The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Pro Adventurer
Nomura specifically says, "...if you play Kingdom Hearts, toward the end, some of the questions about the relationship between Cloud and Aeris in Final Fantasy VII might be answered."

Nomura is saying that even though the universe of Kingdom Hearts and the universe of FFVII are separate, the ending of Kingdom Hearts might provide some answers about the nature of the *RELATIONSHIP* between Cloud and Aerith in FFVII.

The ending of Kingdom Hearts shows romantic couples coming together.

The ending of Kingdom Hears shows Cloud and Aerith coming together.

Cloud and Aerith's *relationship* (Nomura used the word relationship) is similar to the *romantic* relationships of the other couples at the end of Kingdom Hearts. Trying to deny this is simply laughable, IMO.

And again, Nomura specifically says that although the two universes of Kingdom Hearts and FFVII are separate, the Kingdom Hearts universe might help answer questions about the relationship between Cloud and Aerith as it pertains to Final Fantasy VII's universe. The ending of Kingdom Hears is obviously romantic because it is showing romantic couples coming together (including Cloud and Aerith), therefore the answers to questions about Cloud and Aerith's relationship in FFVII are also romantic in nature.

This is all further backed up by Cloud and Aerith's two canon dates, the WEDDING prediction by Cait Sith, the koibito quote, Cloud telling Marlene he hopes Aerith likes him, the Cosmo Canyon scene, and numerous other quotes, in-game Clerith moments, and the events that unfold in AC.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves


ティファとクラウドの関係は? 野村氏:ふたりの関係については本編で深く把握することができると思います。言葉で言ってしまうのは簡単ですが

"What is the relation of Cloud and Tifa."
Nomura: I believe that this volume [the movie] is able to deeply grasp the truth concerning the relationship between the two. It's easy to completely explain using words but..."

SO... Cloud and Tifa's RELATIONSHIP is answered here, cool. Nomura used relationship here too.

Cloud and Aerith's *relationship* (Nomura used the word relationship) is similar to the *romantic* relationships of the other couples at the end of Kingdom Hearts. Trying to deny this is simply laughable, IMO.

Odd I don't remember that quote....

The ending of Kingdom Hearts shows romantic couples coming together.

Also... what romantic couples get together at the end of KH? I thought there was like two.. the rest was like ducks and brooms and stuff.


Pro Adventurer


ティファとクラウドの関係は? 野村氏:ふたりの関係については本編で深く把握することができると思います。言葉で言ってしまうのは簡単ですが

"What is the relation of Cloud and Tifa."
Nomura: I believe that this volume [the movie] is able to deeply grasp the truth concerning the relationship between the two. It's easy to completely explain using words but..."
And the truth of their relationship is clearly up to interpretation.

”Advent Children is a piece of work made by Japanese people. In Hollywood movies, I think there is a tendency where the meaning of all the scenes have to be expressed clearly but, this isn’t something like that. With our work, the viewer is free to decide how they interpret or enjoy it. The staff has their own answers to all the scenes in the movie such as the angel statue that makes an appearance many times. But, even if someone who has watched it interprets it differently, then that is just another answer. I guess “comparing answers” with friends is one of the ways you can enjoy the movie. I think AC is a movie that makes those who have watched it, want to talk about it with others.” ~Tetsuya Nomura

Source: FFVII AC Prologue Book


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And the truth of their relationship is clearly up to interpretation.

But how can it be if Cloud and Aerith are romantically linked? According to you DENYING it is laughable...

Blankbeat said:
Cloud and Aerith's *relationship* (Nomura used the word relationship) is similar to the *romantic* relationships of the other couples at the end of Kingdom Hearts. Trying to deny this is simply laughable, IMO.

Is it up to interpretation or not?


Mr. Thou
Let's ask Nomura :awesome:

Nomura said:
Well, what do you think? If indeed it was Aerith, then the bit in the ending was the answer. You might say it was made so you can take it that way. Cloud is a popular character, and I don't really want to decide myself, yes he is like this. Because players make strong conclusions by themselves, I want to leave room for everyone's line of thought.


Pro Adventurer
Is it up to interpretation or not?
I believe Cloud has love for both Aerith and Tifa. But it is up to us to decide who he loves romantically and who he loves platonically. My interpretation is that Cloud has romantic feelings for Aerith and platonic feelings for Tifa.

It is also *possible* Cloud has romantic feelings for both Aerith and Tifa (SE says the hero wavers between two heroines). However, it is up to our own interpretation (based on the evidence SE has given us) who Cloud has stronger feelings for.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Then why is denying what you believe Nomura is saying laughable? Why can't I think he means something else?


Pro Adventurer
Then why is denying what you believe Nomura is saying laughable? Why can't I think he means something else?
To me, it IS laughable.
But to Nomura, you are free to interpret everything however you want.

If you look honestly at Nomura's quote where he says some questions about Cloud and Aerith's relationship in Final Fantasy VII might be answered through the ending of Kingdom Hearts, it is very obvious what he meant.

To deny the romantic implications of his quote in unison with what is shown during the ending of Kingdom Hearts is laughable, IMO.

Romantic couples are shown reuniting during the end of Kingdom Hearts. Cloud and Aerith also reunite during the end of Kingdom Hearts. Nomura specifically says this may answer questions about Cloud and Aerith's relationship as it pertains to Final Fantasy VII. To me, denying the romantic nature of this is laughable.

