The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
ClerithRaven said:
Like what I've quoted before, Cloud carries his own *undying* feeling for Aerith, which may be different from the rest of her [Aerith's] comrades. This may taken to be referring to his sorrow. Cloud's sorrow is different from the others of Avalanche then, IMO.
The place is related to Aerith, and so is his sorrow. It says that his sorrow will never heal. It talks about how he will always always feel grief over losing Aerith.
Oh, didn't see this one before.
Could you show me quotes etc. to explain how it all comes together? :) It seems a little far fetched right now.

This is about the girl saying that they're childhood friends right? Uhm...
..Yes? I took it as she meant "Just childhood friends? Good one! (You're obviously something more..)"

Or Barret knows Tifa has feelings for Cloud. :) This was before Cloud regained his memories, right?
That could be it. Yes, it was.

Gee, it doesn't make sense now.. Please elaborate?
I'm sorry, haha. I meant that the comment she made didn't have anything related to what happened earlier. She just said so, out of nowhere. Or am I getting you wrong again?

You said: Hmm?
I didn't mean anyting special. And it wasn't directed at you. :)

I just said that part because Eileen said that Aerith had the courage to pursue Cloud. Though, I wouldn't call it pursuing really... From the limited knowledge I have, she was just acting like herself...
Yes, Aerith acted like herself. But at points she did flirt alot with Cloud.

Maybe Tifa was jealous because Aerith was able to grow closer to Cloud and she wasn't...
Yes, thank you. This is what I meant.

Just saying. :)
I have to go now. Tomorrow again! :)
Bye! I'll miss you. :monster:
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I just said that part because Eileen said that Aerith had the courage to pursue Cloud. Though, I wouldn't call it pursuing really...

From the limited knowledge I have, she was just acting like herself...

-Know a guy 15 seconds, offer to pay for his services with a date.
-Follow him and cut him off when he tries to ditch you.
-Chase after his 'girlfriend' and get involved in everything he's doing despite repeated attempts to thwart you and get you un-involved.
-Picking the sluttiest dress in the dress shop and asking for opinion from said guy, and when he offers none, pouting and calling him no fun.
-Make reference to 'date' despite that date never actually being agreed to.
-Asking what SKIN TONE he prefers while the world is falling to shit.

She pursued him. The reasons and motives behind it are up for debate, but not whether or not she did. She did. CC doesn't support that overly aggressive behavior as just 'being Aerith'... and I know that's why a lot of Aerith fans dislike CC because it made her OG characteristics a direct contribution of Zack. And before anyone gets panties in a bunch, I actually LIKE bitch Aerith. I can't stand pseudo Jesus Aerith who was pure and perfect. So, the fact that she did those things is actually character enhancing, imo.
That "she lives on inside Cloud" line always bothers me because it's taken way out of context. The topics before and after it are all general and not about romance or actually living inside a person at all. It's about themes, and Aerith to Cloud is their example of it in the movie.

That the dead don't just disappear, not "your dead girlfriend is in your head Dollhouse styles and you can talk to them anytime you want".


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I usually just Lion King that argument. If my 8 year old gets: "He lives in you" then there's no reason a Clerith can't understand it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Ariadne Sorry, Tres, but that's not what I said. I said it could be met by SE saying which version is canon. I didn't say "which version happened".

Saying that a scene is canon is different than saying it happened.

Err, no. It's not. If a thing happens in a story, that thing is the canon version. If it is not part of canon, it did not happen. I mean, let's use the example

I would bet you're saying, "What the hell is the difference?" The difference is that BOTH the LA version and HA version happen.

Without quantum superpositioning, no. The two versions cannot both happen in the narrative. One happens, the other does not. Thus, stating one happens means the other does not.

SE may use only one version in the story summary, but does that mean it's canon? Not to me.

Um, the story summary IS saying what happened in the actual story, the actual narrative. So... you're saying 'Okay, here's the story, this is part of the story' is not sufficient for you. I knew this already, I am glad you admit it.

I need a comment by SE that says something like, "Even though two versions exist for the HW scene, the version where Cloud and Tifa share their love for one another is considered the actual outcome that takes place before AC/ACC." That doesn't just say it happened - it says that one version is actually canon.

That's what I'm talking about.

So, you want Square Enix to officially declare in exact words that one version scene didn't just happen, it's canon, meaning it's the version that happened.
Not only is this the 'press release mentality' I sometimes mock in a nutshell, but it's very silly besides and though I'm sure you'll take umbrage with this, it's a double standard.

Furthermore, I'm saying that your story summary is actually contradicted by the quotes in both the U20 on page 232 and on page 198 in the FFVII UO where it says that the scene divergences into two conditions according to Tifa's affection rating with Cloud. By saying that the scene diverges into two conditions according to Tifa'a affection rating with Cloud, that says to me that there is no canon version.

You keep repeating that this divergance being noted means there's no canon version, but have absolutely no problem accepting that other scenes with divergances have canon outcomes.

On top of that, there is evidence in the Compilation after the HW scene that contradicts the HA version. (I mention some examples below.)

I also asked both Discord and OWD the same thing - but are you saying that your quote is more valid than mine? My evidence comes from the U20 and the FFVII UO. If you ask me, that evidence is just as legitimate as your evidence from the U!0.

As mentioned, they are not your quotes or our quotes. However, the quotes we are using come from the UO, the U10, the U20, the CCU, and many other places. Our conclusions are based on a full synthesis of the evidence read for comprehension. You are using two quotes read, it seems, for obfuscation, as you rather consistently misquote at least the UO one.

A story summary with a picture is not a statement saying that a scene is canon, especially when official SE sources also say that the scene has two optional outcomes, and there's evidence in the games/movies/novella's that contradicts what you claim is the "canon" outcome.

Then we cannot say Shadow lived, since a story summary with a picture is where we see him after his potential demise.

But the HW scene wasn't selected as an important highlight of the story in Reminiscence. The HW scene wasn't mentioned anywhere in AC/ACC, the novella's, or DoC.

But it WAS selected as an important highlight of the story in Memorial Album. It was listed as one of the four most important scenes of the game in the book about the first ten games.

Instead, there's evidence in those parts of the Compilation that the LA version happened instead of the HA version, such as Cloud and Tifa having separate rooms in CoT,

This is not the case, as Tres has gone over already. But I wish to stress it again- Cloud's office is only ever refered to as his office.

Marlene sleeping with Tifa in CoT,

Which prevents Cloud from sleeping with Tifa how, exactly? My little brother having bad dreams and sleeping with my parents didn't make my Dad suddenly vanish from the bed.

Tifa saying that the family is made up of friends in CoT,

Who have the same sins and burdens. Tifa wasn't saying the family IS made of friends. She said she had gotten along with friends who were like family because of their shared burden. This is in contrast to the idyllic real family that she was forming now.

and Cloud thinking of Aerith first when Sephiroth asks who Cloud cherishes most.

What, as has been pointed out many a time. And the thoughts there always crescendo on thoughts of his family. You build towards the climax.

Even if all of those were true, BTW, none of them actually show that the low affection version happened instead.

