The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Pro Adventurer
Who is Cloud's Light?
by Materia Thief

Sora: So why did you go along with [Hades], anyway?
Cloud: I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help.
Cloud: I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired.
Cloud: I fell into darkness, and couldn't find the light.
Sora: You'll find it. I'm searching, too.
Cloud: For your light? Don't lose sight of it.

This question set love triangle debates ablaze with discussion after the release of Kingdom Hearts I and II - who is Cloud's light? After all, the only motivation that we see for all of Cloud's actions in the first Kingdom Hearts, since he fights both Sora and Hercules in the name of the darkness, is that Cloud is searching for a person who is his light. When Cloud and Aerith are shown being reunited in the ending scene of Kingdom Hearts I, the answer seemed obvious: Cloud's light is Aerith, his castmate from Final Fantasy VII. This conclusion is logical, given Aerith's symbolic potential in Final Fantasy VII as a bringer of "light" and carrier of "Holy," as well as the special connection maintained between Cloud and Aerith in both the original game and Kingdom Hearts I.

However, with the introduction of Tifa and a new story for Cloud in Kingdom Hearts II, an alternate interpretation was presented - that Cloud's light may be Tifa, rather than Aerith. Although the creators have given no definite answer for fear of alienating potential fans, and any conclusion can only be based on circumstantial evidence, the most reasonable conclusion to draw is that Cloud's guiding light is, in fact, Aerith.

Three potential motivations hurl Cloud along his path during Kingdom Hearts, and all of them center around three different people: Aerith, Tifa, and Sephiroth. Although Sephiroth seems like an odd candidate as Cloud's light, since he is also symbolically known as Cloud's "darkness", there are indications that Cloud is searching for him. After all, Sephiroth himself says to Cloud, "I was searching for you, too". However, it must be remembered that Sephiroth was never included in the original Japanese game. The scene where Sephiroth says that he was searching for Cloud only appears in the Final Mix version of the game, never in the North American release. While the scene is therefore canon, Cloud's quote about searching for a mysterious 'someone' occurs in all versions of Kingdom Hearts I, while Sephiroth's statement does not. This makes it very unlikely that Sephiroth could be Cloud's light, since he doesn't even appear in one version of the game.

This leaves two viable candidates in the fray, namely Aerith and Tifa. Perhaps the strongest and most compelling argument in favor of Aerith over Tifa for the role of "Cloud's Light," is the simple fact that Tifa was never featured, mentioned, or otherwise shown in Kingdom Hearts I, where the quote that started it all appears. There is neither a mention of a "martial artist" nor a whisper of a "childhood friend" in Kingdom Hearts I, only the conversation between Cloud and Sora about searching for one's light, followed by Cloud and Aerith's reunion. The game where Cloud and Aerith's reunion takes place is also set with reunions between other character pairings, such as AladdinxJasmine and BeastxBeauty. Although the scene between Cloud and Aerith contains other characters, the focus on Cloud and Aerith is undeniable.

Material in Kingdom Hearts II does provide at least some basis for the argument that Tifa is, perhaps, Cloud's light. For one thing, Aerith's interaction with Cloud during Kingdom Hearts II is minimal, focusing mostly around one short, but pivotal conversation. In this conversation, Aerith confronts Cloud about his possible departure. At the end of the conversation, Aerith tells Cloud that everything will be alright if he leaves by saying this:

Aerith "No matter how far away you are... once you find your light.. I'm sure it will lead you back here again."

Notice that Aerith refers to Cloud's light in the second person, rather than as herself. This immediately led some people to question how Aerith could be Cloud's light when she speaks of his light as something other than herself? The solution to this puzzle is surprisingly simple.

One must remember that Cloud actually sold his soul to darkness in Kingdom Hearts I. In that game, Cloud even bore artifacts of darkness, such as a bat wing. It is is acknowledged several times during Kingdom Hearts II that Cloud continues to be plagued by darkness, such as in the following passages from Cloud's confrontation with Sephiroth:

Sephiroth: Cloud… you’ll never let go of the darkness.
Sephiroth: Defeating me is meaningless. You know that more than anyone, Cloud.
Cloud: No matter how many times I fall, your darkness keeps calling me back.
Tifa: Wrong!
Cloud: Tifa! Stay back!
Tifa: How can I? I wanna help you.
Sephiroth: You can’t. He’ll never let go of the darkness.
Tifa: He doesn’t have to. He just needs someone to surround him with light.
Tifa: The darkness will be there, Sephiroth - but in a place you can’t reach.