Sure, you can also believe Cloud loves Tifa. But the ending of Kingdom Hearts and Nomura's quote is clear evidence that Cloud and Aerith can be viewed together romantically.

In addition, Nomura's quote where he says he has "no idea" if Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship after FFVII ends also means it is a perfectly valid to believe Cloud and Tifa are NOT in a romantic relationship.

If the HAHW scene doesn't make it clear to Nomura that Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship after the game ends, fans shouldn't say this scene makes Cloud and Tifa canon.

Yes, Nomura says AC shows the "truth" about Cloud and Tifa's relationship. But what is this "truth"...? We have NO IDEA what this "truth" is. To me, the truth about their relationship shown in AC is that they are inherently dysfunctional and not meant to be together. The bottom line is nothing in AC is clear-cut. Furthermore, absolutely NOTHING in AC contradicts Nomura's quote where he says he has no idea if Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship after the game ends. If the HAHW scene isn't evidence enough for Nomura, it's not evidence enough for me.

But as I said before, this quote tells me that everyone is free to interpret things differently:
”Advent Children is a piece of work made by Japanese people. In Hollywood movies, I think there is a tendency where the meaning of all the scenes have to be expressed clearly but, this isn’t something like that. With our work, the viewer is free to decide how they interpret or enjoy it. The staff has their own answers to all the scenes in the movie such as the angel statue that makes an appearance many times. But, even if someone who has watched it interprets it differently, then that is just another answer. I guess “comparing answers” with friends is one of the ways you can enjoy the movie. I think AC is a movie that makes those who have watched it, want to talk about it with others.” ~Tetsuya Nomura

When I watched AC, I viewed it as SE saying Cloud and Aerith are meant to be together and that Cloud desires to be with Aerith above all else.
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Pro Adventurer
Just a little curious. Is Nojima as a scriptwriter not important to bring his quote here? You always reference Nomura and Nomura.

And because AC is open up to interpretation as you said, so I can make my own interpretation freely that in the end of ACC, the flower on grave and the sword on church symbolize Zack and Aerith are meant to be be together as the culmination of CC, and they remove the first credit clip in AC showing Aerith watching Cloud.


Pro Adventurer
Also --

The HAHW scene already existed when Nomura made his statement about having no clue if Cloud and Tifa were in a romantic relationship after FFVII ends. This means that the HAHW scene is not proof that Cloud and Tifa are canon since the HAHW already existed when Nomura made his statement.

If Nomura doesn't have a clue if Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship after the HAHW scene takes place, I sure don't have a clue, and neither should you.

Just a little curious. Is Nojima as a scriptwriter not important to bring his quote here? You always reference Nomura and Nomura.
So now the fact that Nomura was a scriptwriter for FFVII is being used to discredit his statements? ROFL.

Character assassination is typically used towards those who say things that challenge and conflict with people's preconceived notions.
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To Quexinos::
Yeah and I never said it couldn't be taken romantically just that Nomura never really alluded to it in the same way he has done for Cloud and Aerith where he specifically says "this may answer some questions about their relationship". To which you can infer anything you'd like to but I'm saying that doesn't exist for Cloud and Tifa. And all I saw in Advent Children was Cloud and Tifa still working through their issues and still moving forwards as friends not as lovers. Aerith is still present in Advent Children as well because she lives on in Cloud as it's been said. He still is longing for her so I don't see how Advent Children could possibly be romantic for Cloud and Tifa.

"What is the relation of Cloud and Tifa."
Nomura: I believe that this volume [the movie] is able to deeply grasp the truth concerning the relationship between the two. It's easy to completely explain using words but..."

Wow I never knew of this quote thank you! So it appears Nomura has both couples on even grounds the only difference is that in Advent Children there's a lot of controversy about whom Cloud loves still, Aerith still appears to him and he lives with Tifa - both debated on whether it's romantic. In Kingdom Hearts Tifa isn't shown at all. Just Cloud and Aerith reuniting and no it doesn't just show two pairings, it goes through the disney couples.

Well, what do you think? If indeed it was Aerith, then the bit in the ending was the answer. You might say it was made so you can take it that way. Cloud is a popular character, and I don't really want to decide myself, yes he is like this. Because players make strong conclusions by themselves, I want to leave room for everyone's line of thought.

That was talking about another thing entirely though right? That was about whether or not Cloud was searching for Aerith. Not about their relationship.


Mr. Thou
If Nomura doesn't have a clue if Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship after the HAHW scene takes place, I sure don't have a clue, and neither should you.

Nope. It's up to interpretation, and you're wrong on all counts.


unsavory tart
From my understanding, this Nomura stereotype is not something made up by LTD. He's notorious outside of FFVII because of his non answers and in some case lies (and belts). Like the whole "Namine has no relationship with Kairi" thing when Namine turned out to be her nobody.

It's why a lot of fans prefer to rely on Nojima quotes as he's the writer and he is a lot more, eh, "definite" when he replies. That said, I never hated the guy for it, I always felt he loved the idea of "player interpretation" more than the others and I actually kind of admire that.
Nomura specifically says this may answer questions about Cloud and Aerith's relationship as it pertains to Final Fantasy VII.
But that's the thing, it doesn't answer anything. Not by itself. Besides a one second scene at the ending, by itself the interaction and the relationship- there is very little to go by except they have a special connection. Which I always believed in anyway.