If SE wanted to canonize a love relationship between Cloud and Tifa, they wouldn't be including things like that in the story line. Nothing has been confirmed, either in the Ultimania's or in the Compilation.

You seem to be seeing things entirely backwards. Because in a previous post, you provided the quote saying the Low version's conversation was apathetic and short, which is not compatible with sharing or confirming feelings.
You're also ignoring the whole 'Y or Z can happen, if X happens, Y happens. Y happens, therefor X happened'

Did you see the quote that Sesc provided earlier a few posts back?

野村:スゴイ質問だなぁ。考えたこともないですね。正直、僕は誰と誰が付き合っているとかっていうのは、どうでもいいんですよね。ゲームや映像で描 かれていないところは、好きに想像して楽しんでもらったほうがいいと思ってます。想像の余地があるもののほうが終わったあとに友達と話していて楽しいです し。たとえばクラウドとティファが「AC」までの2年間に恋愛関係にあったのか?とかよく聞かれたりもしますが、僕は知らないです。

「ゲームや映像で描 かれていないところ、好きに想像して楽しんでもらったほうがいいと思ってます」

"From what’s not already depicted in the games and film, interpret/imagine it as you like..."


Then Nomura further says he doesn’t know if Cloud and Tifa were in a romantic relationship in the two years prior to AC.

Nomura says right there that he's not sure there was a romantic relationship between Cloud and Tifa in the years prior to AC. Why doesn't he know if the HA version is canon?

Another contradiction.

As mentioned, Nomura has openly lied about upcoming releases on other occasions. He also decided as of the movie coming out that Tifa was someone's beloved or lover. He also says- IIRC- that he doesn't know ABOUT. Not that he doesn't know IF.
Nojima had decided at this time that Cloud and Tifa belonged together. It had been decided that Cloud and Tifa had a future together. And those are merely quotes from the RF.

Of course they can even if they talk about the existence of both scenes. However, they need to specify that one is canon, state that one is canon, and discuss the fact that it's canon - not just use one version in a story summary with a picture. That's not nearly enough, IMO.

Like, oh, talking about the one they find more important, including it in their story summary, in the official game script, using it as one of the four most important scenes in the game, having it be an example of romantic confessions alongside other games and basically just hammering it into our head that mutual feelings two people had for each other were shared that evening?

IMO, there are multiple passages that contradict one another.

Opinions are like assholes. Provide facts.

I didn't say it was irrelevant. I said it doesn't prove anything, especially when there's other sources contradicting the idea that the HA version is canon.

None of those 'sources' contradict the idea that the High version happened. You are trying to read into them meaning that allows you to see a contradiction.

SE took out one image of Aerith and replaced it with several images, along with other characters in the film like Tifa. However, SE still left Cloud in Safe and Sound on Fenrir riding around flowers that represent Aerith instead of having him ride back to the Seventh Heaven. If SE wanted to show Cloud moving on with Tifa, then why didn't they show him going back there?

Because they thought the viewers were not complete morons and could gather from the context, such as the phone calls in reminiscence, the addition of a new photo to his desk and taking Denzel to visit Zack's grave that Cloud had returned home to live with the Tifa and the kids. Like we have been officially told he did. Where we've been told he belongs.

SE also still showed a flower on Cloud's desk before going to Safe and Sound, so we know he stopped in the flower fields representing Aerith.

So the emphasis is still on Aerith in the ending instead of Tifa.

What we know is that Cloud stopped to make a phone call to Tifa on his way home from deliveries. At some point, he might have grabbed a flower, or he might have taken one from the few he planted at Zack's grave while he moved Zack's sword to Aerith's church.
If the ending focuses on anything other than Cloud's moving forward, it's focusing on Zerith.

Why does it seem like what you said implies that we're not using facts for our arguments of C/A being romantic?

Oftentimes, because it seems you aren't. I keep asking for first principles, and rarely are these provided. The closest we've gotten recently has been the admission of thinking that his words at Aerith's death would be romantic if anyone else was there.

Nomura wrote:
As for Cloud... he sees Aerith several times throughout
the film. It's not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness lives on inside him.

As does Zack's, as does hers within all her friends, as do all the dead remembered by the living. Aerith does not literally live on inside him. COLW has her in the big lifestream and the U10 story section declare she heads back to the lifestream around the planet where she belongs.

FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, AC Story Playback, p. 122-131 wrote:
The Place where sorrow never heals

In the capital of the Ancients where covered with grief, fierce flames of war scattered.
I don't think that it's all about the guilt. He does feel sorrow for Aerith's death. Why we take it as romantic?

Sorrow can be about regret.

Aerith's info page, FFVII Ultimania Omega wrote:
When talking about the "rare smile" which Aerith brings out in Cloud during the game, the FFVII Ultimania Omega says that "there seems to be something between them".

The U10 also wants to make note that Cloud's not in his right mind here.

DoC game manual, English version wrote:
Aerith Gainsborough - A girl with the blood of the Ancients running through her veins, who Cloud would never forget.
DoC game manual, direct translation from Japanese version wrote:
Aerith Gainsborough - A girl with the blood of the Ancients flowing through her veins, who is engraved in Cloud's heart for the rest of his life.

Yeah. Tifa doesn't run an orphanage. Cloud's not an Ex-SOLDIER. NEXT.

Case of Lifestream: White wrote:
Cloud is the woman's (Aerith's) friend, lover (koibito=sweetheart/boyfriend/beloved).

That's Aerith's viewpoint.
And if we can determine that Woman is Aerith, I think we can determine who Tifa is the beloved of with a little deduction.

I love quote mining. LOL! Anyways...

Quote mining is not something to joke about. It's a very sleazy practice.

Guilt isn't the only thing we can associate Cloud's feelings for Aerith with. That's all I'm saying. :D

No. But that is what is primarily associated with her as coming from him and never romance. And your other two quotes are grief and sorrow, which include grief or regret.
And not a whit of that indicates romance on its own. There's plenty of greif in losing a friend. Plenty of sorrow and regret in failing to save someone you nearly killed yourself.
No one says Cloud hated or disliked Aerith. We're asking for a strong case for Romance to be made.

When I elaborated on it, I mentioned the "feeling" thing.

"Cloud and Tifa confirm their feelings to match." OH MY GOD KIDS, IT'S LOVE. IT'S LOVE!

"Cloud carries his undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day." IT'S OKAY GUYS, IT'S A GUILT TRIP.

Look at the greater context. We have further information on the feelings in both cases. We know Tifa is romantically interested in Cloud. We also know from AC/C, the U10, Prologue, RF, etc that Cloud feels massive guilt and wants forgiveness. Context provides, well, context.

When I brought up a brother, I said for example. Was there a simile or metaphor comparing that with their relationship?

Yuna and Brother don't live together and raise kids together and she's not aware of his feelings for the most part.

"Both Aerith, who is forthright, and Tifa, who is demure, have feelings for Cloud but he is none the wiser to them.

And later, Cloud becomes aware of Tifa's feelings as she becomes aware of his. Different states in time.

