship, there's a reason why they were the popular couple back in the day. I know when I play FFVIII, I kick Rinoa to the curb and go for Quistis (despite Squinoa being "canon"). When I play FFX, it's Lulu all the way. People have the right to enjoy their ship if it makes for a better gameplay experience. But canon is canon, it's something that cannot be argued. If the 20th anniversary made Cloud x Tifa official, then the 25th anniversary is the hammer that reinforces their ship with alloy titanium.


the LTD is just a vicious cycle of anger, backstab and vengeance and I really hate the day I stumbled upon it. :sigh:

Within a moment, she felt a sharp pain in her side.
The clerithsnake had bitten her.

"How could you do this to me?" she cried.
"You promised that you would not bite me, and I trusted you!"

"You knew what I was when you came to our forum picked me up," hissed the snake as he slithered away.

But canon is canon, it's something that cannot be argued. If the 20th anniversary made Cloud x Tifa official, then the 25th anniversary is the hammer that reinforces their ship with alloy titanium.

No, both of those events happened well before those two translations.


AI Researcher
This is possibly unneeded but I did it anyway. ようとする stuff.




みる do s.t. and see; try to do s.t.

Related Expression
A similar expression, ~you to suru, means simply 'try to do s.t.' When these two expressions are used in the past tense, however, their meanings are not the same. For example, [1a] means that Mr. Brown did put on Tom's undershirt, whereas [1b] means that Mr. Brown tried to put it on, with the implication that he couldn't or didn't actually do it.

a. ブラウンさんはトムのシャツを着てみた。
(Mr. Brown tried Tom's undershirt on.)

b. ブラウンさんはトムのシャツを着ようとした。
(Mr. Brown tried to put Tom's undershirt on.)


んとする try to do; be about to

Related Expression
You to suru carries the same meaning as n to suru and is more commonly used in both spoken and written Japanese, as shown below. Note that the volitional form of the verb precedes to suru.

a. 教授の[言わん/言おう]とすることが学生に伝わらないのは、たいてい教授の方が悪いのだ。
(It is usually a professor who is to blame when his students don't comprehend what he tries to convey.)


-(y)ou to suru [SENTENCE ENDING]
Attached to V (for forms, see 67), the ending -(y)ou to suru (mostly used in the form to shite iru or to shita) indicates attempted action, i.e. that an action is or was attempted in the sense of 'try'.

Unlike -te miru, which also often translates as 'try' and is typically used of the first person, -(y)ou to suru is used of the third person, and cannot be used of the first (see 205).

Note - with subjects that are impersonal, such as [computer] networks, the implication is of course not one of 'trying to', but 'about to' do something.

They are trying to reduce the electricity bill, if only by a little.

Where is Russia, which has begun to feel isolated, trying to go?

Suddenly, a young man hurled himself at the taxi, and tried to open the rear door.

[Computer] networks are about to change the very nature of business.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
b. ブラウンさんはトムのシャツを着ようとした。
(Mr. Brown tried to put Tom's undershirt on.)
Yeah... what's going on there? XD That made me laugh


AI Researcher
it is like those infomercials where the people cannot do simple tasks right

mr. brown tries to put tom's shirt on and falls out of a window or something instead, until he buys a shirt buddy or some other piece of crap no one ever needed

you can tell this from the ku


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
実は,私は我がレズビアン味方の訳書が好きです. TLSが其れは用いるほうがいい。

how badly did I screw that up? :awesome:
(I bet I don't want to know)
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Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
I typed out a post and then the internets ate it :monster: Too lazy to type it out all again because it's bed time but Hawkeye if you have time could you have a look at P063 of the new Memorial Ultimania - Marlene's section/Marlene's Memorial scene? :puppy: I see the word Cloud and Aerith, favour, special , Tifa so far I think :monster:


AI Researcher
実は,私は我がレズビアン味方の訳書が好きです. TLSが其れは用いるほうがいい。

how badly did I screw that up? :awesome:
(I bet I don't want to know)

…と言ったらどうかな、自信がちょっと無くてさ :sadpanda:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
There's a "ku" in hito's post, Que. Be sure you acknowledge it.