And I'm someone who thought that Cloud-Aerith was being shipped in the original Kingdom Hearts. But a lot of that is absolutely overhauled in KHII. If we can assume that KH is meant to be commentary on CxA, why not look at the series as a whole? Cloud wasn't searching for Aerith, nor was she his light.

But I agree that it definitely showed they have a connection, and one that is important enough to be highlighted.

When I watched AC, I viewed it as SE saying Cloud and Aerith are meant to be together and that Cloud desires to be with Aerith above all else.
I suppose this is where I strongly disagree, that Advent Children is not a romantically themes series and thus, 99% of the scenes have little romantic connections. I believe in interpretation only to an extent.

I think Advent Children is about Cloud regaining his strength of character after years of guilt and self deprecation, and that the resolution is not romantic, it's something that celebrates how strong he was to overcome his issues and live happily with his family. This is why there is consistent talk of memories, this is why guilt gets a visual cue in the movie, why Cloud gets important scenes with not just Tifa and Aerith- but Vincent, Denzel, and Marlene.

It's why Cloud says specifically the reason he was so down was because he couldn't protect himself, why the hand reach scene wasn't just of Aerith but of everyone- who helps him defeat the monster both in the game and inside of him, why the creators specifically said he was happy with his family, and why in The Kids Are Alright- Cloud mentions family to the protagonist of the novel.

If I had to pick one line that defined Cloud in that movie it was when Sephiroth asks him what he cherished so he could take it away and Cloud states "There's nothing that's not important to me"- the last line he utters before finally defeating Sephiroth. And why when Cloud wakes up, it's not a matter of where, but it's a matter that he wakes up to everyone he loves surrounding him, his family (who he gets to heal in the end after being scared of failing the entire movie), his friends, and Zack and Aerith watching over him. Hell, the first thing he sees when he regains consciousness is not the church itself, it's the hands of children.
To Splintered::
I would say Cloud and Tifa over came some of their... I wouldn't call them failures but issues I guess but I think they're still in the process of building a strong foundation together just as friends which is why I don't see them as compatible.
They already have a strong foundation built up as friends, it's undeniable. Romantically though, I do agree they are trying to overcome issues. They'll do it all their life because that's key to their relationship- it's not they don't have problems it's that they overcome those problems. That's why the creators mention that they'll always be issue, but more importantly in my mind, they'll always overcome it.

They've overcome Cloud's PTSD, Tifa's major survivor's guilt, Tifa's insecurities, the lies they made up, a terminally ill child, guilt, anger... they've been through that, they conquered it, and they're happy.

I think two very reserved people with a hard time comunicating their feelings, isn't a good match.
Oh man I disagree. I think two shy people can definitely form a strong romantic bond, both in literature and in real life. I think it's kind of sad to think that just because two people are reserved individuals, that would automatically mean their relationship is doomed. Especially if the couple has shown themselves that despite difficulties, they have communicated and talked about the hard stuff.
What they had in the past was a crush from their child hood.
The crush is in the past, but only because I fully believe by now it's fully evolved into something much more. And not just romantic, they fulfill other roles as well, which is where I think the confusion comes from. Yes they are best friends, yes she's motherly, yes she can stand up to him. And yes, even with all of those, she can be a lover, because their relationship isn't really all that simple. But I can understand where people look at their relationship and assume it's not lovers, because there are other legs for it to stand on.

It just seems she has a lot of insecurities about their relationship ones that aren't healthy for a solid relationship.
Tifa has insecurities about her future and whether or not she deserved to be happy. She had insecurities about whether or not her family was "real" despite others telling her so. She has insecurities about her relationship with Denzel. She's insecure on whether or not she should tell the whole truth when she doesn't even know what the whole truth is. And yes, she's also insecure about her relationship with Cloud.

Tifa is a character who fundamentally overthinks. For a woman who has lost her family, her friends, and her home twice, Tifa often thinks about her place in life with the ones she loves. It's her flaw. And it's a flaw that she will work out with time, together with her family.

You could say that Cloud's relationship with Aerith is unhealthy, because it is consistently characterized by heavy guilt, him running away, and self deprecation. But it's not about that, because Cloud pushes past these problems and begins to give the memory the respect it deserves. The same thing with Tifa. What's unhealthy isn't that there are bumps in the road, what's unhealthy is if they give into them.

How is the church tied to Zack in any way when it was where Aerith had spent most of her time?
The final images of the movie consist of three images. All three mean something

The images of the people he cares about: his friends, his family, and the flowers that watch over them. Not a part of the ones in the picture, but still connected.


Zack's grave, with the same flowers, but Cloud referencing it as the start of a journey rather the guilty memory of someone dying


The very final image of the ENTIRE movie is this. This is what the church has evolved to: a symbol of healing and reverence to those who have fallen. There's a reason why Cloud moved the buster sword there, you can interpret it at will, but it's still not a random move. Especially since this is the last thing the audience sees.