I didn't mean to insult Ryu, and if Ryu took any direct offense to that, I hope he/she will tell me.

-Looks at his use information to the left of each post. Notes his real name and gender are listed. Recalls that his most common SN is shared by male characters pretty much exclusively. Wonders how you missed this information.-

Thundercunt - The pinnacle of all English swearwords, thundercunt is phoenetically, spiritually, grammatically, and socially the worst thing you can ever say. Much like a Holy Hand Grenade or the most powerful zord from Power Rangers, it should only be used in times of extreme need.

If it isn't known, "thundercunt" isn't supposed to be serious here, and I wasn't directing it towards any one person. I was saying, if we can't make jokes we should be cynical thundercunts.
(I don't like 'cunt' either, but thundercunt? Unforgettable :lol:)

Making jokes INSTEAD of making points is a big no no. Making points and cracking jokes is fine. In a debate, your first priority is to honestly respond to the points presented.

That would turn into bashing and I don't want to do that here.

But if it's part of her character, why is it bashing? I can factually state that, Rufus, for example is a narcissistic opportunistic asshole, and provide evidence for this without it devolving into bashing. I can point out that Barret is kind of a drama llama at times, the Shinra stair climb being a prime example.

And this is what the scene is known for.

My point is, the scene cannot be 'nothing' because the scene, regardless of whether you think it actually happened or not, the scene contains dialogue which is 'risque,' but which can only be risque if it implies other actions. It must insinuate these other actions.
"Wanna go back to my place and watch I love Lucy" is an innocent line. When told this line is dirty, this line must insinutate other things.

Well I don't want to have that kind of conversation with you. We haven't said terrible things to each other, have we? :)

Well, you did call me a thundercunt.

I didn't see those responses until I had already responded to something else.

Fair enough.

I do see where you're coming from, very much so, but quote mining may be her way of getting her own interpretation of the actual quote. It wouldn't be the first time its been done and so long as we know the actual quotes, it's okay for her arguments sake.

She's omitting significant portions of paragraphs and in one very special instance, ignoring a vital clause of a sentence to draw a conclusion entirely other than a full reading of the sentence implies. This is not something that can be done innocently. Take the sentence 'Everyone is dead... we must live on'
Taking only the first clause of that 'everyone is dead...' on gives a materially different meaning to the sentence, same as trying to ignore the 'they return to the flow of life around the planet' tries to materially change the meaning of the sentence it is omitted from.

I still don't think she means to be contradicting of herself, just trying to get things across, but it's hard to do that. Debating is really hard, to be honest.

She's actively disavowing her own statements. And debating can be hard. But being consistent should not be.

Okey dokey.

That doesn't make it canon.

We're not using that alone to come to the conclusion that it is canon. The synthesis of evidence in greater context. Learn it, love it, use it.

I see the analogy as being similar. He's asked about something, he gives an example of an optional something (Vincent as optional characters, HA as the Highwind scene), but that doesn't change that both versions aren't required for a canon event to happen in the story itself. An interview with him talking about the nature of it doesn't change the story (not trying to sound like a smartass!). If you play FFVII and then watch AC/C, there's no indicating which scene is canon. So... we look to a quote where he only identifies with one version? That doesn't sound right.

Okay, let's go to the old standby. FFVI.
Let's say the question is 'Remember the bit on the forgotten continent?' and the response is 'You mean waiting for Shadow so he lives?', that's still indicating that that version of the scene has become synonymous with the creator as the definitive version of that in his mind. That says that version of the scene is important to him, the creator. It's part of establishing the synthesized case.

I really don't want to get into that haha. I know it will get more backlash here than acceptance or understanding, and I don't expect otherwise anyways. I'll just keep that out of here. :)

It would be considered bashing of some sort here, on this thread, where the topic isn't what I think of Tifa. But it's a legitimate interpretation.

I am still curious what instances made you think of her as whiny, etc.

Reno has an interesting personality, yes? I think someone with his kind of attitude would be good for her. That's my only explanation. You agree or you don't.

I would ask you to underline more clearly what 'his kind' of attitude is and how it would be good for her.

I agree with what you said about children. They keep families feeling like families :)
But what Nojima said wasn't really pro anything. It was neutral. Not a plus to Cloud/Tifa or Cloud/Aerith. Yes, he seems to be referring to Cloud and Tifa in the "couple" sense, and he also refers to Cloud and Aerith in the same sense, but doesn't show that he's betting on either side, so to speak.

He doesn't have to, really. Simply referring to Cloud in Tifa in the couple sense is enough. It means they are a couple. QED. LTD done.

I meant about the canon thing, which I said something about earlier in the post (not sure if this is what you thought I meant.)

I do mean about the canonicity of variable sequences, which is odd.
Okay, back to FFVI. Different example. In the end of the game, you can take as many as all or as few as one of your party members to fight Kefka. Which party arrangement is canon? Nothing AFTER this point in the story is affected by this decision. By your specific logic used for the HA scene- we must see explicitly how a scene affects future outcomes to determine which is canon- we cannot say which is. I argue that we can, because we are in fact told and shown which happened. We are told the specific outcome of this scene. Same as we are told the specific outcome of the Highwind scene. In fact, we have more evidence to say which version of the highwind scene happened in the narrative than we do who was part of the party assaulting Kefka.

Don't just say it is. Make it so (number one). Lay out the concrete case. People are calling you donkey, proverbially. Instead of just saying you aren't, show you aren't. Lay out the case.

Now this I wouldn't mind :lol: Jessie was awesome.

But she's not all that likely, it my point. We must always apply parsimony, not preference.
Also, we don't really know enough of Jessie to say she's awesome. Likewise Biggs and Wedge.

That just isn't what I see. And since it isn't clarified, it could go any way.

Could go 'either' way, you mean, unless his sealed up secret wish is a Vorlon. But again, this is my point. Could and likely are not the same. The probable is more likely than the simply possible. It is more parsimonious, requiring fewer assumptions.Narratively, 'Tifa and Cloud's personal memories' are already established as linked at this point. The idea's already been embedded. Aerith as related to them, not so.
I mean, if we want to argue merely could, he COULD be refering to his mom. Or Zack. Isn't likely.

In most of my posts, I've been proving that there's not enough to validate Cloud and Tifa as canon. This is my only argument.

And even if you were doing this, it still would not lead to 'either can be so' because the case for C/T would still be stronger. And even your argument against the canonicity of C/T should STILL be done without quotemines, twisted quotes, or wild speculation. It should be done with simple facts and logical conclusions, pared against the logical principle of parsimony. Are these things logical? Are they narratively supported? Am I assuming extra things? Is the story more unified with a different hypothesis, etc. etc. etc.

That was sarcasm.

I know. You made a punctuation error and wrote something other than your intention. You need the stop indicated by the comma.

I just read your statements.
The first quote is what I meant more or less. But I'm saying that it isn't the only thing to make me think it's up to us. SE has been vague about this thing in a lot. And the "romance" in FFVII is only a subplot, and there's more than just 'getting with Tifa becomes canon in a version of a scene towards the end.' Cloud and Tifa are presented as optional (the date is optional, the scene when "strong feelings" are exchanged is optional), and they aren't presented or identified as a couple in AC/C, only being a part of a family together.