These lines clearly indicate that Cloud is battling against the darkness inside of himself. Since Sephiroth is essentially the embodiment of Cloud's darkness, then Cloud feels he must defeat Sephiroth in order to defeat his own personal and inner darkness. This conclusion is reinforced by Tifa herself after Cloud and Sephiroth fly away to finish their battle:

Goofy: Where’d they go? Do ya think they made it back to their own world?
Sora: They went somewhere else.
Tifa: Cloud went to fight a great battle to defeat the darkness inside him.

Tifa clearly states that Cloud is battling Sephiroth in order to defeat the darkness inside of himself. Therefore, the light that Cloud seems to be searching for in Kingdom Hearts II is his own personal light, rather than for another person who is his light. When Aerith refers to "finding your light" in her earlier conversation with Cloud, she is speaking of Cloud finding his own inner light by defeating his inner darkness.

There are several other indications that Tifa is not depicted as Cloud's light in Kingdom Hearts II. In the first place, Cloud never searches for Tifa during the game. If anything, Cloud actually seems to be avoiding her. Tifa spends a great deal of time in Kingdom Hearts II trying to locate Cloud by punching down walls, looking under desks, and so on. Yet, when Tifa finally finds Cloud and calls out to him, he actually runs away and leaves her to battle a horde of Heartless all by herself.

In the second place, when Tifa appears during the confrontation between Cloud and Sephiroth, something happens when she is challenged by Sephiroth. Tifa's own light flashes brightly as she dodges Sephiroth's attacks, since he lunges at her several times with the masamune. Each time that Tifa's own light flashes, Cloud winces and shields his eyes, as shown in the screenshots below:

Tifa's light almost seems to blind Cloud, as if her light is actually harmful to him. Furthermore, Cloud seems very hesitant and almost reluctant to accept Tifa's light when she offers it to him:

Tifa: Cloud, you can have my light.
Sephiroth: The light doesn't suit you.
Cloud: I just...don't know.

Notice that Sephiroth even points out that Tifa's light isn't suitable for Cloud. Immediately after this, Cloud starts to glow with a light that seems to emanate from his own body. Although the light could arguably come from Tifa, there is no indication whatsoever that she transfers the light to Cloud - no hand gesture, no physical contact, nothing. Tifa is merely standing absolutely still several feet behind Cloud when a golden light suddenly begins to emanate from his own body. Compare the diffuse white light coming from Tifa in the screenshots above with the glow emanating from Cloud's own self in the screenshots below:

Therefore, when Aerith used the term "your light" to Cloud in their earlier conversation, what she really meant was Cloud's own personal and inner light. Since there is still darkness within Cloud, it is necessary for him to defeat his personal darkness before he can find his inner light, and Aerith seems to understand his struggle. This is the reason Cloud searches for Sephiroth - to defeat his own personal darkness.

When interpreted this way, there is no contradiction to Aerith being Cloud's light in Kingdom Hearts I. Cloud and Aerith's connection is depicted in Kingdom Hearts I as the 'light' which guided Cloud 'home', just as Beast searched for Belle, and Aladdin searched for Jasmine. In Kingdom Hearts I and II, Advent Children, and even in Final Fantasy VII, Cloud ultimately faces Sephiroth alone. When Cloud finally defeats the darkness of Sephiroth by finding his own inner strength, the light of Aerith will always be there... waiting to guide Cloud home.


Finding Inner Light: The Theme of Kingdom Hearts II
by Alantie

When Kingdom Hearts I was released, it was strongly hinted that the light the characters spoke of symbolized the person’s romantic love interest or a person of great importance. This was demonstrated between Kairi and Sora, Jasmine and Aladdin, and Beast and Belle, among others. Cloud and Aerith also fit into the pattern of the other romantic couples within the game. In the credites, they are shown reuniting along with the other couples who had been separated. As a result, it was concluded that when speaking of searching for his light, Cloud had been referring to Aerith.

However, with the inclusion of Tifa in Kingdom Hearts II, many CloudxTifa supporters argued that Aerith was not Cloud’s light after all. Due to a conversation Cloud and Aerith have where she talks about Cloud finding his light, and a bright white light that appears when Tifa is around, CloudxTifa supporters started claiming that Cloud's romantic light is Tifa rather than Aerith. Yet, what many have overlooked is that the symbolism of light has taken on a second meaning in this installment of the game: finding the inner light to combat inner darkness. It’s clear that Cloud is struggling with facing his inner darkness and needs to find his own inner light to combat it. But this is not unique to Cloud alone - many of the other characters in Kingdom Hearts II are also seeking their inner light to combat the darkness within them.