. He was surrounded by the people he loved yes, but the Church was a heavy connection to Aerith right from the start, before any of his friends arrive. Just because a bunch of his friends gather where Aerith resides doesn't suddenly erase the fact that it is tied to her majorly and most of all.
It's connection isn't gone, it's about the emphasis. It's not about location, it's about what's going on. The promised land is where is happy, and he is happy with: Smiling at Aerith, smiling at Tifa, healing his surrogate son when he despaired over not being able to heal them, all his friends and teammates there cheering him on, and watching Zack and Aerith walk away with full confidence.

And his final words before the credits roll "I'm not alone anymore." This is the point of the church scene. Not being alone. Not romance.
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Angry Lesbian
So now the fact that Nomura was a scriptwriter for FFVII is being used to discredit his statements? ROFL.

Nojima =/= Nomura. :moar:

To keep this from being total spam: you are weakening your point by simultaneously arguing it's up to interpretation and it's "laughable" to not see the Clerith perspective. While I agree that the two arguments are not necessarily mutually exclusive, you'd do better to pick one and focus on it, instead of switching between the two. I don't have a horse in this race, I'm just callin' it like I see it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Nomura specifically says, "...if you play Kingdom Hearts, toward the end, some of the questions about the relationship between Cloud and Aeris in Final Fantasy VII might be answered."

Nomura is saying that even though the universe of Kingdom Hearts and the universe of FFVII are separate, the ending of Kingdom Hearts might provide some answers about the nature of the *RELATIONSHIP* between Cloud and Aerith in FFVII.

The ending of Kingdom Hearts shows romantic couples coming together.

The ending of Kingdom Hears shows Cloud and Aerith coming together.

The Ending of Kingdom Hearts shows Pinnochio and Gheppeto coming together.

The Ending of Kingdom Hearts shows Chip and Dale coming together with Minnie and Daisy.

The bit where Cloud is brought by Cid to the entire hollow bastion gang takes place between these two scenes.

Please, stop trying to pull the 'KH Only shows romantic reunions' bullshit. Pinnochio proves it wrong in one and Nomura was specifically trying to make things vague BY HIS OWN WORDS.

Also, regarding the circa 02 quote from Nomura, his actual words state that he doesn't have a clue about the state of Cloud and Tifa's relationship in the two years between the game and the movie, not whether or not there was one. And really, why would he? Nojima's the fuckdamn writer.

Junko, I will respond to your stuff later, but I still think you're flat out ignoring evidence that isn't amenable to your position.

And his final words before the credits roll "I'm not alone anymore." This is the point of the church scene. Not being alone. Not romance.

Not only that, but he is not alone, said as Zack and Aerith depart for the afterlife where they belong, leaving his life again. Cloud won't be alone even as two important people in his life leave it, because he has so many more important people still in it, his friends, his family, and especially his lover.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
To Ryushikaze::
True enough that Tifa is only human but she seemed to be just as clueless as Cloud even though nothing was affecting her memory. Why was that? I don't think that was ever explained. It just seems really important and it's understandable how Cloud forgot, but not understandable how Tifa did.

Tifa was a bit rose-colored in her remembrance of events nearly a decade in her past. She remembered things that were important to her, not as they actually were. This is human memory. It's actually more impressive that Cloud has a perfect recall of them, if you think about it.

I think that the guilt felt for Zack and for Aerith are very different. With Zack he actually got to hear his parting words and Cloud didn't feel he failed to save Zack which is how he felt about Aerith. He promised to be her body guard and he failed to do that leading to her death (which he thought was his fault). I think his guilt rests mostly with Aerith.

Aerith is Cloud's symbol of atonement, but she is not the one for whom 'most' of his guilt resides- at least, his guilt for Zack and his family are equal in measure. Given that during his heroic rescue in ACC an image of both Zack and of Aerith are visible in Cloud's eyes- and an outline of Zack imposed over Denzel just after- it seems that Cloud failing his family, specifically, Denzel and Tifa in danger- is just as devastating to him as seeing Zack or Aerith die.

When he speaks at Zack's grave he says "easy to make that promise" when he remembers he's supposed to be Zack's living legacy. I feel like Cloud feels he isn't the person that he was supposed to be and he hasn't lived up to what Zack left for him to carry. I feel like Cloud thinks he's failed Zack and he isn't worthy, but his guilt for Aerith is stronger because he let her die (in his words).

Cloud's guilt for Zack is one he is still racking up as of ACC. He's NOT living up to being the legacy. It's why he laments, commenting that it was easy to make that promise- implying that Cloud thinks he is failing to fulfil such.

Nomura had once said this on the subject of Aerith in AC: "As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness…lives on inside him." That is not said about Zack even once. He can't feel Zack's presence, and it's never said his consciousness lives on inside of him.

On the contrary, Cloud DOES feel Zack's presence. He even TALKS with the man. Also Aerith does not literally live on inside Cloud, but inside the lifestream flowing around the planet where Zack ALSO resides, and Aerith has also been described as living on in the hearts of all her friends. It's a figurative statement meaning she is vividly remembered.

Actually in Maiden it's explained Zack was only able to wake up because of Aerith. I don't think Zack has the power to appear before Cloud the way she does.

Advent Children Complete. QED.

Also at the end of FFVII he says he wants to meet Aerith in the Promised Land and before that moment he was reaching for her hand.