And that family is that which makes Cloud happy. Tifa is an important woman to him and the mother of that family they formed. She sees him as the father of it. One of the children sees them as his new parents, they have a future together, etc. etc. etc. Which version of the scene does all of that more logically flow from? The scene in which nothing happens, or the scene in which feelings are shared?. And the scene where strong feelings are exchanged HAS TO HAPPEN. Let me stress this again- we are told, straight up, on numerous occasions, that those feelings for each other being shared is what happens in the narrative.

I've talked about what she was expressing before. (Sorry if my sarcasm came off as being rude)

It wasn't the sarcasm. It was the 'other than her points.'

When it comes to the HW scene, X, what is Y?

"If AV is high, feelings are shared" is our if X then Y.
We know from several places that Cloud and Tifa realize AND share feelings for each other at the end of the story.

Tifa's CCU- She and Cloud came to realize their feelings for each other in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DC.

The FTOIL page says they confirm these feelings. P232 also says they confirm these feelings. The U10 story playback says they confirm these feelings. P232 says 'If AV is high, these feelings are confirmed. UO 198 says 'If AV is low, the conversation is apathetic and short'
We have a binary state. Either feelings are confirmed, or we have a short, apathetic conversation. We're told feelings are confirmed. Thus, the version in which feelings are confirmed happened.
Technically, this is all irrelevant, since we're actually told, straight up, toot sweet, that Romantic feelings are confirmed without words that evening.

"Tifa? Tifa, you're there too!"
She didn't know she was there. Tifa wasn't ignored by Aerith.

And saying 'Excuse me' in reaction to Aerith isn't mean, even in the caps. Still not sure why it got capitalized like that though. It's actually really polite Japanese IIRC.

And I wrote below that, they both get jealous at some point. That was when Tifa got jealous.

But that doesn't make it mean.

He's unaware of them because the HA version isn't canon... yet. (SE might come out and say it is or, something that comes after FFVII could be changed/added to make it canon. If this happens, so be it.)

He IS aware of them because he becomes aware of them in the lifestream.

Tifa's U10 profile- She ventured into Lifestream together with Cloud. Amidst the course of him trying to ascertain his memories, they became aware of the thoughts/feelings which each other was holding.

Cloud is AWARE of these feelings BEFORE the HA scene.

So if Cloud and Tifa are meant to now be canon while they weren't before, they should have written into the novellas or AC/C to prove this somehow or make it clear. They didn't. It isn't mentioned in those stories and the feelings mentioned in the Ultimanias that night aren't specified.

Because the answers are there, but the creators don't think they need to be handed to you. Because they thought it would be obvious.

Cloud and Tifa show that they care for each other either way, Low or High Affection. That's feelings being shared. "Romantic" is only made easy to see in one of the versions.

Actually, 'romantic' is never specifically associated with a version. It's stated to happen regardless. If we're being pedantic. And I excel as pedantic.
And 'feelings being shared' means that feelings are actively shared, confirmed, matched, etc. It is refering to the act of sharing the feelings, not merely two people holding the same feelings. This does not happen in the low version.

As for a 'confirmation of mutual romantic disinterest', I would say that Anastar means that this applies to how the Low Affection version can be viewed, not that this agreement is ever made.

That is not how she applied it, and that is not how the Low Affection version is described at all. The low affection version is described as apathetic, and short. Nothing is shared.

That was me joking about incest.

It's still a bad example to use. Because even as a joke it cuts agin' ya.

A family of friends is still a family. And that's the family that Tifa associates being part of in CoT. She only wonders about how she would become part of a 'real' family, seemingly with one mother (her), father (Cloud), and two kids (Marlene and Denzel.)

No, that's the family associates as having HAD BEEN a part of with people who shared her same sins and burdens. That doesn't apply with a four-six and six-eight year old.

Romantic is only one feeling. If she legitimately cares about Cloud, regardless of if she likes him like that or not, that's a feeling.

But we're told that the feelings are romantic. This is my point. We know, rather explicitly, that the feelings are shared. We know they're mutual and 'for each other' We know, from their inclusion on the relevant page, that they're romantic.

You're correct, Tifa's feelings include more than Romance. This is entirely irrelevant to the discussion of feelings under the highwind now. Those ARE romantic, and they ARE mutual. Your only recourse has been to declare them optional, and even that doesn't hold water.

Contrarywise, Cloud's feelings for Aerith have NEVER included romance. EVER. You can read romance into them with effort, but what we've explicitly been told he has is guilt. Regret. Grief. Not romance. Even if you can choose Aerith's date, Cloud is still oblivious to Aerith. He's got no clue she's interested.

Cloud MUST become aware of Tifa's interest in him. He never officially becomes aware of Aerith's. Even granting arguendo that the confirmation of mutual romantic feelings is optional, you can still have Cloud choose to have and confirm mutual romantic feelings for Tifa. Not so for Aerith. You cannot choose Cloud to return her affections. He canonically remains oblivious.
Even purely 'optionally' the case for Clerith is not as concrete as C/T.
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8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
-Know a guy 15 seconds, offer to pay for his services with a date.
-Follow him and cut him off when he tries to ditch you.
-Chase after his 'girlfriend' and get involved in everything he's doing despite repeated attempts to thwart you and get you un-involved.
-Picking the sluttiest dress in the dress shop and asking for opinion from said guy, and when he offers none, pouting and calling him no fun.
-Make reference to 'date' despite that date never actually being agreed to.
-Asking what SKIN TONE he prefers while the world is falling to shit.

She pursued him. The reasons and motives behind it are up for debate, but not whether or not she did. She did. CC doesn't support that overly aggressive behavior as just 'being Aerith'... and I know that's why a lot of Aerith fans dislike CC because it made her OG characteristics a direct contribution of Zack. And before anyone gets panties in a bunch, I actually LIKE bitch Aerith. I can't stand pseudo Jesus Aerith who was pure and perfect. So, the fact that she did those things is actually character enhancing, imo.
I agree on the CC note COMPLETELY, although I think a lot of the things Aerith did that you listed were intentionally humorous on her part... Aerith can definitely be socially inept, but I always thought she had a pretty decent sense of humor.


Don't really agree with the overall view of their relationship and development? I think this is the problem I most run into in Cloti arguments. I don't find any significance in him joining SOLIDER for Tifa because he was a teenage boy with a boner for the most popular girl in town.

I disagree with this in that I think it's very significant, it's just fucked up. Also really ironic because it wasn't actually the image of a soldier that got him the girl. It was being himself and coming into his own as a real hero (which he couldn't have done without her).

I think the question that makes it interesting to me is... could he have really accepted himself without her? The game seems to indicate no. That just welcomes a slough of really messed up implications.

(also, joining something just to impress someone you like is the worst idea ever cloud didn't you watch felicity)
Zee just
let me love you...........