Sora himself struggles with understanding his own inner light and darkness as he learns about his other self, the Nobody Roxas. Also of note is that Sora is not said to be searching for his light as in his romantic love interest Kairi. This is a clear indication that the theme is different this time around, though it does not change Kairi's importance to Sora. There’s no need for Sora to search for Kairi, as he knows quite well where she is for the majority of the game. He parted with her at Destiny Islands and up until he is told of her kidnapping by Organization XIII he believed her to still be there. Even once he learns that she has been taken, he knows where she is to be found. Instead of seeking Kairi, he deals with questions regarding his dark self Roxas, memories that don’t belong to him, and understanding that hearts are made up of both light and darkness.

Hercules, after making a huge mistake regarding the Hydra that Hades left for him to fight, looses confidence. He falls into a depression, believing that he’s worthless, refusing to believe that he’s still a hero despite the support of his friends and loved one, Meg. However, Hercules is seen overcoming that darkness and finding the light within himself once again in time to help Sora find a way to help Auron and to rescue Meg from Hades.

Simba, too, has to deal with similar issues in the Pride Lands. Tormented by the guilt of believing that he’s responsible for his father’s death, Simba refuses to return home until he recovers his own courage to confront his uncle, Scar, and take his rightful place as King. Later on, Simba is haunted by the dark ghost of Scar and his own doubts about his ability to be King. This causes Simba to run away again until Sora encourages him to conquer his fears. Once Simba regains his confidence and finds his own inner light, he’s able to banish Scar’s ghost and cleanse the Pride Lands.

Similar problems also occur with Beast. Xaldin evokes Beast’s anger, encouraging him to seep himself in darkness and send away anything that might bring him back to himself. He locks his servants in the dungeons and even keeps Belle confined to her rooms. Sora and the others however help Beast to find the good within him again, allowing him to conquer the darkness of his anger and defeat Xaldin.

Cloud follows this same pattern and theme, struggling to defeat darkness and find his own inner light to combat it. He speaks of having to conquer his darkness, a person who is no other than Sephiroth.

Cloud: I'll get him. This time we settle it. Me, and the one who embodies all the darkness in me.
Donald: I thought you looked kinda different, Cloud.
Cloud: If I do, it's his fault.
Sora: Whose?
Cloud: Sephiroth. Tell me if you see him.
Sora: Okay. What's he look like?
Cloud: Silver hair. Carries a long sword.
Sora: Sure. Well, be seeing you, Cloud.
Cloud: Be careful. He messes with your head, makes you think darkness is the only way.
~Kingdom Hearts II

This indicates that Cloud is struggling to deal with his darkness, while a conversation between Cloud and Aerith while Sora looks on further makes it clear that Cloud must also find his inner light.

Aerith: Is something wrong?
Sora: Uhh...
Cloud: It's nothing. I don't want you involved.
Aerith: You mean you don't want me there when you go away again?
Cloud: I just--- Listen, even if I go far away, I'll come back.
Aerith: Do you mean it?
Cloud: Yeah.
Aerith: See? You don't look so sure. Well, okay, I understand. Go---get things
Cloud: Huh?
Aerith: No matter how far away you are...once you find your light...I'm sure it
will lead you back here again. Right?
Cloud: I suppose.
Aerith: So I'll stay here---and I'll cheer for you--- Okay, Cloud?
Cloud: Okay. *walks away*
Aerith: Wonder if he'll be okay.
Sora: He'll be fine. I'm sure there's some light in him somewhere.
Aerith: You're right.
~Kingdom Hearts II

Cloud has to come to terms with himself and his own darkness to find the light within. It’s not something someone else like Tifa can do for him, no matter how much she may want to. This is a battle that he must fight on his own, with the support of his loved ones at his back. A warm golden glow emanates from his body, and he springs upward to finish his battle with Sephiroth alone, a sure sign that Cloud has somehow found his own inner light.