And then it turned out to be Tifa's hand. Looks like Aerith wants Chocobutt to get together with Tifa.
Tifa, BTW, is the one to actually suggest going to meet Aerith. Cloud merely states the possibility. Pedantic and myopic argument? Well, yes. But fuck, I might as well give like for like.
Seriously though, the greater context of 'Holy shit, there is an afterlife and we might die in five seconds' cannot be overstated here.

In AC we see Cloud reach for her hand again and this time they make contact. It was said this pays homage to that even in FFVII and it's really powerful to me. There was also this quote in the Ultimania::
"Both of them share feelings for Cloud — Tifa was close to Aerith, who can also be called a love rival. With that point in mind, they were also good friends. Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa’s.

Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had departed the world."

If Aerith is Tifa's love rival, obviously there are some heavy feelings there. IT seems between past and future. Even though Aerith is Tifa's friend, she still gets jealous of her and notices there is a special bond DIFFERENT from the one she has with Cloud which is what is said right there in the quote. It says her jealous feelings even carry to Advent Children where Cloud is constantly gone and staying in Aerith's church, not to mention he has Aerith's flowers on his desk.

No no no. The complicated feelings of AC are not the complicated feelings of FF7, and if you're taking Jealousy to mean romantic interest, then Maiden- which you have referenced- has Aerith being Jealous of Tifa getting to live together with Cloud.

To Clarify- Complicated feelings in FF7: New Best friend is also trying to score the dude I've got the hots for, and she's really good getting people to open up while I am not!- Complicated because her friend is also her enemy in romantic pursuits.
Complicated feelings in FF7: Cloud's feelings of failing our dear friend are causing him to blame himself for our adopted son's disease and act in a generally self destructive way.- Complicated because her dear friend is one of the reasons why her man has distanced himself from their family, as she and his friend Zack are reminding him of his fears that those that are dear to him may very well be torn from him, especially their son.

AC/C is a flashy wiz-bang action fest, but there's actually a really meaty human pathos story behind it that would have been gripping drama in any universe where a badass swordfight was not the cure to one's anxiety and existential angst.

There's another quote that says this::
"When talking about the "rare smile" which Aerith brings out in Cloud during the game, the FFVII Ultimania Omega says that "there seems to be something between them""

That is not a real quote. If you wish to claim it is, I'd appreciate a proper citation.

I see sometimes that cloti fans want to say Cloud smiles at both Aerith and Zack but he notices Aerith first, he watches her walking away and she is the MAIN FOCUS at the end. She even slow motion turns to Cloud, smiles, says it's alright, and then he voices that it's fine now. I think Zack and Cloud already had closure when Zack appeared to him during the Sephiroth fight and said "remember what I told you" but he hadn't received his closure with Aerith yet at that point.

Actually, Cloud smiles at Tifa, THEN at the retreating forms of Zack and Aerith. Remember "Cloud smiles" was written for his shy smile to Tifa. Nobue said it was written based on the shy smile in the script. That smile is to Tifa.

This was also another quote from the Ultimania
"The place where he awakens---
That is Cloud's Promised Land

As he sleeps, Cloud hears two voices. The voices of two people very dear to him, who are no longer with him. Playfully and kindly, they give him a message: he doesn't belong here yet.

When he awakes, there was his friends. There were the children, freed from their fatal illness. Tifa and Marlene, and Denzel asking for Cloud to heal his Geostigma-- his family were waiting. Engulfed in celebration, he realises where he is meant to live. He realises that he was able to forgive himself.

And when he turns around--- "she" is starting to leave. Together with the friend who had given Cloud his life. Cloud no longer has to suffer in loneliness... And so they too go back to where they belong.

Back to the current of life flowing around the planet---"

He awakes in the church, so that is his promised land. Like I said he notices Aerith first. I think it's something special that Cloud's promised land is with Aerith in her church. He wakes up where all of her flowers used to be too, now replaced with her holy water.

He awakens surrounded by his family and friends and with the ability to heal his son. THAT is his promised land. The church was not his promised land before, and it's his promised land before he notices Aerith. His getting his promised land is independent of Aerith. Why? She's leaving. To the current of life flowing around the planet, where she and Zack belong.

To norg:
I don't believe Aerith still loves Zack and I'll tell you exactly why that is!
"At first when I met Cloud, I believed he was similar to Zack. Little actions, the way he spoke... his kindness. But Cloud is Cloud. I, now undoubtedly, love Cloud much more than Zack.
But Cloud is clueless."
From Dismantled

"Although in the beginning, Aerith felt close to Cloud is because he behaves like Zack, her interest in Cloud himself grows and is attracted to him. "
From Ultimania (omega)

"When Aerith thinks of Cloud and Zack's similarities, she sees that the present Cloud is not the real Cloud. Her meaningful lines like, "I'm searching for you" and "I want to meet you" all mean that she has discovered the existence of the real Cloud, although he's not aware of it himself."
Also from the same place

"So you won't have a breakdown..." - Aerith appears in Cloud's dream, and she seems to console him with such advice. This line can infer that Aerith has seen through to the essence of Cloud"
Again from the same place

"I'm looking for you."..."So you won't have a breakdown." - what Aerith told Cloud reveals many deep meanings. Aerith detected that the present Cloud is not the real him during their encounters. She knows it because of her mysterious, inherent ability. "
you guessed it! from the same place!