If anything I find ff7 was a subversion of all of these tropes? Like Cloud and Tifa are legit fucking awful for each other in nearly every way during ff7 -- this is not a story of sweet childhood love that blossomed into a beautiful flower, these are two fucked up people with some severe emotional problems who are constantly twisting their own story.

I guess I don't find anything romantic about Cloud joining SOLDIER for her because it was way more than that and...honestly the way it all turned out makes it more of a horrifying and sad story than a romantic one but then again any story that starts out with "I decided to join the army at 14 cause I thought it would get me laid" is never going to end well.
I think it's...err, romantic in a really twisted way I guess? Like, on the surface it seems like a very sweet "I'm going off to war, wait for me" type story. But underneath the surface it's just really messed up and awful and tragic. Maybe I'm just weird for being into that fgdkjghsdlgd.

The tragedy of it all only really becomes legitimately touching and beautiful to me when:

I don't even think their romance really got of the ground til maybe around lifestream/highwind scenes
but as I said, there's this still lingering sense of things being not quite as ideal as they typically are in romances within the question I posed at the top of his post.

On a similar note, I think Cloud/Aeris is pretty messed up too. I don't see it reaching the same level of screwed as Cloud/Tifa just because I don't see their relationship developed quite as much. But it's definitely not a simple story of meeting, affection and tragic death. There were uncomfortable complications with them too.
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Elisa Maza

I just took the FF7 message to be: "Start with a naive dream, have real life kick you in the balls, find your path again later, but through the opposite way which you started from."

Also really ironic because it wasn't actually the image of a soldier that got him the girl. It was being himself and coming into his own as a real her (which he couldn't have done without her).
And this one agrees with me. :monster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Also Tres: your references to iCarly episodes are as charming as ever ahahaha <3

As are you, dear. <3

Tres, I've always respected you and enjoyed talking with you, and one of the reasons was that no matter how weird the debate got, you never seemed to lose your cool, and you never seemed to insult people even if you felt their argument was stupid. (Shroudy being an exception)

I know you you think she's being rude because she doesn't give you the response you're looking for, or because you feel she was attacking your credibility, but there's really no reason for to call her arguments horseshit and what not. There are people in this thread I would expect to give a response like that, but not you. Now when you and I are conversing on PM and stuff and saying, "Lol did you hear this argument? That's so stupid!" and stuff, that's one thing. But this is different. You've said you have no intention to continue this debate, so it's almost like you're going out of your way to call her out on this stuff. You're better than to let this get to you, and I'm sorry if this offends you, but I felt I needed to respond to you honestly because I really don't like it when you're like this :(

You're right that I have no interest in continuing a debate with Anastar, and I'm not. There isn't a debate to be had. There is literally nothing she will accept that isn't in line with her wish for the way things are.

Meanwhile, she will cling to things like her own impossible-to-verify interpretation of an image that was retconned out of Advent Children (Aerith in the flower fields during the credits); or expand limited information to a scope never substantiated by the source material (the claim that Marlene always sleeps with Tifa, even after 7th Heaven is built); or toss about a misleading quote from a game developer who is second only to Hideo Kojima in trolling fans (the thing about Nomura saying he has no idea what kind of relationship Tifa and Cloud had after FFVII). And she'll insist that such things carry more weight than all the verifiable information you can present.

This isn't a debate on her part. I'm not debating with her. I'm pointing out to her why she can't be debated with -- and, yes, calling her out when the stank gets too thick. Maybe I've been away from all this for too long, but I feel like we're approaching Shroudy levels of word twisting and obstinance. I called horseshit 'cause I smelled it. I'm sorry if I've let you down somehow, but, yeah, she did manage to make me lose my cool.

My credibility was publically taken to task because what I reported was unfavorable to someone's worldview. Not because what I said was wrong -- but because someone wished it was.

Yes, she apologized, but I've not felt she meant it, and as long as we see shit like "Saying that a scene is canon is different than saying it happened," I'm not going to believe there was ever an ounce of good faith intended. Sorry, hon. Really, I mean it. But I just won't.

I commend you for having the forgiveness to deal with your arguments being twisted into you saying things like "'feelings' always implies romance" (not at all what you said; except according to Annie here), and the patience to allow your points to be dismissed the way claims of ghost sightings in flower fields should be. But not me. Not anymore.

Maybe I've been away from stuff like this for too long, maybe I feel like my time is too valuable these days than for me to spend some of it responding to someone who is going to basically spit in my face, or maybe I'm getting too old for it. I don't know. But the patience has run out when it comes to bullshit.

Que said:
Since apparently I'm the ONLY one that gets what she's saying, she's NOT saying the date scene is default to say it's canon. She's saying "If they say one is default, why not say another one is canon"?

I get that. But your post suggests that you also think that it's an absurd demand, and that it's not exactly an honest attempt at discussing facts.

You also called her out on the special pleading. And good on you for it. Why should this one scene be required to have so much more official analysis (more than the substantial amount it's already been given by the "For the One I Love" page, the Story Playbacks, and the developer interview in the 10th AU) than any other scene?

Hell, it's already been discussed more than they've discussed the date scene. Demands are being made for criteria that have already been met.

But, yeah, there's really nothing more that can be said when you're getting responses that claim there are differences between what happened and what's canon.
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undercover Clerith evangelist
Chantara wrote: Because the Date Mechanics can put her affection level for Cloud as low a zero.
So? What does a dating mini-game with arbitrary mechanics have to do with the story of FFVII or if Tifa loves Cloud? Getting Barret or Yuffie doesn't affect the lifestream sequence for example.
For one thing, SE called Aerith and Tifa "love rivals" in Tifa's profile of the 10th AU; SE said in the FFVII Game Manual that Aerith was more interested in the deepening love triangle between herself, Cloud, and Tifa; and Sesc gave us a quote from the SE website where Nomura said he didn't know whether Cloud and Tifa were romantically involved before AC. If you ask me, SE has pretty obviously left the LT up to the players.

Vendel said:
Chantara wrote: And how she feels in CoT two years after the game shows how she felt at the time of the HW scene?

Actually, it's more logical to me that the LA version happened if she asks Cloud that in CoT, since she apparently doesn't know how he feels.
So say the LA one means they don't love each other and that makes sense to you. I think you even said somewhere they "confirm that they don't love each other romantically". Then you turn around and say Tifa doesn't know how Cloud feels when she ask him if he loves her? I thought that was settled under the HW for you? So why is she asking?
Because feelings can change in two years.

Ignoring the fact that Tifa is troubled by Cloud's growing distant at that point in the story. And no amount of love confessions before that would make a difference to that scene.
But wouldn'tit make a difference if they supposedly have a love relationship at that time? I get the impression that most Cloti's here believe that Cloud and Tifa are actually carrying on a romance at this time.

Chantara wrote: The word "relationship" can't be talking about a friendship?
If it's about C/T then it must mean friendship right? Unless it means Cloud is Tifa's son of course.
No. I've said since Day 1 that I think it's up to the player to decide. If it's up to the player to decide, then it could mean friendship but it could also mean romance. IMO, nothing's been made definite.