The emphasis this time around is finding inner light, rather than searching for a special person. Sora, Hercules, Simba, Beast, and Cloud all struggle with finding the light within themselves to balance out the darkness, a clear indication that this is the theme for Kingdom Hearts II.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Materia Thief's essay is complete garbage. The premise hinges on only counting shit in the original release of a game -- which I guess must mean Emerald and Ruby don't count, and neither do numerous flashbacks detailing what happened to Cloud before he arrived in Midgar in FFVII. :monster: And let's never mind that Nomura said Seph was supposed to be in the earliest release of KH, but they ran out of time. Oh, and we'll just ignore that in Final Mix, Aerith herself said Cloud was searching for Sephiroth.

Then, we throw out direct statements that Cloud was searching for his darkness rather than his light (even from the supposed top candidate for being his light) and make the argument that Tifa isn't his light because he is running from her instead of searching for her in KHII -- despite the embodiment of his darkness saying that he is turning his back on his light!

Completely fucking retarded.

Alantie's essay is equally fucktarded since Tifa in KH is Cloud's inner light rather than "some special person." She isn't a real person unto herself any more than Sephiroth is.
I did play FFVIII
it's just annoying to read.
It's nice we can call people retarded and call their ideas bullshit here sounds like a classy place! Wow I disagree with someone look how internet tough I am by being a complete asshole.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Eh I wouldn't go that far =/ Might want to reword that a bit incase you get into trouble. To be fair he didn't say Materia Thief and Alantie are retarded, he trashed their essays true it seems but I assume he didn't mean they are retards personally, on the other hand you just kinda called him a name, and he's usually a pretty nice/laid back/mellow/chill/diplomatic dude :monster: I wouldn't say he's usually what you called him :monster:

Don't forget we're all people here everyone :pinkmonster:


AI Researcher
i thought i was the king

To be honest, the hand reach scene is the most romantic scene ever shown between Cloud and either Aerith or Tifa.
There were also hand reaching scenes between Aerith and Kadaj, and Zack and Angeal (the later being while Angeal descends from the sky engulfed in white heavenly light like an angel).

Aerith's words to Kadaj are also similar to Tidus' words to Yuna in the spring in FFX.

The ending of Kingdom Hearts shows romantic couples coming together.

The ending of Kingdom Hearts shows Cloud and Aerith coming together.
The vast majority of Kingdom Hearts' ending credits show people returning to their homes. The only romantic one is Aladdin and Jasmine, who are shown kissing.

- the three ducklings returning home to Disney Castle
- Cloud returning to Hollow Bastion
- Pinocchio becoming a real boy
- Aladdin and Jasmine embrace and kiss
- Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie on Destiny Island
- the Seven Princesses of Heart

Only one of those is explicitly romantic. Only two could even be construed as romantic. The rest are just showing everyone home again. But over the years this somehow became exaggerated to Cloud and Aerith being shown reunited with many romantic couples. Now people believe this is actually the case.

Nomura also said it's up to the player who Cloud is looking for in KH. Then they made Final Mix, and tell you he's looking for Sephiroth.

知らない, which was used in the original text of that Nomura 'idk', can also carry the meaning of not caring about something. Which if he said he isn't bothered about who loves who earlier, might be the sense he is using it in when he later references Cloud and Tifa.
hey who said this
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Eh I wouldn't go that far =/ Might want to reword that a bit incase you get into trouble. To be fair he didn't say Materia Thief and Alantie are retarded, he trashed their essays true it seems but I assume he didn't mean they are retards personally, on the other hand you just kinda called him a name, and he's usually a pretty nice/laid back/mellow/chill/diplomatic dude :monster: I wouldn't say he's usually what you called him :monster:

Don't forget we're all people here everyone :pinkmonster:

That's really playing semantics IMO. You have to expect calling people's ideas "fucktarded" is going to generate a negative response from the ones who believe in said ideas. Such is the nature of the LTD though :sigh:

And now the backup cheerleaders come rushing to their King's defense.
I call the top of the pyramid :monster:


unsavory tart
There are a few things I disagree about why "Tifa is not Cloud's light" in that essay

In the first place, Cloud never searches for Tifa during the game. If anything, Cloud actually seems to be avoiding her. Tifa spends a great deal of time in Kingdom Hearts II trying to locate Cloud by punching down walls, looking under desks, and so on. Yet, when Tifa finally finds Cloud and calls out to him, he actually runs away and leaves her to battle a horde of Heartless all by herself.
This is not a compelling reason why Tifa is not Cloud's light because Cloud is not searching for his light. He's searching for Sephiroth, it's shown explicitly in KH remix and KH II. The quote I provided literally says "he is chasing Sephiroth" as an explanation of his motives.