Aerith says this on their date:
Aerith: First off, it bothered me how you looked exactly alike. Two completely different people, but look exactly the same. The way you walk, gesture... I think I must have seen him again, in you... But you're different. Things are different..."

"Even though Aerith perceived that Cloud had lost sight of his true self, she still has great affection for him."
Ultimania Anniversary

"Although in the beginning, Aerith felt close to Cloud is because he behaves like Zack, her interest in Cloud himself grows and is attracted to him."
From Omega, once again

When Aerith speaks of Zack it's not really important to her.
Cloud: "You were...serious?"
Aerith: "No. But I liked him for awhile."
Cloud: "I probably knew him. What was his name?"
Aerith: "It doesn't really matter.”

And when you visit Gongaga?
Aerith: "What a shock.... I didn't know Zack was from this town."
Cloud: "You know him?"
Aerith: "Didn't I tell you? He was my first love."
Cloud: "......"
Aerith: "Zack.... SOLDIER First Class. Same as Cloud."
Cloud: "Strange, there aren't that many who make First Class, but I've never heard of him."
Aerith: "That's all right. It's all in the past now. I was just worried because I heard he's been missing."
Cloud: "Missing?"
Aerith: "I think it was 5 years ago. He went out on a job, and never came back." "He loved women, a real lady’s man. He probably found someone else.”

She said it's all in the past now.

Except one of those quotes you provided actually says she IS attracted to the Zack that is in Cloud. It's NOT all in the past now. Aerith is trying to put it all in the past, a thing for which I do not blame her, it's just not working all that well.

Also, on the subject of whether it's denial or something else? It's an affirmation. She knows she's lying, at least partly, but she's going to keep soldiering on and repeating the mantra til it becomes true.
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Pro Adventurer
Ryushikaze said:
Please, stop trying to pull the 'KH Only shows romantic reunions' bullshit. Pinnochio proves it wrong in one and Nomura was specifically trying to make things vague BY HIS OWN WORDS.
How does Pinnochio prove it wrong? Pinnochio has no love interest, so they show him coming together with Geppetto. But for virtually everyone who has a love interest, they show the two love interests reuniting at the end of the game.

Yes, Nomura was being vague with his comments because this is a love triangle and it has always been up to interpretation. However, during the ending of Kingdom Hearts it is the rule rather than the exception that romantic couples reunite. When you combine this with the fact that Nomura says the ending of Kingdom Hearts can provide commentary on the relationship Cloud and Aerith have during Final Fantasy VII, I do not think it is a leap in the least to view this has a valid piece of romantic evidence in favor of Cloud and Aerith.

To me, the juxtaposition of Aerith walking the streets of Midgar with the "Loveless" sign above her head, while Cloud simultaneously jumps from the train, sets these two up as the primary characters and love interest of Final Fantasy VII. This, of course, leads to Cloud agreeing to be Aerith's bodyguard for the price of one date, telling Marlene he hopes Aerith likes him, reaffirming his commitment to being Aerith's bodyguard at the Shinra headquarters, two canon dates, an intimate confession at Cosmo Canyon, a wedding prediction (SE words, not mine) from Cait Sith, and an "undying" feeling for Aerith that becomes "engraved in his heart." According to SE, Cloud is Aerith's koibito. The guilt and pain he feels for Aerith's death is because of the romantic connection they developed throughout the game. Furthermore, the hand reach scene between Cloud and Aerith in AC is the most romantic moment SE has shown us so far, IMO.

When you look at all of this evidence together and combine it with the Kingdom Hearts quote from Nomura, it is not hard to view them as a romantic couple. This is further confirmed by SE through numerous other quotes and the Cloud x Aerith cameo appearances in FFIX and FFT.

Granted, there is evidence that supports Cloti as well. And you also have Nomura saying everyone is free to interpret things differently. I'm simply explaining my Clerith interpretation.

To me, it would be fine to say it is your interpretation that Cloud and Tifa develop a romantic relationship. But to say SE has officially said which couple is canon is completely and utterly false because Nomura said he hasn't a clue if Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship after Final Fantasy VII ends. Therefore, a romantic relationship does not necessarily develop from the HAHW scene. If Nomura doesn't know, fans shouldn't pretend they know either.

Furthermore, nothing in AC contradicts his quote. No romantic moments are shared between Cloud and Tifa in AC. In fact, Cloud visited Aerith's Church before his diagnosis and is even seen living there. His guilt is strong because of the romantic connection they developed in Final Fantasy VII. This romantic connection is confirmed by numerous statements SE has made, especially when they called Cloud Aerith's koibito.

Ryushikaze said:
Also, regarding the circa 02 quote from Nomura, his actual words state that he doesn't have a clue about the state of Cloud and Tifa's relationship in the two years between the game and the movie, not whether or not there was one.
Correct. Nomura has no clue if Cloud and Tifa have a romantic relationship after the HAHW scene takes place. If Nomura has no idea, no one should be making definitive statements on behalf of the creators that Cloti is canon.

Again, Nomura made his statement after the HAHW scene was already created. This means the HAHW scene does not necessarily lead to a romantic relationship between Cloud and Tifa. Furthermore, nothing in AC contradicts his statement. To me, AC reaffirms Clerith and shows how utterly incompatible Cloud and Tifa are.