I typed out a post and then the internets ate it :monster: Too lazy to type it out all again because it's bed time but Hawkeye if you have time could you have a look at P063 of the new Memorial Ultimania - Marlene's section/Marlene's Memorial scene? :puppy: I see the word Cloud and Aerith, favour, special , Tifa so far I think :monster:

Sure, I'll definitely look into it tonight.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
There's a "ku" in hito's post, Que. Be sure you acknowledge it.

Sure, I'll definitely look into it tonight.

Ten bucks it's something like 'Marlene can see the favor Aerith and Tifa have for Cloud, though he doesn't realize they do, the poor hapless oblivious idiot'

Okay, I editorialized that last part, but it's probably Marlene can see who likey Cloudy.


AI Researcher
can i just say

i was the one who did 'second cloud/aerith date' thing that is now apparently part of the "CLOUD AND AERITH WENT ON TWO! 2!! CANON DATES" argument and it really offends me that no one has noticed how i twisted that around to suit my cloti needs and called the legitimacy of it into question, blindly taking it in like the sheeple they are

wait what

oh right, it's only wrong if it doesn't agree with cloud/aerith

my bad

(this post brought to you by looking at the cloti and clerith tags on tumblr. which were super hilarious yesterday and i was screen capped to prove how mean i am)

(someone cap this post too)

(everyone who disagrees with me is swine who don't deserve mercy in the coming of the new world order, y'all bitches and basic as hell)

(i am the grand master of the cloti illuminati and secretly really love and care about cloti so super much)



Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Did anyone notice that all the examples of "Rabid Clotis"... were people shit talking only Cali?... so... wouldn't that just make us Rabid Cali Haters and not Rabid Clerith Haters/Cloti? :monster:

i was the one who did 'second cloud/aerith date' thing that is now apparently part of the "CLOUD AND AERITH WENT ON TWO! 2!! CANON DATES" argument and it really offends me that no one has noticed how i twisted that around to suit my cloti needs and called the legitimacy of it into question, blindly taking it in like the sheeple they are
How does it suit your Cloti needs if it's Clerith? :awesome:


AI Researcher
the best part was that the first image of a cloti being mean was a post by zee

i cannot get over that, that is priceless

zee the cloti


Chloe Frazer
Yes I'm posting in this thread: I want to see this list too mostly because is Cali and some of you know how much I love her and amuse myself with her continuous stupidity.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Sure, I'll definitely look into it tonight.

Thank you

You have to eat your hat if you're wrong Ryu! :monster:

Hmmm, my guess was since it had Cloud and Aerith's name basically right next to each other with が between Cloud and Aerith (subject marker?) while Tifa's name wasn't mentioned till the end of the blurb that it might be referring to the scenerio where you have the option of favouring Aerith/going along with let's hope so with Marlene and she says she won't tell Tifa at the end, but really without knowing the context of the rest of the blurb it's hard to know what が is being used for I think? IDK, I should wait for Hawkeye :monster: It might not even be about you/Cloud favouring Aerith but about Marlene favouring Cloud and Aerith instead or what Ryu said or idk. So yeah I'm not sure anymore since I think I see the Japanese for "see" in there now so Ryu could be right :pinkmonster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
At a glance it looks like your prediction will be the one that holds up best, Mow. I'm sorry I didn't get it properly translated yet, but I promise to do so within the next day.


AI Researcher
が would sound like it is talking about Cloud doing something, since it shows the agent of an action. Now I wish I had the book, all this language stuff that I can't see :sadpanda:

There's an evil Cloti list? Where do I find this magical contraption?
Look at the top of the forum for the members list, that's basically it.

What with everyone here being a big old cloti.


AI Researcher

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