Even more importantly, what's chasing him is "something warm." Like what Tres said, it's Cloud denying a part of himself, his happiness. You can put it in Clerith terms too, he running away from home to fight Sephiroth- but one that denies his greatest weapon against him- his light.
Tifa: Cloud, you can have my light.
Sephiroth: The light doesn't suit you.
Cloud: I just...don't know.
Are we seriously taking Sephiroth's words as confirmation of this? Assuming Tifa isn't the embodiment of Cloud's light, he's saying that Cloud shouldn't have any light what so ever. He's being the devil in Cloud's ear, saying that warmth and happiness isn't his to have.

He's trying to break Cloud by surrounding him with darkness. It's not that Tifa's light hurts him, that's absolutely ridiculous. It blinds him because he's been running away from it the entire time. Tifa's presence isn't characterized as something bad at all, like repeated before- it's described as "something warm." It's Cloud who doesn't know what to do with light/happiness.

That said, I find the argument that Tifa isn't Cloud's light, he has is own light within him more compelling. But then there's the issue of Tifa and Sephiroth seemingly been created as direct opposites, and what the point was in suggesting Tifa wasn't human at all, but the embodiment of light that only appears to Cloud, Sephiroth, and Sora.

I made this point a long time ago, it was shot down but it still amuses me, I think KH completely trolled the dynamics of LTD. Tifa suggested to be something not human but as a spiritual guide, Aerith being alive and the "home"... that's the exact flip of Advent Children.

Nobody finds this ironic?


Just like any relationship, friends get into arguments and fight as well. I'm not sure how their relationship differs from any friendship that I have seen.
Friends that have at least a strong undercurrent of romantic love, friends that are starting to raise children with each other, friends that have been- if only vaguely- hinted that they are meant to resemble marriage in a passing discussion by Nojima. Where one member is described as koibito/lover (and while the person who she is described "like or as" a lover is never explicitly said- it's 2-by-4 to the face obvious).

I don't see how anybody could see this as just another example of "just friends." Hey, maybe they aren't at the romantic stage "yet" but being like any other friends? Nah.

But just to bring up often common in media and real life as well: opposites attracting.
And I never attempted to use this to discredit anything or any pairing. But just because one trope exists, doesn't mean another is invalid. I think Tifa does inspire confidence in Cloud, look at how she encouraged him with his bike, encouraged him with his delivery service.

It's not like they are just sitting across the table from each other, not knowing what to do. Tifa is a warm, nurturing, introspective, patient woman- these qualities were definitely something that Cloud needed. And Cloud helped her through the initial stages of depression post Meteor, and when the few times he does step up, inspires Tifa to be happy.

There is a lot of support and care between Tifa and Cloud. Troubles yes, but those troubles are always overcome.

About Cloud moving his sword there? I feel it's because that's where he last saw Zack and Aerith and wants to honor that. Where he last saw Zack die was at that grave site but at the end of AC Zack and Aerith leave the church. That's why he moved it. Not because Aerith and Zack magically rekindled their relationship in the afterlife.
I never said they rekindled their relationship in the afterlife. It was mentioned that the Promise Land was definitely the Church and that absolutely proves it was CxA. I argued that was not the case, the promise land was about the individuals around him not the location, and that if the church was proof of the promise land... him placing the other symbol of another person he lost, Zack, means that somehow his promise land is tied to Zack as well.

It makes more sense to me that it isn't, that the issues plaguing him, the epiphany he goes through, and the resolution to his problems is non romantic, and that the promise land is not fueled by LTD. And that the Church is significantly important, and the connection with Aerith is not gone, but not in a way that says "The Church is the Promise Land and proves Cloud wants to be above Aerith above everything else," otherwise that placing of the sword there is incredibly counter intuitive.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I thought Ryu was king.

And wtf BlankBeat? First you call Tres King but then you say that position belongs to Vendel or Ryu? The again, I guess that should be expected from a clerith, given your tendencies to say the ltd is up to interpretation but then saying clerith is clearly the intended interpretation.:monster:


unsavory tart
I didn't know Tres was my king. Thanks for not telling me Tres, geez.

EDIT: Norg, you should probably stop trolling now >____>

EDIT:: I say in my trolling post


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I thought Ryu was king.