Ryushikaze said:
And really, why would he? Nojima's the fuckdamn writer.
Funny -- Cloti's will stop at nothing to try and discredit and diminish Nomura. Whether you like it or not, his statements exist and he is a creator of Final Fantasy VII.

Also -- I can't believe people are denying that Aerith is Cloud's light in KH. Really...?

Oh and this one quote shows that Aerith initially liked Cloud because of his similarities to Zack, but eventually she realizes Cloud is different from Zack and she grows to love Cloud more than Zack:
"At first when I met Cloud, I believed he was similar to Zack. Little actions, the way he spoke… his kindness. But Cloud is Cloud. I, now undoubtedly, love Cloud much more than Zack." ~Aerith's monologue in Gongaga, FFVII Dismantled
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm sorry, BlankBeat I can't address any of that, it's all irrelevant.


unsavory tart
Also -- I can't believe people are denying that Aerith is Cloud's light in KH. Really...?

Maybe I need to play KH again because I honestly thought this was true? Like no LTD bullshiting? I also thought Aerith was Cloud's like in the first game, but in KHII Tifa had to give him his light so I thought that was debunked.

Nomura said:
I thought it would be more interesting to let the gamers think about it. For example, “If Cloud’s darkness is Sephiroth, then Tifa is light”;
That quote is not definitive, it's about Nomura wanting to start gamer discussion and interpretation, but the symbols of who they are pretty heavily implied.

Nojima: Tifa wasn't planned to appear at first. I was talking with Tetsu about what Cloud could be doing in Hallow Bastion, and we eventually moved towards him chasing after Sephiroth, but also being chased by something himself. So Cloud's really running from something but goes around pretending, saying that he's chasing Sephiroth. Then we decided to make it him running from the "something warm" like what Tifa was after in AC.
To me, this at least heavily implies that Tifa at least acts as his light (as she may or may not be human). But oh well.

Okay for staff discussions, here's the staff and their roles

Producer Hironobu Sakaguchi
Executive Producers Tetsuo Mizuno, Tomoyuki Takechi
Director Yoshinori Kitase
Music Nobuo Uematsu
Main Programmer Tatsuya Yoshinari
Image Illustrator Yoshitaka Amano
Story Yoshinori Kitase, Kazushige Nojima
Battle Programmers Kazumasa Fuseya, Hiroshi Harata, Akihiro Yamaguchi
Character Designer Tetsuya Nomura
Art Director Yusuke Naora
2D Animators Kenichirou Okamoto, Hiroyuki Yotsuji
Chief CG Programmer Masaharu Inoue
Movie Director Motonori Sakakibara
Monster Designers Shin Nagasawa, Tetsu Tsukamoto
Battle Programmers Kazumasa Fuseya, Hiroshi Harata, Akihiro Yamaguchi
Field Programmer Keizo Kokubo
World Map Programmer Yasuo Kuwahara
Snowboard Programmer Tadamichi Obinata
Condor War Programmer Ryo Muto
Chocobo Race Programmer Keitaro Adachi
Submarine Chase Programmer Shin-ichi Tanaka
Highway and Roller Coaster Programmer Tatsuya Yoshinari
Field CGI and Movie Designers Yuko Akiyama, Kanako Aoki, Hiroyuki Honda, Ayako Kuroda, Yoshinori Moriizumi
Concept Art Takayuki Odachi, Tetsuya Takahashi
Map Plan Director Hidetoshi Kezuka
Battle Plan Designer Matsumura Yasushi
Movie Programmer Shun Moriya
Sound Programmer Minoru Akao
Character Programmer Hiroshi Kawai
CG Supervisor Kazuyuki Hashimoto
I always preferred Nojima because he was always more straightforward than Nomura. Then again wasn't Nojima the one who wanted to put a Jenova fight in Crisis Core Nibelheim scene? Nomura is Nomura, and Kitase always feels like he just wants to hype something. Actually I don't know why Kitase has a bad rep, probably has to do with his work on XIII.
To Splintered::

I know they've built a strong foundation as friends but it seems to me like they're still hashing out some issues in that relationship. Just like any relationship, friends get into arguments and fight as well. I'm not sure how their relationship differs from any friendship that I have seen. I think that's just how Cloud and Tifa are with one another not that I think it's bad but I don't see their relationship blooming into to love at any point. I didn't say it automatically means they can't be together because they're both shy lol. But just to bring up often common in media and real life as well: opposites attracting. I find that a person who is not confident works well with someone with confidence because that person inspires confidence in them and builds that person up well. And is able to take care of and shelter that person. people with similar personalities to me seem to confide in one another but aren't able to really step forwards without that push. That's just my opinion though and it's because of that opinion that I feel Cloud and Aerith are great for one another! They both have insecurities but they balance each other out because they inspire one another in different ways. Sure have a shoulder is great to lean on for friends but for lovers I feel it exceeds just that.
See we differ because you think the relationship evolved while I think it faded. Cloud was absent for four years and he immediately meets Aerith who is bright, cheerful, kind, and right from the start is getting him to laugh and care for her. He meets Tifa and there is just a memory left, one that is clouded at that point. They both still have to discover the truth. So while Cloud and Tifa are still confused about the past meanwhile Cloud and Aerith are bonding and growing closer without that history to stunt them. Tifa also because jealous when she sees how close they are getting because it's something she and Cloud do not have which is in an actual quote.
The only reason those things exist in the CA relationship though is because Aerith died. She died and he felt the extreme guilt which caused him to run and be at war with himself. To me it's the extreme love for Aerith that caused him to react so heavily to her death and I feel someone's actions after the death of someone especially someone they love, means and tells a lot.
About Cloud moving his sword there? I feel it's because that's where he last saw Zack and Aerith and wants to honor that. Where he last saw Zack die was at that grave site but at the end of AC Zack and Aerith leave the church. That's why he moved it. Not because Aerith and Zack magically rekindled their relationship in the afterlife.
But he camped out in her church because of his guilt and because he wanted her forgiveness. Why would he stay there if the connection to her from there is gone?