Chantara wrote: And I could ask you the same thing in reverse. Is the only reason you think Cloud loves Tifa and not Aerith because that's what you want to see?
What I want to see is a crapper made out of solid gold in my bathroom. What I do see is SE being very straightforward about who Cloud is in a relationship with.
And I don't see SE being straightforward at all. I see SE throwing hints to both sides and leaving it up in the air.

BTW, when I first finished the game, I hadn't even heard of the Love Triangle yet. I didn't even read the Game Manual first. So my opinion was pretty unbiased, and I thought it was clear that Cloud loved Aerith - not Tifa.

Chantara wrote: Sorry - I didn't see your post about this.
I forgive you.
At least someone does! ;)

Answer me this. Why is Tifa so worried about the four of them being a "real family" if they are just a "family of friends"?
Answer me this: Why is Tifa the only one worried about it? No one else even seems to care about it, including Cloud.

Where do we see Tifa worrying if Vincent is a part of her "real" family?

And now that I think about it, why doesn't Denzel know the rest of his family in AC/C? Tifa has to tell them they are their friends. Why didn't she say "oh that's the rest of your family silly"?
Good questions, actually. The obvious answer would be that the "friends" she was talking about when she said "family of friends" were Cloud, Marlene, and Barret.

Seems to me that there is a clear distinction between "friends" and "family".
Then complain to Tifa - she's the one who called them a "family of friends".

Chantara wrote: I didn't say it was Marlene's decision to make. Look at where she invites him into the family again:
Well you sure made it seem important.

Chantara wrote: Why does Marlene thinks she's part of the family before Cloud is part of the family?
Why does it matter?
It matters because the person writing the question in the first place said that Cloud decided to make a family with Tifa. Um, no - he didn't have anything to do with the decision if Marlene invited Cloud in instead of vice versa.

Chantara wrote: She's the one inviting Cloud into it, so Marlene must think that Tifa is part of the family of Barret and Marlene, or that Marlene and Tifa are family. Marlene has to invite him into it.
Again why do Marlene's thought on the matter, matter?
For the reason I gave above.

Chantara wrote: We've seen a bed in what you're calling Cloud's "office".
Except that it is called Cloud's office. Not his bedroom. Again reading and not pictures.
It's called "Cloud's office" by whom? And how do you know he doesn't sleep there? If Nomura said that he's leaving Cloud and Tifa's relationship up to the players, then it means Cloud and Tifa aren't necessarily involved in a romantic relationship.

Chantara wrote: At one point in the story, Tifa also tells Cloud to drink in "your room":

"Your room" usually refers to someone's bedroom, doesn't it?
Only if it's about Cloud and Tifa not sharing a room then of course it does. Unless of course one were to have an office....
Nope. I've heard many people call someone's bedroom "your room". For example, when I was sharing an apartment with 2 other girls after college, they'd typically call my bedroom "your room". It was the room that I slept in. My mother always called my bedroom "your room" while I was a kid, too.

Chantara wrote: But why is it happening in the first place if Cloud and Tifa have a romantic relationship? Wouldn't they be sleeping with one another instead of Tifa sleeping with Marlene?
Well Marlene wasn't there under the Highwind.....

And we are not told what the sleeping arrangements were between C/T from the end of the game until they pick up Marlene. It's not really important. Except for the fact that they didn't have a roof over their heads until they rebuilt 7th heaven.
See the highlighted part? I saw nothing describing the sleeping arrangements between C/T after they pick up Marlene, either, or what the sleeping arrangements were in the Seventh Heaven except for the bit about Marlene sleeping with Tifa.


Anastar wrote: Furthermore, I'm saying that your story summary is actually contradicted by the quotes in both the U20 on page 232 and on page 198 in the FFVII UO where it says that the scene divergences into two conditions according to Tifa's affection rating with Cloud. By saying that the scene diverges into two conditions according to Tifa'a affection rating with Cloud, that says to me that there is no canon version.
If you're going to make that kind of horseshit argument, you need to remember that there are even more references to the date scene having multiple versions -- so is that "default" quote you keep coming back to contradicted?
No, because "default" doesn't mean that just one version matters, or that only one version has significance to the game. "Canon" does.

Seriously, how does an acknowledgment of multiple versions in one or two places (at worst, a tie for both versions of the scene) amount to a contradiction of a specified instance?
Because saying there's "multiple versions" says that both versions matter, not just one version. You're claiming that only one version is represented by what happens in the following part of the game. If that were true, one version would be canon. Since things happen that represent the LA version, too, there's no way you can claim that the HA version is canon.

Anastar wrote: I also asked both Discord and OWD the same thing - but are you saying that your quote is more valid than mine? My evidence comes from the U20 and the FFVII UO. If you ask me, that evidence is just as legitimate as your evidence from the U!0.
No, I'm not saying "your" quotes are more valid than "my" quotes (they're Square's quotes, not yours or mine; and I'm not picking and choosing which ones I want to acknowledge either). I actually draw a conclusion derived from a synthesis of all of the quotes.
How about considering what happens in the game(s) and/or movie(s), since they depict no clear outcome? Something else that contradicts your assumption that the HA version is canon.

Anastar wrote: A story summary with a picture is not a statement saying that a scene is canon ...
Yeah, a story summary doesn't offer a summary of the events in the story. Do you listen to yourself? Fucking hell, woman.
Yes, I listen to myself, and I agree with myself, and I would repeat the same answer to you again. Not everyone agrees with you. Tres.

Anastar wrote: But the HW scene wasn't selected as an important highlight of the story in Reminiscence.
Yeah, neither was the date scene. Is that irrelevant?
I don't claim that the Date scene proves who Cloud loves.

Anastar wrote: And your point is? The HW scene wasn't mentioned anywhere in AC/ACC, the novella's, or DoC.
Why would it be? Especially in DoC? You know that game is almost entirely about Vincent, right?
Yes, I know it's almost entirely about Vincent. I'm just pointing out that an actual tribute was given to the hand reach scene in AC/ACC, but the HW scene was forgotten. If the HW was nearly as important as you think, don't you think some mention would be made of it?

Anastar wrote: Instead, there's evidence in those parts of the Compilation that the LA version happened instead of the HA version, such as Cloud and Tifa having separate rooms in CoT ...
Never proven. The office has only ever been identified as "Cloud's office."
And it was never proven that Cloud and Tifa share a bedroom, either.

Anastar wrote: ... Marlene sleeping with Tifa in CoT ...
No matter who was fucking who, I would kind of expect the female toddler to sleep with the female adult while they were all homeless and living in rubble. Call me fucking crazy.They weren't homeless at that time. It was after the Seventh Heaven was built.

Marlene, who had always slept with Tifa, slept with her foster father Barret the night before he left. Their conversations could be heard late into the night.

Early the next morning, Barret set off.

Barret didn't leave until after the Seventh Heaven was built.

Anastar wrote: ... Tifa saying that the family is made up of friends in CoT ...
Oh, yes, 'cause Marlene bears the same wounds and sins (WTF?) as Tifa, Cloud, etc., right?
The point is, Tifa says that the family is made up of friends, so that means Cloud is a friend to her.