And wtf BlankBeat? First you call Tres King but then you say that position belongs to Vendel or Ryu? The again, I guess that should be expected from a clerith, given your tendencies to say the ltd is up to interpretation but then saying clerith is clearly the intended interpretation.:monster:

Okay I know I did my irrelevant thing so I'm not one to talk but this entire post is just an insult. Nothing even remotely debating... just an insult... >_>

and i don't really think we have a king, but if we did, it sure as heck wouldn't be Vendel :monster:

About Cloud moving his sword there? I feel it's because that's where he last saw Zack and Aerith and wants to honor that. Where he last saw Zack die was at that grave site but at the end of AC Zack and Aerith leave the church. That's why he moved it. Not because Aerith and Zack magically rekindled their relationship in the afterlife.
I always thought he was just finishing Zack's journey... Zack wanted to go to the church to see Aerith before he died... but he never made it. So Cloud moved his sword there... makes sense to me.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I wasn't trolling. The "I thought Ryu was king" thing was a joke, and the second half was pointing out the blatant hypocrisy on BlankBeat's part, and pointing out that hypocrisy is actually rather common among cleriths, and gave an example of a common clerith hypocrisy.

And it wasn't an insult, it was brutal honesty.


unsavory tart
I always thought he was just finishing Zack's journey... Zack wanted to go to the church to see Aerith before he died... but he never made it. So Cloud moved his sword there... makes sense to me.
Oh, nice catch. I didn't even think about that. It does beg the question, why didn't he do it before, but then again Zack himself got a role upgrade in AC/C- probably because it was so close after Crisis Core.


unsavory tart
I wasn't trolling. The "I thought Ryu was king" thing was a joke, and the second half was pointing out the blatant hypocrisy on BlankBeat's part, and pointing out that hypocrisy is actually rather common among cleriths, and gave an example of a common clerith hypocrisy.

And it wasn't an insult, it was brutal honesty.
Dude, the only thing I learned in my LTD years is that the majority of LTD is hypocritical. It would be nice to not paint all Cleriths under one brush, or at least not vaguely insult our new LTD member despite her being pretty nice the entire time.

And here's me defending "my king." Tres has gotten much bigger shit for his essay, and Ryu nearly gets crucified by people I know post in this thread because I see your name all over tumblr. Which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't imply that they ignored any of the disagreements despite them addressing it on this thread, to the same people I mentioned on tumblr.

But that's another story and one of the problems that I have with any love triangle debate that endures for more than five years, everyone has a very long history.

Tres is probably just frustrated that he takes time to write something, only for it to get replied to by a tl;dr copy and paste that brings up a lot of the points he already refuted.

Also I don't think Blankbeat is a liar at all. I think some of her reasoning are faulty, but they are not dishonest and she does her best to back them up with quotes.

So uh, calm down please?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
All right guys, simmer down or I'm going to have to start handing out warnings :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Also I don't think Blankbeat is a liar at all. I think some of her reasoning are faulty, but they are not dishonest and she does *her best to back them up with quotes.
*His and he :monster:

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
I know, I know Que but .... oh well I tried! :pinkmonster: It's just Hawkeye was the first person here who welcomed Junko here in the first place/merged her (?) posts for her (?) and stuff, and everyone was being all nice and welcoming 'n stuff, then Blankbeat came in all strong like and peeps were like all raaawrrr and Junko was like yikes this really is a scary place, and then everything was all pearshaped in like five minutes flat. Or something :monster:

This is my two cents also, I'm just going to say while I'm roused up and have energy for postings. Speaking in general people shouldn't come here if they don't have a genuine interest in getting to know the members here and posting in other parts of the forum, becoming part of the community, etc. I don't think it's right to judge peoples, have a go and then disappears, this applies for all forums. If people do have no interest in this forum or the people here, then I'm sorry then I guess it's not a surprise that people are going to give as good as they get either way, even though/but then that makes it a mean/nasty place for the rest of us! :monster:

Cloud x Aerith = video game couple

Cloud x Tifa = video game couple

The Lifestream members - Cloud/Aerith forum members - real people!

I hope I'm not the only one who sees what really matters here.

Finally Que ... you're alive :excited: I was totally wondering where you went :moar:
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unsavory tart
Enough of this touchy feely crap. Let's get on internetting.


知らない, which was used in the original text of that Nomura 'idk', can also carry the meaning of not caring about something. Which if he said he isn't bothered about who loves who earlier, might be the sense he is using it in when he later references Cloud and Tifa.
hey who said this
hey look i like this poster. Next king election I'm voting for you, sorry Tres.
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