To Ryushikaze::
I guess that's true about her memory she still remembered the promise which was most significant to her. I feel like Aerith's death had more impact than any other death or guilt to Cloud. Him wanting her forgiveness causes him to close himself off about it, to go to the forgotten city even, to stay at her church, and even to see her. It's said that Aerith lives on in his consciousness, that has not been said about Zack or anyone else. He can feel Zack's presence the exact moment he appears to him but otherwise? No he can't, not the way he can with Aerith.
This is going to sound really dumb so I apologize, but what does QED stand for ?
I don't think Tifa's hand appearing means Aerith wants them to get together, lol. It just so happened that Aerith wasn't able to physically reach Cloud and Tifa was the one to be there for Cloud on earth seeing as she IS Cloud's best *friend*. In Maiden Aerith does say she wants Tifa to look after Cloud on earth, and this just proves their friendship. IT doesn't mean she stops loving Cloud or that Cloud stops loving Aerith. Cloud is the one that says "I think I can meet her there" then Tifa is just encouraging him by saying "Yeah lets meet her"
Why wouldn't Aerith be jealous of Tifa getting to live with Cloud though? She loves Cloud and wants to be alive with him supporting him as Tifa now gets to do in her place. Anyone would feel jealous of that. IT's not her being jealous of their relationship which is the difference. Well we have to agree to disagree there, lol. Complicated feelings for towards Cloud and Aerith's relationship has always stricken me as jealous feelings over the relationship Cloud and Aerith have. Especially the quote that reveals Tifa is jealous of Cloud and Aerith exploring *their* world together and have feelings for one another that she and Cloud don't share.
Shy smile? Does it specifically say he is smiling shyly directed at Tifa?
One of the quotes says she's attracted to Cloud INITIALLY because of Zack. She admits that things are different and wants to meet Cloud because she sees through to the real him. And just because she sees someone she used to love dearly within Cloud does not mean she still is in love with Zack. You can be attracted to someone that reminds you of a feeling you once had without it being love.

About the Kingdom Hearts discussion, I'd like to know how Cloti fans feel about it being said that Cloud and Aerith's reunion might answer some questions about their relationship. What do you think it means on your side of things? Also I thought Aerith was the balance of light and dark the one that mediates the two. Because she is the perfect balance she can reach through to Cloud. Tifa's light ends up being to bright and blinding to him because he is pretty much filled with nothing but darkness. Therefore Tifa's not able to reach him exactly. Aerith says Cloud's light will lead him home, but he hasn't found his light yet and he hasn't fought off the darkness (which is believed to be Sephiroth of course). There is no proof yet that either Tifa or Aerith is his light. But I do know that either way his home is with Aerith.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
"Tifa's light" is Cloud's own. She's a physical manifestation of part of him in the KH universe, just like Sephiroth. Cloud feels that he doesn't belong in the light, so he's literally running from himself.

Sephiroth explains it all pretty well:

"Cloud is the one who hungers for Darkness."
"That last bit of light is always the hardest to snuff out."
"The darkness comes from your own dark memories. Do you think you can erase the past?"
"Face it--you turn your back on the present and live in the past. Because the light of the present is too much."

Note that last line in particular. Cloud is turning his back on his own light, which is synonomous here with the present and moving forward, and wallows in his darkness, synonomous here with lingering in the past (the same thing he was doing in Advent Children).

This "Tifa's light blinds him and is no good for him" argument that has floated around for years is nonsense. Tifa's light (I.e. Cloud's light) is what he needs. He's denying part of himself, "[turning] his back on the present and [living] in the past" because "the light of the present is too much." It isn't until he steps up to defend Tifa (his manifestation of light) from Sephiroth (his manifestation of darkness) that he faces the present long enough to gain the power to go fight Sephiroth.

As for what I would interpret from the ending of the first KH, it could literally be anything -- especially in light of the Compilation not yet being planned. It could be anything from "in any world, Cloud and Aerith will have a special connection" to "love reunited!" to "Cloud's wish to see Aerith again is fulfilled, even if it's not really them" to "they could only ever see each other again in an alternate universe where death has not come between them."

It literally tells you nothing on its own.

Also, BlankBeat's claim about a theme of lovers being reunited in the ending is bullshit. Jasmine and Aladdin are it, and their scene is on neither side of the moment at Hollow Bastion, so it doesn't even provide it with context by bookending it. You don't see Beast with Belle. You don't see Mickey with Minnie. Nor Donald with Daisy. You don't see Aurora, Cinderella or Snow White with their princes. No such theme exists. BlankBeat is simply lying.
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