Anastar wrote: ... and Cloud thinking of Aerith first when Sephiroth asks who Cloud cherishes most.
As Ryu mentioned, Seph asked "what," not "who" -- and I'm really not sure what criteria you're using to determine that the first image that popped up is of greater significance than any other. Hell, it was the last image (Zack) that lingered the longest.
Doesn't matter whether Sephy said, "what" or "who", since Cloud only thought of people. Point is, Aerith came up first and the hand reach came up second. Normally, that would signify who is first on your mind. Usually, the first on your mind has greater importance to you.

And I guess Marlene means more to Cloud than Denzel since she pops up before he does?
I guess so.

'Cause Nomura's not notoriously full of shit or anything. And couldn't ever change his position, even though a few years later he called Tifa someone's koibito.
He didn't say whose koibito. Yet, Nojima called Cloud Aerith's koibito in CoL:White. BTW, I'd like to point out that the word can be translated as "sweetheart" or "lover" instead of "beloved", like the translators here at TLS usually do.

Anastar wrote: Of course they can even if they talk about the existence of both scenes. However, they need to specify that one is canon, state that one is canon, and discuss the fact that it's canon - not just use one version in a story summary with a picture.
Anybody ever see that episode of "iCarly" entitled "iHave a Lovesick Teacher"? Carly's brother, Spencer, starts dating her lonely teacher -- until he finds out she's controlling and a fucking psycho.

When he tells her he wants to break up with her, she responds in a choked-up voice, "If you're trying to tell me something, just say it."

Don't know what made me think of that.
I don't know, either - but if I gave that as an answer, I'd be accused of avoiding the question.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
You still are, Anastar. Or at least missing the point by a mile.

And, it seems, rather pointedly not responding to a single post I make. It's alright. I know that actually looking at the logic and reasoning in those posts threatens your very sheltered worldview.

And for all my fans at the usual place, we know you're watching. We know you have an opinion. Why not join in? I mean, you're confident in the position, yes?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And, it seems, rather pointedly not responding to a single post I make.


lemme rephrase
And I guess Marlene means more to Cloud than Denzel since she pops up before he does?
I guess so.
You do realize in order to prove your point that you have no evidence for, you're willing to say that Cloud loves Marlene more than Denzel? You'd think that the child that his supposed lover brought to him to raise would be more important than his friend's child that he's watching temporarily (cause Barret will return cause he's part of the family, right?), but I guess not. Guess that child from Aerith wasn't so special after all. :awesome:

and I just want to point out that Cloud's a honest to god total DICK if he's willing to love one child more than another.


And Tres, yes I understand why you're upset. I see your point and all, but I guess what I think is that, it's not worth getting upset about. I mean I can see why you were upset about the credibility thing, but... so someone doesn't want to see the HA scene as canon ... is this really anything to get that angry over? I just don't think it is...

Anyway, you can respond however you want :monster:
Didn't mean to tell you otherwise... just don't want you getting overly upset for something as silly as this. I mean look at Ryu and Vendel, both are having a blast :awesomonster:
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
My brain hurts trying to follow this logic. Seriously guys, don't you get tired of beating your heads against the wall? I know Tres has. There will always, always, always be people that are unwilling to face facts. It's a testament to their own self-doubt and weakness to be unable admit they were wrong and maybe what they support isn't 'correct'. It's sad and lame and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You've presented FACTUAL evidence that has been purposefully ignored, and when not ignored, replied to with bullshit special pleading. She's not going to change her mind. If SE released a damn press release announcing Cloti nuptials, Cloud would be thinking of Aerith because there was fucking pink in the flowers. FFS you're arguing with someone that used screen transition and video overlay to support their pairing. Let it go.

Having said that, there has been some genuinely interesting discussion in this thread from other Cleriths and I'd like to see that continue.

On topic: Still waiting for that bullet-proff evidence that Cloud loved Aerith...


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu


I know you haven't. I know she won't. Because I know she's afraid. She implemented this 'send me shit' bull immediately after one of my responses, after all.

I just want her to know that I know she's afraid of logic and reason.

lemme rephrase

You do realize in order to prove your point that you have no evidence for, you're willing to say that Cloud loves Marlene more than Denzel? You'd think that the child that his supposed lover brought to him to raise would be more important than his friend's child that he's watching temporarily (cause Barret will return cause he's part of the family, right?), but I guess not. Guess that child from Aerith wasn't so special after all. :awesome:

Quex, Anastar is willing to say ANYTHING to prove her current point, even something that contradicts something else she just said.

and I just want to point out that Cloud's a honest to god total DICK if he's willing to love one child more than another.

Welcome to SpiritLover!Cloud. Dick all the way through.


And Tres, yes I understand why you're upset. I see your point and all, but I guess what I think is that, it's not worth getting upset about. I mean I can see why you were upset about the credibility thing, but... so someone doesn't want to see the HA scene as canon ... is this really anything to get that angry over? I just don't think it is...

You seem to be missing that at this point, it's not Tres being angry. It is tres giving Anastar the contempt the deserves.

Anyway, you can respond however you want :monster:
Didn't mean to tell you otherwise... just don't want you getting overly upset for something as silly as this :awesomonster:

It is not the subject matter which is infuriating. It is the sheer unadultered intellectual dishonesty that has been displayed for the entire thread. Tres is right, she's become Shroudy dishonest here.

My brain hurts trying to follow this logic. Seriously guys, don't you get tired of beating your heads against the wall? I know Tres has. There will always, always, always be people that are unwilling to face facts. It's a testament to their own self-doubt and weakness to be unable admit they were wrong and maybe what they support isn't 'correct'. It's sad and lame and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You've presented FACTUAL evidence that has been purposefully ignored, and when not ignored, replied to with bullshit special pleading. She's not going to change her mind. If SE released a damn press release announcing Cloti nuptials, Cloud would be thinking of Aerith because there was fucking pink in the flowers. FFS you're arguing with someone that used screen transition and video overlay to support their pairing. Let it go.

Stop playing with my new toy? But the weeble wobbles and it doesn't fall down!

Having said that, there has been some genuinely interesting discussion in this thread from other Cleriths and I'd like to see that continue.

Other Clerith, yes. Anastar, decidedly not. And even with the current rules, raking her across the coals for the bald faced dishonesty is something worth doing. Shame and Mockery, if not to cause her remorse, at least to demonstrate to all and sundry that there is nothing worth seeing there.

On topic: Still waiting for that bullet-proff evidence that Cloud loved Aerith...

Hell, I'd settle for Spear and Atlatl evidence for a start.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
You seem to be missing that at this point, it's not Tres being angry. It is tres giving Anastar the contempt the deserves.
Because she's being silly when she debates about a fictional pairing, really? Even if she is debating dishonestly, that's still not something to get upset about IMO. Then again, Tres feels his credibility is on the line so I can see getting upset about that.


It is not the subject matter which is infuriating. It is the sheer unadultered intellectual dishonesty that has been displayed for the entire thread. Tres is right, she's become Shroudy dishonest here.

Shroudy's going to be very amused at how often his name came up on this page :monster:


unsavory tart
I think we're kind of harsh on Anastar, just cause he's sticking to his guns. It's been over a decade of fighting, you aren't going to change minds.

And lets face it, the majority of us aren't reading all that wall of text. Hell Ryu, I'm usually on your side but I'll be damned if I can sit through half your post up here. I tried to, but when I realized how long your replies were I was like NOPE.


I'll always find the whole Tres-translation thing pretty much fucked up. This is probably my RAGE-BUTTON PUSH because it's bullshit fandom slandering and I think every time addressed it has been a passive aggressive hand wave off of the responsibility for backing up your words. Because it still gets brought up and every time it is there's an underlying implication that it was purposeful, but when someone confronts the poster on that they try to pass it off as something casual. You threw it out there, and then pretend that you didn't.

Sorry but no. Fuck this mentality. This has happened more than once and it's time to stop the translator blaming.

And my indignation at pretty much this shit smearing attitude doesn't even originate from this fight. I've seen this same low brow tactic happening in all kinds of fandoms, (the Naruto fiasco is the one I'm most familiar with), and it's happened to friends of mine.

It's petty, it's stupid, and it needs to stop. And it's not going to stop because the people who lay the accusations try to become the victim by pretending they were misunderstood. And they were not.

No more translator shitting please.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Because she's being silly when she debates about a fictional pairing, really? Even if she is debating dishonestly, that's still not something to get upset about IMO.

I know this wasn't directed at me (but like that's ever stopped me)...

Yes, in your opinion, it's silly to get upset...astonishly, Q, not everyone thinks like you. Some people actually take a fair amount of pride in debate, in logic, and some find complex narratives simply fascinating. And yeah, it's a bit of a pisser if the person you're trying to have an intellectual conversation with is a tard sandwich--INTENTIONALLY.

I mean
He didn't say whose koibito. Yet, Nojima called Cloud Aerith's koibito in CoL:White.

I must have missed the fucking press release where SE confirmed Aerith was the narrator for CoLW... I mean, considering there HAS to be some OFFICIAL documentation because common fucking sense just won't cut it on Planet Anastar...

Q, it's frustrating and lame--even for the audience and not the ones involved. So yeah, I can see why Tres is upset. You wanna play white knight for your friend, go nuts, but don't attempt to judge anyone else when they call bullshit because it stinks.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Okay, can we stop diverting the debate in regards to whether or not someone should be frustrated? If you don't like Tres's response, take it up with him via VM or PM, not this thread. Let's focus on the argument here.

Likewise we don't need to have anyone post about defending Tres. Keep this personal crap out of the thread.


*wonders what happened to the rules outlined in the first post of this thread's incarnation*

*assumes the mods just stopped giving a fuck*

But hey guys I actually like discussing the LTD without all this canon debate business.
I know this has been suggested in the past but it would be nice if we had a different thread just about which pair you like better and why and how you view the characters, writing etc.

I understand if it seems redundant but I feel like the posts some other members and I make are more suited for a thread like that without getting in the way of all the frustrating debate stuff :sadpanda:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Because she's being silly when she debates about a fictional pairing, really?

No, Quex, because she's being a pathological and unrepentant liar in the pursuit of her desired conclusion.

Even if she is debating dishonestly, that's still not something to get upset about IMO.

Regardless of subject, willful dishonesty of this sort is ALWAYS worth getting upset about.

Then again, Tres feels his credibility is on the line so I can see getting upset about that.

He's also getting upset because he's having bullshit peddled his way and people like you are trying to tell him not to call a spade a spade because it's 'rude' when peddling the bullshit in the first place is more rude in his view.

Shroudy's going to be very amused at how often his name came up on this page :monster:

Yes, because he's a drama monger who thrives on attention. Go ahead, tell his ass. I know you're helping over in CxA.

I think we're kind of harsh on Anastar, just cause he's sticking to his guns. It's been over a decade of fighting, you aren't going to change minds.

And lets face it, the majority of us aren't reading all that wall of text. Hell Ryu, I'm usually on your side but I'll be damned if I can sit through half your post up here. I tried to, but when I realized how long your replies were I was like NOPE.

Fuck, no one needs to read or respond to the post of death except the person who posted the essay of death in the first place.

*wonders what happened to the rules outlined in the first post of this thread's incarnation*

*assumes the mods just stopped giving a fuck*

But hey guys I actually like discussing the LTD without all this canon debate business.
I know this has been suggested in the past but it would be nice if we had a different thread just about which pair you like better and why and how you view the characters, writing etc.

I understand if it seems redundant but I feel like the posts some other members and I make are more suited for a thread like that without getting in the way of all the frustrating debate stuff :sadpanda:

We have the pairing clubs and the character discussion thread for discussion of who you like and nuances of character. Try resurrecting the latter if the former don't cut it, I guess.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Again, I want the debate discussed, not the people, why we need another thread, or about anyone who's been mentioned. Let's drop it and give them a chance to respond, there's no reason to have to say anything else aside from the argument. It's obvious.

Now carry on with the discussion at hand on the debate itself.


unsavory tart
He didn't say whose koibito.
That's because they already automatically assume the audience of over a decade doesn't need to be told the obvious. It shows that the relationships of the characters should at least be somewhat evident.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
*wonders what happened to the rules outlined in the first post of this thread's incarnation*

*assumes the mods just stopped giving a fuck*
Well, yeah, in my case, I stopped giving a fuck. I really don't care enough about the LTD to read pages on pages of walls of text. There is just too much text there to wade through. I did take a glance through the last couple of pages though, and yeah, pretty questionable stuff.

That said, Mako's still keeping an eye on the thread. I've discussed with him, and staff have been somewhat more lax than they said they were going to be, though, because we actually have a debate this time. Hence the walls of text. It's not just people blowing a gasket at random commenters on youtube or whatever, there is actual substantive disagreement on the LT happening here. Which, as far as I know (again, I don't care enough about the LTD to have read all the walls of text in the forum's history, but I'm going off what other people who have been reading it are telling me), has never happened here.

But yeah, if you think things are going out of hand, the best thing to do is probably report questionable posts and, if they're particularly long, excerpt the parts that seem questionable. Not as many of us are reading these walls of text as were to start out, and it's possible even the ones who do will miss things. Hopefully Mako's latest post helps though.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
By the way, I'm pretty sure if someone wanted us to start a thread about which pairing you prefer in fandom (as opposed to which one is canon) that would probably be fine, since they're definitely two different topics. However, the same rules would apply. So one of us would have to do it. If no one else on staff gets around to it, I can do it tomorrow, but I won't do it unless there's interest. However it's probably not worth making more off-topic posts here (especially after we just indicated that the rules are going to be enforced more), so just leave me visitor messages if you want me to make the thread. I'll already assume looney wants the thread made, but if she's the only one who'd post in it it's probably pointless. (I doubt she is, but I really just want the visitor messages ok? I'd feel stupid starting a thread that no one uses).
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